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Shen Cong and Guo Shifeng had been waiting for a long time. Shen Cong was even more impatient. When he saw Xu Chu, he rushed forward and said, "What?"

"The gifts and words have been delivered."

"What did Prince Yu say?"

"I didn't say anything." Xu Chu concealed Zhang Shiyu's evaluation of Shen Cong.

Shen Cong was disappointed, but not to the point of despair, "The prince would not ask someone to take care of such an important matter, he must be..."

Shen Cong ran out of the living room and went back to his residence to wait for news.

"Is the situation not good?" Guo Shifeng saw that Xu Chu's expression was not right.

Xu Chu had promised Zhang Shiyu that he would keep it secret, and then asked, "Is there any news from Meng Jin?"

"Only the military reports from the imperial court are all great victories. I don't know how many people in the World Army there are enough to be slaughtered by the officers and soldiers."

Such news at least showed that the Avatar Army still existed. Xu Chu felt relieved, sat down opposite Guo Shifeng, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank silently. It was not until after two cups of tea that he spoke: "The heroes are competing for the title. Who do you think Brother Guo will win?" Win the world?"

"Why would Brother Chu ask about such a thing?"

"The road ahead is bleak, so I sincerely ask."

Guo Shifeng had always been wavering, so Xu Chu opened his mouth to him because he really had no one to ask.

Guo Shifeng smiled and said, "They say they are heroes, but in fact there are only a few of them. I can just name one and realize it in the future. Brother Chu will think that I predict things like a god. If it doesn't happen, you won't take it to heart. But to be honest, , the current situation cannot be predicted even by gods. Not only you and me, everyone in the world is participating in a huge gamble. I don’t know how many people will lose everything or even lose their lives, and how many people will make profit without capital. One step to reach the sky.”

"Brother Guo is telling the truth."

"I don't need to lie to you. The current situation is turbulent, and things are changing every day. Some people are not used to the ups and downs, but some people are like a fish in the water, jumping up and down, and it is really joyful." Guo Shifeng pointed at himself with a smile.

Xu Chu suddenly felt relieved, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Brother Guo, for enlightening me."

There were some things Xu Chu couldn't say, and Guo Shifeng didn't press him. He stood up and said, "Brother Chu, let's rest. We may have to take different paths next. I don't know when we will meet again."

Guo Shifeng wanted to carry out the assassination plan. Xu Chu disagreed in his heart, but did not express any objection and did not intend to reveal it to Zhang Shiyu.

"The storm is dangerous, Brother Guo, be careful."

Not long after Guo Shifeng left, Wang Dian from Jiangdong came to visit. He came to say goodbye, "Jizhou refuses to lend troops. I have been delayed here for too long. It is better to go back to Wuzhou. It is better to ask for help than to ask for yourself. I will leave tomorrow. ”

Xu Chu always had feelings for the hometown of Wu and said: "What is the situation in Jiangdong? If Brother Wang can tell the truth, maybe I can give some advice."

Xu Chu was too young. After hearing his words, Wang Dian smiled, "Thank you, Jiangdong...it's very complicated. If Mr. Xu is willing to go there in person, depending on your background, you may be able to help. If it's just an idea - I don't have it." I don’t mean to look down on Mr. Xu, but we really don’t lack ideas, we only lack soldiers.”

Although he was rejected, Xu Chu refused to give up and said directly: "Why don't the seven tribes avenge King Guangling?"

Wang Dian was stunned for a moment, then showed a hint of displeasure, "The Seven Clans are the remnants of the Wu Kingdom. They take it as their own duty to restore their homeland. They have been oppressed by King Guangling for a long time, why should we avenge him?"

"Most of the soldiers in the east of the Yangtze River belong to the old tribe of King Guangling. If you make peace with them, you can quickly pacify Wuzhou and control the Central Plains. If you don't make peace with them, there will be endless internal fighting. Even if you return to your homeland a few years later, you will have no chance to win the world. "

Wang Dian smiled and shook his head, "Mr. Xu, do you think no one among the seven clans has thought of this? No, someone has already made suggestions, but... they can't be implemented. When it comes to making peace, the seven clans will quarrel endlessly. In short, this The plan is wrong, but thank you Mr. Xu for your concern."

