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Xu Chu was urinating when he suddenly heard the sound of water being discharged next door. He was puzzled. He remembered that this toilet was independent and there should be no "next door".

The voice disappeared, and Ning Baoguan's voice said: "Do you really want to recommend me to be the head coach?"


"What's wrong with Liu Youzhong? His reputation among the rebel soldiers is greater than that of the emperor, and only a little less than that of King Jingshi."

"Liu Youzhong is just a fortune teller. He can see people, but he can't govern them. He has no talent in leading troops."

"It just so happens that there are not many qualified soldiers in the rebel army. It doesn't matter who leads them. Liu Youzhong can at least scare those generals. As for the war, we can all come up with ideas together."

Ning Baoguan's humility was all false politeness. A smile appeared on Xu Chu's face. He remembered that there was a wooden wall between the two of them and put away his smile again. "Guess, Prince Ning, if we all come up with ideas together, who will Liu You eventually listen to?" ?”

Rather than saying anything, Xu Chu added: "Liu Youzhong is famous for his fortune-telling. If he used his position as the coach to preach that 'the real dragon is born', how many people would not believe it?"

Ning Baoguan hummed, but there was no sound again.

Xu Chu walked out of the toilet and saw only a mark on the snow but no one. He knew clearly that he had spoken to Ning Baoguan's mind.

After becoming king, it is easier to be a lobbyist than before.

At the entrance of the tent, Guo Shifeng came up to him and whispered: "The two kings agree that Tan Wuwei will be the cavalry commander."

The banquet lasted until midnight, and the five kings did not rest. They retreated from the generals and discussed matters alone.

Ma Wei, a landowner, first proposed the idea of ​​setting up a commander. "This battle is crucial. If you win, the kings will share the world equally. The loser will lose his head and become the laughing stock of the world. In terms of the general trend, the rebel army and the officers and soldiers are facing each other. From a small perspective, the situation is small." Look, the incarnation army, the officers and soldiers, and the armies of the five kings stand on a three-legged basis. If one foot is unstable, it will be oppressed by the other two. I think that since the armies of the five kings have joined together, a leader should be selected to make the five armies truly one army. Of course, no matter who is the commander, it will not change the status quo. Whose soldiers are their own soldiers? What do the kings think?"

"Okay, who will be the coach?" Ning Baoguan asked coldly.

Liu Youzhong was not pushed out immediately. Ma Wei said: "Let's think about it first. We can each recommend one person later, and then we can discuss it. There is one more thing that needs to be decided immediately. According to the news obtained by King Wu, the officers and soldiers regarded the World Army, The Jin army is the most important target, and it is very likely that the soldiers will come out to fight, but they will camp in the rear. If they do not participate in the battle, the officers and soldiers of the five armies will never be the enemy."

"I can go and persuade King Jingshi again, explain the pros and cons, and persuade him to join the war as soon as possible." Gan Zhao said.

Ma Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "The King of Coming to the World has made up his mind and there is nothing to persuade. Since the King of Shu has led his army to join forces, he will no longer be welcomed by the King of Coming to the World."

The five kings joined forces without seeking the consent of the descendant king. This move will definitely anger Xue Liujia.

Gan Zhao nodded, and Ning Baoguan said: "Looking at you, you must have an idea."

Ma Wei handed over to Ning Baoguan, "I think it's better to lead troops than to ask for troops. The King of Coming is unwilling to join the war, just because he wants to reap the benefits, so we should simply lead the officers and soldiers to King of Coming to the World, forcing him to join the war. , the armies of the five kings attack from behind, greatly increasing the chance of victory. "

"Who will lead the officers and soldiers?"

Ma Wei smiled and looked at Shen Dan, "The officers and soldiers regard the Jin army as another thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh. Therefore, the responsibility of leading the troops lies with the Jin army."

The other three people also looked at King Jin.

Shen Dan said: "It is our duty to fight. This battle is for the people of the world. The Jin army does not dare to protect themselves."

"Prince Jin can be called the savior of the world." Gan Zhao bowed his hands and bowed.

