Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 134 Damn Golden Lion, how dare you steal my island!


The beast roared.

It was a tiger that was taller than the treetops. With a sweep of its long tail, it could cut a tree over a hundred years old in half.

But even such a powerful monster roared in panic like a frightened kitten.

The soil and rocks on the ground snaked up like snakes, and directly bound the beast with a tortoise shell. No matter how hard it struggled, it was useless and could not break free from the bondage of the soil rope.

"Hahahaha! Good, good!"

A man floated in front of the beast and laughed with joy, "It's much stronger than the beasts I found back then!"

The man wore a golden striped kimono, and his long, smooth golden hair flowed from behind his head, which was as gorgeous as a golden waterfall.

However, the most eye-catching thing about him is of course the half rudder embedded in his head, which instantly makes his originally majestic appearance like a lion become funny. After all, that half rudder does look like a rooster's comb.

In addition to the head, another thing about this man that people care about is his legs.

The part below the knees of his legs disappeared directly, replaced by two sharp one-handed swords.

This man is not an unknown person, or it should be said that it is quite the opposite. Although he has been silent for a long time, if he appears on the sea again one day, there is no doubt that he will cause a sensation again.

Just because his name is Shiki, the flying pirate, the golden lion Shiki!

The man who once stood shoulder to shoulder with the Pirate King Roger and Whitebeard! One of the most notorious men on the sea!

But at this moment, the flying lion was jumping and dancing in front of the tiger like a child, "Hahaha! Great! In this way, wouldn't the plan be more perfect? ​​I wonder what kind of amazing power these guys can burst out with their IQ!"

"It's worth my trouble to find here!"

Speaking of finding this place, the golden lion was full of bitterness.

After accidentally watching the live broadcast of Ian's battle with Wang Zhi, he fell in love with the beasts belonging to the Beast Pirates in the live broadcast at first sight.

That was simply his dream beast!

So he immediately started to investigate, trying to find out where the Beast Pirates got these beasts from.

But he had been away from the sea for too long, and the once prosperous flying pirates had long disappeared, and the golden lion basically had no intelligence channels on the sea.

So he thought of a stupid way.

Go to the overseas of Wano Country, float in the sky and quietly observe the ships coming and going.

It took more than a month of effort to finally wait for a cargo ship carrying beasts.

Then things were very simple. Golden Lion boarded the cargo ship and used threats and inducements to learn from Umit's men that the beasts were transported from the Nine Snakes Kingdom.

After confirming the news, Golden Lion manipulated the waves to hit the entire cargo ship into the seabed, perfectly disguising the scene as a shipwreck.

Then, Golden Lion went straight to the Nine Snakes Kingdom.

But he did not attack the country directly.

If you think about it, since the Beasts Pirates are doing business with the Nine Snakes Kingdom, then of course, the source of these beasts must be near the Nine Snakes.

So, Golden Lion found this place.

It's really not easy.

Thinking of the more than one month of squatting overseas in Wano Country, Golden Lion felt wronged.

When has he ever suffered this punishment--

Oh, he has been in prison for two years, that's fine.

After the joy, the guy suddenly paused, and then pressed his hands on both sides of his cheeks in fear, "What have I done for so many years! Isn't this a waste of so many years?"

"Damn it! What I hate most is people who waste time! Who is wasting time? Is it me? Is it me?"

The man lamented in self-pity.

It's like schizophrenia.


Soon, a bright smile appeared on his cheeks again, and he slowly lowered his body, "Does anyone have any objections? If not, then I will take this island!"

Of course, no one in the dense forest could answer him. The only sound that responded to him was the whistling wind in the forest and the roars of various beasts.

Finally, his right hand gently touched the ground.

The whole island trembled slightly.

"Hahahaha! Little darlings! Are you ready to start this journey?"


The island began to shake completely.

Then there was a thunderous explosion from the bottom of the island, and then the huge island actually flew into the sky!

"Hahahaha! Come home with me!"

Accompanied by the wild laughter of the golden lion, the island rose into the air and flew away in one direction.

The sea was empty, with only the surging waves.

And above the waves, two huge sea snakes were carrying a large ship up and down on the sea.


Ross, the current emperor of the Nine Snakes Kingdom, stared at the sky in amazement, "Fly! Fly away??"

