Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 24: Kozuki Oden's Death! Gai's unexpected decision (Please read on!!)

Three days later, outside the Castle Tower of the Flower City, a huge oil pot was set up. Under the oil pot, firewood was burning. The intense heat caused the oil in the pot to gradually boil, and the intense heat began to radiate everywhere.

Outside the venue separated by wooden fences, there were people who came to watch the excitement. They couldn't help but exclaimed in low voices as they looked at the oil pot that was gradually boiling.

"Does General Orochi want to cook Oden to death in a pan?"

"You'll be fried in an instant, right?"

"But isn't this all what Kozuki Oden brought upon himself? Why don't you just be a clown? How dare you rebel!"

The people didn't care at all about the execution of Kozuki Oden.

Over the past five years, Kozuki Oden's clowning has completely destroyed the prestige that the Kozuki family has built up in the hearts of the people of Wano over the past eight hundred years.

At the gate of the castle tower, on a temporary high platform, Teacher Kai was sitting leisurely on a large chair, drinking from his big wine gourd.

Ian and Yamato stood on either side of him.


The black charcoal snake stood on the edge of the high platform in front of him with great power, "The great criminal Kozuki Oden committed a rebellion and committed a heinous crime! Today is the time to punish him!"

Kozuki Oden sat cross-legged under the high platform, with a collar around his neck. There were four chains connected to the collar, and the ends of the chains were pulled by four fierce men.

In addition, Kozuki Oden's whole body was bound by the chains of Kailou Stone. Not only can Kailou Stone suppress people with abilities, it is also a material with extraordinary strength, and it is also very effective for restraining strong people.

However, Kozuki Oden himself did not struggle. He sat slumped on the ground, his eyebrows lowered.


The black charcoal snake lowered his head proudly and looked at the dejected back of Kozuki Oden.

The Kuotan family was once a daimyo family in Wano, but a long time ago, they were punished by the Kozuki family for conspiring to launch a rebellion.

The members of the Heitan family have since become criminals in the country of Wano. Anyone who inherits the surname Heitan will be discriminated against by the people.

Orochi himself has suffered a lot since he was a child.

And now, the Kozuki family, which caused the tragedy of the Heitan family, is finally about to end in his own hands!

"Kozuki Oden!"

The black charcoal snake was condescending, looking like a winner, "What else do you want to say?"

Kozuki Oden didn't even raise his head, just remained silent.


The black charcoal snake gave an order.

The four strong men immediately pulled the chain and dragged Kozuki Oden up the stairs next to the oil pot.

"He looks like a dog!"

Yamato suddenly spoke.

Ian could barely hold back his laughter.

Kozuki Oden was dragged along, drawing a track on the ground. It really looked like a disobedient dog being dragged away by its owner.

"It's just a lost dog."

Teacher Kai put down the wine gourd and snorted, "It's really unpleasant."

It seems that he is still not happy.

"Mr. Kaido,"

At this time, Jhin quickly walked up the steps behind the high platform and whispered, "The latest news, Tuwan, Nozomi, and the three daimyo of Suzugo held an emergency meeting, and they decided to send troops to attack us together."

"He's just a guy worth mentioning."

Teacher Kai didn't even raise his eyelids. He just glanced at Kozuki Oden who had been dragged up the steps. "The hope of this country has been completely cut off long ago."


Only the truly strong have the power to change everything.


Jhin nodded slightly.

He didn't think this group of people could make any waves. It would be enough for him and Quinn to send out just one person.

Even letting the kid go has the same result.

At this time, at the edge of the oil pan, Kozuki Oden had been lifted high by four fierce men.

The high temperature emanating from the oil pan even caused the expressions of these four fierce men to change slightly. They did not dare to stay any longer and simply waved their hands and threw Kozuki Oden into the oil pan.

The scalding hot oil spattered instantly, and a fierce man who was caught off guard was poured directly on him. With a squeaking sound, he screamed and fell from the oil pan. In the blink of an eye, his body began to change. shriveled up and later turned into jerky.

The other three strong men fell down the steps out of fear and fell heavily to the ground, but at least they survived.

But Kozuki Oden who was in the oil pan couldn't help but scream.


