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Most of the Wu cavalry were descendants of the seven clans. The generals had specially inquired and confirmed that Jin Wang Shen Dan was the son of Jin Guogong. His family background was clean and his ancestors had served as high officials in three dynasties. Only then did they happily go and were willing to accept the leadership of Jin Wang. They didn't care much about Tan Wuwei and others.

Meng Senglun summoned the generals of the Wu army and said to them: "The five kings have joined forces. Apart from the Jin army, the Wu army has the largest number of cavalry. More than 3,000 people are all here. We must not embarrass the Wu people, let alone disappoint the ruling party..."

When Xu Chu quietly walked in, Meng Senglun was talking excitedly. He didn't see the figure of the ruling party, and said a lot more. In short, he encouraged the Wu people to fight bravely, "If you want to avenge the shame of the country's destruction and the hatred of the extermination of the clan, all in this battle!"

"All in this battle!" The generals shouted in unison. The people of Jingzhou were not mentioned at all, but they were also infected at this time and shouted with everyone.

"When did the ruling party arrive?" Meng Senglun finally saw Xu Chu at the door and hurriedly separated the crowd to greet him.

Nearly thirty generals crowded into the small tent and saluted in unison.

Meng Senglun, Song Xingcai... Xu Chu recognized each of them, not only by name, but also by nickname.

They had only known each other for a short time, but these people were the foundation of the Wu army and the capital of Xu Chu's independence.

"No need to be polite." Xu Chu suddenly felt reluctant. These people, like most of the rebels, were greatly encouraged by the retreat of their officers and soldiers. They were determined to win and had no idea how difficult this battle would be.

If Tan Wuwei was right, many people would never come back alive after tomorrow.

Xu Chu also felt selfish. These were his soldiers. Although they had many shortcomings, they were extremely loyal, especially Meng Senglun, who was a little too loyal.

Without these people, I don't know when I can build another reliable team.

The reluctance and selfishness only lasted for a moment. Without anyone's persuasion, Xu Chu could figure it out by himself: the several rebel armies were at the critical moment of life and death. No matter whether it was the cavalry that lured the enemy, the infantry in the Five Kings Camp, or the Advent Army watching the battle from a distance, none of them were safe.

Whether willing or not, no matter how they hid, they could not escape this deadly battle.

As for the army, if a king kept thinking about the word "reliable", what was the difference between him and the bandit leader who occupied the mountain as king?

"The Tiancheng army once trampled on Shitou City and Yiling City. Now it's time for the people of Wu and Jing to return the favor to the East Capital." Xu Chu encouraged.

Shitou City and Yiling City were the capitals of Wu and Jing states respectively. Hearing the words of the ruling king, the generals shouted even louder.

Xu Chu brought dozens of jars of wine, first toasted the generals, and then went out of the tent to reward the soldiers.

The enthusiasm before the war was getting higher and higher.

While everyone was excited, Xu Chu called Meng Senglun to a meeting, "How does General Tan manage his troops?"

Xu Chu recommended Tan Wuwei in secret, and the soldiers didn't know. Meng Senglun frowned slightly, "Nothing special, he has only been here for two days, and I can't tell what he is capable of. It's just that long sword... It's a bit ridiculous."

Xu Chu smiled, "How does General Tan assign the troops?"

"He said it very simply, let everyone fight on their own, manage their own soldiers, and the one who breaks the siege first will get the first credit. If they can't break the siege and are chased by the officers and soldiers, the one who runs to the camp of the Advent Army first will also get the first credit."

Xu Chu nodded, "General Tan has made the right assignment. You must strictly follow it."

"Yes, even the governor said so. Then I will lead the Wu army in and out quickly and not get entangled with the officers and soldiers."

"Self-preservation is the most important thing."

"Understood, I will not let the Wu army suffer losses in vain. You all have to follow the governor back to Jiangdong to recover Wu."

