Plague Doctor

Chapter 44 Surgical Training

This morning, Gu Jun woke up for the first time in the dormitory of Tianji Bureau, and smelled a meaty smell in the air.

He rubbed his eyes in doubt and got up, walked out of the spacious bedroom, and saw Cai Zixuan busy in the kitchen, reading a book while cooking something.

As soon as Cai Zixuan saw him, he smiled and said, "Morning Haojun, the porridge with preserved egg and lean meat will be cooked right away! I asked Brother Ma and the others to come over and eat."

"Where did you get the preserved eggs, and where did you get the lean meat?" Gu Jun was a little dumbfounded, but the cooking was really delicious, and he used the pressure cooker that already existed in the kitchen here, and the rat-flavored rice cooker was left at Dongda.

"So the welfare here is really good." Cai Zixuan couldn't help admiring, "When the receptionist brought us here yesterday, didn't I say, 'Wow, such a big kitchen, if I knew it, I would buy some ingredients.' The receptionist said Ask me what ingredients? I said preserved eggs and lean meat, porridge is good for breakfast." As a result, he delivered these ingredients to the door early this morning! Also bought me a lot of seasoning. "

Gu Jun has already seen that the kitchen is different from the emptiness it was yesterday. Now the kitchen cabinet is full of bottles and cans, and the figure of the old godmother can also be seen.

"Good welfare is good." He was thinking last night, "I don't know what we need to pay behind such good welfare."

"That's right." Cai Zixuan also thought after hearing the words, "All the gifts given by fate have already been secretly priced."

"This is very familiar, is it Shakespeare again?"


Gu Jun ignored Cai Zixuan and walked through the wide and empty hall without sitting down on the sofa. The TV had no signal when it was turned on last night. He came to the balcony and looked out. This is the twelfth floor, which is very high. You can have a panoramic view of the buildings in front of you.

Although it was not yet seven o'clock, some people and vehicles could already be seen moving around...or, in other words, people were working all night.

After watching for a while, Gu Jun went back to the bathroom. When he finished washing, the porridge was ready, and four people, including Senior Brother Ma and Sun Yuheng, came here looking for food. Cai Zixuan once again proved that if you can't cook, you are not a good doctor. Everyone ate two bowls. The porridge was thick and smooth, very appetizing.

With this energy, the six of them went down from the dormitory building, joined the three girls, and were led by the receptionist to the training center here.

On the way, they learned about the organization's training arrangements for themselves, which were divided into three categories, clinical group, experimental group and chore group. Except for Cheng Yifeng and Zhou Yi, who were assigned to the chores group, who were a little disappointed, no one had any objections.

"Student Gu, the superior has other arrangements for you. Your training will be very rich. You will train with the clinical team in the past few days." The receptionist said again.

Everyone was not surprised by this, and Gu Jun breathed a sigh of relief. Before, he was very afraid that he would be assigned to do some insignificant light work because of his terminal illness, so he just paid attention to it.

The training center is a rather huge modern high-rise building with a height of nearly ten floors. They followed the receptionist all the way, and it was easy to find that there were not only rookies like them in the training center, but also some young people like nurses and pharmacists. People are also led by the receptionist, this time the selection is comprehensive.

Everyone took their internship certificates and went to different training rooms separately.

Gu Jun and the others went to the clinical surgery training room. Surgery is the first training item they need to carry out. Thinking about the fact that all patients with different banyan disease need to undergo amputation, surgery should be the place where the medical department is most short of manpower.

The receptionist handed them over to the trainers and left, and told them to come to the training center on time at 7:30 every day for the next month.

Obviously, the current situation can only select a few people to be trainers. There is only one surgical trainer named Zhou Jiaqiang. It's a gravel road, but the smile is full of enthusiasm, which is completely different from the temperament of those corpse transporters.

"You can just call me Brother Qiang. I will teach you well, and you will learn hard. It's very simple and no problem."

This training room is not big, with a podium, blackboard and projection screen above, a dozen training tables below, and some teaching models and instruments.

At the beginning of the first lesson, Zhou Jiaqiang encouraged the five of them with a smile, which indeed brought them closer, which made Cai Zixuan and Jiang Banxia especially excited.

"We are actually doctors, but the patients we treat are unusual. We can treat them as we like. There is nothing to be afraid of. I'm afraid you haven't seen them before. I have seen them a lot like you, Brother Qiang. No matter what They are just ordinary patients, nothing to be afraid of!"

"In surgery, the first rule is not to be afraid. Whenever you are afraid, you will panic, and if you panic, something will go wrong. Don't tremble your hands, and don't let your heart flutter."

Listening to Brother Qiang's words, everyone really felt healed, and the shadow brought by the banyan tree on the human body faded slightly.

Brother Qiang is right, the more you see it, the more you will get used to it. In history, people who performed craniotomy at the beginning were also very afraid, but it has become a common thing now.

But Gu Jun always felt that the smile on the face full of pimple marks had a bit of a pyramid scheme to fool a rookie into the boat...

"Hehe, Ah Jun." Zhou Jiaqiang was very familiar with their materials, and said with a smile: "Your anatomy skills are the best, no problem, you have to have confidence in yourself! Ruoxiang, Yuheng, Zixuan, you also have Very good level, and you will be able to get started very quickly. Ban Xia, you are a Chinese medicine major, and you are relatively not that familiar with anatomical skills, but it doesn't matter, you can make up for it here."

