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The officers and prisoners were escorted by the rebel infantry, with their hands tied, and they marched forward step by step in the night, complaining in their hearts but not daring to say no.

Cao Shenxi was older and had a higher status, so he was the only one to get a mount.

Ning Baoguan had already led the cavalry to attack, and Xu Chu sent his soldiers back and forth. When he passed by Cao Shenxi, he smiled and said, "What does Uncle Cao think of the outcome of this battle?"

Cao Shenxi sighed, "You are seeking your own death."

"Who seeks death? The rebels or the court?"

Cao Shenxi sighed again, "Of course it's you rebels..." There were people around him scolding him, but Cao Shenxi didn't care at all and continued: "The long siege is based on the mountains and is dangerous, occupying all the favorable terrain, one person can block the pass, and ten thousand people can't. Mo Kai, it’s a joke that you guys want to break through the barriers.”

"Lan Xun was repeatedly defeated in battles, but he was still able to rise step by step and take charge of the world's military. Even when life and death were at stake, he refused to completely give up military power, let alone resign. When the young emperor ascended the throne, he needed the guidance of good ministers, but The Liang family claims to be a scholarly family, but instead of serving the emperor in the right way, he does what he likes and poisons the world. These two things are the biggest joke."

Before Cao Shen washed, he sighed.

"Uncle Cao reminded me." Xu Chu said with a smile and loudly ordered the soldiers to light more torches and at least one man. The gap between the teams was slightly wider. From a distance, it seemed that there were more people.

Cao Shenxi still sighed, "The general has long expected that you might take this dangerous move, so he left General Xi, Duke of Heng, to guard the long siege. General Xi uses his troops like a god and will not be fooled by you."

"Is General Xi better at using troops than Uncle Cao?"

Cao Shenxi shook his head and sighed, refusing to answer.

Zhou Lu stayed with other prisoners. The only preferential treatment was that he had no ropes on his body. At this time, he couldn't help but interjected: "Xi Yun was not left by the general at all. He refused to accept the order and insisted on staying in Changwei. General no way……"

"No one asked you to speak!" Cao Shenxi shouted, rarely sighing.

Zhou Lu shrank his head, but did not shut up, "He who knows the current situation is a hero, General Cao, you know the situation better than me. You can't hide it. It's better to abandon the darkness and turn to the light together, and still be the founder of the country..."

"How did the Marquis of Dongyang give birth to a son like you?" Cao Shenxi drove his horse to collide with Zhou Lu, but the reins were held by the rebel soldiers. The horse neighed twice and continued on its original route.

The soldier said angrily: "Be honest, aren't you satisfied with being allowed to ride a horse?"

Zhou Lu pushed further and said: "General Cao, don't talk about kings, kings and ministers. Tiancheng only established the dynasty for more than 20 years. Everyone knows what happened in the beginning. I am younger and have heard my father talk about it. Emperor Zhang was originally a minister of the Liang Dynasty. He was not a king, and his ministers were not subordinates. He first became a 'rebellion' and then conquered the world. Now he is embarrassed in the face of the rebels. "

Cao Shenxi and Xu Chu were asking and answering questions for a long time without getting angry. But when he heard Zhou Lu's words, his face turned red with anger, his beard trembled slightly, and he simply stopped talking and kept sighing.

Zhou Lu turned to please Xu Chu, "King Wu's plan will definitely come true. I am willing to be the leader of the rebel army and lead you into the city..."

"How many soldiers does Xi Yun have?"

"This...I don't know." Zhou Lu scratched his head, "I know that the soldiers guarding Changwei are all civilians recruited temporarily. Counting Xi Yun, there are no more than ten generals guarding the wall..."

Suddenly there was a shout from the front, and Ning Baoguan had apparently led his cavalry to attack.

The shouting continued, and it was difficult to hear the progress. Xu Chu sent an order to speed up slightly, shouting as he walked, holding the torch in his hand high to increase his momentum.

Ning Baoguan never sent anyone back to deliver the message. Xu Chu began to feel uneasy and ordered to speed up again. He rode at the front and saw the lights in front of him forming a line. The shape of the long wall was vaguely revealed. It was unreachable and the court could use it. A large number of civilians can build a wall several feet high in ten months.

The rebels' only siege equipment was a few temporary ladders, and Xu Chu really couldn't think of any way to attack this wall.

There were no more shouts in front, so Xu Chu ordered the infantry to stop shouting and slow down slightly.

As he got closer and closer to the barrier, Xu Chu couldn't see Ning Baoguan's cavalry nor the messenger who sent the message, and he became more and more confused.

The military wall is in front of you, the door is closed, and there is no one in front of it.

Xu Chu ordered the infantry to stop and led Tang Weitian to the door.

Someone from above asked loudly: "Who is coming?"

