Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 129: New World, there is no ship to carry you anymore

"Here it comes!"

Wang Zhi, holding a telescope, could already see the golden ship slowly emerging from the horizon.

The Golden Flying Dragon.

Ian Fentian's flagship!

That brat is here!

As expected, the kid came over without any scruples!

This arrogant brat should be taught a lesson!

Let him never be proud again!

But immediately, Wang Zhi noticed the shadows rising into the sky from the ship, which rushed into the thundercloud like a cannonball, and easily penetrated the thundercloud and flew to a higher sky.

"It's the beast army of the Beast Pirates!"

Wang Zhi's mouth drooped, "Prepare for battle!"

With an order, the pirates of Wang Zhi's pirate group have lined up neatly, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

At the same time, Wang Zhi shouted to the sky, "Claude! Stop them!"

Wang Zhi knew the power of these monsters very well, and didn't know where Kaido, the bastard, found so many monsters.

We must not let these guys fall into the queue smoothly.

So, above the dark clouds in the sky, Claude popped his head out from the clouds. He looked up at the monsters that had already flown to the highest point and were now starting to fall!

"Come on!"

Claude's eyes were cold, "Beasts!"

Under the pull of gravity, the five beasts almost crashed into the dark clouds at the same time.


Claude shouted angrily.


The thunder suddenly exploded in the thundercloud, and the dazzling light illuminated the inside of the dark cloud.

The five falling beasts were instantly swallowed by the thunder and screamed.

"Turn into barbecue."

Claude said coldly.

Thunder has no entity, and neither does the cloud, so it can't stop the beasts from falling.

However, the brilliant thunder carries a terrifying power, which makes the beasts scream in pain.

Soon, the beasts finally penetrated the clouds, but at this time, some of their furs had been ignited, and some were emitting thick black smoke, which looked quite miserable.

Boom boom boom boom!

The five giant beasts smashed into the back of the coast, the ground was shaking violently, and smoke and dust filled the air instantly.

"Master Claude! Kill these monsters in an instant!"

"As expected of Master Claude! So strong!"

The pirates cheered instantly.


Wang Zhi frowned, almost angry, "Are you kidding?"


The furious roars shook the earth and the whole island was shaking for a while.

The pirates were stunned.

The next moment, the giant beasts tore through the smoke and rumbled towards the pirates like a huge locomotive.

Their bodies were indeed charred by electricity, and they looked miserable.

But, they only looked miserable.

It was just a superficial injury, which did not affect the combat effectiveness of these terrifying and ferocious monsters at all.

Claude was indeed Wang Zhi's right-hand man, but he was not strong enough to kill five six-level monsters in one breath.

"What kind of monsters are these!"

Wang Zhi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

After observing with his observation Haki, he realized how exaggerated the power of these beasts was!

I say it again, I don't know where Kaido found these monsters from!

"Smod! Jaeger! What are you two doing? Go stop them!"

If these monsters are allowed to rush into the pirate team, it will be a huge disaster.


Two figures jumped up and rushed directly towards the five giant beasts.

Wang Zhi brought all the forces under his command.

Smod is a swordsman holding two swords. He is less than 1.8 meters tall. He is considered a dwarf in this world, but the scarlet double swords in his hands are huge, just like two doors, taller than him.

When wielding such huge two swords, it obviously gives people an unusual sense of contrast.

Compared to him, the giant eagle Jaeger was more normal. He was a short man with a height of nearly three meters and long arms. He was a member of the Long-armed Clan.

At this time, his long hands had turned into wide wings, his feet had turned into sharp claws, and his head had turned into an eagle. He was an animal-type bird-bird fruit giant eagle form ability user.

The birdman spun in the air to gain leverage, and his body suddenly spun, kicking down at a giant beast below like a spiral spear.

Smod was not to be outdone. He turned his body and swung his two swords. Two magnificent scarlet slashes whistled out and directly chopped a gorilla's chest, leaving an X-shaped scar on its body surface.

At the same time, Jaeger had already kicked a giant lion directly out.

The two giant beasts rolled on the ground at the same time, and the loud noise was accompanied by screams.



After just rolling on the ground for a few times, the two monsters turned over and rushed forward without any hindrance, or furiously.


The giant eagle Jaeger flapped his wings and flew in the air, exclaiming in disbelief, "It doesn't work?"