Shen Dan smiled slightly, "I don't dare to accept it, but I also have a request. There are many officers and soldiers, and infantry cannot lead them. The Jin army currently has 8,000 cavalry, which is still too few. I hope the kings will temporarily lend me cavalry to strengthen their momentum."

Ma Wei nodded gently to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu stepped forward and said: "The Jin army is the vanguard. The Wu army must not fall behind. There are not many cavalry. There are more than three thousand. Please call the King of Jin."

Gan Zhao said: "I also have a little more than four hundred cavalry here. If the King of Jin does not think it is too few, please take them away."

Ma Wei also said: "Liang Jun's eight hundred elite cavalry have all returned to the King of Jin."

Only Ning Baoguan did not speak immediately. He glanced at the kings and said slowly: "The Wu and Yue cavalry are not many and no less than three thousand, but I can't lend them out. These people are all rebellious and difficult to control except for me."

The atmosphere suddenly felt awkward. Shen Dan didn't speak. Ma Wei coughed twice, "Well... as long as we explain the situation clearly, soldiers..."

Ning Baoguan said again: "You can't borrow people, but you can borrow horses. Do you have enough knights on King Jin's side?"

Shen Dan's face immediately softened, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "All the soldiers in Bingzhou are good at riding. There are ten thousand horses, and there are enough knights."

Ning Baoguan refused to give it all, "I can only lend two thousand and keep one thousand for my own use."

He didn't explain the reason, and no one dared to ask. Ma Wei took the lead, and the four kings thanked him.

Shen Dan said casually: "I have a general named Tan Wuwei. Do you think it is okay for him to command the cavalry?"

Ning Baoguan said: "Since the cavalry is lent to the Jin army, the king of Jin can designate generals at will."

Gan Zhao did not object, and Xu Chu nodded.

Once the image of the Jin Army taking risks to fight for the kings was established, Ma Wei felt that it was okay to mention the coach again, "The Jin Army single-handedly selected its officers and soldiers. The Five Kings Camp still needs a coach. What do you think? I recommend King Jin to be with him. Mr. Liu Youzhong Liu.”

Shen Dan said hypocritically: "Mr. Liu is a physiognomist, how can he be the commander-in-chief of the entire army?"

Ma Wei said: "The war is imminent. It is too late to train the soldiers. It is too late to arrange the troops. The so-called commander is not to lead the troops, but to be able to serve the masses. Although Mr. Liu is not a general, he is famous all over the world. Who is the leader? Who doesn’t know? As a coach, he will definitely be recognized by the generals.”

Ning Baoguan didn't need anyone else's recommendation, he said directly: "The words of King Liang are wrong. It's a little late to train troops. It's never too late to organize troops. Moreover, the rebel army has always trained its troops in battle. When it comes to war, it needs a suitable commander. It's definitely not Just to convince the crowd. Ning fought from Qinzhou to Luozhou and thought that he had won several battles. The more scattered his soldiers were, the easier it was for me to use them, so I should be the commander. "

Ma Wei didn't expect Ning Baoguan to recommend himself. He was a little flustered for a moment and coughed several times, "Does the King of Shu or King Wu have any recommendations?"

The two kings shook their heads.

Ma Wei regained his composure, "That means two people were recommended. King Wu Yue and Liu Youzhong. We happen to have five kings. Whoever has more supporters will be the coach. How about that? I still think Mr. Liu is suitable. When it comes to leading troops, The King of Wuyue is indeed incomparable, but in terms of reputation, he may be slightly weaker than Mr. Liu. Moreover, as the coach, Mr. Liu must obey the words of the King of Wuyue and will not affect the formation of troops. "

Gan Zhao said: "Reputation is a good thing, but on the battlefield, when the officers and soldiers are either dead or alive, reputation is of little use. The army of the Five Kings does not stand aside and watch the battle, but attacks the officers and soldiers from the rear. , the coach needs to take the lead, Mr. Liu is no better than King Ning.”

When the five kings were discussing matters, only Shen Dan was sitting on one side. Then he stood up and came over and said, "I also support Prince Ning."