The seven clans in Jiangdong obviously lacked a powerful figure. Xu Chu had nothing to say and said with his hands: "If, I mean if, there is a general named Ning who leads troops to Jiangdong in the future, I hope Brother Wang will persuade the seven clans to accept this person. He is also from Jiangdong, and his family moved to Qinzhou many years ago.”

"The Advent Army?"

Xu Chu nodded.

Ning Baoguan was famous among the World-born Army, but not many outsiders knew about him. Wang Dian hummed and didn't take it to heart, "I will pay attention to it."

It wouldn't matter if Ning Baoguan lost his life to Meng Jin. If he could really lead his troops across the river, even if he only had a thousand men under his command, the seven clans in Jiangdong would not be able to match him.

Xu Chu could only persuade Wang Dian to this point and send him to the gate.

Someone was running on the street, shouting loudly: "The World Army has surrendered! The officers and soldiers are moving north, and the Jinyang soldiers cannot hold on and are about to collapse..."

Not knowing where the news about this person came from, Wang Dian's expression changed, "I can't wait for tomorrow. I will leave later. Does Mr. Xu really not want to go to Jiangdong?"

"Now is not the time. I have unfinished business here."

Wang Dian bowed his hands and left.

There was more than one person who wanted to leave Yecheng. Xu Chu stood at the gate and saw more and more people on the street. He called his friends and followers, led his horses outside the square, and bribed Mr. Huang who was guarding the square. , leaving as soon as possible at any cost.

Xu Chu turned around and saw that the courtyard was full of people. Nearly a hundred soldiers from the World Army he had brought with him from Mengjin were all looking at him and outside the door in panic.

"The news from the court is untrue..." Xu Chu had to say something.

"But it's always true that the Advent Army is defeated. What should we do? Why are we still here? Let's just disperse the things. Mr. Xu will take the big one, and we can share some of the expenses."

"Wait three more days, I won't take a penny, I will give it all to you." Xu Chu could only come up with this idea.

The soldiers became somewhat stable, and after confirming again and again that they would only wait for three days, they slowly dispersed.

Tan Wuwei's plan should be feasible, and Xu Chu hopes that there will be a turn for the better on Meng Jin's side.

Before dark, Nanzhongfang was half empty.

Early the next morning, Xu Chu was surprised to learn that Guo Shifeng and Shen Cong had also left. They left without saying goodbye and headed back to the city. The original plan to assassinate the imperial envoy ended without any problem.

Although the Imperial Military Report was not entirely trustworthy, it was still a channel for news. If you wanted to take a look at the copy of the Military Report, you could only spend money to sell Master Huang.

When the envoys from all parties left Yecheng in advance, Master Huang had already made a lot of money and his appetite had increased a lot. He took a small package of gifts from Xu Chu. He didn't smile as usual, but opened it in person to check what was inside. After seeing all the valuable jewelry, he nodded with a smile and handed over some copies.

The money was not worth spending. Although the manuscript was new, it had no new content. The officers and soldiers still achieved great success and killed many enemies.

Master Huang also knew that the manuscript was useless, so he gave a few words of advice: "Master Xu, please quickly find a way out for yourself. Once the situation in Bingzhou is stable, Jizhou will have to show its loyalty to the court. When the time comes... Hehe, Master Xu is still carrying It’s a capital crime.”

"Thanks for the reminder." Xu Chu walked not far before turning back and said, "I want to go to the city later."

"You want to meet General Tiemei? Okay, how many people are there?"

"I'm the only one leaving the city through the east gate."

"East Gate? That's not the way to the military camp... Forget it, I won't say anything. How many things does Young Master Xu need to bring?" Master Huang thought Xu Chu was going to run away.

"One person, one horse, nothing else."

