Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 72: Warring States Report! Charlotte Lingling's Second Recruitment!

Chapter 72: Sengoku's report! Charlotte Linlin's second recruitment!

A sea area not far from the island where the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates had their final battle.

The navy's fleet has already evacuated.

On the leading giant warship, Admiral Sengoku is reporting the battle situation to the Navy Headquarters.

"...Yes, Mr. Kong. The Whitebeard Pirates have already evacuated, and the Beasts Pirates have no intention of continuing to pursue them. This war should have ended here."

"We have ended the confrontation with the Big Mom Pirates and are now on the way back to the G-13 base."

"There is no doubt that the Beasts Pirates have achieved greater results in this war. Diamond Joz was killed by Ian, and three other captains were killed, including Captain Sachi of the Fourth Division. The pirates under Whitebeard suffered heavy losses."

"But overall, the situation in the New World will not change. Whitebeard is still there, and the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates is still there. At most, they are injured, but not seriously injured."


Zhan Guo paused, "I think we must focus on the Beasts Pirates! Especially Ian of Burning Sky!"

"That kid is only thirteen years old this year, but he already has the strength to easily kill Diamond Joz! What is certain is that I am afraid it will take a long time. In a few years, he will have the strength to rival the top powers on the sea. "

"The information we know now is that the kid is an animal-type mythical beast ability user with multiple transformations. His common abilities are amazing defense and the ability to control flames with amazing temperatures. His most commonly used form is a golden flying dragon, but the beastman mode can also transform into a more defensive posture. "

"His strongest form is a posture that completely transforms into flames. In this form, even attacks with domineering power have no effect on him. In this form, he can also use a red flame with amazing destructive power. Even Diamond Joz cannot block this flame attack. "

"Fortunately, both the flame form and the red flame have time limits, and it seems that they cannot be used casually. "

The navy has a good understanding of Ian's abilities. After all, Ian has made many moves, and it is impossible to hide such obvious abilities.

At the same time, on the sea near the island where the decisive battle with the Whitebeard Pirates took place.

Ian stood on the bow of the Golden Dragon and could already see that three huge ships appeared on the horizon in the distance and then approached quickly.

As the two sides rushed in both directions, they soon became clearly visible.

There was a face on the front of the leading ship. It was not a sculpture, but a vivid grin.

"BIG·MOM Pirates?"

Jack stood behind him with his arms crossed, pretending to be a master, "It is said that it is a powerful pirate group that is not much inferior to the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Oh! That's really interesting!"

Yamato sat on the side of the ship next to him, swinging his feet, "Are we going to fight them next?"

"This is not a good idea."

Black Maria said leisurely, "We just experienced a battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, and everyone is very tired."

"Don't worry,"

Ian said lightly, "Charlotte Linlin and Teacher Kai are old acquaintances. She probably isn't here to fight."


Yamato looked very disappointed.

It looks like he is just like Mr. Kai, and they haven't had enough fun yet.

"Wait, is that ship alive?"

Black Maria noticed the cheerful face on the front of the ship, "Is it singing?"

The sound can be vaguely heard, as if there are sirens swimming in the water.

"Charlotte Lingling is a superhuman Soul Soul Fruit user, she can give life to everything."

Ian explained briefly.

How to say it, this ability is indeed very powerful, but it seems to be useless in high-end games, and the increase in combat power is quite limited.

As I said, high-end games are the stage for mythical beasts.

Otherwise, it must be a fruit with top-level destructive power such as the Tremor Tremor Fruit.

Otherwise, in this version where domineering can resist abilities, other fancy fruits are not very useful.

"Give life to everything? It feels so powerful."

Black Maria thought it was very powerful.

It can only be said that the version has not been penetrated.

The two fleets finally stopped hundreds of meters apart.

A woman in a pink dress sat on a white cloud and flew up from the opposite deck.

"Mom, mom! Kaido! Aren't you coming to greet me?!"

Here she comes! Charlotte Lingling!

"Ugh, ugh, ugh!"

Teacher Kai turned into a huge blue dragon and soared into the sky, looking at Charlotte Lingling who was approaching, "Lingling! What are you doing here, old woman, instead of having a baby at home!"

"Aren't I here to congratulate you for defeating that old bastard in Newgate?"

Charlotte Lingling laughed out loud.

Ian looked at the woman.

She was not as fat as she would be fifteen years later. At this time, she could only be described as sturdy, with a fat face and arms, broad shoulders and waist, big arms and waist, and a strong back and waist. It was obvious that she was not easy to mess with.

Relying on his good eyesight, Ian looked at the opposite deck, where several senior cadres stood at the bow.

The first is a man with a long tongue, holding a cane and licking it with his tongue, Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family.

The man with a rough face and a tall body, but a stiff face with no expression at all, must be the Cracker hiding in the biscuit armor, right?


Standing in the middle of the two men was a man with a slender and strong build, whose lower half of his face could not be seen due to his scarf.

"Charlotte Katakuri,"

A weird laugh came from behind, "That guy is a real monster. His knowledge is exaggerated. It is said that he has never touched the ground on his back since he was born."

"Brother Ian, maybe he will be more difficult for you to deal with than Marco."

Ian turned his head slightly and saw a bird face.

Are you still there?

Seemingly sensing Ian's doubts, Morgans chuckled, "Lingling and Kaido's gathering may be the precursor to the resurrection of the Rocks Pirates. How could I miss it?"

You want to make big news, right?

I advise you to take care of yourself.

However, Katakuri is just a girl control.

Ian thought.

When they looked at the other side, the people on the opposite side were also looking at them.

