Plague Doctor

Chapter 93 The Slate Above

Twenty-four hours a day, the demon hunter team walked and stopped on this winding stone staircase, took turns sleeping and resting, and then moved forward, slowly approaching the ground position on the 5,000-meter mark.

There are still a lot of military compressed biscuits, but the clean water was exhausted 11 hours ago, and everyone began to drink the water that the medical staff washed their hands before the operation. If there were any irresistible germs in these waters, I'm afraid they would have already been infected.

Lin Mo has been carried by the team members on a stretcher in turn; Lou Xiaoning walked by himself, but still cannot hold guns or other weapons.

The more they climbed, the narrower the surrounding space became, and at the end there was less than one meter between the stairs and the circular stone wall. They seemed to be caught in the belly of an animal.

And there is a feeling that the entire staircase is crumbling, and everyone can even hear the creaking sound similar to the vibration of wooden stairs.

This is not like their hallucinations, because the dark red fine lines on the stone ladder and stone wall are less and less, but there are more cracks like spider silk. Obviously, the vitality on it is getting more and more withered, and it seems that it will collapse at any time .

In the strange eternity, even death will be annihilated, Gu Jun remembered the words of the Arabian madman, these stones are dying, fading, annihilating.

When it was hundreds of meters above the ground, the atmosphere of the team was already very low, because everyone’s physical strength and spirit were exhausted to a certain extent, the scalp was tense, the bones of the whole body were numb and sore, and the mouth and tongue were dry due to lack of water. Irritated, a layer of chapped skin flakes formed on the lips.

And the damn spiral staircase under his feet has not come to an end yet.

This physiological state breeds a turmoil, and even the strongest will is constantly eroded by it.

It is true that the Demon Hunter Squad is a mobile task force of the Eastern State Branch, but this is the first time they have experienced such an abnormal space and such a heart-piercing difficulty.

The higher you go, the slimmer you get.

At this time, there was another chilling situation. Xue Ba saw it with the night vision binoculars. There was a roof above, blocking the way, but...

"Ah Jun, take a look." Xue Ba looked at it for a while, and then gave the telescope to Gu Jun next to him.

Gu Jun took the binoculars and looked at it. At the end of the winding stone staircase is a narrow platform. There is no way to go up. The top surface is less than one meter above the platform. It is also a stone wall, but in In the middle of the top, directly above the platform, was a distinctly different slab of stone.

The bottom of that stone slab is full of strange lines, it looks like it was carved by hand, it is in the shape of various flowers...

Gu Jun suddenly remembered Peyani's hometown, "the land of flowers" Shar City, the stone slab should have the scenery of Shar City.

It's just that the more he looked, the more his mind became agitated, and a sense of hallucinations emerged in his tired head... Could there be hallucinations that could be triggered here?

But after a while, that feeling didn't take shape, it just aggravated the confusion in his mind.

The bottom of the stone slab has no inscriptions, no locks, or other devices, but there are extremely small stone cracks on the edges where the four sides meet the top surface, which seems to be a design that can be lifted from the ground to enter the stair landing; , and perhaps push it up as well.

"Captain Xue, I didn't find anything special." Gu Jun returned the telescope to Xue Ba, "But I feel that there is an exit."

Xue Ba nodded, and asked the other team members to take a look as well.

Soon, everyone understood what was going on. To get out, the barrier had to be broken. Could it be blown up with c-4 or miniature missiles?

"Can't explode." Lin Mo objected as soon as he heard it. He is much more energetic now and has no symptoms of residual parasites. "The stone slab is too close to the stairs! Even if the control is accurate, the shock wave will affect the stairs. The gravel will also be pressed down, if this stone ladder collapses like that, we will fall several thousand meters."

"I also don't think it can be blown up." Gu Jun shook his head this time, because he could feel the fragility of the stones around him, which was worse than the barren dead wood.

