Plague Doctor

Chapter 56 Surgical Career List

Creak, creak—the sound of the chainsaw sawing bone resounded through the operating room, it was horrible.

Gu Jun watched Master Zhu cut off the kink of the patient's clavicle little by little, and then used a manual wire saw to completely cut off the inner part of the clavicle. Zhu Zhudao held the handle of the jigsaw, and pulled the saw back and forth with all his strength. There were serrations distributed in a spiral shape on the jigsaw wire, and the bone fragments were brought out as soon as he pulled it...

That even more terrifying crackling sound was also shaking everyone's hearts.

Perhaps at this time, it is a kind of kindness for the patient to faint. However, patient No. 25 did not have syncope or cardiac arrest, although all physical indicators were quite dangerous. The effect of the local anesthesia was too limited, and he kept making unbearable howls, as if being tortured by a demon.

"Hold on a little longer." Zhu Ruiwen called the itinerant nurse to wipe off his sweat, and tilted his head to comfort the patient, regardless of whether the delirium could hear him, "It will be fine soon."

When a doctor says something like that, it's best not to believe it.

After the brutal bone sawing was finally completed, the subclavian muscle was cut off. Zhu Ruiwen asked Gu Jun to help pull the patient's deformed limb forward, exposing the stretched brachial plexus and subclavian artery and vein, and the chief surgeon and first assistant began to process and cut it off.

This is the most difficult part of the amputation operation for patients with the disease. Firstly, because of the flow of black fluid disturbing the surgical field, and secondly, some nerves and blood vessels have been distorted, so it is difficult to retract the conventional amputation, and it is necessary to cut deeper. This is also the main content of the surgery video played on the day of the competition, which left all the teachers and students dumbfounded.

Now, Gu Jun is pulling the patient's deformed limb vigorously to hold it in place, and he can't help being shocked by the skills of these veterans from the Tianji Bureau again, so that he has some distracting thoughts: "I can do suturing and ligation, but I want to There is still a lot to learn. I hope I can have this time to grow..."

After Zhu Ruiwen and Zeng Jianguo processed the nerves and blood vessels, they made an anterior incision, opened the anterior skin flap, separated the twisted pectoralis major and minor muscles, and cut off near the insertion point of the humerus and coracoid process .

Click, all the tissues of this weird affected limb have been severed from the trunk!

All of a sudden, the deformed limb that Gu Jun was holding became an independent existence.

"Ah, alright, alright..." Zhu Ruiwen said softly, the operation has been basically successful, "Second assistant, hold it first, and then put it in the bag."

A dedicated male nurse came over with an orange Tianji Bureau medical bag. Gu Jun carefully put the affected limb into the bag. The male nurse closed the chain of the bag and walked out of the operating room with it. . The deformed limb must be kept for research or dissection.

This male nurse was not at the previous work meeting, and no one introduced who it was now, with a deadpan expression. But Gu Jun could sense that this was a corpse transporter.

If the operation fails, the patient's body will also be handled by this person.

However, the condition of patient No. 25 is improving now. Gu Jun found that after the amputation of the affected limb, the patient's delirium weakened, and it seemed that the pain was not so great, but he was still muttering something. He resisted the urge to ask "Have you seen me?", not daring to be distracted, there was still the final stitching.

Others did not relax, and the operating room continued to be busy.

Everyone washed the patient's wound first, and after the bleeding was completely stopped, a negative pressure drainage tube was placed, and the front and rear free muscle ends were sutured to cover the side chest wall, and then layered sutures were performed.

After Zhu Ruiwen and Zeng Jianguo sewed up those deep tissues, they handed over the operating table to Gu Jun and Li Hualong.

Both of Zhu Ruiwen's physical strength has dropped significantly, and no matter whether the operation is successful or not, they will rest for 15 minutes after the end of the operation, and the next operation will begin. Now that Gu Jun is here, they can sit on the round stool to rest with peace of mind, but they still pay attention to keeping their hands sterile.

