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Ning Bao closed the watchtower and strode back to the tent. After a few steps, he suddenly turned around and stared at the person fiercely.

Xu Chu, who was following behind, stopped, and Tang Weitian, who was following behind, poked his head out and immediately retracted. No one could remain calm when Ning Baoguan was angry.

"A flanking attack may not be the only way." Xu Chu could only continue speaking.

"The cavalry has been sent out, including three thousand of yours. The soldiers staying in the camp are preparing for the attack. In order to hide this news from Xue Liujia, do you know how much effort Gan Zhao and I made?"

It is rare to keep secrets in the Shenshi Army. The news of leading officers and soldiers to the Shenshi Army will naturally reach the ears of Xue Liujia. Ning Baoguan and Gan Zhao secretly sent people to spread more rumors and confuse the public. Gan Zhao even went to the Shenshi Army camp in person. , swearing to Xue Liujia to refute all rumors.

Finally, everything was in order and everything was going according to plan, but an important leader proposed another way. How could Ning Baoguan not be angry?

Xu Chu was a little worried at first, but once Ning Baoguan showed his angry face, he was no longer afraid. He regained his composure, cupped his hands and said, "Prince Ning, please listen to what I have to say..."

"You didn't tell me when the five kings gathered together, you didn't tell me when the cavalry went out to fight, but now you come to me alone and tell me, what's your purpose?"

"First there are people to persuade, and then there are words to persuade. No king can persuade, only King Ning can persuade."

Ning Baoguan sneered, but his anger was reduced a bit, "Do you always forget that you are the King of Wu?"

"I only remember one thing. There is no room for failure in this battle. The officers and soldiers must be defeated. Otherwise, the rebel army will be frightened and dispersed. They will be divided into small groups and will be difficult to unite. The imperial court will also be arrogant because of the victory and will become more and more violent. The rebel army must be punished. The soldiers are behind us. If this happens, the world will remain in chaos for who knows how long..."

Ning Baoguan took a few steps forward. There was not much difference in height between the two of them, but now he seemed to be a head taller. "Don't tell me these big principles. I didn't cause the chaos in the world, and it has never been my business to quell the chaos."

Xu Chu did not retreat or speak.

Ning Baoguan suddenly laughed, "Don't say half of what you have to say, I'm listening."

"If the officers and soldiers are led to the World Army, we should attack Changwei directly, and then march into the Eastern Capital."

Ning Baoguan laughed again, this time a big laugh. He laughed without any scruples. He stopped after a while and said, "I'm so stupid. I thought you had a clever plan. Haha, I didn't realize it a long time ago. King Wu can do it too." joke."

"This is no joke."

"Really? Why do I feel so ridiculous?" Ning Baoguan clenched his right fist, raised it to his chest, shook it twice, and whispered: "The rebel soldiers are all piles of shit. If they are stepped on, Tim It's just disgusting. In a real fight, he is no match for the officers and soldiers. You know it, I know it, and all the kings know it."

"The rebel army was founded not long ago and has its own shortcomings in military discipline."

"They can't carry out complex orders at all. They can only swarm on the ground and retreat swarm. The biggest advantage of the pincer attack is that it is simple. The cavalry advances and then retreats, and the infantry advances or retreats. I supervise the battle from behind, and kill those who dare to retreat. There may still be a chance of winning, depending on your strategy, if you encounter obstacles in Changwei, or there will be heavy troops left in the east..."

"Probably not. The officers and soldiers are likely to come out in full force."

"Did someone tell you, or did you have some clever calculation and figured it out in advance?" Ning Baoguan said sarcastically.

"The general is my father." Xu Chu said, this reason is enough. The person who saw through the general's strategy was Tan Wuwei. Xu Chu felt that it was right.

Ning Baoguan thought this was what his close friend Mo Ruozi meant. He lowered his gaze, took two steps to the side, turned around and came back, "What if you are mistaken? Didn't the officers and soldiers go out in full force and leave some people to prevent sneak attacks?"

"If the siege fails, you can still turn back and attack from a flank..."