"Go up and have a look first." Xue Ba led the assault team to the bottom of the platform at the end of the first step, and the stone slab was within reach.

Here, as expected, the shaking feeling is stronger, and the cracks in the stone are more and bigger, but the light outside is still interrupted...

They first probed into the space of the platform with the barrels of their guns, and pushed up hard on the stone slab above the sky, but there was no movement. It can only be flipped to the left.

"Let's try to push it with our hands." Xue Ba said, in this case, it will be more powerful to push it with our hands.

Now the team has almost nothing but guns and ammunition, water and food, medical tools, etc. Pushing by hand is the most primitive and practical.

The assault team left two guards, Xue Ba and other five people faced the left side of the platform, raised their hands and pressed on the bottom of the stone slab, "Three, two, one, push!"

They pushed hard at the same time, and the faces of the five big men were flushed red and veins burst out, "Ah..."

The right side of the stone slab was pushed up a bit, and the outside light shone through the gap. However, they held on for more than 20 seconds before they had to loosen it feebly, and the stone slab fell back to its original position heavily. And there was a terrible "bang", and the cracks in the surrounding stone walls were even bigger...

Several big men were panting, but Xue Ba encouraged everyone with an encouraging tone: "There is light above! This is the exit!" He didn't even mention that even when he was physically strong, he couldn't push it, let alone now when he was tired.

After only pushing this time, Xue Ba understood that it was a waste of energy to push with these few people, and now every bit of their physical strength is very valuable.

Expensive, the water is gone, and the physical strength will only continue to decline over time.

Xue Ba asked everyone to stop first, and asked Gu Jun to come up and take a closer look.

But Gu Jun couldn't do anything except for a vague uneasiness surging in his heart.

Xue Ba had no choice but to let everyone come up, and said solemnly with a square face: "Just now we have pushed away a little bit, Youguang! As long as we have enough strength, we can turn the stone slab up to the left! Let's all try it together, so that If you work hard enough, you will succeed once.”

Everyone had no objection, and at that moment, they all bent over and sat on the platform, Xue Ba's head was about to hit the stone slab.

In order to gather the greatest strength, even Lin Mo, who was missing a leg, sat in.

Because maybe it was because of his little strength that they failed, and they might not have the strength for the second time.

Everyone sat in a crowded position, all facing the left, and raised their hands to press on the bottom of the stone slab, ready to push up together...

But suddenly, Gu Jun had a frightening thought, the sixteen different handprints on the big banyan tree, sixteen people.

Those handprints are weird in shape and seem to be struggling... According to the uneven pattern of this stone slab, isn't it just that their handprints have a strange change...

It seemed that no matter what happened from the beginning, he would come here, either alone or in a team, but they would all come here.

This thought not only appeared in Gu Jun's mind, but also in Uncle Dan, Lin Mo, Yang Henan and others, all of whom frowned.

"Don't worry about it!" Xue Ba had been paying attention to it a long time ago, because he had already had this terrifying idea, and shouted: "Whether you think about it or not, it's just a trick of the enemy. Once we don't die below, When we came here, the enemy used this to confuse us. Don't think too much, prepare to push!"

Don't leave time for everyone to think wildly, because panic will cause the body to weaken, and they will not be able to use their strength.

"Three, two, one!" Xue Ba yelled, his muscles exploded, "Push!"

All of a sudden, the sixteen members of the team erupted with the greatest strength they could, either gritted their teeth, or roared, pushing the stone slab with both hands!

This distorted their faces a little, their eyes widened, and the gauze on Lou Xiaoning's unhealed right eye socket was soaked with blood, and the gray light outside cast down again, those who pushed the stone slab Arms are already shaking...

Of course Gu Jun was also pushing with all his strength, but the sense of illusion that had been vaguely emerging before suddenly became stronger.

Some blurred lights and shadows were no longer dead silent, and rushed madly in front of his eyes.

I like Plague Doctor.

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