Plague Doctor

Chapter 398 Men Ying [Please vote, please subscribe]

"Hello...we can receive..."

A distorted voice came from the recorder. It was unclear whether it was a man or a woman, a human voice or something else, but Gu Jun and Yu Chi could clearly hear it.

Gu Jun was still relatively calm, but Yu Chi blushed instantly, and his excited voice was trembling: "Who are you and where are you! What should we do?"

It's just that the voice of the recorder is very intermittent. Some words can be heard clearly, but most of them are so twisted that it is difficult to identify. It is not clear whether it is coming from the underground or the void.


These words were too fragmentary, and neither of them could understand them for a while. The night wind was cooler, and there were many shadows in the mountains and forests, and Gu Jun's head was hurting more and more. He knew that time was running out and the signal strength was declining. , he couldn't hold on for long, and asked urgently: "Are you humans? Humans from other worlds?"

The tape recorder made a weird sound like the tape was jammed, "It's... a person..."

"Are you Yi people?" Gu Jun asked the name, "Are you Yi people?" Although he didn't know what Yi people were.


"What are we going to do!?" Yu Chi asked anxiously next to him. Isn't this more important? "Tell us!"


Suddenly, there was a click, the tape jammed completely, there was no sound from the tape recorder, the dividing crosses on all the pictures disappeared, and the light disappeared. Gu Jun felt a splitting pain in his head, as if some nerve tissue had been severed. He couldn't help but cover his head in pain and sat on the ground.

Yu Chi also screamed in pain like a madman, his spirit was violently hit, and he fell to the mountain ground gasping for air.

They both knew that this time the contact was over.

The cold sweat all over his body was blown by the night wind, and Gu Jun felt even colder. After a long time, he regained his strength and exhaled a long breath. Seeing that Yu Chi was okay, he asked, "How's it going? Captain Yu, what do you think?"

"Although the signal is a broadcast, there are people behind it, like there are people listening in the contact center..." Yu Chi was still panting, with a look of unwillingness and anxiety on his face, "They are waiting for a response, so as soon as we reply, there are people Answered..."

Gu Jun nodded in agreement, "Do you think they are human beings?"

"I don't know, I don't know, I have no idea about this..." Yu Chi got up and thought hard: "Space, fragments, world, what does this mean? What can it mean? Fragments mean us Are these worlds fragments of the complete earth? Where to go, what to look for..."

"Captain Yu, 'accept'." Gu Jun said, feeling that in the previous encounter, this word had the most weight for them now.

"Accept what?" Yu Chi asked.

"I think it's our spiritual power." Gu Jun was also thinking, "I had a headache just now, but now I feel that my spiritual quality is better. The more I come into contact with that symbol and the more I use it, not only do my symptoms disappear, It was aggravated, but it was relieved. From a medical point of view, this is the therapeutic effect."

"You mean? Yes, that's right..." Yu Chi scratched his head, "I'm the same way. People think that I'm getting crazier, but that's not the case..."

"Accept the power." Gu Jun thought, "Then go find more of what? More people like us? Gather together?"

"It's very possible, very likely..."

Although they all feel a little better mentally, as if their maximum value has increased, it is also true that the current value has been consumed to a dangerous level.

Crazy people usually don't think they are crazy. Yu Chi's look really made Gu Jun a little worried as a doctor.

"Team Yu, haste makes waste. It's just like taking medicine. No matter how effective the medicine is, it should be taken in daily portions. If you take it directly from one bottle, it will be ruined. We have to take a rest, recuperate, and come back a few more times. This kind of contact, looking for a better place, more places. That may be what the words mean."

"Yes." Yu Chi nodded, "Tonight it has been proved that different places will affect the strength of the signal. This cannot be the most suitable place. There are still many people in the whole mountain. The pictures we used may still be It’s not strong enough…there’s still room for improvement…”

Gu Jun also stood up, swayed slightly, stood firm, and walked towards the digital camera mounted on a tripod.

From the beginning to now, about 20-30 minutes have passed, and the camera has been filming. Did you capture anything that needs attention?

Gu Jun went over to stop filming and played the new video with a frown on his face. Yu Chi also walked over and watched from the side.

This camera has a recording function. When the video started, there were sounds of insects. They all wanted to know if they had recorded that mysterious sound.

The video says:

"Captain Yu, let's get started."


The white noise was rustling. Gu Jun did not fast forward for a second. Instead, he had to slow down and watch it a few more times. At the 12th minute, Yu Chi said excitedly, "It seems to be coming." In the video, his own expression becomes a little confused.

That's when they heard the signal, but at this point, the video was just white noise.

The recorder was placed next to the camera, so the camera's microphone could record clearly. The tape is lagging, but what follows is still rustling white noise, without the signal male voice. In the image, none of the pictures showed any symbols or any light.

In the video, everything was as usual, except for the two of them. They were excited, they were discussing, and they were shouting in response.

White noise, just white noise from beginning to end.

"We are not crazy, Captain Gu..." Yu Chi's voice was hoarse, "I know we are not crazy... we really heard and saw just now..."

Gu Jun watched in silence, suddenly saw something and felt a chill all over his body. He quickly moved the image back a little, pausing to freeze the picture. Just when the other party answered "accept, find, more", their shadow suddenly became a little swaying. The shape was very weird, and it was impossible to suddenly reflect like that. shape……

"I think we are not crazy. This is the proof." He lowered his eyes and said, "Captain Yu, do you think that looks like a door?"

Yu Chi looked at their shadows and discovered that their figures seemed to be inside a door frame or standing in front of a door.

"Like, like a door..." Yu Chi murmured in confusion, "Accept, accept the door? Door? Door to where?"

Love the Plague Doctor.

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