Ning Baoguan shook his head, "If we attack the siege without breaking it, our already low morale will be completely lost. No, absolutely not, it's too risky. And -" Ning Baoguan raised his head and looked at Xu Chu, "The King of Jin personally Leading troops to lure the soldiers, he and the King of the World will be trapped in a heavy siege, thinking that there will be reinforcements. If we change the plan, what will happen to those rebels? "

"There are three thousand Wu people among the cavalry, and they are all my confidants."

Ning Baoguan still shook his head.

Xu Chu sighed softly, the war is coming, no one can remain indifferent, even a strong hero like Ning Baoguan will become hesitant.

If even Ning Baoguan can't be persuaded, Xu Chu can only give up. The King of Liang and the King of Shu are not even people who can be persuaded.

"A road is easy first and then difficult, and a road is difficult first and then easy, King Ning thought about it." Xu Chu said goodbye with his hands. As soon as he turned around, he saw Liu Youzhong coming in from the outside.

Liu Youzhong stayed in the camp to serve as Ning Baoguan's staff. He raised his hands and said with a smile, "Why don't you call me when the two kings are discussing matters?"

Xu Chu was about to be vague, but Ning Baoguan behind him said coldly: "The King of Wu plans to find another battlefield and does not want to fight with the King of Jin."

The five kings were afraid of each other and would sow discord whenever they had the opportunity, and Ning Baoguan was no exception.

Liu Youzhong was shocked and said, "How is this possible? The cavalry led by the King of Jin are the elite of the rebel army. Once they are lost, the whole army will be defeated. Moreover, the reason why the King of Jin dared to enter dangerous situations in person was simply to rely on the support of the kings, especially It’s King Wu.”

Liu Youzhong revealed a hint of reproach, "The King of Jin and the King of Wu sworn brothers so that they could support each other in troubled times. The King of Wu borrowed three thousand cavalry, and the King of Jin returned six thousand soldiers, which shows the deep love. The friendship between mortals has a beginning and an end. , Why did King Wu suddenly have a different intention?"

Xu Chu was completely sold out, so he could only smile and say, "Mr. Liu is indeed the elder brother. I'm sorry to have you worrying about the brothers' affairs. Please rest assured that I will not disobey the orders of King Ning. What I said just now was purely hypothetical and was just a sudden thought. King Ning has made me understand where I am wrong."

Liu Youzhong also smiled, "I said that King Wu is not a person who will not help when he sees danger. I, Liu Youzhong, have no other skills, but I still have some experience in judging people. But King Ning's words really scared me."

Ning Baoguan laughed and said, "The closer we are to the battle, the more we should let go. Laughter can stop fear. I have tried it many times."

Liu Youzhong pressed his heart, "I was really scared."

"I understand. I won't make such jokes with Mr. Liu in the future." Ning Baoguan was more polite to Liu Youzhong.

Xu Chu was about to leave, but Liu Youzhong stopped him, "But I'm much better now. What's the sudden idea of ​​the King of Wu? Tell me so I can laugh."

"After the King of Jin leads the main force of the officers and soldiers away, the army of the five kings will not attack from both sides, but will directly break the siege and attack the East Capital when the opportunity is weak." Xu Chu knew that Ning Baoguan would not hide anything for him, so he simply told the truth.

Liu Youzhong was stunned at first, and then laughed, "It's really a joke. The East Capital must be heavily guarded. How could there be a chance to 'take advantage of the opportunity'? The King of Wu's joke is a bit unrealistic."

"It's enough to make the King of Ning and Mr. Liu laugh." Xu Chu bowed and said goodbye, went out of the tent to call Tang Weitian and others, and returned to the Wu army camp.

Tan Wuwei's plan was too radical. If he won, he would be solved once and for all, and if he lost, he would be defeated and there would be no chance to turn over. Xu Chu asked himself, if he was the commander-in-chief, he would be responsible for the life and death of the soldiers in the camp, and nine out of ten would reject this plan like Ning Baoguan.

At least the pincer attack was a safe strategy. If they failed, the rebels could flee and rise again.

The generals in the camp were waiting for the King of Wu. Xu Chu announced the King of Ning's intention that all the people should stay in the rear and no longer "set up fences" in front of the camp. He explained: "This battle is different from the previous ones. Both advance and retreat need to be fast. Moreover, the officers and soldiers are greedy for merit. If they see the people, they will definitely stay, which will affect the plan of luring soldiers. When the officers and soldiers leave and we go out of the camp to pursue, the people will also be obstacles."