Is it a dream?

It must be a dream!

Even in a dream, it wouldn't be so outrageous!

Ruskena Island, flew away! !

New world.

Boers Island.

Ian was sitting on the side of the Golden Flying Dragon without interest. In front of him, a man dressed in gorgeous clothes, wearing a crown, and a typical king's attire knelt down respectfully.

"Lord Ian! We are very happy to be protected by the Beasts Pirates. In return, we will pay regular military expenses to the Beasts Pirates every year, and at the same time, we will respond to all the calls of the Beasts Pirates."

The posture is quite in place.

At first glance, it looks like an old colony.

As soon as the Golden Flying Dragon came over, he immediately ran over and knelt down smoothly.

This is not the first time this has happened. Wherever the Golden Flying Dragon went, no one said they wanted to avenge Senior Wang Zhi.

Who should I hang out with?

That's what people think.


Ian just nodded slightly.

The king in front of him instantly beamed with joy.

The Beast Pirates' occupation of this island is complete.

Ian calculated in his mind that if this island was included, the territory under Senior Wang Zhi would be almost taken over.

It was really hard work, and it took me more than a month to go back and forth.

It was more than two months ago that Senior Wang Zhi was killed.

He didn't stay here any longer. After completing the occupation, the Golden Flying Dragon went straight away.

Ian did not leave pirates to garrison. After all, the island did not have many resources, and it was far away from the headquarters of Wano Country, so there was not enough manpower.

It's quite interesting to occupy it formally.

As long as the protection fee is paid on time, there will be no problem.

"Are you going back to Wano Country next?"

On the way back, Luo said with great interest.

"Don't ask questions knowingly,"

Ian said lazily, "I have to stay on Beehive Island for a while."

Again, when acting, you have to do a complete set.

To give the government a message, the conflict between myself and Teacher Kai is not so easy to reconcile.

"However, if you stay on Beehive Island,"

Drake came over and said with some worry, "We are about to face the threat of the Whitebeard Pirates. During this period, while we have been consolidating our territory, the Moby Dick has been wandering in the border area."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter."

Ian was still not interested, and his voice was a little erratic, "Whitebeard will never take the initiative to attack."

After suffering a loss once, Whitebeard would never want to put his beloved children in crisis again.

The strongest man in the world is bound by the chains called family love.

Oh, he is no longer necessarily the strongest man in the world.

Teacher Kai's three colors of domineering have reached their peak. Coupled with the ability of the phantom beast species and the natural monster physique, he is probably no longer inferior to Whitebeard.


Yamato suddenly came over and poked Ian's face, "I always feel like you're in a trance lately. Is it because you haven't slept well?"

"This is not a trance."

Ian grabbed her hand and chuckled, "I'm just getting used to it."


Yamato tilted his head in confusion.

Ian just smiled, with a slight red light flashing in his eyes, "Adapting to the new scene in front of him."

Yamato blinked.

Can't understand.

Just at this time.


The phone bug's voice suddenly rang.

Ian picked up the phone and answered the call.

His expression suddenly changed.

Is there such a thing?

"Ian! You may not believe it, but now I even wonder if I am dreaming! But I really watched Ruskena Island fly away before my eyes!"

Sure enough, Ross's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"flew away?"

Luo, who was drinking water, almost choked on the water.

What's the meaning?

What does it mean for an island to fly away?

Yamato's eyes lit up, this girl became interested.

"Calm down, Rose."

Ian said calmly, "I understand what you mean. In short, Ruskena Island was robbed, right?"

Let an island take off directly.

In Ian's mind, there are only three people in the world who can do this.

The first is Teacher Kai, he is not necessary, and Ruskena Island is too big, and Yanyun is not enough.

The second is Fujitora. His Gravity Fruit can also do similar things, but he doesn't have to do this.

Then it can only be the last one.

"It's the golden lion!"

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly changed and became quite urgent, "It's that old bastard Shi Ji! Only he can do such a thing!"

It's Gu Loliosa.

"Golden lion..."

Ian also felt that it was this guy. With the personal verification of Golden Lion's former companion Gu Luoliosa, he was even more convinced.

This guy has a reason too.

