Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 137: Transaction with the Golden Lion! The Ancient Island

Although he was unconscious just now, Golden Lion still heard Luo's voice.

This guy said he could help him take off the rudder above his head!

This is of course what the Golden Lion dreams of.

This half of the rudder mounted on the head has no fashionable value at all. It is better to say that it is ugly.

And the key is that this thing completely limits his domineering power.

The brain is severely damaged. In the past, he used to be domineering at will, but now he is under great pressure if he wants to use it. He may even die suddenly.

The golden lion has long wanted to take it off.

It just can't be done.

The rudder was sunk too deep, and trying to take it out would cause huge damage to the brain.

Not to mention that after so many years, the rudder has completely grown together with the brain and is almost unshakable.

But, after slicing open his head and observing their injuries, the kid said he could take out the rudder!

"This kid is a user with surgery fruit ability, right?"

Senior Golden Lion is indeed well-informed and recognized Luo's ability at a glance, "If it is this ability, it can indeed take out the rudder on my head!"

"That's true."

Ian nodded slightly.

In the original work, Luo even used the surgical fruit to clean out the platinum-lead toxin rooted in his body like tarsal maggots. What is a mere rudder?

"But Senior Golden Lion, what will you give in exchange?"

Ian said calmly.

Performing such an operation is easy for Luo, but it is of great significance to Senior Golden Lion. Want to have sex for nothing? That must be impossible.

Senior Golden Lion said calmly, "Then what do you want, kid?"

As long as he can give it, nothing matters.

As long as he can return to his peak form, everything will be worth it.

Ian looked at the golden lion.

It seems that there is really nothing to gain from this senior.

The ability of the fluttering fruit can help the pirate group create several floating fortresses.

But wouldn’t that be completely in the hands of this guy?

Ian doesn't do this kind of loss-making business.

Unless, you can get the Piaopiao Fruit in your hand.

But the rebirth of Devil Fruit is uncontrollable.

Is it really possible to kill the golden lion senior among a pile of fruits and gamble on the odds?

That probability is too low.

Unless there is the blessing of the Dark Fruit, the ability of that fruit should be the key to Blackbeard's ability to seize the Devil Fruit, right?


Letting this guy recover might not be such a bad thing.

The greatest wish of the golden lion senior in this life is to surpass Roger.

But Roger is dead, so he wants to destroy Donghai.

Ian didn't really care what happened to Donghai.

He only cares about one thing: the government cares about the East China Sea.

When the Golden Lion-senpai starts taking action, the government probably won't have time to control the Beast Pirates.

Moreover, the government and Navy Ian did not believe that Senior Golden Lion, who knew the true destructive power of his ability, said he would not take revenge.

Considering these two aspects, Ian felt that he should save Senior Golden Lion.

"Then help transport Ruskena Island and the island you mentioned to Wano Country."

Ian made a simple condition, "By the way-"

He looked back at Hancock, "Hancock, do Nine Snakes need to move there together?"

"of course!"

Hancock said in surprise, "It's okay if Ian says it's okay!"

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth and asked her. It was indeed unnecessary.

A phone call was made to King Ross.

"Ian, how's it going? Did you find the golden lion?"

Concerned voices came from over there.

Ian said, "It has been resolved. It was a small misunderstanding. Senior Golden Lion has turned my enemies into friends."

"Turn enemies into friends?"

King Ross was stunned for a moment.

"Ross, I'm just calling to ask,"

Ian introduced the current situation, "How about moving Kuji to the vicinity of Wano Country? This way we can completely get rid of the trouble of the windless zone."

"Moreover, it is closer to Wano Country and safer."

"Oh? Is it really okay?"

Ross's reaction was similar to Hancock's, "That's awesome!"

Ian thinks so.

After the popularization of sea floor stone inlay technology, the Windless Zone was just a shackle for Jiu She Island to restrict their development, and the protective effect in the past had completely disappeared.

Of course it would be better to change places.

"so be it."

Ian nodded and ended the call with King Ross.

"Jie hahaha! Is the relationship with Nine Snakes Island so close?"

Senior Golden Lion smiled strangely.