As soon as these words came out, not only Ma Wei was shocked, but the other three kings were also surprised, especially Xu Chu, but he immediately understood that Shen Dan made a decision immediately and was really a smart man.

"The King of Shu is right. In the end of this battle, the leader needs to take the lead. King Ning is brave. Seeing his figure is enough to make the soldiers risk their lives. This is much more important than the false reputation. Mr. Liu can stay with King Ning and use his name Wouldn't it be best to assist Prince Ning to get the best of both worlds?" Shen Dan continued.

Ma Wei said sarcastically: "What King Jin said makes sense, so I also support King Wu and Yue. That's how it's settled... King Wu hasn't expressed his opinion yet."

The three kings supported Ning Baoguan, and Xu Chu's opinion no longer mattered. He said: "King Ning is very good."

Ning Baoguan was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army, Liu Youzhong was appointed as the military adviser, the cavalry of the kings were integrated into the Jin army, Tan Wuwei was appointed as the cavalry general, and the King of Jin personally supervised the army. No one had any objections.

The five kings chatted for a while, and after confirming many details, each returned to his tent.

Xu Chu had just entered the tent, but before he could sit down, Ma Wei followed him in. Tang Weitian said from behind: "Grand Governor, Prince Liang will come in as he says, and I can't stop him."

"When King Liang comes again, there is no need to stop him or notify him."

"Yeah." Tang Weitian exited the tent.

Ma Wei looked at it and said, "Brother Chu never likes luxury. As the king of Wu, the tent is still the same as that of ordinary soldiers."

"Wu's army was created in the first place. The generals and soldiers share the hardships today so that they can share the joys tomorrow."

"Haha." Ma Wei didn't come here to reminisce, "Brother Chu, do you really support King Wu Yue as the head coach?"

"Prince Jin has made his statement. It doesn't matter who I support."

Ma Wei let out a long sigh, "When my brother Chu and I were on the run and trapped in Mengjin, how could we ever have thought that we would be kings together today? But if I could go back to the past, I would rather sit with my brother in the small town of Mengjin. Sit down and share a pot of wine."

"The world will not continue to be chaotic. You and I, brothers, still have the opportunity to drink together." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"I hope so." Ma Wei sighed, and finally said: "The King of Jin feels that Brother Chu may have misunderstood him, so let me say a few words: No matter what, the promise remains unchanged, and since the Wu army is willing to lend troops, the King of Jin is grateful. After the decisive battle with the officers and soldiers, I immediately returned to the camp to kill Ning Baoguan. I will be the internal response, so Brother Chu does not need to come forward. "

"It's about Wu State, how can I stay out of it?"

"Brother Chu, you don't have to be polite. You and Ning Baoguan have a dispute over Jiangdong. You should stay away from this matter. I am different from King Jin. I am just killing him to avenge and eliminate harm. It will not damage my reputation."

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "It's just three thousand cavalry. Brother Ma and the King of Jin are too generous to return the favor."

Ma Wei smiled and said: "Ning Baoguan has great ambitions. Getting rid of him is not only the foundation brother, but also a self-protection plan for me and King Jin."

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "This is absolutely true. Ning Baoguan has become the common enemy of all kings."

"There are also King Jianshi and King Shu. The three kings have the same spirit and are linked to branches. To kill Ning Baoguan, you must kill Gan Zhao and Xue Liujia at the same time."

"I have been wary of the three kings of the Avatar Army for a long time, but I just don't have a good idea."

"Haha, it's useless to get rid of the three kings. You have to use force to overwhelm others. As for where the force will come from, let's wait and see. Prince Jin and I have our own ideas."

"Wu Jun is weak and has to rely on his two elder brothers to take care of him."

"After all, we are our own people, different from the Incarnation Army. After capturing the Eastern Capital, Brother Chu must return to Jiangdong?"

"Well, I won't go back to Jiangdong, and the Wu army officers won't agree either."

"Okay, the world belongs to the three of us." Ma Wei said and said goodbye.

Xu Chu thought to himself that the news of Ma Wei's visit would soon reach the ears of Ning Baoguan and Gan Zhao. He didn't know what those two people would think.

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