I covet my own pets.

The golden lion riding on the horse dares to steal my island!

"What should we do, Ian, should we catch up?"

Rose's voice was urgent, "It's flying very fast! There's no time!"

"No need. If the enemy is a golden lion, it will be very dangerous to catch up."

Ian said, "It's enough to help me remember the flight direction of the island. I will come over in the shortest time."


The phone was hung up over there.

Ian took a deep breath.

The friends all gathered around.


Hancock was a little anxious, after all, it was about her hometown.

"rest assured,"

Ian said with relief, "The golden lion didn't stay much and left directly."

"So, Ian!"

Yamato shook Ian's arms excitedly, his eyes shining brightly, "Is the next enemy the golden lion?"

She had often heard Mr. Kai tell the story of the Rocks Pirates back then, and of course she was no stranger to the man named Golden Lion.

"After Wang Zhi is the Golden Lion?"

Luo sighed, "Are we going to kill all the remnants of the Rocks Pirates?"

"The other party has already come to the door with provocation! How can you turn a blind eye!"

Jack said loudly, "Brother Ian! There is nothing to hesitate about!"


There is no way not to hesitate.

The opponent is the Golden Lion, one of the three great pirates who was once tied with Roger Whitebeard.

At his peak, he was definitely a Yonko-level monster.

Ian, who had just been beaten by Teacher Kai, knew very well how terrifying a strong man of that level was.

Do you want Teacher Kai to go there in person?

He probably wouldn't object to playing against his old friends, right?

However, Ian then thought about it and realized that at this time, Senior Golden Lion was probably not as good as the Yonko.

Eleven years later, this guy was beaten to the ground by Straw Hat.

Although it is said that the Straw Hat boy in the movie version is at the level of the Pirate King, after all, he does not even know how to be domineering.

No matter how you think about it, the Golden Lion at that time had declined to an incredible extent.

So what is the level of Senior Golden Lion now eleven years ago?

No matter how overestimated you are, you will never have the power to rival Kai-sensei and the others, right?

In other words, it is impossible to be stronger than yourself no matter what.

Ian thought.

"Let's go to Nine Snakes."

He said.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

He even said arrogantly that even if the Golden Lion still had the level of the Four Emperors, Ian felt that he could still deal with him now.

Do you understand the value of Teacher Kai’s cram school?


Yamato cheered instantly.

This time Ian was really firing on all cylinders.

It turned directly into a huge golden flying dragon and grabbed the big ship and flew across the sky. It didn't land to rest until its energy was exhausted.

Even when approaching the Red Continent, he did not choose to go to the Fishman Island, but directly grabbed the boat and flew over the Red Continent.

Even so, it took almost more than a week to finally reach Nine Snake Island.

I don’t know how the red-haired guy managed to fight with Mr. Kai in the New World one day before arriving at Marin Fandu the next day during the war.

"Ian! You are finally here!"

The arrival of Ian made King Ross very excited. "Is it really the Golden Lion? That legendary pirate! He disappeared for nine years and actually ran out again!"

"It should be him."

Ian said, "In which direction did the island fly?"

Ross immediately pointed in a certain direction.

Ian turned back and looked at Violet.

The girl tried her best to open her eyes wide, and her eyes were already looking towards the distant sky.

The Gaze Fruit possessed by Violet has the ability called clairvoyance.

This allows her to directly observe scenes 4,000 kilometers away.

But Violet shook her head, "Not within the scope."

"It doesn't matter."

Ian said, "Just walk in this direction."

Since the golden lion is flying, it will not take any detours and must return directly to where it is.

In other words, as long as you walk in this direction, you will definitely be able to find him.


Ross said, "Do you need help?"

"No need."

Ian said, "Just leave it to me."

It's better to say that if you go, you'll just add to the chaos.

After only staying on Nine Snake Island for a few minutes, Ian immediately grabbed the big boat and rose into the sky.

He quickly pursued the golden lion directly in the direction it left.

It should be said that fortunately, Violet's clairvoyance does not only look forward, but is closer to a bird's-eye view.

This way you won't deviate from the direction.

After flying forward for two days, we all reached the first half of the paradise.

"Saw it!!"

Violet shouted, "I saw an island floating in the sky!"

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