Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 34 World Government, Kozuki Toki and Fireworks Festival

Ian sat on the ground and rested for a while.

His physical and mental strength are almost exhausted. Now Ian feels like he is seeing double images when he sees things, and his abilities cannot be maintained.

But luckily we won.

It was an extremely hard battle.

Ian sighed.


Cheerful laughter came from behind, and then a cannonball hit Ian's back, knocking him to the ground and even rolling twice on the ground.

"Hahaha! Is it over here too?"

The girl with beautiful white hair that faded into green lay on Ian's back and said with a smile.

Ian rolled his eyes, "Shuoyue Niuwan is not as harmful as you did to me."

Although the palm was stabbed, it was in the form of the Winged Divine Dragon. In the adult form, it was at most a small stab.

"Did you have fun?"

Ian sat up slowly and rested for a while. He is feeling better now.


Yamato Duck sat behind Ian and nodded repeatedly, "I killed a lot of guys! I'm so happy!"

Don't use the tone of saying that you went to an amusement park and had a great time.

Ian could clearly smell the smell of blood coming from Yamato behind him.

The world is crazy.

Children so young take pleasure in killing people.

What? Same for yourself?

That's no problem.

I don’t know when I started to burn thousands of people to death in one breath without any reaction.

"Your Majesty Ian!"

Fu Lu Shou's voice came from far away.

Ian turned around, and the big bald ninja was approaching with the samurai and ninjas.

"The enemy troops have been completely wiped out!"

Fu Lushou reported loudly, his tone was exciting, "In addition to the three rebel leaders who were killed by you, this is our complete victory!"

Ian nodded lightly. If more than 5,000 people could not be defeated by less than 200 warriors, then they might as well be buried by the Black Carbon Orochi.

"Let's go back."

Ian stretched.

The battle was not long, but it was indeed very tiring.


Flower City Castle Tower.

"Good job, boy."

Teacher Kai was drunk. It was another day of drinking. "I heard that you killed three samurai daimyo by yourself?"

Ian sat cross-legged on the floor below, his eyelids were drooped, and he still looked a little languid. His physical strength had almost recovered, but his mental strength was not yet there. He raised his right hand, twirling his thumb and index finger slightly.

"I was just a little bit close to being killed. Teacher Kai, don't let me deal with such an opponent in the future. Can you bear to watch your disciple die at the hands of the enemy?"

If he were not immune to Hailoushi's suppression, he would have been killed by Shuoyue Niuwan.


Teacher Kai acted as if he didn't hear Ian's complaints at all and just laughed, "As a winner, you are indeed qualified to speak arrogantly."

So why did I speak so arrogantly?

Ian tugged at the corner of his mouth, and it was indeed just a little bit close. His palms were bleeding from the pricks, and his head is still dizzy now.

Both father and daughter do not listen to anyone at all.

Ian gave up his fantasy of asking Teacher Kai not to let him go into battle in the future, and instead said, "Teacher Kai, I have sent out all the troops under my command, but there are still not enough manpower to effectively control the entire Wano Country."

Wano's main combat power has been wiped out.

In Jiuri, the Kozuki family has been uprooted. Suzuo, Usagiwan, and Nozomi. Needless to say, these three areas have just been wiped out by the coalition forces. The last Bai Wu, the daimyo Shigetsuki Yasu family, were also captured. Although they still have some troops, It can't make waves.

There should be no more big wars.

However, even so, it is not that easy for the thousands of people under him to completely control Wano Country.

The area actually controlled by the Black Carbon Orochi is limited to the Flower Capital.

Therefore, Ian said directly, "I need the help of the pirate group."


Teacher Kai suddenly laughed. He sat up straight and looked down at Ian. The smile on his lips was quite teasing, "Isn't your kid doing a good job?"

Ian immediately said seriously, "It's all for the Beasts Pirates."


Kaido snorted softly, "If you need help, just go to Jhin and he will send someone."

"That's good."

Ian nodded slightly.

With the pillars of the Beasts Pirates leading the team, even if a riot occurs when taking over various areas, it can be easily suppressed.

Teacher Kai suddenly spoke again, "Before returning to Onigashima, there is one more thing to do."


Ian's eyelids twitched.

Isn't it the last thing to do before going back to deal with those big names?

Ian asked tentatively, "What's the matter?"

Aren't you asking me to deal with someone again?

There are no more enemies in Wano Country.

Teacher Kai took a sip of wine and said rather casually, "People from the World Government are coming to discuss business. You go and deal with them."

"World government?"

Ian raised his eyebrows, "Me?"

He was not surprised that the Beast Pirates had business relationships with the World Government.

You can know this from reading comics in the previous life, and Erya and the other three barbarians were also bought from the government.

It can only be said that it is the navy that wants to fight against pirates, and it has nothing to do with the world government.

But, Teacher Kai, the many courses you gave me did not include foreign trade.

"In the past, Orochi was responsible for this matter,"

Teacher Kai said, "Since you killed him, then you will take over this job."

Ian's eyes immediately widened.

No, Teacher Kai, are we still being reasonable?

Didn't you ask me to kill the big snake?

Are you waiting for me here?

"Then, what should I do?" Ian scratched his head.

"You just need to remember one thing, you are my disciple! So, just go ahead and do it!"