"It's that kid, Ian of Fentian,"

Perospero tilted his head in Katakuri's direction, "It looks smaller than Chiffon, but is it stronger than Cracker?"

"I won't lose to him."

Charlotte Cracker, who hid herself in the biscuit armor because she was afraid of pain, snorted, "Just a little brat."

"Hahaha! Are you not convinced by Cracker?"

Perospero laughed in a low voice, like an unscrupulous brother who was fighting against each other, "Then if a fight breaks out later, will you deal with him?"

"I will beat that boy back to find his mother."

Crackers are confident.

Katakuri didn't speak, just looked at Ian quietly.

too young.

Mom and Kaido when they were young were probably not as good either.

In another ten years, who else in the new world will be able to fight against the Beast Pirates?

No wonder mom——

"Mommy mommy!"

Charlotte Lingling's loud laughter made Ian raise his head, "Kaido, have you forgotten my previous proposal?"

Teacher Kai snorted coldly, "Are you talking about the sleep talk before? Because it's funny enough, I won't forget it for a while."

Charlotte Lingling suddenly lowered her head.

She looked at Ian.

Ian felt a chill on his back instantly.

How should I put it, Charlotte Lingling’s eyes are very haunting.

Just like Gollum looking at the Lord of the Rings, he just wanted to shout "My precious!"

"That's great, Kaido."

Charlotte Lingling said, "I have many children, but compared with them, this disciple of yours reminds me of myself when I was a child."

"This kid is much more diligent than you."

Kaido sneered.

Ian nodded in agreement.

Starting to have children at the age of eighteen, you will either have children or be pregnant throughout your life.

The number one person who wastes talent in the pirate world is Charlotte Lingling!

"I admire this boy very much,"

Charlotte Lingling said with a smile, "I didn't even say that I would let him come to my side, but Kaido, let him marry my daughter. That way, we will be a real family."

"In the future, it is not impossible for this boy to inherit my mother's country."


Ian blinked.

"Garrett! Come out and show your future husband!"

Following Charlotte Lingling's call, a beautiful red-haired girl walked up on the deck of the battleship opposite. She was tall and slender, wearing a red dress. Her appearance was quite cool, but she had no expression.

ah? ?

Ian looked at the girl, then looked up at Charlotte Lingling.

"If you are not satisfied, I still have many daughters!"

Charlotte Lingling also looked down at Ian.

ah? ? ?

No, you have traveled through time and still want to go on a blind date?

Want to blow your pillow? You can draw a pie for me by the way, right?


Teacher Kai laughed loudly, "I'm still saying the same thing, let's see what the kid says!"


Charlotte Lingling stared at Ian, "Little Ian, what's your answer?"

Ian glanced at the girl named Garrett.

It's really beautiful.


Joining forces with the Charlotte family is not a good choice.

At least not now.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to say it, but the same sentence remains, if there is a super-standard power in the new world, the world government will never remain indifferent.

Ian could imagine that at his wedding to Garrett, one of the Five Old Stars landed and remotely summoned four other Five Old Stars with his backhand. Together with General Garp, the hero of the Warring States Period, and other naval powerhouses, the wedding turned into a funeral. .

Beside him, Yamato asked curiously, "Ian, what does getting married mean?"

Black Maria leaned down and whispered, "If Ian marries that girl, he will live with that girl forever, get along day and night, and never be separated."

Maria, how many years ago did you have this old concept?

Don’t you know that today’s independent women feel that marriage is a kind of bondage? It is recommended to update the version first and wake up.

Moreover, Charlotte Lingling clearly wants to explode her own gold coins.


Yamato was suddenly startled, "How can that be done!"

She shouted angrily at Charlotte Lingling in the sky, "I am the one who wants to be with Ian all the time! We have always been together!"

Charlotte Lingling was suddenly startled.

She looked at Yamato, then at Kaido, "Your daughter?"

Kaido chuckled, "She's not very smart, but she's always very energetic. She and the kid grew up together."

Charlotte Lingling was at a loss for a moment. She could hardly believe it, "Kaido! You kid!"

Is this bastard laughing? When it comes to his daughter?

Charlotte Lingling couldn't imagine that Kaido, a bloodless and tearless guy, could have family ties?


Ian held back Yamato who was about to rush up, "There's no need to be so loud."

This girl looks like she really wants to rush up and give Charlotte Lingling a stick.

That was a diplomatic accident.


The little girl puffed up her face and turned back angrily, "She wants to take you away!"

"It's not that she wants to snatch me away!"

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth, and then emphasized seriously.

What a horrible topic you are talking about.

Do you want to call me Uncle Ian?

“I’m the one who’s going to be with Ian all the time anyway!”

Yamato declared loudly.

"I know, I know."

Ian said a few perfunctory words.

The white-haired girl is quite possessive.


He raised his head and looked at Charlotte Lingling, "So, I refuse."

"Oh? Did you reject me again?"

Charlotte Lingling's originally kind expression suddenly turned a little sinister, "Kid, do you know what will happen if you reject me?"

Ian knows exactly what will happen.

Charlotte Lingling's tea party is called the tea party of hell. If everyone who is invited by her chooses to refuse, they will be mercilessly destroyed by the Big Mom Pirates.

The consequences of rejecting the tea party should be far less serious than rejecting Charlotte Lingling directly in person, right?

Well, it seems that someone has done this kind of thing and left a famous saying, just the four emperors or something.

An inexplicable fire lit up in her eyes, "Obedience, or soul!"


One of the most terrifying abilities of the Soul Soul Fruit.

Its name is, Soul Spell!

I have always been a fan of G2, Xiaomao, let’s take the brothers to fight again!

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