Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 59 Return to Wano Country! Communication Charlotte Lingling (Please read it!)

Chapter 59 Return to Wano Country! Communication Charlotte Lingling (Please read it!)

Wano Country.

After two weeks of sailing, the Golden Dragon arrived at the country's overseas again. The turbulent currents and reefs here even made Ian feel the joy of returning home.

Wano Country, your emperor is back!

The big ship slowly sailed into the channel of the submerged port. Passing through this long waterway, the submerged port was revealed in front of Ian again.

And the moment the Golden Dragon docked.

"Lord Ian! Lord Ian is back!"

The whole port was boiling in an instant.

All the pirates in the port were cheering for Ian's return.

"Lord Ian, you fought so beautifully!"

"Lord Ian insulted Marco! Lord Ian is invincible in the world!"

This is the Beast Pirates. Only the strong can be respected and respected by all pirates from the bottom of their hearts.

The cheers even made Ian's ears itch.

His status in the Beasts Pirates was already high enough, and after the battle on Beehive Island, his status in the eyes of the pirates should be comparable to that of Uncle Jin and the others.

"Brother Ian, you are so popular."

Runti held her brother's hand with one hand and Ian's trouser leg with the other hand, looking down at the boiling pirates in the port from the side of the ship.

"Of course!"

Jack also looked as if it was a matter of course, "That's Brother Ian!"

Yamato puffed his face a little gloomy.

Ian certainly knew what this girl was thinking, and he said casually, "One day, they will cheer for you too."

"Of course!"

Yamato raised his chin.

This girl's talent is also unquestionable.

Although it didn't come in handy in the battle on Beehive Island.

But that's not her problem, it's Marco's problem.

Marco is too strong, which makes Yamato have little sense of existence.

She is only thirteen years old. With the configuration of Conqueror's Haki and Mythical Beast, plus her outstanding talent, she will almost certainly be able to reach the level of a top powerhouse in the future.

"Let's go back to Onigashima."

Take the huge elevator back to the inland of Wano, take a car to Renwu Port to change ships, and soon arrive at Onigashima.

In the main building of Onigashima, Ian and his four companions took Runti and his sister to meet Teacher Kai.

"Hehe, Ian of Burning Sky, isn't this a good name?"

As soon as he entered the door, Teacher Kai's laughter came towards him.

"Dad! We're back!"

Yamato waved to Teacher Kai with a smile.

Teacher Kai looked Yamato up and down, and snorted after confirming that his daughter was intact.

"It sounds pretty good, but it's a pity,"

Ian shrugged, "I can't team up with Uncle Jin and the others."

The format of the nicknames is different.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Teacher Kai sneered, "Why are you teaming up with them?"

He looked behind Ian, "Are these two brats Joseph's children?"


Ian stepped aside so Kaido could see Runti and his brother clearly, "The elder sister is Runti, seven years old, and the younger brother is Peggy One, five years old."

"Lord Kaido!"

Runti bowed to Kaido very seriously, "Thank you!"

If it weren't for this lord, the two siblings would have died long ago.

"Thank you!"

Peggy One also followed suit.

"There's nothing to thank you for, just repaying your father for taking care of you back then,"

Teacher Kai said casually, "Little brats, remember one thing, if you want to survive in the Beasts Pirates, don't be a weakling."

You are actually imparting life experience, Teacher Kai, you are so gentle now!

"I know!"

Runti responded loudly, "Little Peggy and I will definitely become very strong!"


Peggy One also mustered up the courage.

"Okay, Black Maria, take the little devils away."

Teacher Kai waved his hand.

Maria knew that she had to talk about business next, so she took the two siblings away. Even Yamato ran away consciously. This guy really had no interest in the meeting.

Only Jack stayed and watched silently.

"So, what do you think?"

Teacher Kai asked Ian with interest, "About the next war."

"I don't have any opinion,"

Ian scratched his head, "Anyway, it's not my turn to deal with Whitebeard. Apart from Whitebeard, the others are almost the same."

Having fought with Marco, Ian felt that the other members of the Whitebeard Pirates were just so-so. Do you know the value of the initial bounty of 800 million?


Teacher Kai laughed loudly, "You're right, Whitebeard is my opponent!"

"You're a little too early, but,"

The teacher smiled even more, leaned forward slightly, and looked down at Ian, "You kid, don't make me wait too long."

Ian's mouth twitched.

Teacher Kai, your eyes scare me.

"Anyway, get ready for the battle!"

Teacher Kai suddenly laughed again, "Hehehe! Defeat the Whitebeard Pirates! Who else in the New World can stop me?"

Teacher Kai, are you a little inflated?

Is it so easy to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates?

In order to ensure victory——

"Teacher Kai,"

Ian said, "Can we find foreign aid?"

The war between pirates is never fair.

"foreign aid?"

Teacher Kai raised his eyebrows slightly, "Who do you want to talk about?"