Undergraduates of Chinese medicine also need to study human anatomy and western medicine surgery, but compared with the eight-year clinical course of western medicine, the content is of course much less.

"Well, it's a big deal, I'll give you

wipe sweat. "Jiang Banxia has a lively and cheerful personality, and immediately made fun of herself.

Everyone smiled, and Cai Zixuan laughed a few times. Because of the need to follow the aseptic principle during the operation, if the surgeon is sweating, he can't wipe it off by himself. He needs to turn his head and let the nurse wipe it off. Cai Zixuan looked at Jiang Banxia, ​​and said with a smile: "Banxia, ​​and me, don't compete with me."

Gu Jun frowned in surprise, as if he smelled the sour smell of love?

Wang Ruoxiang nodded to him, it started yesterday in the gymnasium.

"Okay, let's start the class!" Zhou Jiaqiang became a little more serious, paced around the podium, and preached: "In general, the basic operations of surgery are just a few, tissue incision, tissue separation, hemostasis, ligation , suturing, thread trimming and removal, and changing dressings. You have no major problems with the first two, the difference is experience and skills, and I will teach you the other operations."

"Of course, we must do a good job of hemostasis during surgery. There are several common methods for hemostasis: compression hemostasis, ligation hemostasis, electrocoagulation hemostasis, hemostatic material hemostasis, and metal clip hemostasis. Among them, the most commonly used and most required The most technical is ligation to stop bleeding.”

"Ligation." Zhou Jiaqiang said emphatically, scanning the serious faces of the five students, "Surgical hemostasis requires a lot of ligation with sutures, and ligation is also required after tissue suturing. So ligation is the most basic and very important part of surgery. An important operation."

"How to complete the ligation safely, reliably and conveniently? There are two points, one is to choose suitable sutures, and the other is to carry out standardized operations - that is, first choose the right knot according to the situation, and then tie it well. Next, I will teach you the basic knots, there is a knot training model in your desk belly, take it out."

After Zhou Jiaqiang finished speaking, everyone searched in their respective tables and took out the model that Brother Qiang indicated.

Gu Jun looked at the knotting skill training model in his hand, made of transparent plexiglass, with a very delicate design...

"This model uses a magnetic system to simulate tissue tension, and parallel elastic cables to simulate blood vessels." Zhou Jiaqiang introduced, "Three different types of cylinders form various knotting spaces, which can simulate many deep structures for various deep structure knotting. Training. Anyway, this is a magic weapon! It's yours."

Zhou Jiaqiang smiled, but his words were very serious: "Take it back to the dormitory after class, and hug it when you sleep, and practice hard."

He also took out a model from the podium, "Single knot, you know, the most basic kind of knot." He took a piece of suture and wrapped it around the model, "The one that is wrapped around in this way is a single knot. What about the square knot? The most commonly used knot in surgery. It is composed of two single knots in opposite directions. When you want to ligate small blood vessels and various sutures, you need to use a square knot. As long as you tie it correctly, it will It will be very strong and not easy to fall off."

"What if you tie a single knot to the square knot, and the third single knot is in the opposite direction to the second single knot? This is a triple knot. When you want to ligate larger blood vessels and suture more tense tissues, The most commonly used is the triple knot."

Zhou Jiaqiang gave a lecture, and while speaking, he used various knotting methods to demonstrate on the model, one hand, two hands, equipment, deep...

Everyone watched intently. Gu Jun didn't just watch, but the nerves in his hands were also beating with the nerves, feeling the speed and strength that Brother Qiang used to tie the knot.

"Attention, when you tie a square knot and two single knots to tighten the thread, you must cross your hands once, otherwise it will become a slippery knot. The strength of both hands should be even, and the tension should be gently and slowly, otherwise the thread will be easily broken, or If it was not tied tightly, it slipped off, causing the patient to bleed again, or even hemorrhage!"

Zhou Jiaqiang demonstrated over and over again, "It's not difficult to tie a knot around a few times, the difficulty lies in the control of the strength. Look, like this, slowly..."

They watched Brother Qiang's operations, and they really felt that his hands, which were obviously thick, were as gentle as a little girl holding embroidery needles.

"..." Jiang Banxia suddenly became nervous. Brother Qiang said it easily, what is not difficult and simple, in fact, it is like Xu Beihong taught you how to draw a horse, first draw the outline of the horse, and then add the lines of the limbs... The horse is drawn.

"Okay, got it?" Zhou Jiaqiang smiled, "Now you can hit it with one hand and show me, first the single knot, then the square knot, and finally the triple knot."

The five of them nodded and agreed, no matter what they thought, they acted.

Cai Zixuan was slightly clumsy, and he had no problem tying a single knot, but accidentally broke the thread when he hit a square knot. Seeing that he made a mistake with too much strength, Jiang Banxia hit it softly...the knot slipped off successfully.

"It's okay, be more careful next time." Zhou Jiaqiang comforted them while looking at Wang Ruoxiang and Sun Yuheng. Both of them were calm and steady. They didn't collide until the triple knot, which became a slippery knot due to uneven force. But the rookie has such a good performance.

This is consistent with the expectations given to him by his superiors, but I heard that there is a god this time, and if he is not polite to him, he has to choose the most difficult one to teach.

Zhou Jiaqiang looked at Gu Jun's table, was it really that fierce?

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