Plague Doctor

Chapter 79 The Mad Arab

When everyone was surprised, Xue Ba flicked his beard and said decisively: "All members of Team B come over at full speed to meet up, and the snipers pay attention to support!"

"Got it, we'll arrive in 4 minutes." Yang Henan, captain of Team B, quickly replied, "Let's go."

"Captain, those gravels have completely sunk." Lin Mo here said solemnly, this change made him want to put his middle finger up again, they thought the stone was fine, but Gu Jun exploded when he saw it, what scientific principle is this?

They are all looking at the entrance of the underground passage, wondering where it leads to?

"Ah Jun, what's going on? What does that sentence mean?" Xue Ba frowned his thick eyebrows, and his sharp eyes were clearly warning: don't play tricks.

Although he already felt that there would be an accident in the team's operation, Gu Jun was still very surprised by this shocking change. He had many chaotic thoughts in his mind for a while, but none of them condensed into shape. Seeing Captain Xue's suspicion at this time, he didn't mind. The Tianji Bureau had just been tricked by the Next Life Society, and his background was so sensitive.

Now that this kind of thing is happening again, Captain Xue's suspicion is reasonable.

"The one who sleeps forever is not the dead," Gu Jun said the unfinished words just now, "even death will be annihilated in the strange eternity."

Hearing these words, everyone felt a little inexplicable chill...

"Well, how could it be?" Xue Ba was startled suddenly, seeing that everyone didn't understand, he said anxiously: "Don't you guys know, oh, this is a document with D-level authority... Now it's an emergency, it doesn't matter. This is the 'Arabian Madman' Abdullah al-Hasad's verse. He once dreamed of a place 'The Nameless City', a city of ruins deep in the desert. I mean it! If you don't believe me you can look it up and go back Check again, oh you don’t have permission, alas!”

The big man was about to scratch his head, but in fact, everyone didn't doubt Xue Dui's knowledge, and the frowns were just out of surprise.

"Who is that crazy Arabian?" Gu Jun was even more at a loss, had he dreamed about it? He dreamed of the big banyan tree in the ancient banyan village leading here.

"There is not much information, he is an ancient legendary figure. It is said that he wrote a book called "Necronomicon", but no one has ever found it."

After Xue Ba finished speaking, he continued to report to the command center regardless of whether the signal could still be transmitted: "Command center, I am Xue Ba, and Gu Jun said that the inscription was 'Arab madman' Abdullah-Alha Sade’s poems... I suspect that this place has something to do with the Nameless City.”

"Damn." Lou Xiaoning muttered. Lin Mo shook his head and sighed, "I shouldn't have studied science in the first place."

"What's the matter?" Uncle Dan cheerfully reconciled the atmosphere, "This kind of dream is not good enough. The one I dreamed about Lin Chiling was called exciting." But everyone was not in the mood to laugh now.

Is it an ancient legendary figure? Gu Jun looked at the black-painted entrance thoughtfully, but still couldn't get a clue.

That must not be a coincidence, he triggered a mechanism, but how? Does anyone understand that line of text? Someone meditated? Like Open Sesame? But he said it again later, and now he said it silently a few times, nothing happened again, he didn't understand...

Four minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and all members of Team B arrived safely, but the image of the mutation they just took was still blurry.

However, Xue Ba had already taken off his protective clothing and mask, and saw clearly with a telescope that the dead tree had collapsed, and the original entrance and exit had disappeared.

Xue Ba commanded the team to do defensive work next to the entrance of the tunnel, and was going to guard here first.

In this high-walled cage, there are no commanding heights or shelters. If there are strange enemies—for example, falling from the sky, they may need to retreat into the tunnel. Of course, monsters may also come out of the tunnel, so there are also two team members who are dedicated to guarding this point.

Due to the limited "capacity" of Banyan Cave, in terms of weapons, they only have enough for each person to bring a gun, some ammunition, and three rpg rocket launchers. Because you also need to bring water, food, medical kits and other tools, etc. Those more powerful but heavier guns, missiles, etc. cannot be brought in.

