Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 11 Third Brother

(Please collect and recommend)

Lou Jian was at home for the third time. He was the first son born to the general's wife, Mrs. Lan. Lou Chu had seen him when he was a child. In his memory, this brother was as fat as the general, with a high and bulging belly. If anything, he was bigger. The general's belly was as strong as a bulging bellows, but the floor was much less solid, like a curtain blown by the breeze, unable to withstand the slightest blow.

Lou Jian had no memory of this younger brother at all. He only took the time to meet him because he was sent by his father.

"Your name is... Lou Chu, uh-huh, sit down, my brother, there is no need to be polite." Lou Jian was confused and didn't know how to receive this younger brother who suddenly appeared.

Lou Gang has already married and started a business. He has his own house, which occupies a smaller area and is more ornately decorated. He has no weapons such as armor, swords and guns. What he can see is filled with calligraphy, paintings and silk. Everything looks soft and comfortable, in line with his belly style. Same.

He was sitting on a bed, with several layers of thick mattresses under his buttocks, which made him feel deeply sunken.

The ceremony of restraint is still necessary. He stood on the foundation of the building and bowed deeply, "Foolish brother, I pay my respects to the general of the Chinese army."

"Ah, okay. Are you... sent here by your father?" Lou Jian still didn't believe it.

"Father asked me to come to see the Chinese general." Lou Chu took out a letter from his arms, took two steps forward, and handed it to Lou Han with both hands.

Lou Jian didn't react until he received the letter, and looked at the building with strange eyes. There were many brothers in the Lou family, but there were only a few who could call the general "father".

The foundation of the building is returned to its original position.

Lou Jian first looked at the seal on the envelope. It was indeed the personal seal of the general. He opened it and read it carefully. It was also his father's handwriting. Moreover, the foundation of the building was sent by the general's cronies, so there was no doubt about it.

"Father trusts you very much." Lou Jian smiled and said with a much more affectionate attitude, "Then I should also trust you. We two brothers talk about everything. Come and have a banquet."

The morning had passed and noon had not yet arrived, but the servants were able to quickly place two tables of wine and food, one on the soft couch and one on the ground.

Lou Jian always had an appetite, so he picked up the bowl and said, "I don't care about my seventeenth brother, so don't be picky. Just eat home-cooked food."

Lou Chu was indeed hungry and ate two bowls in a row, while Lou Jian ate the third bowl. "Seventeenth brother has a bad appetite. Do you think my cook is not good at cooking?"

Lou Chu stood up and said with a smile: "The general of the Chinese army can see how big my appetite is by looking at my body and bones."

"Haha, how old are you this year?"


"You are so young. I remember when I was the same age as you, I was thinner than you. Within a few years, I started to gain weight and became fatter day by day." Lou Gang patted his belly and said proudly: "Half Life Essence , all gathered here.”

"So, I still have a chance to gain weight."

"Haha." Lou Gang waved his hand and ordered the servants to withdraw from the table, leaving the two brothers to talk privately, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Father sent me to inquire into the emperor's thoughts."

Lou Jian frowned, "Is there anything else to find out? Didn't I make it clear enough before? His Majesty's thoughts are all on the Eastern Capital. He wants to build a palace here and a garden there. He wants to build Luoyang into an eternal imperial capital for future generations. There is no way to increase it, it will always be here. If you can think about it a little bit more, it is to toss around and stay up all night.”

"My father also hopes that I can learn some real skills from the general of the Chinese Army."

"Haha, did father really say that? You are...your biological mother is the Princess of Wu, right?"


Lou Jian let out a long sigh, and finally had some impression of this younger brother, "Why did father suddenly remember... Hey, to be honest, I don't think you can learn anything from me."

"Young brother is indeed clumsy, but..."

"It has nothing to do with you. It's because I don't have the ability, unless..." Lou Jian shook his head, "No, you can't do it."

"For myself, there are some things I can't do, but for the Lou family, I can do anything."

"Haha, this is interesting. Well, since my father sent you here, I have to accept it. You can stay here for a few days and see what the opportunity is."

"Everything depends on the arrangements of the general of the Chinese army."

"Well, you go to rest and call the servant outside. He will arrange a room for you... Wait, there is something important I have to ask first. You are so weak. Have you ever been beaten?"

Lou Chu was stunned, "Well, when I was a kid..."

"Either when I was a kid, or recently."

Lou Chu shook his head, "Young brother never messes with others, and people don't mess with you."

"That won't work." Lou Jian frowned again, "You are so inexperienced. I will discuss it with my father. You can live here first and treat this place as your own home."

This is not "home". The General of the Chinese Army is worthy of being the direct son of the General. He guards the inner house equally tightly. The servant took the Seventeenth Young Master to the guest room, reminding him not to go here or look there, until he entered the room. Finished.

"I'm here to meditate behind closed doors, and I won't take a step out." Lou Chu said with a smile.

The servant also smiled, "It's not so strict. You can still stroll around in the yard. If the Seventeenth Young Master needs anything, please ask."

"Not yet, it's nice here."

The room is indeed very good, even though it is just a guest room, it is much more gorgeous than Lou Chu's own small house. Even the stools are covered with thick brocade mattresses.

There were books on the table. Lou Chu flipped through them. They were all enlightenment books. He turned around to admire the calligraphy and paintings on the wall for a while, then walked around the room twice. He was really bored, so he spread out paper and ground ink, and wrote seriously. He began to want to write an article, but he only wrote two words, one "name" and one "reality". He filled a piece of paper and changed to another one, but he couldn't write a complete sentence.

The way the general of the Central Army entertained guests was to eat well. Not long after, the servant brought lunch. Seeing that the Seventeenth Young Master did not leave the room, the servant was very happy, "I'll bring some paper, Seventeenth Young Master, just use it."

