Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 146: Retreating

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The officers and soldiers had already established a firm foothold and were no longer eager to engage in battle. Instead, they used their strengths to press forward step by step. If the rebels went out of the camp to fight, the officers and soldiers would shoot arrows at them. After the rebels charged twice, they no longer did such meaningless stupid things and held on to the fence.

The rebels had a very difficult day. They huddled in the camp, looking for wooden boards, iron pots and other objects that could block arrows, hiding behind the fence, and occasionally looking out through the gaps, hoping that the officers and soldiers would attack quickly so that they could have a good fight.

The officers and soldiers made up their minds not to engage with the rebels. They stopped not far away and took turns shooting arrows. Even the intervals were very fixed, about once every two quarters of an hour. Apart from that, no matter how the rebels shouted and cursed, they remained unmoved.

The rebels cursed in all kinds of ways, but after a long time, they felt bored. After each volley of shooting, there would always be unlucky people who were hit by arrows. It was better to be fatal, but they were afraid that they would not die. The screams echoed throughout the camp and lasted until the next round of shooting.

The two wings of the rebels could not escape the long-range shooting of the soldiers. All irrelevant people retreated to the rear, and those who were shot were carried away.

Shortly after noon, taking advantage of the interval between two rounds of volleys, Ning Baoguan sent someone to invite King Wu to come over for a meeting.

Waiting like this was not a solution after all. Although the casualties of the rebels were not heavy, their morale was rapidly consumed in the waiting, severe cold and screams.

A simple wooden house was built in the central army camp, with several layers of roofs temporarily added. Arrows were stuck everywhere, like a huge and ugly hedgehog.

Ning Baoguan and Gan Zhao were there, as well as several important generals. Xu Chu and Ma Wei arrived one after another, nodded to each other, and did not speak.

The windows were sealed shut with wooden boards, and a small light was on in the room. It was so dim that only shadows could be seen.

Everyone stood around a broken table. Ning Baoguan glanced at everyone and said directly: "It's disgusting that the soldiers used this kind of fighting method. We can't just wait. You all go to the back and drive the useless people to the front. After two more rounds..."

"I don't agree." Xu Chu blurted out.

Everyone looked over. Ning Baoguan stared at him for a while and sneered, "Our King Wu has another good idea."

"I don't have a good idea, but..."

"What's the but? Save your life first."

"King Jin will lead the soldiers away."

"Did King Jin send you a letter?"

"No, but I believe General Tan will have a way."

"Really? What way? I only see more and more soldiers."

"Adapt to the situation, General Tan..."

Ning Baoguan laughed, "Tan Wuwei is just a liar who can talk big. He can fool you, but he can't fool us veterans who have fought on the battlefield."

A general said, "That's right, Tan Wuwei led the troops for the first time, how can he adapt to the situation?"

Ning Baoguan said again, "King Jin is a big shot, but if he had a way, he would have done it long ago, and would not have waited until now."

Xu Chu was about to speak, Ning Baoguan raised his hand, signaling everyone to be silent. A moment later, there was a sound like a storm outside, and the wooden house shook slightly.

The voice disappeared, Ning Baoguan said: "Don't waste time, go."

"Wait." Xu Chu stepped back two steps and blocked the door, "Wait a little longer, you don't believe me and General Tan, at least give King Jin a chance."

Ning Baoguan said coldly, "Wait another hour, almost four archery shots, we must start the war, gather the people in the rear first, and when it's time to leave the camp, everyone must go out, no one can stay, who wants to be a good person, don't blame me for being rude."

This is the biggest concession Ning Baoguan can make.

"The people will be grateful to King Ning." Xu Chu said.

"If I can live to enjoy their gratitude, I will be happier."

Everyone said goodbye, Ning Baoguan suddenly said: "Please stay for King Wu and King Liang."

Xu Chu and Ma Wei stopped, returned to the table, looked at each other, and didn't know the reason.

After the door was closed, Ning Baoguan said, "With the enemy at hand, I hope you won't make a scene over a small matter."

Both of them were stunned and were about to argue, but Ning Baoguan continued, "Since the woman surnamed Feng has entered the King of Wu's tent, she is his person. King Liang should stop fighting. I will compensate you after I conquer Dongdu."

Ma Wei was surprised, "You took away Feng Ju Niang?"

Xu Chu waved his hands hurriedly, "No, no, she went to me by herself. I had never heard of her before."

"Oh." Ma Wei looked a little strange, but he quickly covered it up, "Nothing, just a woman, but King Ning is worried about her."

"You two are good brothers, so I'm talking too much. Go Well, gather the people, King Wu, this is not the time to be kind, because of you, the attack was delayed, and I don't know how many soldiers will die under the arrows of the officers and soldiers during this period. You should think more about the soldiers who can fight for you. "


The two left the tent, and Xu Chu immediately said: "I didn't rob Feng Ju Niang. As soon as I returned to the camp, I sent someone to send her to..."

Ma Wei patted Xu Chu on the shoulder twice and smiled: "Brother Chu, what's wrong with you? Tell me this kind of thing, am I the kind of person who is greedy for beauty? I can even abandon my wife and children in Dongdu, let alone a woman I met halfway? Brother Chu, don't send her to me, and I won't accept it if you send her."

"Okay...right." Xu Chu didn't expect Feng Ju Niang to be a big trouble.