These are all choices after trade-offs, so that you can respond more flexibly to various situations.

Even so, water and food are only enough for a week, and they don't have to worry about oxygen, because the air here is breathable.

At this moment, it is really time to test Xue Ba's wisdom...

Is it going in authentically? How about using rpg rockets to bomb somewhere on the high wall? However, in the previous thickness measurement, a thousand boulder points were measured, and the thickness of the high wall was not measured.

"Do you feel as if... something dirty is staring at us?" Uncle Dan suddenly wondered, "It's not a joke, it's not to scare you, it's intuition."

"Yes, I think so too." Lin Mo over there said with a frown, sweeping the ground with a radar life detector in both hands.

Yang Henan, Zhou Yi and several other team members also said that they felt this way. Although the surroundings were silent, it seemed that something was lurking in the dark...

Gu Jun clenched the mp5 submachine gun tightly in his hand, and the uneasiness in his heart also increased.

Another reason for his uneasiness is that today's system task list looks like this:

[Common task: successfully complete an emergency rescue within today. Task reward: 1 box of human brainstem tumor targeting drug

Difficult task: Accumulate the personal contribution of completing two-star surgery (success) within three days to 150. Task reward: 1 Calop brand scalpel

Abyss Mission: Complete the dissection of 1 ghoul within a week. Task Reward: Unknown]

Gu Jun has already figured out that the system tasks are closely related to his life, especially the normal level and difficult level tasks, which often have the conditions to be fulfilled.

But now, he doesn't

Hope this happens...

Thinking of yesterday's operation, Gu Jun looked at the black and rotten wasteland and asked, "Captain Xue, could it be that there is something underground? A burrowing giant insect or something?"

"Lin Mo, is there any movement over there?" Xue Ba asked.

Over there, Lin Mo was still scanning around with the radar life detector, "No...but the result cannot be guaranteed, you know there is something abnormal here..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, the soil under his feet exploded, and he screamed: "Ah!"

Gu Jun's heart twitched violently, and within ten meters away, the head of a huge earthworm-like monster rushed out of the ground, and its mouth full of fangs had already closed Lin Mo's lower limbs. The earth-diving giant is exactly the same as the one in the profile picture, with dark red skin and a terrifying figure.

"Fuck you!" Lou Xiaoning yelled, her pretty face was glaring, and as she walked over, she pointed the 95-type automatic rifle in her hand at the giant insect on the edge of the ground and shot it. Da da da da da, a series of gunshots sounded!

The protruding head of the giant worm was immediately beaten to the point of blood and flesh. It let go of its prey in pain, and immediately burrowed back into the ground.

Zhou Yi, Uncle Dan and others hurried up to hold Lin Mo who was screaming. The protective clothing on his lower limbs was already in tatters, revealing the bloody wounds inside, but they were all bitten by giant insects, and there was no gunshot wound. , because the bullet failed to penetrate the giant worm.

"Retreat!" Xue Ba immediately shouted, Fang's face remained calm, "All the staff retreated to the tunnel! Stop at the entrance."

It’s impossible not to go in now. If you stay outside, you will be killed one by one by the earth-lurking giant worms. They don’t know how many giant worms there are.

"Ah Jun, come and help!" Uncle Dan was also yelling, and he was working with nurse Zhang Huo to drag Lin Mo into the tunnel. It was time for these medical staff to do their work.

The people around were retreating in an orderly manner, and Gu Jun ran ahead, responding to Uncle Dan: "Here we come!"

Hemostasis, anesthesia, and then an operation must be performed immediately, before the parasites have entered the deep tissue of the wound, the operation must be performed immediately.

While running, Gu Jun was thinking about all kinds of operations in yesterday's operation.

At such times, he was surprisingly calm.

I like Plague Doctor.

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