Xu Chu thought it would take a long time to explain, but the generals accepted it immediately and said: "The King of Wu is right, we listen to you."

It seems that Wang Dian did a good job and successfully created an image of a wise and resourceful King of Wu, which convinced the generals.

The "rescued" people were not grateful until they heard that the rations would be distributed.

Shortly after noon, the King of Jin sent a message that the rebels had begun to attack Changwei, and the officers and soldiers defended the wall and refused to fight, and the two sides were evenly matched. The rebels challenged repeatedly and used various methods to irritate the officers and soldiers. King Jin predicted that the officers and soldiers were waiting for the rebels' morale to decline, and might send troops to fight in the next two days.

This left the five kings' army with some time. Ning Baoguan made every effort to deploy troops. He knew how to govern the rebels, could speak rudely, could make friends, and was never lenient when he should be strict. He could always quickly establish authority and shape a pile of loose sand.

But he didn't know what he was thinking, and spread Xu Chu's "joke" everywhere, which caused a lot of laughter and also aroused a lot of vigilance.

Ma Wei came in person and confirmed that Xu Chu really said such words. He was surprised and said, "Brother Chu, what are you thinking? Why don't you take the main road? Why do you have to take the dangerous path?"

"There are too many people on the main road. We can go, and the officers and soldiers can go too." Xu Chu laughed, "And this is just a joke. I am testing King Ning's thoughts. He disagrees. That's good. He spreads it everywhere. He is just provoking. We should pay attention to it."

Ma Wei nodded, "Yes, the King of Wuyue is still wary of Brother Chu. If he wants to occupy Jiangdong, he must get rid of Brother Chu first. If he can't get rid of Brother Chu for the time being, he must find ways to ruin Brother Chu's reputation." Ma Wei was still a little dissatisfied, "Brother Chu has always been smart. How could he leave a handle for the King of Wuyue?"

"I was careless for a moment."

"It doesn't matter. Arrogant soldiers will be defeated. The more the King of Wuyue looks down on Brother Chu, the greater our chances of winning." Ma Wei blinked and bowed to say goodbye.

Liu Youzhong also came, and the two called each other brothers in private.

"I know that my fourth brother is not sincere, but you must be careful in front of Ning Baoguan. Although he is a humble man, he is quite scheming. I see that he is a jackal with a wolf's heart. If he stays in the world, he will surely kill countless people."

"Jiangdong is my motherland, and I am the ruling king of Wu. I cannot give up an inch of land. Don't worry, brother. I can tell who is a fellow traveler and who is a rival."

Liu Youzhong left with a smile.

Gan Zhao came to visit the next day. At this moment, the battle was in full swing in front. Although the officers and soldiers did not send out a large army, they had begun to fight outside. Both sides had their wins and losses, and the casualties were not many. They were still testing each other.

"King Ning is outspoken, King Wu, don't worry." Gan Zhao came to appease Xu Chu, worried that he would be angry out of shame.

Xu Chu laughed and said, "It's just a joke. Is it still spreading outside?"

"When the battle is tense, jokes will spread longer. In fact, the King of Wu's suggestion is not a joke. Only a few people talk about it. They just fantasize about how to rob property after entering Dongdu. This is what makes everyone laugh."

"It's good that it's funny." Xu Chu acted as if he didn't care at all.

Ning Baoguan seemed to have to tell this joke. Xu Chu knew what was going on. After Gan Zhao said goodbye, he immediately called Wang Dian and ordered him to return to the camp of the Wu army outside Wushang Garden.

"You set off now, without stopping. You can reach the military camp the morning after tomorrow. Lead the remaining Wu army to Dongdu immediately. If you hear the news of breaking the siege, quickly join the battle and meet me in Dongdu."

Wang Dian was stunned, "But..."

"Don't ask anything, and don't say anything on the way. If there is no news of breaking the siege within four days, you will turn around immediately and lead the troops back to Runan City."

Wang Dian accepted the order and said goodbye with doubts.

Xu Chu knew clearly that Ning Baoguan was persuaded by his risky plan, and spreading the "joke" was to test the morale of the army.

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