They didn't hold back in their attacks! But they couldn't even kill these two beasts?

"Here they come!!"

The ghost sword Smod couldn't fly, so when he saw the oncoming beast, all he could do was hold his two swords tightly and prepare to attack.


The giant gorilla rushed in front of him, and its huge fist smashed down from the air.

So fast!

Smodur's pupils shrank, and he jumped up with all his strength and swung his sword to meet the attack.

Boom! !

He was directly smashed into the ground by the giant beast's punch.

The ground instantly undulated and shattered like waves, and a huge hole was directly punched out by this monster.


In the sky, Jaeger screamed.

How could it be!

How could these monsters be so strong!

He didn't even have time to think, the giant lion that he had kicked away just now jumped up and bit him!

This monster actually jumped hundreds of meters high in one breath!

Jaeger flapped his wings to avoid it.

But below, several other beasts had already rushed into the team of Wang Zhi's pirate group and began to destroy them wantonly.

The pirates of Wang Zhi's pirate group did try to fight back, but it was meaningless.

Whether it was a sharp sword or a powerful gun, all they could do was just to break the skin of these monsters, and they were completely unable to cause any effective damage to them.

On the contrary, these giant beasts could cause huge casualties with just a casual punch. With the size and strength of these beasts, the pirates were killed instantly just by being touched by their attacks.


No one noticed that not far from the coast, a birdman quietly hid behind a big rock, holding a Den Den Mushi and taking a fierce photo of the battlefield over there.

"They have been beaten to a pulp just at the beginning. Is this the beast army of the Beasts Pirates? It's really exaggerated!"

The Den Den Mushi in his hand was connected to the Den Den Mushi network, and was seamlessly sending the war happening here to all parts of the world.

There were people watching this guy's live broadcast everywhere in the world.

And somewhere in the world.

Some people suddenly got angry after watching this live broadcast, "Damn it! Where did Kaido find so many powerful beasts! What's the point of waiting for so many years!"

Damn it!

The battle on the coast made Wang Zhi grit his teeth and curse.

Was he beaten so miserably by a few beasts?


He couldn't do anything.

He had to catch Ian off guard!

Should Claude deal with them?

Wang Zhi looked back and saw that the Golden Dragon was about to reach the area covered by thunderclouds, and crackling thunder was falling towards them.

It seemed that he couldn't get away.

Wang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

It didn't matter.

He comforted himself that as long as he defeated Ian, everything would be fine.

On the Golden Dragon.

"Oh! That's so exaggerated."

Ian looked up, and the thunder in the sky fell on them like a rainstorm.

It was a bit like Enel's Ten Thousand Thunders, but the range was not that large.

But to be honest, Enel's Ten Thousand Thunders can only be used with the support of the Ark, so strictly speaking, this guy is more powerful.

How embarrassing for the Thunder Fruit.

This is the natural system, and a slightly more powerful ability can have the same effect of destroying the world.

Facing the overwhelming thunder, Ian just raised his hand, and the domineering aura surged out instantly. The internal destruction level of the armed color condensed above the big ship, turning into a huge domineering shield.


The thunder fell on this invisible shield, shattered in an instant, and turned into countless small silver snakes bouncing on the surface of the shield.

During the war on the top, the three admirals were able to easily deflect Whitebeard's shockwaves with domineering aura, so it was no problem for him to deflect this guy's lightning with domineering aura.


Claude, who was hanging out from the dark clouds, couldn't believe it, "This kind of domineering aura?"

His attack couldn't even shake this guy's domineering shield! How could the gap be so big?

Ian looked up at Claude, who was in shock. He shouted, "Yamato, go and kill this guy."

"Leave it to me then!"

Yamato instantly soared into the sky. At the moment of bouncing up, white mist wrapped around her body. The next second, the white werewolf soared into the sky.

The girl took a deep breath, and then tried her best to exhale it, "Mushi Bingya!"

The white streak pierced through the dark clouds in the sky like a laser.


"How is it possible!"

Claude screamed in disbelief.

The dark clouds were frozen.

The small water droplets and small ice crystals that made up the clouds were completely condensed into ice at this moment, and dissipated instantly, turning into large pieces of ice falling down.

The dark clouds dissipated!

The sky cleared up directly.