Lou Ying was obviously asking about Lou Chu's background. He didn't show up all day. No matter what he found out, before dark, the attitude of entertaining guests in the mansion changed: two young maids brought dinner. After setting up the wine and food, they did not leave. One sat and the other stood, smiling and urging people to drink.

Lou Chu stood up, bowed and saw him off. The two maids left unhappily.

At night, another maid came to make the bed and help him wash up. After finishing the work, she still did not leave, but came over to ask about his health. Lou Chu treated her politely and refused to give in. The maid was very unhappy when she left.

Lou Chu bolted the door and propped it with a stool, then took off his clothes and went to bed.

The next day, the original servant came to serve again, without mentioning the maid yesterday, and the dishes he brought were even more exquisite.

After dinner that day, Lou Chu finally saw Lou Ying again.

Lou Ying changed into a narrow-sleeved casual dress, leather boots, and a knife on his waist, which made him look like a son of a general.

"Do you eat well? Do you live comfortably? Are the servants serving you well?" Lou Ying was very concerned. After getting a positive answer, he came over and put his arm around his brother's shoulders, sighing, "You are really not good like this."

"Does the General of the Central Army mean to be beaten? I think I..."

"Being beaten is one thing, but why did you chase away the maid I sent yesterday?"

"My foolish brother is a guest, how can I be in the General of the Central Army's mansion..."

"Don't be so distant, call me 'Third Brother'."

"Yes, Third Brother."

"For someone like you, you can't stand being beaten, and you can't act according to the situation... Tsk tsk, anyway, it was your father who asked you to come, I can I can take you with me. Whether it is a blessing or a curse is up to you. "

"I can bear it."

"Haha, okay, let's not talk about anything else. You are brave. Father likes sons like you. Unfortunately, most of the courage of our Lou family has been scared away by him." Lou Ying pointed to a set of clothes on the stool, "Change and go to the back door to find me."

The same narrow-sleeved casual clothes, but much smaller, suitable for Lou Chu's figure, a small hat, and a waist knife, but the knife is too light. Lou Chu wanted to pull it out to take a look, and found that it was carved out of wood, very lifelike. If it weren't for the wrong weight, even if you hold it in your hand, you can't see the flaws.

The servant led the way and took Lou Chu to the back door.

There were more than a dozen people gathered at the back door, all riding horses. No one held a lantern, and only the shadows of people could be seen by the moonlight.

Someone brought a horse and handed the reins to Lou Chu. He took it in his hand, found the position of the stirrup, and got on the horse carefully.

Lou Ying rode over, the horses' heads crossed. He leaned forward slightly, and said sternly, contrary to his usual behavior: "Why did you bring your friend here? You are so careless."

"Friend? I didn't tell anyone..." Lou Chu first thought of Ma Wei, but he felt that Ma Wei couldn't be so careless, "Who is the 'friend' that Third Brother is talking about?"

"The surname is Zhou, he claims to be the son of the Marquis of Dongyang, and just ran to find you and called your name."

Lou Chu was also surprised and shook his head and said: "He is not my friend, and I didn't find him."

Lou Ying's tone was slightly slower, "It may be that the people in the mansion are too talkative. Anyway, the person has been sent away. Before leaving, I must mention I want to remind you of two things: First, no matter what others do to you, endure it. If you can't endure it, get off your horse now and don't implicate me; second, no matter what you see or hear, keep your mouth shut, and don't talk about it even to me. Can you do it? "


"Don't agree too readily. I remember what Liu Youzhong said about you when you were a child - keep your mouth shut to keep safe, open your mouth to get into trouble. I don't care when you open your mouth to talk, tonight, if there is a chance, and maybe in the future nights, you have to keep your mouth shut. If you really get into trouble, not to mention me, even the general can't save you, understand?"

Lou Chu closed his mouth and nodded.

Lou Ying hummed with satisfaction, turned his horse's head, and led everyone out the back door.

At night, there were still pedestrians on the street outside. Lou Ying led the team, choosing a secluded alley, turning around, and after a quarter of an hour, they stopped in an alley where it was pitch dark, and no one lit the lights.

"Is the Yingzhong Army coming?" Someone shouted in the dark.

"Come on, Huangfu kid. I haven't seen you for two days. Have you grown any hair?"

"I'm trying to learn from General Ying, who only grows flesh, not hair."

The two joked for a while, and Lou Ying asked, "Where are we going tonight?"

"I don't know yet. It's hard to say whether Shangguan will come."

"Then wait. I'll introduce someone to you."

"Forget it. Your family is full of vulgar women. I'm sick of them these days and have no appetite..."

"Bah, don't you only have eyes for women?"

"Isn't there still Lou Da's belly?"

Lou Ying laughed, turned around and whispered, "Lou Chu, follow me, the others stay."

The two brothers rode forward, all thanks to Lou Ying leading the way.

Not far ahead, someone lit a lantern, and the man surnamed Huangfu said, "Let me see."

"One of my brothers, his biological mother died early, and he grew up with me since he was a child. My servant is not satisfactory, so he will follow."

Lou Chu stopped under the light, bowed on his horse, and didn't know how to address the other person.

"Well, he's a handsome young man, he doesn't look like he can be beaten."

"This is my brother, he's not here to be beaten. Come, let me introduce you, this is the fifth son of the Duke of Dingguo, the left Sima of the palace, Huangfu Jie."

"The Jie of the steps, not the Jie of the sisters." The other person reminded.

"I'm Lou Chu, meet you, Sima."

"Another stone from the Lou family." Huangfu Jie extinguished the lantern, and the surroundings disappeared into darkness. "You two should be prepared. I heard that Shangguan is in a bad mood. If he doesn't come out tonight, it's fine, but if he does, he must kill someone."

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