After the special oil is heated to the extreme, the temperature can reach a level close to a thousand degrees. Although it is far from comparable to Teacher Kai's fire dragon torch, it is by no means something that the physical body can easily resist.


Ian frowned slightly.

He smelled the aroma of meat.

A little disgusting.


The black charcoal snake laughed loudly with great pride.

The people around him couldn't bear to see it. It had nothing to do with Kozuki Oden's identity, just because a living person was fried to death in front of them, ordinary people would feel uncomfortable.


Kozuki Oden's screams echoed in the sky.

But, he's not dead yet.

Still alive.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour.

It has been almost an hour, and the people watching around are tired of standing, but Kozuki Oden is still alive.

"This guy - what's going on with this guy!!"

The Black Carbon Orochi screamed in horror and anger. He pulled a samurai over and said, "Did you cut corners! Why isn't he dead yet?!"

The people watching were also completely stunned.

What kind of monster is Kozuki Oden?

Among the crowd, there was a mysterious man wearing a black cloak and covering his face with a hood. His shoulders were shaking, and big tears were dripping down his pointed chin under the hood. fall.

At this time, Kozuki Oden seemed to sense something, and his screams stopped for a moment.

Come and see me off when the time comes?

The corners of his mouth actually curled up.


The screams, far more powerful than before, echoed again.


In the oil pan, Kozuki Oden turned his head with difficulty and looked at Teacher Kai who was also looking at him, "I will not die!"


Teacher Kai, who had been showing a lack of interest since just now, finally sat up straight, "Oh?"

"There will be a day! There will be a day!"

Kozuki Oden roared to the sky, "There will be someone who will bear all the past! Bring hope to this country! Let this country be founded!"


Kaido laughed loudly, "As long as I am still here, there will never be such a day!"

"Hahaha! Before that, just work hard to become stronger! Kaido!"

Kozuki Oden even laughed.

"What are you laughing at!!"

However, the black charcoal snake broke through because of Kozuki Oden's laughter. He roared at the top of his lungs, "What are you laughing at, you loser dog?"

"Fire! Shoot him!"

The surrounding samurai instantly raised their muskets and pointed them at Kozuki Oden.

"Don't worry, Kozuki Oden!"

The black charcoal snake smiled sinisterly again, "I also captured many people, and they will be buried with you."

"I think he's more like a dog now," Ian said.

A bullying wild dog.

It's not easy to be more annoying than Kozuki Oden.


Yamato nodded repeatedly with a serious face, "This guy is so annoying!"

She tugged on Teacher Kai's sleeve and said, "Dad, would you like to kill this guy?"

Teacher Kai stood up and took out a pistol.

The next moment gunfire rang out.

Kozuki Oden's forehead suddenly started to bleed, and he leaned back, completely immersed in the oil pan.

he died.

In the crowd, the cloaked man could not help but cover his mouth when he saw this scene, his tears completely unstoppable.

On the stage, Ian raised his eyebrows.

As we all know, in the world of pirates, it is not easy to kill people with the various ultimate moves that destroy the world, and it is not easy to kill people with the various slashes that cut mountains and seas. On the contrary, it is easy to kill people with ordinary muskets.

Kozuki Oden survived being blasted by a frying pan for an hour, but was killed by a mediocre shot in the head.


The black charcoal snake turned back in confusion.

"This guy deserves to die in my hands."

Teacher Kai raised his gun and said calmly, "Then."


A second shot rang out.


Ian's eyes widened incomprehensibly.

Did he read it correctly?

The person who was shot was——

Black charcoal snake?

That annoying guy also had a bullet hole in the center of his big forehead. With a blank look on his face, his huge body suddenly fell back and fell to the high platform.

Ian suddenly turned his head and looked at Yamato.

Is it possible that Teacher Kai has become an unimaginable daughter-controller in the past few years? Yamato just acted coquettishly and decided to kill the black charcoal snake?

The character design is completely ruined, my teacher Kai.

"Now that Kozuki Oden is dead, you are no longer useful,"

Teacher Kai casually threw away the musket in his hand and looked at Ian.

"Kid, from today on, you will be the general of Wano!"



Isn't it a little too official?

Is this what you want me to prepare for?

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