"So, Senior Golden Lion, this is my condition. Help me send Ruskena Island, the island you mentioned, and Nine Snake Island to the vicinity of Wano Country, and find a place to put them there." Settled down.”

Ian said.


Senior Golden Lion grinned.

He even suspected that Ian was giving him benefits on purpose. Was such a simple thing really a condition?

It was just a trip to the new world, and it was not difficult for him at all.

"That's good."

Ian nodded slightly and looked at Luo, "Luo, prepare for the operation."

"Of course I'm fine."

Luo said calmly, "You said so."

He doesn't care anyway, whatever Ian says is whatever it is.

So, the surgery began.

There was a dedicated operating room on the Golden Flying Dragon, and Luo started working immediately.

Although this kid is only thirteen years old, his medical skills are pretty good.

Moreover, the focus of this operation is not on the technology, but on the ability to achieve the desired results.

It didn't take long for Luo to push the golden lion senior out of the operating room.

When they met again, the rooster comb on the golden lion's head had disappeared.

However, this guy's head has become a little shrunken, probably because the things in his brain have been taken out.

"I dug out the entire rudder piece by piece."

Luo introduced, "Then use your ability to pinch the wound directly. It should take a few days for the wound to heal."


Ian nodded with satisfaction.

His ability is worthy of being the fruit of surgery, it is truly remarkable.

"Jie hahaha!"

Senior Golden Lion even simply sat up from the stretcher, raised his hand and touched his bald head, smiling brightly, finally getting rid of that ridiculous thing!

While laughing, he looked at Ian, "But boy, take out the rudder for me now, aren't you afraid that I will go back on my word?"

Ian just smiled, "After all, he is a senior Golden Lion. I think he won't let me down, right?"


The golden lion snorted.

Of course, he is not so cowardly as to renege on such an easy condition.

"I will be dispatched immediately,"

Senior Golden Lion said, "Send you and those islands back to the new world."


Ian waved his hand at this time, "It's enough to send those islands back, we won't go back yet."


Luo looked at Ian in surprise, "I've never heard of this."

"We've come here, wouldn't it be a pity to go back like this?"

Ian smiled.

The location they are currently in is not far from the outlet of the Grand Line, the starting point of the Grand Line.

More importantly, when coming over, Violet discovered a nearby island, an ancient island full of dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs are not the focus, and neither is the Ancient Island.

The point is, there are two giants fighting on the island.

Is it okay if I don’t go and take a look?

There is a snow country behind that island, which is also a place worth visiting.

"As you wish."

Luo curled his lips and said again, since it was Ian's decision, he just had to follow it.

Senior Golden Lion gave Ian a deep look.

This kid is really relieved of himself. He actually asked me to send those islands back?


The golden lion snorted again.

This kid trusts him so much, so of course he can't be embarrassed.

"I will send you those islands back as soon as possible."

The senior said firmly.

"Then it's up to you, Senior Golden Lion."

Ian chuckled.

Then, as if he remembered something, he looked at Golden Lion's incomplete legs and said, "Senior Golden Lion, if you are interested, you can come to us anytime, and we can reattach your legs by the way."

In the original work, Luo even replaced Monet's hands with wings. What's the point of just two legs?

The golden lion's eyes narrowed.

If only my legs could recover!

However, there is nothing that can be exchanged with Ian in a short period of time.

The golden lion touched his head again.

The corners of your mouth are raised, this is enough!


The golden lion flew into the sky and headed towards the floating islands in the sky.

"Goodbye then, Senior Golden Lion!"

Ian waved goodbye to the senior.

"Is it really okay Ian?"

Black Maria asked worriedly, "Give all these to the golden lion or something?"

"Peace of mind,"

Ian smiled and said, "Those islands are no longer attractive to Golden Lion, so he won't choose to lose face because of them."

"So, Ian!"

The soft body fell directly on Ian's back, "Shall we play in the park next?"


Ian caught Yamato's legs and put his childhood sweetheart on his back, "There are many places I want to go."

Two giant leaders in a small garden.

A user with the ability to swallow fruits on the Island of Drums.