At the moment, Sister Chen and other nurses can appreciate Gu Jun's gorgeous suturing skills, while Li Hualong looks like a rookie in comparison.

Time passed, and when the operation was about to last for three hours, Gu Jun and the others finished suturing the superficial tissue and bandaged the wound with pressure, while the patient was still in a semi-awake state, the operation was successful!

Only then did everyone relax, there were no words of cheer, and they should try to avoid talking in the operating room. Except for a few nurses who stayed behind to deal with the aftermath, the four doctors and anesthesiologists all went outside the operating room to re-wash their hands, disinfect and change surgical gowns and gloves before returning. It took about 15 minutes.

As soon as he walked out of the operating room, Zhu Ruiwen praised affectionately: "Ah Jun, you played very well. Hualong, you are not bad either."

Although Gu Jun lost his mind at first, but now it seems that it is nothing. Zeng Jianguo and Yan Haizhe also praised: "Young people have a future." "The medical department has young talents like you, so there is no problem .”

"Hehe..." Li Hualong laughed, knowing that they really admired Gu Jun and only encouraged him...

"I also have to thank Team Leader Zhu for the opportunity you gave me." Gu Jun said modestly, not someone who doesn't understand the world, and businessmen boasted to each other: "Mr. Zeng, Mr. Yan, you are joking, you are the mainstay here, we These younger generations are still far behind."

This is actually true, the scapular dissection is just one type of amputation, and he has to learn the amputation alone, not to mention others.

He was so good at talking, the three bosses immediately felt very comfortable listening to him, and being admired by talented young people was the most comfortable thing.

The four of them took off their gloves and washed their hands at the hand washing station in the corridor. They first went to the front hall to rest for a while, and then went to the washing and disinfection room.

Gu Jun was sorting out the things in the operating room and the illusion just now as he walked... This is the second time he has successfully saved someone, and participating in it is considered


At this time, the system panel in his mind suddenly popped up prompt bars:

"You participated in a successful two-star surgery (from low to high, one star to ten stars), and opened the surgical career list!"

"Your calm hand proficiency has increased, +2000, and the current level is the second level (700030000 proficiency)"

"Because you successfully opened the surgery career list, you will get a reward: 1 hidden task, please check it out"

Gu Jun frowned in surprise, and immediately opened the system to take a look, and found that there was an additional "surgical career list" in the system, and then clicked to see:

[Surgery—star—result—personal contribution ranking]

[Dog thoracotomy, one-star, successful, personal contribution 65 rank 1]

[Shoulder girdle separation surgery, 2-star, successful, personal contribution 7 rank 3]

Gu Jun checked it and found that the system should have combined his memory to evaluate it. In that human face dog thoracotomy, he ranked first with 65 contributions, Wang Ruoxiang ranked second with 25, Cai Zixuan ranked third with 8, and itinerant nurse Cao Yue ranked fourth.

But in the operation just now, Zhu Zhushou was first with 45, Zeng Yizhu was second with 30, he was third with 7, the others divided the remaining 18, and Li Hualong occupied 3 of them.

Gu Jun didn't complain about the result of the contribution, because in terms of workload, importance and substitutability, this distribution is reasonable.

However, he wanted to complain about the star rating of this operation: "Canine thoracotomy can be rated as one star, but is it too much to have only two stars for scapula dissection? What are the three and four stars above? Craniotomy, heart surgery Transplantation, organ transplantation? Then what should be the next step?"

Tucao returned to Tucao, after looking around, Gu Jun discovered the power of the new function of this system.

When he clicked on each operation to view the details, he seemed to be able to relive the feeling of the operation in his mind, and he looked at himself from the perspective of a bystander, so he could better observe every small operation of his own, and see what happened. What is good and what is not enough.

"With this function." Gu Jun's heart suddenly rushed, "My progress in surgery will be much faster!"

For the current situation where the most lacking is time, this function is especially precious.

After watching for a while, Gu Jun first went to check what was said in another prompt bar, and opened the task list, and sure enough, he saw that there was a hidden task in the list.

He immediately checked, what he cared most about was the task reward.

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