Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!

Chapter 115 No Savior

Dozens of small boats carrying thousands of fully armed pirates landed in the Kingdom of Aden.

Their facial expressions are different.

Some looked tired and unshaven, as if they hadn't had a good night's sleep in ages.

Some showed excitement on their faces, and were quite interested in what they were going to do next.

Only a few rational minds started to think about what happened to themselves.

They were all pirates caught by the navy or bounty hunters, but their crimes and dangers were not enough to be imprisoned in Advance City, so they were originally imprisoned in the naval branch prisons in various parts of the North Sea.

But just two days ago, they were pardoned by the people of the world government, and they were forced to act with the ships of the world government.


I don’t know, the world government didn’t say anything.

The world government just announced that somewhere in the North Sea there was a terrible epidemic.

These pirates were originally guilty of unforgivable crimes, but now they have a chance to make meritorious deeds.

As a death squad, go to the dangerous area where the infectious disease is spreading, and help the world government deal with all the infected people!

As long as this is done, their crimes can be canceled and they can regain their freedom.

Such a "deal" is naturally like a life-saving straw for the pirates and prisoners who have no hope in the first place.

Therefore, they all nodded and agreed to the proposal of the world government, and under the arrangement of the world government, they were fully armed, boarded the accompanying boat, and moved forward all the way.

Due to time constraints, most of them were still wearing prison uniforms, and the shackles on their hands had not been completely removed.

They landed laughingly.

Killing and stealing goods is their old profession, and now their old profession has given them a chance to regain their freedom, so they are naturally overjoyed.

However, when they saw the "infected" that the world government called with their own eyes, they were really frightened.

It was a ghost-like creature covered with crystal crystals, and there were more or less traces of being a human being on its body. ,

What the hell is going on here?

A few people care, but most pirates don't bother with that.

It's best to kill them quickly and return to the free life of the past without restraint!

Thinking of this, the pirate leader who first landed on the dock looked at the young man who was trying to communicate with him.

Without any hesitation, the pirate leader raised his scimitar, then aimed at the young man's neck and chopped it down!


A strange sound came, it was a sound that the pirate leader had never expected.

What the machete cut seemed to be not meat and bones at all, but an extremely hard stone!

But what made the Pirate Chief feel familiar was that the scarlet blood still splashed out.

Followed by the youth's screams.

He clutched his slashed neck, took a few steps back, then turned around and ran away!

Pirate leader: "?"

its not right!

He was clearly slashed to death, why is this person still running away?

According to the world government, shouldn't they be patients infected with deadly infectious diseases?

After thinking for a long time to no avail, the pirate leader locked on and greeted the people under his hands to put on masks to prevent infection, then swung his knife forward and said:

"Little ones, kill them!"


In an instant, the pirates around the pier swarmed up.

The residents of the Kingdom of Aden who were watching around were still in a state of astonishment when they saw the young man being hacked by the pirate leader, but the order from the pirate leader brought them back to their senses.

Fear began to spread in their hearts.

I don't know who shouted: "Run for your life!"

The infected immediately fled in all directions, not daring to stay for a while.

But after the crowd had chased for a distance, the pirate leader suddenly lowered his head and reached out to touch his own blade.

The original sharp blade has become potholed at this moment.

"The blade is curled?"

The pirate leader couldn't help but be taken aback.

He is also a well-known swordsman in the pirate circle in Beihai, so he can judge that the weapons given to them by the World Government are definitely not bad, and they can really kill people.

Why is it that the blade collapsed after only one slash?

The pirate leader caressed the half scrapped blade, squinted his eyes, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

But this uneasiness did not last long, and the terrified cries of help from those infected reassured the pirate leader a lot.

Just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered!


Dozens of residents of the Kingdom of Aden formed a group and hid in a cellar not far from the coastline.

After those terrible pirates rushed inland in pursuit of others, these people finally bravely walked out of the cellar.

They quickly ran to the boats abandoned by the pirates and boarded the deck.

A few fishermen turned the bow of the boat skillfully, holding on to their last hope, they planned to use the small boats of these pirates to escape to sea.

But at this moment, only a muffled sound was heard from a distance.


It was followed by the sound of something heavy piercing the air.

call out!

They looked up and saw a cannonball fired at them, and it was the world government ship docked in the open sea that fired the cannonball!


The shell hit the deck of the boat and exploded.

In an instant, the entire boat was engulfed in flames, and the infected were forced to jump into the sea to escape.

But it seems that because of the crystal armor on his body, even though fragments of shells and sawdust from the boat were flying around, no one was injured.

A small number of people were burned to the body by the fire, and they only felt a little pain, and they were not burned.

But the infected had no time to care about these abnormalities at all. They swam desperately back to the shore, thankful that they escaped unharmed, but couldn't help feeling desperate for the situation in front of them.

The World Government... launched a bombardment on them!

This also means that no one can leave the Kingdom of Aden by boat!

Isn't the world government trying to save us? Why are you shelling us?

"It's over, we're dead..."

Whether it was the ferocious pirates or the world government that launched merciless bombardment against them, the entire Kingdom of Aden fell into deep despair.

They don't know why they are going through all this, they just feel that they have no power to fight back in such a dire situation.

However, at this moment.

The sound of simultaneous connection of broadcast phone bug and projection phone bug rang.

What appeared on the projection screen was not Caesar Courant, who had previously sent a message to the Kingdom of Aden, but another person who was infected with the crystal ghost virus like them.

He was wearing a shabby hat, and his symptoms of infection seemed to be more serious than the others.

That man was Hiruluk!

"Everyone in the Kingdom of Aden, I am Shiruluke, a doctor from the Universal Alliance!"

Hiluluk clenched the microphone and shouted:

"Don't expect any 'rescue', no one else can save you! No one else can be the savior of the Kingdom of Aden!"

The people of the Kingdom of Aden, who originally had a glimmer of hope, suddenly fell into deeper despair after hearing this.

But then, Hilluluk changed the subject and shouted:

"Whether it's the world government or our Universal Alliance, there has never been a savior!"

"The only ones who can save you are you!"

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