Xu Chu smiled, and the guilt came up again, but he immediately suppressed it. "Once the Eastern Capital is broken, the officers and soldiers in Wu will collapse, and we can recapture our homeland within a few months."

"When the time comes, I will personally lead the governor into Shitou City. That is the real world-famous city, which is not comparable to the Eastern Capital." Meng Senglun said excitedly.

"Looking forward to it very much." Xu Chu chatted for a few more words, and still repeatedly reminded Meng Senglun to "self-preservation is the most important thing."

Since we have arrived at the Jin army camp, we must go to see Jin Wang Shen Dan.

Shen Dan had been waiting for a long time. When he heard the announcement, he immediately stood up and went to the door, smiling, "Fourth brother, you are so welcome. Please come in."

Shen Dan's tent was decorated like a mourning hall, everything was plain. Shen Dan usually dressed normally when meeting with the kings. When he returned to his own camp, he had to wear a mourning hat and never took it off. His father Shen Zhi's coffin was parked in the curtain next door, piled with snow and refrigerated, and would not be buried until the Eastern Capital was captured.

Xu Chu kowtowed in front of the tablet first, then stood up and said, "I have been busy and have not come to pay my respects. Please forgive me, Third Brother."

Shen Dan looked gloomy, "As long as we can conquer Dongdu and avenge my father, it will be the greatest respect for my Shen family."

The two walked to one side, sat down and chatted for a while. Shen Dan said sincerely, "When you and I became sworn brothers, we made many vows, but today we have a rift. I am willing to be honest with my fourth brother and do not want to suspect each other."

Xu Chu bowed and said, "Third brother, you think too much. If it weren't for your secret release, I am afraid I would have been beheaded."

When Shen Zhi was assassinated, Tan Wuwei let Xu Chu go on Shen Dan's orders. No matter what Shen Dan thought in his heart, at least he took into account the brotherhood.

Shen Dan shook his head, "Because I am called the King of Jin, many people suspect that I killed my father. Fourth brother has the same intention, right?"

Xu Chu was silent. He just suspected, but he had no evidence and did not intend to care about this trivial matter.

Shen Dan stared at Xu Chu and said slowly, "It was indeed me."

Xu Chu was shocked. He thought Shen Dan would continue to deny it, but he didn't expect that Shen Dan would admit it, and he would admit it voluntarily.

"Third brother..."

Shen Dan waved his hand and said that he still had something to say, "At that time, the soldiers from Jizhou had not arrived yet, and it was said that they would stay in Yecheng. The general had lost all his power and became a useless man. My father was worried because of these two things and his fighting spirit was gone. None. My father has never had much confidence in the Jin army and relied solely on Jizhou’s foreign aid and the general’s support within the Eastern Capital.”

Shen Zhi and Lou Wen have a close relationship. One is outside and the other is inside, helping each other. They have cooperated well for many years. Once one party loses one, the other party will inevitably feel panicked.

"Yeah." Xu Chu responded.

"The victory of Mengjin restored some of my father's confidence. However, the closer he got to the Eastern Capital, the more frightened he became. He refused to claim the throne and joined forces with the World Army. He sent a messenger just to make a fuss. Lan Xun was dismissed and Cao Shen was relieved of his duties. Bing, after hearing the news, my father was in panic all day long, claiming that Cao Shenxi was a veteran of hundreds of battles, and the rebel army was no match..."

"Shen Bingzhou wants to surrender?" Xu Chu asked.

"My father knew that his crime was serious and would not be forgiven by the court, so he wanted to return to Jinyang to protect himself, and then declare himself a vassal to the He Rong Ministry and invite the northerners to enter the pass."

Xu Chu raised his eyebrows.

Shen Dan nodded, "Yes, my brother-in-law Zhou Yuanbin has been ordered to go to the He Rong Department to express his goodwill. When the fourth brother sees him in the future, he will naturally understand that what I said is true."

Xu Chu didn't speak.