"For example,"

Ian said, "Don't you have a very good relationship with Big Mom?"

Teacher Kai's reaction was a bit strange.

He raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "You mean Lingling?"

"No matter how powerful the Whitebeard Pirates are,"

Ian said, "They are absolutely no match for our joint efforts with the Big Mom Pirates."

The Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates still have a basis for joining forces.

Charlotte Lingling and Mr. Kai teamed up to fight for world domination in the original work, but unfortunately they were crushed by Luffy.

"Interesting, do you think so?"

Teacher Kai gave a weird smile and took out a phone bug, "Okay, then I'll give you a chance."

He dialed a number.

"You just convince her yourself."


Shall I convince Charlotte Lingling?

Ian raised his eyebrows, feeling a little gossipy in his mind. He hadn't been masked for many years. Does Mr. Kai still have Charlotte Lingling's phone number? Is there really nothing between you?

Soon, the call came through, and the iconic laughter suddenly spread.

"Mom, mom! Kaido, have you finally figured it out? As long as you join forces with me, even Whitebeard can only sink to the bottom of the sea!"


What's the meaning?

Has Teacher Kai contacted Charlotte Lingling?

Moreover, from what Charlotte Lingling said, it seems that Teacher Kai refused to cooperate?

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Lingling, the boy you want is back. You can talk to him yourself."

Teacher Kai said these words and threw the phone bug in his hand to Ian.

What is the boy she wants?

Ian answered the phone and swallowed.

No way?

The condition for Charlotte Lingling's cooperation with the Beasts Pirates is that she becomes Teacher Kai's brother-in-law, right?

The seniority is messed up.

Ian hesitated whether to hang up the phone directly.

Teacher Kai, I am superficial, I can apologize.

"Oh? Is that Ian on the other side of the phone now?"

Phone bugs have a very wonderful characteristic. Their appearance will change into that of the caller on the other end of the phone. Therefore, the phone bug in Ian's hand has a captain's bicorn hat on his head, a pink dress on the boat, and a nose It also became huge.

As you can imagine, the phone bug on Charlotte Lingling's hand over there has also put on a white shirt and grown black hair, so of course she can tell that the phone bug has been replaced.

"Hello, Aunt Lingling."

Ian emphasized the asymmetry in seniority between the two parties.

"Auntie? Mom, mom! You are really good at talking!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly. She was old enough to be Ian's grandmother. After all, she was only eighteen years old when she gave birth to her first son. Her eldest son, Perospero, is already thirty-five years old this year. "I want to Don’t you want to come to my mother’s side?”

No, aunt, we don’t want to date!

Ian was about to blurt out subconsciously.

Before he could blurt out, Charlotte Lingling continued, "I have several daughters close to you in age. They are all very beautiful. Please be my son-in-law."

"In that case, we will be a family, and I can help you to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates."

Kaido snorted.

The help from Lingling, a smelly old woman, is never free.


Ian paused.

Do you want yourself to be her son-in-law?

Hiss——Charlotte Lingling Although many of her children have strange shapes, there are also some good-looking daughters.

If I remember correctly, there was a very good-looking Charlotte Garrett who was only a few years older than me.

That doesn’t seem like it’s not——

Ian said firmly, "Thank you for your kindness, Aunt Lingling, but I have no intention of leaving the Beasts Pirates."

If he really wants to agree, he will definitely be beaten to death by Teacher Kai.

Moreover, doesn’t Teacher Kai have a daughter? Although silly is a bit silly.

"Kid, are you going to reject me?"

Charlotte Lingling's originally gentle voice suddenly turned gloomy.

"We can find another way to work together,"

Ian said, "As long as our two families join forces, no one in the entire New World can stop us. We can turn the entire New World into our inland sea."

"Don't use your empty-handed tricks on me!"

Charlotte Lingling sneered, "Without enough reward, why should I help you share the risk? My territory is so far away from Whitebeard's territory. Even if I defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, what can I get?"

Ian smacked his lips.

This is a pirate.

Although Charlotte Lingling and Teacher Kai do have a deep relationship, everything must still be based on interests.

Talking about dominating the new world is indeed a joke. If it really means this, I am afraid that it won't be long before the Five Old Stars and their admirals will land in Wano.


Charlotte Lingling changed her tone, "Isn't the trade in seastones very popular recently? Your Wano country is the largest producer of seastones. How about letting me get a share of this business?"

"Don't even think about it."

Before Ian could answer, Teacher Kai snorted coldly, "Wano Country is my territory!"

Yes, Teacher Kai would never share Wano Country with anyone.

Hades is right here.

"Then there is nothing to talk about, Kaido, just wish you the best."

The other party hung up the phone.

Ian scratched his head, pure fake brother-sister relationship.

What a headache.

It seems that he can only fight Whitebeard in a fair fight.

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