Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 113 Military Advisor

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Ning Baoguan had no intention of using a thousand cavalry to attack the officers and soldiers from the beginning. He was too familiar with the fighting style and thoughts of the King of the World. He sent people to surrender to the officers and soldiers long before the war started. He had accepted the recruitment before, and this time it was To reiterate - not long after the battle started, he led his men to the back of the officers and soldiers, formed his own battalion, and was regarded as a reserve army.

But he did not accept the assignment from the officers and soldiers. The officers and soldiers were also wary of him, but they never got around to dealing with it.

Seeing that the officers and soldiers were winning consecutive battles, but the Jinyang army had not shown up yet, Ning Baoguan decided to lead his troops eastward. He still wanted to go to Jiangdong, which was his hometown and the fiefdom promised to him by the King of the World.

On that night that decided the victory or defeat, a riot suddenly broke out in the officers and soldiers camp. After Ning Baoguan got the news, he immediately understood that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He led people into the next camp and shouted, adding fuel to the riot. , and then took advantage of the chaos to release the prisoners of the Advent Army and take away all the able-bodied ones.

Ning Baoguan did not return to Mengjin, but marched eastward. Under the banner of officers and soldiers, he broke into several cities, robbed military supplies and left immediately without leaving anyone to guard him. He heard that it would be more convenient to go to Wuzhou after crossing the river south, so he turned And go south.

This was an unexpected force with such confusing banners that no one could tell its origin. First they were regarded as defeated officers and soldiers, and later they were confused with the southern rebels.

As for the King who came to the world, he didn't care about his whereabouts after the victory. He would rather hold the pass than send people to deliver messages. Everywhere he went, he only did two things, grab food and recruit troops.

Ning Baoguan was the first to meet several rebels from the south. After a little contact, he raised the banner of King Wu Yue of the World Army again and successfully attracted many people.

The situation suddenly changed. Ning Baoguan decided to postpone his eastward march and stayed to wait and see the eastern capital. He sent people to the north to inquire about the news, but still refused to communicate with the King of the World.

"The Tiancheng Dynasty is about to end." Ning Baoguan said to Xu Chu, this is the conclusion he came to not long ago, "Before you killed the Emperor of All Things, he did an extremely wrong thing and recalled the important ministers from various states to the Eastern Capital. When he died, everyone gathered in the capital to fight for power. There was chaos in the area, no one was able to suppress it, and there were countless rebels. "

"Even if the six ministers and the four kings are not recalled to the capital, they may not be able to guarantee their success. The Shen family is proof of that."

"Well, Shen Bingzhou is dead, who is in power in his family?"

"It's either the eldest son Shen Cong or the fifth son Shen Dan."

"Which one do you think it will be?"

"Shen Dan." Xu Chu only hesitated for a moment, which was tantamount to admitting that Lord Shen Wu was a patricide and also admitting that he had been betrayed. Shen Dan's only friendship was to let Tan Wuwei let him escape from the military camp.

"He's still young, right?"

"Less than thirty."

"Very good. He is ambitious and dares to be ruthless. He is a character. Xue Liu has met his opponent this time. You have to rest for a night and go to see the commander-in-chief tomorrow to discuss peace."

"There are not many days left in the Tiancheng Dynasty, so why does your Majesty still want to negotiate for peace?"

"The rich man in the village is a gambler and is about to lose his family fortune. Should you wait for him to go bankrupt and clean up the mess, or should you make friends with him immediately and coax some money out of him?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Your Majesty is wise."

"You are a counselor, and you should be more cunning than me. Don't be too honest, otherwise I won't be able to use you."

Xu Chu handed over his hand and said, "I am willing to do my best for the king."

Ning Baoguan has his own skills in employing people. He can always make quick judgments and place someone in a fixed position from the beginning. He has a tough attitude and cannot let the other party think or refuse - almost no one refuses, even if they are ambitious. Ma Wei accepted his position at first, and only after staying away from King Wu Yue did he regain his independence.

Xu Chu could see clearly at this time, and he said he was obeying, but he had other plans in his heart.

Ning Baoguan waved his hand, indicating that Xu Chu could retreat.

"I met several heroes on the road. They came to seek refuge with the king and were willing to attract more followers for the king's return home."

"Leave it to Liu Busheng."