Claude, who was forced to break away from the clouds and turned into clouds floating in the sky, still had a lot of disbelief on his face.

Ian was fine, but a little girl like that actually——

"Thunder Bagua!"

The crystal white iron rod came towards him, and Yamato was like a white meteor piercing through the sky, with an astonishing speed, and in an instant he had already approached Claude.

Claude's eyes darkened, and his arms turned into clouds, "Iron Cloud!"

There is a special kind of cloud on Sky Island called Island Cloud, which is the basis of Sky Island. It is obviously a cloud, but it has a physical body, and can even grow certain specific plants like soil.

Among the island clouds, there is another special cloud, called Iron Cloud.

It is as light as a cloud, but as strong as steel.

Claude's arms turned into Iron Cloud's double swords, covered with dark domineering, to meet Yamato's iron rod.



With a crisp sound, in Claude's unbelievable eyes, Yamato's crystal iron rod directly broke Claude's double swords, or in other words, it froze the two swords into ice and then smashed them directly, and then hit Claude's chest with a stick, making this guy fall like a meteorite.


Claude hit the coast, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.

Yamato fell down closely after him, and landed heavily on the ground. The moment her feet landed, white spread out, "Frost Nova!"

The coast was instantly frozen into an ice field, and the sea surface outside the island was also frozen, leaving only a vast expanse of white between heaven and earth.

Even those giant beasts were frozen to the ground, roaring and struggling to break free from the solid ice.

But the pirates of Wang Zhi's pirate group were miserable. Most of them were frozen to the ground and had no strength to break free from the ice.

"... This is Yamato in the frozen sea."

Wang Zhi's face was solemn.

Even the sea was frozen.

Kaido's daughter, the stinky girl who had no interest in him looking at her two years ago, now has such power?

Damn it!

"Bang bang bang!"

Wang Zhi suddenly heard a bang from the sky.

The sea was frozen, and the Golden Dragon could not get close, so Ian and his cadres stepped on the air and used the moon step to come over.

Wang Zhi's eyes condensed.

The opportunity has come!

As long as Ian can be killed, no matter what the situation on other battlefields is, everything is over!

Ian walked forward slowly on the air, "You guys can just go and have some fun, there are only a few small fish left."

"Ian, you have to be careful too!"

Hancock was a little nervous, "Although it's Ian, the enemy is--"

Ian nodded gently.

He looked down, although he couldn't see it with his eyes, but on the deck of the ship below, under the big parasol, there was a very strong aura.


Ian said.

The friends suddenly turned into meteors and flew towards the coast in all directions.

And Ian lowered his head with a smile on his face.

Would this senior want to sneak attack on his young man?

What a shameless guy.


Ian clenched his fist, with a dark domineering aura wrapped around it, and invisible waves spread out.

"Be kind!"

Ian shouted in a low voice, spun his body, and punched back.

The roaring domineering spirit turned into an inverted galaxy, suppressing everything with the spirit of crushing everything.

Below, Wang Zhi's face changed, and instantly turned as black as charcoal.

Boom! !

The parasol exploded instantly, and the equally terrifying domineering shock wave surged upward, colliding with Ian's domineering shock wave, black lightning splashed, and the wind swept the world.

"Little devil!"

Wang Zhi also stepped on the air and soared into the sky, looking at Ian almost gritting his teeth, "You knew I was here a long time ago!"

I was fooled!

If I had known earlier, how could I allow those beasts to be so presumptuous?

"I just found out too."

Ian smiled, "So you don't need to feel sorry for yourself, Senior Wang Zhi, your plan almost succeeded."

Wang Zhi paused, then sneered, "Little brat, you are so arrogant, knowing that I'm here, you still dare to attack! Do you think Kaido can still support you here?"

Ian raised the corner of his mouth, and said frivolously, "Because it doesn't matter whether you are here or not, right? Senior Wang Zhi, if the opponent is just you, then I think it shouldn't affect the outcome of the battle."


Wang Zhi's forehead veins bulged, and he immediately stepped on the air like a rocket and soared into the sky, "Little brat! I want to see if your strength is as hard as your mouth!"

"Then let me tell you, Senior Wang Zhi,"

The golden flame instantly wrapped Ian, and the golden god spread his wings,

"In the new world, there is no ship that can carry you!"

Ian laughed wantonly, then punched,

"Fuck the king's fist!"

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