A letter from Queen Lily that is kept by the Nefitarulli family in Alabasta.

The Golden Bell of Sky Island, and the Enel of Thunder Fruit.

Pluto's design of the Water City.

We have already come here, how can we go back like this?


Yamato had already cheered directly, "Let's go then!"

Behind him, Hancock bit his handkerchief angrily.

How could this white-haired girl be so shameless!

He always behaves so intimately with Ian as if nothing happened!

If, if it were you——

Hancock just imagined lying on Ian's back and acting like a baby, and her face turned red.

You will definitely pass out from excitement!


Ian turned back, "In which direction is that ancient island?"


Violet pointed in a certain direction diagonally behind her.

"Then let's move forward! Go see the ancient scenes!"

The Golden Flying Dragon is heading towards the Ancient Island.

Almost at the same time, the golden lion's lair floated in the sky.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Fart-like sounds continued to sound, and Dr. Indigo hurriedly rushed to greet the returning Shiji.

His eyes almost flew out of their sockets.

there is none left!

The rudder on Boss Shiji's head has disappeared!

In the end what happened?

Wasn't he captured by Ian from Burning Heaven?

He quickly started dancing and gesticulating.

"Jie hahahaha!"

The golden lion laughed loudly, "Stop the research! Dr. Indigo, the plan has changed!"

Dr. Indigo was stunned for a moment.



You’ve been studying it for nine years, and you want to stop?

small garden.

This is the name of this island.

But this is not a garden. The area is not very large, but it is not small either. The island is full of lush trees.

The Golden Flying Dragon ran into trouble as soon as it arrived.

There was originally an inland river flowing out of this island, but the Golden Flying Dragon was too big and the inland river couldn't carry them at all.

So, the boat was parked on the coast, and Ian took his friends to land.

"Be careful,"

Ian took the lead and walked along the inland river. "There are many creatures from the ancient times remaining on this island, so there are also many viruses that have long since disappeared from the outside world. Don't get bitten by bugs."


Hancock, who was following Ian, was the first to raise his hand in response.

"So, what exactly are we doing on this island?"

Luo looked around with interest and said flatly.

"Find someone."

Ian said, "Didn't Violet say she saw two giants on the island?"

"It's two giants fighting."

Violet emphasized.


Luo grunted.

But there is still something to look forward to.

It is true that I have never seen a serious giant.

"Hahaha! Ian! Look!"

Laughter came from the forest on one side, and along with the sound of heavy footsteps, a huge creature broke the tree and emerged from the dense forest.

"It's a dinosaur!"

Yamato rides on the back of a huge tyrannosaurus and transforms into a sassy dragon knight.

"Then you're great."

Ian said casually.

However, aren’t dinosaurs still alive and well here? How come the dinosaur's Devil Fruit is an ancient species?

It can only be said that the traffic on the Grand Line is too congested.


At this time, a loud noise suddenly came from the center of the island, and the entire island trembled slightly.

"volcanic eruptions?"

Black Maria turned her head in surprise.

"It's about to start, let's go and have a look."

Ian chuckled, jumped up, and landed on the back of the giant beast Yamato was riding, "Yamato."

"Hahaha! Okay!"

Yamato slapped the tyrannosaurus hard, "Ryuutaro! Turn!"

The huge ancient beast shook its body, then turned around without hesitation and rushed towards the direction of the volcanic eruption.


Hancock's eyes were splitting.

Damn white hair!

I can do this kind of thing too!

She ran fiercely into the forest and soon spotted a triceratops.

Luo shrugged, "Let's go."

Friends, hurry up and follow.

Later, the Tyrannosaurus rex rushed out of the forest, and a clearing appeared in front of Ian's eyes.

And on both sides of the open space, the two people were confronting each other!

Two giants over twenty meters tall!

One man is tall and thin, with a long black beard flying under his chin, holding a sword and shield.

One man was chubby, with a beard like a steel needle on his chin, and he was wielding a big axe.

It's you!

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei!

Um, no, the two former captains of the Giant Soldier Pirates, Aoki Tori and Akiki Broki!

Ah Jin actually appeared on the stage, and Ye Qing returned

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