Liu Busheng was a general under Ning Baoguan, specializing in infantry. He took in thirteen young men. After a few polite words, he turned to Xu Chu and said, "The scoundrels in the countryside cannot bear the suffering. They will have to run away in a few days."

"Let General Liu handle it, we just met by chance." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"Well, I have to give them a warning tomorrow. Maybe they can be restrained. If they can survive the first month, they will be good soldiers."

"Look at the situation inside and outside the city. Prince Ning has recruited many soldiers these days, right?"

"Quite a few, maybe 100,000 people, and more than 10,000 horses." Although Liu Busheng was a rough man, he also learned to bluff.

"Are they all from the South?"

“There are Southerners and locals.”

"Are there any people from Koto?"

Liu Busheng shook his head, "It is said that several teams have come from Jiangdong, but we haven't contacted them yet."

Xu Chu chatted for a few more words and then left.

Tang Weitian had enough food again and was ordered to wander around the city. He met some acquaintances and chatted happily. After returning, he said: "Everyone said that the Jiangdong people are stationed on the water and dare not go ashore. They are still far away from here."

Xu Chu roughly understood the situation and went to bed to rest.

Early the next morning, Ning Baoguan summoned Xu Chu, "You go see the officers and soldiers, and you can make your promise. I only want food, grass, horses, and armor. The more you come, the greater your credit will be. If you don't come, you can go elsewhere." ”

Ning Baoguan could tell without asking much that Xu Chu was a fugitive with nowhere to go.

"Who is the commander-in-chief of the officers and soldiers?"

"The days change. I'm too lazy to remember. Ask Zhang Wenbi. He has a lot of contact with the officers and soldiers."

Zhang Wenbi was a scholar who joined the World Army when the city fell. Because he could write, he was kept by Ning Baoguan. He was also sent to negotiate with the officers and soldiers, and sometimes came up with ideas and was regarded as a counselor.

Zhang Wenbi was in his twenties, older than Xu Chu. He was too thin and his body always seemed to be tilted to one side. He was very polite when they met and said many words of long-lasting admiration.

"The commander-in-chief of the officers and soldiers has just been replaced by Xiao Guogong Cao Shenxi, but he will not receive the envoy. Usually the chief minister Liang Pingzhi comes forward. I will introduce him to Mr. Xu at that time."

"I recognize these two people." Xu Chu said. Needless to say, Cao Shenxi, Liang Pingzhi is a grandnephew of Liang Taifu and Liang Shengzhi's cousin. Xu Chu and Xu Chu met in Guiyuan. They were not familiar with each other and they just exchanged names.

Zhang Wenbi looked a little surprised, and Ning Baoguan said: "This Mr. Xu's original surname is Lou, and he is the son of General Lou Wen."

Zhang Wenbi was shocked. Only then did he realize that the word "Jiu Yang" was used in the wrong place. He cupped his hands and said, "So... that's it."

"Let's chat on the way. Go and come back quickly. How many people are you taking with you?"

Zhang Wenbi said nothing. After hearing about Xu Chu's background, he voluntarily resigned and became his deputy.

"No escort is needed. I can just bring my own entourage. Where is Mr. Zhang?"

"I only bring one attendant."

With four people and four horses, Tang Weitian couldn't get used to riding. He kept complaining while sitting on the horse, but refused to get off. After all, riding a horse was much more impressive than walking.

Not long after leaving the camp, Zhang Wenbi came over and asked, "Master Xu, is he the seventeenth in the Lou family?"


"Sure enough, it's the Seventeenth Young Master. It's me who can't see Taishan. I've offended him so much just now. I hope you can see the world."

"Mr. Zhang, you're welcome. I'm just a scholar."

"Haha, we are both scholars, but the weight is different. I am the 'First Scholar', and the Seventeenth Young Master is the world-famous 'Scholar of Endeavor'."

Xu Chu didn't expect that he had such a nickname, and said with a smile: "I don't dare to take it."

Zhang Wenbi praised him for a long time, and then slowly said about himself, "I am just an ordinary person. It is enough to study a little and pass the examination to become a scholar. I have never thought about going higher. Alas, but suddenly in troubled times, I can't help myself. , actually became a rebel... No, no, Wu Yuejun, Mr. Xu, please don’t misunderstand me.”

