Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 4 Teacher Kai's small class has started

In the original work, the relationship between Teacher Kai and Yamato cannot be said to be that of a loving father and a filial daughter, but at least it can be said that they are incompatible with each other.

Yamato is the daughter of Mr. Kai, who was supposed to be the future heir of the Beast Pirates and the princess of Onigashima.

But the problem is that Teacher Kai can hardly be said to have a normal concept of family affection. He does not need an heir, and he is not prepared to hand over his dreams and career to anyone else.

In his eyes, Yamato is just a tool who will help him rule the country of Wano in the future. Compared with the concept of a daughter, Yamato is more of a subordinate with a special status to him. As long as he is strong and obedient, it is enough.

Kaido won't care about her, and the rest of the Beast Pirates don't dare to care about her either.

Yamato grew up in such an environment.

To be honest, Ian is speechless about Teacher Kai's teaching methods.

Since we want Yamato to be obedient, shouldn't we discipline her more?

Yamato has become accustomed to being so carefree since she was a child, so it would be weird to want her to obey her orders again, right?

After Ian was picked up by Teacher Kai, he has been committed to improving the relationship between their father and daughter.

After all, the ruthless Teacher Kai is certainly not easier to get along with than the father-loving Teacher Kai.

Ian's method is also very simple. Yamato is the same age as him, and the two have been playing together since he came to Onigashima.

Therefore, he kept taking Yamato to hang out in front of Teacher Kai to increase the time the father and daughter spent together.

Although Teacher Kai is cruel and cold, he is still a human being and has human emotions.

He had a deep friendship with Charlotte Lingling, and he cried because of Big Mom's defeat.

In the final analysis, although Mr. Kai is cruel and cruel to Yamato, after all, Yamato is also special to him.

If anyone else dared to be so rebellious in front of him, they would have been beaten to a pulp long ago.

How can one live to the age of twenty-eight in good health and also master the entanglement of overlord sex?

When Ian brought Yamato to Teacher Kai at first, he was very impatient and even threw the two of them out.

But after Ian persuaded Yamato to challenge Mr. Kai because he wanted to surpass him, the situation changed.

Teacher Kai loves fighting and strong opponents.

And Ian and Yamato do have this talent, they have this potential.

Of course, Ian never said anything about surpassing him from beginning to end.

Thus, the lesson for Ian to call Mr. Kai his teacher began.

The father and daughter finally began to have frequent contact.

Family love grows in such situations.

Later, when Yamato, who was taught by Ian, took the initiative to act coquettishly towards Teacher Kai, he no longer cared about it and basically got used to it.

Ian felt that he was such a great man, and his heart was broken for the most powerful father-daughter duo in the world.

"Mr. Kaido! Have you solved everything?"

A tall figure walked out of the room, wrapped in a dark leather jacket and leather trousers, with a mask on his face and gloves on his hands. Except for his eyes, no skin on his body was exposed.

He is the flagship of the Beasts Pirates, the embers of Yan Calamity.

Kaido casually put the two little ones on the ground and walked into the room, "Let that guy Moria run away, eh, cluck, cluck, maybe he will come for revenge in the future."

"If he still dares to come to the door without overestimating his capabilities, then I will burn him to ashes without you taking action, Mr. Kaido." Jin said solemnly.

Ian smacked his lips, Uncle Jhin was really loyal to Teacher Kai.

"No, Jhin,"

Kaido turned around, raised his hand and pointed at Ian, who was following him silently, "If Moria dares to come next time, let this kid go."

"Ah I?"

Ian pointed at himself and said quickly, "Should I hit Moriah?"

"Leave it to us!"

Yamato patted his small chest and said with high spirits, "Ian and I are the strongest combination!"

"Uh-huh-huh! Did you hear what Yamato said?"

Teacher Kai acted as if he didn't hear anything and walked into the attic with a loud laugh, "If you don't want to be killed by that guy, then work hard to become stronger, kid."

"Oh! Ian!"

Yamato held Ian's hand and said with a smile, "Let's work hard together! Become stronger!"

Ian twitched his lips.

Don't listen to anyone at all.

Both father and daughter.

But forget it.

After Moria left Wano Country, he was probably going to be a fat house, and he was about to experience a double decline in strength and mentality.

That's really nothing to be afraid of.

"Ian, don't let Mr. Kaido down."

Uncle Jin solemnly told Ian, "If you can't do it, you don't have to wait for Moriah to come, just let me kill you!"

Are you here to put pressure on me too?

But you are Uncle Jin, I forgive you.

"We will never let dad down!"

Yamato spoke loudly and confidently.

Jhin snorted softly and followed Teacher Kai back to the room.

Yamato happily took Ian's frowning hand and ran downstairs, "Ian! Let's go play!"

"Brother Ian! Are you back?"

The two of them had just descended a few flights of stairs when the sound of urn was heard.

Ian looked back.

A boy as strong as a hill walked quickly from the corner of the corridor with a happy face, "I heard that you and Boss Kaido went to fight against the invaders!"

"Oh, Jack? That's not it."

Yamato smiled and waved to the visitor.

"Sister Yamato!"