What does it mean to just let it go?

After leaving Teacher Kai, Ian was still thinking about this issue.

Do you mean to let yourself open your mouth freely?

Just after going out, Yamato, who had been squatting in the corner counting ants, turned around in surprise, "Ian! Have you finished talking to dad?"

Although this girl is already very close to Teacher Kai, she is not very interested in talking about serious matters.


Ian nodded, "Have you decided where to go?"

We agreed to go play with her after finishing the business.

"Maria said there will be a fireworks display in the Flower City tonight! Let's go watch it together!" Yamato's eyes filled with anticipation, "I have never seen fireworks before!"

Fireworks display?

Ian did know that Fu Lu Shou had reported it to him.

After all, this fireworks display is to celebrate the new king's accession to the throne and the victory of the war.


Ian agreed immediately.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen fireworks in a long time.

I don’t know how the fireworks in this other world will be different.

Night falls quickly.

In the southern part of Wano Country, Qiangang.

Although this country is closed to the outside world, it does not have channels for external communication. Otherwise, the Beast Pirates would not be able to conduct transactions with the World Government.

Qiangang is the channel for external communication.

This port is connected to a huge cave under Wano Country, and the waterway of the cave leads directly to the outside of the high wall surrounding Wano Country.

You only need to use the huge elevator to go up and down the inland and offshore waters of Wano Country, but it is troublesome to change ships.

This port had been occupied by the Beasts Pirates many years ago. At this time, while the Beasts Pirates were shrinking their forces for a decisive battle with the Kozuki family, and before the manpower could be replenished, a group of samurai captured it. here.

The warriors waited under the night, and a woman came.

"Mrs. Shi! You are finally here. Your Highness Hiyori has fallen asleep on the boat. She has been crying for you to come back."

"Thank you."

Under the moonlight, Kozuki bowed solemnly to the warriors, "Give me such an rude request."

The warriors shook their heads, "This is Lord Kang's order. We are warriors loyal to him."

A samurai asked, "Mrs. Toki, how are Ushimaru-sama and the others doing?"

Guangyue was silent for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know, but the results should come soon."

The warriors nodded, "Then I wish you a safe journey."

Guangyue's face was a little bitter, and she could hear a little contempt on the faces of these warriors.

She could understand that, after all, she was leaving the country.

"What are you going to do?"

Guangyue asked solemnly.

The warriors replied calmly, "Master Kang is still imprisoned in the Capital of Flowers. As his warriors, of course we cannot ignore him."

"We disbanded the army, but gathered all the warriors in Bai Wu. We only waited to find out the specific location of Lord Kang before we started taking action."

The light and moon are silent.

What could she say?

Tell the samurai that going to the Flower City is just asking for death?

How can you say this to the brave men who are ready to die?

She ended up saying nothing.

Kozuki just entered the submersible port, went through the huge elevator to the port below, and boarded the ship prepared for her by the samurai.

She is leaving Wano Country next.

If you want to save this country, the people of Wano alone can no longer do it.

Although I am extremely ashamed and ashamed, now I can only rely on the strength of others.

The Kozuki family has harmed this country, so we must save it no matter what!

When the moon shines, run to the sea under the bright moon.

Under the same bright moon.

The capital of flowers.


There was a muffled sound, a spark shot up into the sky, and then exploded countless stars.

These countless stars continued to bloom again, and in an instant, the sky was filled with stars twinkling.

And such stars are not just in one area, over the entire flower city, a large number of sparks rise into the sky one after another, blooming into brilliant fireworks.

Countless stars dimmed, and in the blink of an eye, countless stars bloomed again, making the trees and silver flowers sparkle and dazzling.

"So beautiful! So beautiful!!"

Above the castle tower, on the large branch crossing over, Yamato jumped up and down excitedly.

This is the highest point in the entire Flower Capital. There is no better viewing platform than here, and you can have a panoramic view of the entire capital's fireworks show.

It is indeed very beautiful, the city is full of magnificence, as if a dream has come.


Ian thought, the Flower Capital is all made of wooden buildings. If this caused a fire, who would be able to put it out?

Of course, Yamato would not be filled with disappointing thoughts like Ian. The little girl just raised her face, and the golden pupils on her round face reflected the twinkling stars.

It wasn't until the fireworks stopped that she relaxed and breathed contentedly.

"I will never forget this day!"

Yamato clenched his little fists and declared loudly.

"If you like it so much, you can come again as many times as you like."

Ian said casually.

Just kidding, your brother Ian is now the second-largest person in Wano Country. Wanting to hold a fireworks display is just a matter of words?

"don't want."

However, Yamato stuck out his tongue at Ian, "If you look at it often, it won't be worth remembering at all!"

Oh, do you still understand delayed gratification?

I underestimated you.

"I really want to grow up quickly!"

Yamato held the back of his head with his hands and sighed in a rare moment, "That way I can do a lot of things I want to do! Go to all the places I want to go!"

"grow up?"

Ian just put his hands in his pockets and said calmly, "That's not a good thing."

"how come!"

Yamato looked at Ian in surprise, "When you grow up, you can do whatever you want! Ian, isn't there anything you want to do?"

What do you want to do?

It’s the end of the month, please vote! ! !

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