Shen Dan was silent for a while and suddenly asked: "Fourth brother has also experienced the difficulty of persuading his father. If you had the opportunity to do it..."

Xu Chu sighed, unwilling and unable to answer this question, "It's enough for Third Brother to be honest with me."

Shen Dan stood up, with an expression that was both sad and resolute, "Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot have both sides. The world is most important. Taking favors can lead to great things. In order to save the world, I am willing to be a sinner of the Shen family..."

Shen Dan was a little incoherent, and he noticed it himself. He raised his hand to wipe his eyes and squeezed out a smile, "I have always felt that I share the same goals with my fourth brother, so we became brothers soon after we met. The reason why I revealed my true feelings to my fourth brother was because I felt that I was the only one who had the same goals." My fourth brother can understand.”

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said: "The ministers who kill the king worship the son who kills his father."

"Haha." Shen Dan laughed, and immediately changed to sadness, "With the world in mind, there is no room for anything else. The kindness of father and son, and the love of children must be ignored."

"That's how it should be."

Both of them felt much more relaxed and could talk about anything.

"I was the one who persuaded Gan Zhao to recommend Ning Baoguan as the coach." Xu Chu admitted.

"I knew it, so I agreed at the time. I understood the intention of the fourth brother and thought that the rebel army should not be dominated by one family. Thinking about it afterwards, it was a blessing that the fourth brother did this. Otherwise, Ning Baoguan and Gan Zhao would have launched an attack on the spot, and the five kings would be divided. What's the point of being a coach? I'm reflecting on my approach. The mistake is that I only consider my own benefits, but forget whether the other party will accept it. The more obvious the benefits are to me, the more I can't realize them. No one around me reminded me of this.”

"Then I should tell Third Brother in advance."

"We still had misunderstandings at that time, not to mention it was normal." Shen Dan didn't take it seriously, but was very grateful, and said: "Tiancheng and the Jishi Army are two major harms. If these two evils are not eliminated, the world will be unstable."

"It's just not advisable to rush things."

"Fourth brother is careful, I will act according to the opportunity. If Xue Liujia and Ning Baoguan are still strong after this battle, then wait a little longer. We must find a way to make these two people hate each other because of the gap, and fight against each other because of their hatred. Only when you have a lot of luck can you make a move. As for mediocre people, you don’t need to pay special attention.”

Xu Chu nodded without mentioning his true views on Gan Zhao.

The two of them talked more and more deeply. Xu Chu said: "The world will inevitably be unified, and there is no talk of revival of the five kingdoms. I became the ruling king in Wu State because I hope that one day I can return power to the real dragon. In my eyes, the real dragon has always been Third brother."

Shen Dan smiled slightly, "I know that my fourth brother can see it clearly. Ma Wei has always believed that he can go back to the time when the five countries stood side by side. The world will inevitably be unified, but who is the real dragon has to be seen. I have this intention, but This may not be the case. I understand the friendship of my fourth brother, but if the fate is on my side, I will not act against fate. I do not seek a border, nor do I seek power for a while, but a virtuous king. "

The two held each other's wrists, showing their true feelings, as if the wind was lifting a roc.

Xu Chu said goodbye and did not reveal Tan Wuwei's plan after all. He believed that Shen Dan also had something to hide.

Those who win people's hearts win the world. Xu Chu saw through people's hearts, but he couldn't win them.

Perhaps after this battle, everyone will become wandering ghosts. Ambition, world peace, and human rights and wrongs are all just wisps of blue smoke. They still have form at the beginning, but they cannot rise high enough before they disappear between heaven and earth.

Xu Chu looked at the soldiers and horses coming and going, and he felt tragic and heroic. He had never felt that death was so close and so approachable. It was like a stern Mr. Wenren, who was usually unsmiling. One day, at a certain moment, when When he feels that the time has come, he will suddenly reveal his true feelings to a certain student and teach him profound knowledge.

Xu Chu can't wait for tomorrow's battle.

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