"I'll say one more thing, brother Chu, be careful, Feng Ju Niang is famous, and she has killed more generals than officers and soldiers. Brother Chu must not be fascinated by her."

"No, there is also Xiao Liu Mazi..."

"Haha, brother Chu, you don't need to explain. Little Liu Mazi is seeking his own death. It has nothing to do with others. There are many things. Let's talk about it later. Goodbye."

The two went back to their respective camps. Once they arrived at their own camps, Ma Wei first ordered the people to gather, and then complained to the deputy general Pan Kai: "It's okay that the King of Wu killed Little Liu Mazi in public, but he also took away his wife."

"Which wife?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's the one with the surname Feng. Hey, the King of Wu pretended to be so good, saying that he had never heard of Feng Ju Niang's name before. I never found him so cruel and ruthless before, and he dared to kill people in front of the battle. Hey."

"The King of Wu is in the limelight, and the King of Liang should give way a little." Pan Kai advised.

"But this tone... Everyone in the camp knows that the King of Wu is superior to me... Forget it, for the sake of our old friendship, I won't bother with him." Ma Wei was full of resentment, "People will change, and some people change especially fast."

Xu Chu returned to the camp, thinking about why Ning Baoguan said those words, which sounded like he was deliberately provoking the relationship between him and Ma Wei.

Summoning the people attracted a lot of complaints, and the good reputation of the King of Wu was instantly wiped out, and he also received a hypocritical evaluation.

Xu Chu didn't have time to care about these, and hid behind the camp fence with other soldiers to watch the situation outside.

The officers and soldiers had no intention of retreating, and they bent their bows and arrows to prepare for the next round of long-range shooting.

Where did the cavalry led by the King of Jin and Tan Wuwei go? Why didn't they even harass them? Time passed little by little, and there was only one round of long-range shooting left before the agreed attack. Xu Chu couldn't wait any longer, so he summoned all the generals in his department and discussed the matter behind the fence.

Everyone stood bent over, as close to the wooden fence as possible, holding shields or wooden boards in their hands to prevent the soldiers from shooting arrows at random times.

"The soldiers have been led away." Xu Chu said.

The generals looked at each other, none of them understood what this sentence meant.

Xu Chu explained: "The King of Jin has not shown up, the soldiers outside have very few horses, and they only shoot arrows but do not attack, which means that the main force has been led away, and the remaining soldiers only want to trap us here."

"It seems... that's the case." Someone replied hesitantly.

"The soldiers are fierce on the outside but weak on the inside... The soldiers are just show-offs, and they can be defeated with a strong attack."

"How to attack? The soldiers have bows and arrows, but we don't even have complete shields. Before we rush to the place, everyone will die." A general said.

"King Wu Yue's idea is good. Let the people block the arrows, and we will rush forward from behind."

"This is a bad idea. If the people block the way, the rebels will not be able to rush to the officers and soldiers as soon as possible. I have an idea. Let's see if you have the courage to do it with me."

The generals looked at each other again. The awe they had built up after the battle last night was being severely tested.

"Are the lives of the people more important than ours?" Someone finally raised a question.

"This has nothing to do with the people. It's about how to win this battle. If letting the people die can defeat the officers and soldiers, I will immediately drive them all to the battlefield. But it's useless. My idea must be implemented without obstacles in front."

The generals no longer objected, but they were not enthusiastic enough and remained silent.

Xu Chu said: "You all know Feng Ji Niang, right?"

Several people nodded, and several others said: "I've heard of it." Everyone showed an ambiguous smile on their faces, obviously having heard about Feng Ji Niang staying overnight in King Wu's tent.

"I promised Feng Ju Niang that I would find her a new husband. After this battle, the meritorious person can marry Feng Ju Niang. If he doesn't want to, I will also give him a corresponding reward..."

"Yes!" Several generals shouted in unison.

"I am willing to die." A general's eyes lit up, "I would rather be killed by this woman. But... is the King of Wu really willing to do that?"

"I have a wife, she... is very jealous and strict. If she hears that I have a woman outside, she will come to kill me from thousands of miles away."

The generals nodded one after another. They were originally in awe of the King of Wu, but now they feel a little closer.

"What are you waiting for? The King of Wu will give the order now." The generals suddenly became impatient.

Xu Chu expressed his idea and ordered the generals to disperse and pass the order. They agreed to take action immediately after another round of archery.

In the central army camp, Ning Baoguan sent people to observe the movements in the two wing camps.

The news from the King of Liang's camp made him quite satisfied. The people had been driven to the camp gate and could be driven out to block the arrows at any time.

The King of Wu only summoned the people in the camp, but did not send them to the front. This made Ning Baoguan very angry. "He has military law, but I don't have it? If you disobey orders, I will deal with you later..."

The sound of heavy rain sounded outside the house again. As soon as the sound stopped, Ning Baoguan pushed the door and went out of the house, ordering: "Come on, you can't just wait to die here."

The people at the camp gate cried and shouted, but did not dare to disobey the order. After leaving the camp, they immediately ran to both sides, looking for potholes to hide, and did not dare to run towards the officers and soldiers.

Ning Baoguan held a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, supervising the soldiers to follow behind the people.

"Look, the Wu army camp will move!" A soldier on the watchtower shouted, his voice full of surprise.

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