The tall, oversized child said hello to Yamato honestly.

This guy who is obviously the same age as Ian but has three guys as tall as him is the future Drought Jack.

He is a fish-man who was picked up by Teacher Kai last year. He is also extremely talented and was trained as a future leader of the Beasts Pirates.

After asking, Jack looked at Ian expectantly, "How is it? Brother Ian, you must be very active!"

"It's hard to describe in words."

Ian shook his head.

The battlefield is indeed quite active.

But as soon as he came back, he was determined to be a future opponent.

Jack tilted his head.

What's the meaning?

He couldn't understand.

"Jack! You came just in time!"

Yamato chuckled, "Let's play games together!"

Jack's face turned bitter for a moment, "Again, do you want me to play Kozuki Oden again?"

"That's right!"

Yamato rolled up his sleeves, revealing his short and chubby little arms, "The evil Kozuki Oden! It's up to me, Yamato-sama, to defeat him!"

Jack couldn't help complaining, "Why do I play the role of Kozuki Oden every time? Occasionally, I also want to play the role of the righteous pirate who defeated the evil Kozuki Oden."

"Cut the nonsense!"

Yamato's eyes widened, "Do you want to be beaten?"

"No, I dare not."

Jack immediately shook his head honestly and said aggrievedly, "I'll just act."

Ian felt something strange.

It's not just Teacher Kai who has changed, Yamato has also begun to gradually learn some of her father's traits.

As for why the main villain in the game is Kozuki Oden, Ian can only say that it is all to nip things in the bud.

The family drinking among the children lasted until dinner time.

After going to the restaurant to have dinner, and having some fun with Yamato and Jack, it was time to rest.

Ian's residence on Onigashima is located on the second floor of the main building. The only people on the first floor with him are Yamato, Jhin, and Quinn. The top floor above is the residence of Teacher Kai.

It can be seen from the allocation of dormitories that Ian has a high status in the Beast Pirates.

Although he is still young, he is already comparable to Teacher Kai's biological daughter and two big names.

He is the future third star of the Beasts Pirates, and everyone knows this.

A night of silence.

The next day, Ian got up early as usual.

At five o'clock in the morning, he had already climbed out of bed, yawned and washed himself a little, then quickly went downstairs and came to the square outside the main building.

When he came out with his front legs, a small figure in the square on his back legs waved to him.


Yamato smiled and put his hands on his hips, triumphantly saying, "I was earlier today!"

"very nice,"

Ian said with some envy, "You can see Ghost Island at four in the morning."

Yamato, from now on I will call you Laoda.

“Let’s start today’s workout!”

Yamato clenched his little fists hard, his fighting spirit high.

Ian nodded, "Well, let's warm up first."

Of course, getting up early in the morning is not for a date with a five-year-old kid, it's morning exercise time.

The so-called warm-up was for Ian and Yamato to jog around the square for half an hour each carrying a heavy barbell.

Ian's barbell is larger, and Yamato's is smaller, but it is by no means a weight that ordinary people can lift.

Yamato is not an ordinary child. She inherited Teacher Kai's bloodline. Although she is young, she still has a monster physique.

After the physical activity is started, the formal exercise has just begun.

Various fitness tutorials that were left in the favorites in my previous life are now put to use, such as weighted push-ups, weighted sit-ups, weighted abdominal crunches, weighted leg raises, and weighted running back and forth.

The two children were exercising themselves in the square in a decent manner.

Especially Ian, he is extremely serious and works hard to exercise every muscle in his body.

He is not a serious person, but he never relaxes when it comes to exercise.

This kind of training has been going on for a long time, starting from when Yamato challenged Teacher Kai.

While the two were working out enthusiastically, two tall figures were quietly looking down at them on the top terrace of the main building at the back.

"Mhahahaha! You are always slacking off, but in the end, you never relax when it comes to training."

As fat as a ball, Plague Quinn, one of the biggest draws of the Beast Pirates, commented with great interest.

As for the man standing next to him, Jhin just said coldly, "Ian just doesn't like taking risks or fighting, but he understands that strength is the most important thing."

"Power may not mean everything, but in this world, people without power can easily lose everything."

Of course Ian didn't know what these two guys were saying, he just silently trained himself.

There is no way, the weak in this world really have no way to control their own destiny.

Ian doesn't like looking for trouble, but he also feels that when someone is looking for trouble, he cannot lack the power to fight back.

The morning exercise lasted until eight o'clock, and the exhausted Ian and Yamato slowly went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

After breakfast it's study time.

The average person in the Beast Pirates is illiterate. Even Teacher Kai can only read and write, so Quinn is more educated.

Ian felt that he could not learn like these seniors, and he still had to understand some of the most basic natural sciences, history and humanities.

There were no special teachers on Ghost Island, so Ian could only find some books to read by himself.

Every morning was his study time.

Yamato had no interest in this, and usually read comic books at the side, but she didn't know many words, so she just watched for fun.

In the afternoon, Ian usually practiced his abilities, or simply found someone to practice with.

Or -

"Little ghosts! Come up!"

Teacher Kai's small class was about to start.

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