Xu Chu heard that Zhang Wenbi was testing him and deliberately said the wrong thing to see his reaction.

"There is no misunderstanding. The Wu Yue Army and the World Army were originally rebels. Twenty or thirty years ago, the Tiancheng Army was also a rebel army. It is normal for all heroes to stand side by side. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit."

"Young Master Xu is still open-minded. According to Young Master Xu, who among the heroes is the winner?"

"I came to seek refuge with King Wu Yue. Didn't I already give the answer?"

Zhang Wenbi kept laughing and kept saying yes, but then he spoke less and less.

Shortly after noon, the four met a group of officers and soldiers. Zhang Wenbi showed the pass documents that the officers and soldiers had given them previously. The officers and soldiers were divided into eight people to escort them. Shortly after nightfall, they rushed to the first camp, stopped here, and set off again. They did not arrive until after midnight. Arrive at the main camp.

A minor official in the camp entertained the envoy. He recognized Zhang Wenbi and his attitude was quite rude. He slightly cupped his hand and asked, "Who is this man?"

At first glance, Xu Chu was no ordinary follower, so the clerk wanted to ask.

"I am Xu Chu, the military advisor of the King of Wu and Yue." Xu Chu answered by himself, naming him by the way.

"Military advisor?" The junior official glanced at Zhang Wenbi, "Which of you two is in charge and who is in charge?"

"The King of Wuyue has only one military advisor, and I can make decisions on his behalf."

Zhang Wenbi stood aside and did not dare to say a word.

The clerk looked at Xu Chu more and said, "Okay, let's rest first. Liang Changshi may be able to find time to see you tomorrow."

"How can one sleep soundly when the fire is burning in the house? Please convey this to Liang Pingzhi."

The rebel envoy actually called Chang Shi by his name. The clerk stared at him as if he was about to have an attack. Seeing that the other party showed no fear, he sneered and said, "Okay, if you don't want to sleep, then don't sleep."

As soon as the clerk left, Zhang Wenbi said with a pale face: "Why did Mr. Xu offend the military officials for no reason? When he leaves, he will definitely add fuel and jealousy to Liang Changshi..."

"It's best. I'm just worried that he won't add enough vinegar to anger Liang Pingzhi."

Zhang Wenbi was speechless and did not dare to say more.

Half an hour later, the clerk came back and formally saluted Xu Chu, "Commander Xu, please, Sir Chang Shi will see you soon."

Zhang Wenbi was startled again, and he took a step to follow, but was stopped by the junior official, "Master Chang Shi only saw the official."

Zhang Wenbi stayed in the tent. After they left, he murmured: "How can I compare to the general's son?"

Liang Pingzhi lived far away, so Xu Chu followed the officials for a while. Most of the soldiers were resting, and it was unclear how their morale was. The tents were as neat as ever.

Seeing Xu Chu come in, Liang Ping was stunned, and then smiled and said: "Which military advisor is it? It turns out that he is the seventeenth son of the Lou family. I haven't seen you for many days. Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I have changed my mother's surname and am no longer a member of the Lou family."

"Yes, I understand." Liang Pingzhi asked Xu Chu to sit down, looked at him for a long time, and then asked: "Is Mr. Xu really serving as a military advisor to the King of Wuyue?"


"Oh, what a pity."

"Everyone has his own ambitions, let's talk about business."

"Okay. Since we are acquaintances, I might as well get to the bottom of it. The court understands that Ning Baoguan's intentions are nothing more than pretending to surrender and defrauding him of some food, grass and soldiers. Yes, as long as he is willing to stand still, the court is willing to..."

Xu Chu interrupted Liang Pingzhi, "What's the use of the King of Wuyue and his family standing still? There are many rebels, have they been recruited by the court?"

Liang Pingzhi was stunned, "Some were recruited, some were not... From what Military Advisor Xu said, can we recruit other rebels for the court?"

"Yes, forget about the northern rebels, they are already strong and will not accept the amnesty. The southern rebels are quite persuasive. If the court gives me a title, I guarantee that within three days, the area south of the Eastern Capital will not be threatened again, and the officers and soldiers can concentrate on fighting the northern army."

Liang Pingzhi was stunned.

Xu Chu had already made plans in his mind. The title given by the court was the first step for him to become independent.

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