"In two quarters of an hour, Mr. Xu will be able to leave the city."

Xu Chu really just went out of the city alone. At the city gate, he found out the location of Siguo Valley and rode there slowly. He couldn't explain why he had to meet a famous person he never knew at this time.

He needs to stay away from Yecheng for a while.

A few miles later, Xu Chu turned around and looked back, his eyes still full of confusion.

There was a depression outside the city, and the people had all taken refuge in the city. Only a handful of people took advantage of the war to come out to pack their things and hide from people when they saw them.

Ten miles is not too far, but Xu Chu didn't find the location until the afternoon.

Siguo Valley is relatively hidden, and Xu Chu almost missed it. When he arrived outside the valley, looking at the rustling trees and falling trees, he didn't want to go in. As the saying goes, he came when the mood was good and left when the mood was bad. He didn't recognize this famous person and no one recommended him, so he rashly If you visit, you will be rejected.

While patrolling, a group of more than ten people walked out of the valley, and the leader turned out to be Lou Ji.

The two brothers were surprised when they met here. Lou Ji handed the reins to his entourage, came over and said with a smile, "What a coincidence, Mr. Xu has just arrived?"

"Yes." Xu Chu dismounted and returned the salute.

Lou Ji approached, "Do you recognize Mr. Fan?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "I've never met him before. I heard that Mr. Fan lives here, so I came here to visit."

"Haha, Mr. Xu doesn't know how difficult it is to meet Mr. Fan, right? The old man is old and ill, and rarely sees guests. I asked for letters from two Mr. Fan's disciples in Dongdu, and I was able to After entering the valley, we only talked for half an hour. Seeing that Mr. Fan was really weak, he had to leave. "

"Ah, I'm just here to take a look. I don't necessarily have to meet Mr. Fan himself."

Lou Ji smiled and said: "If you had told me yesterday, we could have come together today. How about I go in and introduce you, maybe..."

"No, I really just came over to take a look."

Lou Ji hummed, motioned for his followers to lead their horses and go first, and then said: "We didn't know each other very well before, but no matter what, we are both sons of the general, and we have a little bit of brotherhood. So I might as well say clearly, yes The general wants you to return to the Lou family. Neither I nor the other brothers agree. Whether the court wins or loses in the battle of Mengjin, it will not affect the situation in Jizhou. The general trend of the world will be determined and the result will be within one or two years. If you don't come out, what role can Mr. Xu play in it? The general's love for protecting your son is your only chance."

"Please give me some advice."

"The ranking is six places lower. In fact, I am only a few months younger than you. I admire you for your courage, but that is the courage of an ordinary man. He can move the emperor, but not the world."

Lou Ji was still unfinished and wanted to say a few more words. A teenage boy walked out of the valley and asked politely: "Why haven't you left yet?"

Lou Ji smiled and said: "I met an old friend by chance. Let's say a few words here and then leave." After saying this, he said goodbye to Xu Chu and walked to follow him.

The boy looked at Xu Chu, "Who are you?"

"My Excellency, Xu Chu, came here to pay homage to Mr. Fan."

The boy waved his hand, "Sir, there will be no visitors today."

Xu Chu didn't force him to invite him. He turned around and saw Lou Ji watching from a distance. He didn't want to go with him, so he stood still.

"What else do you want to do? If the master doesn't want to see me, just leave." The boy said again.

"Look at the scenery."

"The flowers, plants and trees are all withered, so there is no scenery at this time."

"The sky is high and the clouds are far away, and the branches are sparse. This is my favorite scenery."

"Haha, it's not a good thing to show signs of decline at a young age. What did you say your name was just now?"

"Xu Chu."

The boy shook his head, "No."

"What's wrong?"

"Sir asked me to wait for someone. His name also has the character "Ci" in it, but his surname is not Xu."

"Is your surname Lou?"

"Yes, it's called Lou Chu. I waited for two days, and finally a Lou Ji and a Xu Chu came. It would be great if you two get together."

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