"Xu Chu, the ruling king and governor of the Kingdom of Wu, led his troops to kill the tyrant, and three hundred thousand descendant troops arrived soon after..."

"Haha, it turns out to be King Wu, come in quickly, King Ning is waiting for you."

The wall door opened wide, and Ning Baoguan's general Liu Busheng led a dozen soldiers to welcome him out. He cupped his hands and said with a smile: "King Wu came so quickly, we just entered not long ago."

"Why don't you send someone to deliver a message to me?"

"Just when I was about to send someone, King Wu arrived." Liu Busheng said with a smile.

"I see." Xu Chu didn't care, knowing that this was Ning Baoguan's "joke" to test the courage of King Wu.

The officers and soldiers abandoned the long siege, leaving only hundreds of civilians doing chores. According to them, Lan Yong brought back the news of the defeat yesterday. The officers and soldiers guarding the siege were in an uproar. Some people dropped their weapons and fled on the spot. Xi Yun tried his best. After persuading, Kelan Yong was frightened and said that he wanted to go back to Dongdu to report the news, so he ran away first.

Lan Yong not only brought bad news, but also took the lead in fleeing. The temporarily assembled officers and soldiers immediately dispersed. Seeing that the situation was over, Xi Yun also abandoned the siege and fled with his cronies.

The long pass that the imperial court had built with great difficulty was given to the rebels for nothing. Some civilians ran away, and the rest of them discussed and decided to wait for the arrival of the rebels.

Ning Baoguan was always calm, but at this time he showed obvious joy. He walked back and forth, and looked up from time to time and said, "God helps me."

Seeing Xu Chu, Ning Baoguan took a few steps to meet him, "You are right, Dongdu has been scared and will surrender to me! Hey, we are afraid of the imperial court's strong soldiers and horses over there, but in fact the imperial court is more afraid of the rebels. They don't know what the situation is outside. They think there are rebels everywhere and that the whole world has rebelled..."

Ning Baoguan's words were a bit confusing. After a moment, he suddenly shut up, his ecstasy was swept away, and he returned to his usual appearance, "The opportunity cannot be missed, we must rush to Dongdu as soon as possible, I will lead the cavalry in the vanguard, and you will lead the infantry."

"The Dongdu will not be so easy It is easy to surrender, King Ning must have a certainty in his mind..."

"I understand the use of appeasement. The court often uses this trick against the rebels. Now it's my turn to use it against the court."

Xu Chu had to remind him again, "Don't let the soldiers have the idea of ​​massacring the city. Dongdu has abundant wealth, enough to reward the whole army. There is no need..."

"You think too much." Ning Baoguan jumped on his horse, "As long as the people of Dongdu obey the will of heaven and surrender to me, I will use the court's wealth to reward the people of the whole city, not just the rebels?"

Xu Chu bowed and said, "King Ning has such a great ambition, which is a blessing for the rebels and the people."

"Hey, you are showing your tail as a counselor again." Ning Baoguan rode away, and more than 500 cavalrymen followed closely.

Xu Chu ordered the infantry to rest for a while, incorporated the civilians into the army, collected the armor and utensils thrown into the fortress by the officers and soldiers, left hundreds of Wu people to guard the wall, and then sent a messenger to send a letter to King Jin and others, and then led the troops to chase Ning Baoguan.

The road became more and more familiar. Soon after dawn, Xu Chu even saw Guangpu Temple. Zhou Lu had taken him to the temple and met Zhang Shiduan, the prince of Guangling, and Princess Huanyan for the first time.

The situation ahead was unclear, so Xu Chu ordered the army to stop, let everyone eat some dry food, and then reorganize the formation, and put up more flags - no matter who these flags belonged to, as long as there were more - he wanted to make a deep impression on the people of Dongdu when they saw the righteous army for the first time.

The soldiers moved quickly, but several generals were a little dragging their feet and whispered to each other.

Xu Chu was puzzled at first, but soon realized it and admitted that it was his fault. He immediately summoned all the generals of the Wu army and said, "The East Capital is ahead. After entering the city, everyone will be rewarded. Before that, I will give out the rewards promised yesterday. It's just a little bit. When the rebel army arrives, we will re-evaluate the merits and rewards."

The generals were all delighted. Xu Chu continued, "Whoever made the greatest contribution in yesterday's battle will be given Feng Ju Niang as his wife. Let's discuss it."

Immediately, someone boasted that he had killed 100 officers and soldiers, but was laughed at by others.

The generals were arguing, and Xu Chu didn't want to waste time here, so he said, "I recommend one person, General Lu Kuan. He led the troops and was shot in both hands during the attack, but he didn't retreat even a step. After the battle, he was wounded more than ten times. A general should be a role model for the soldiers, and General Lu did it. If anyone disagrees, you can show your wounds. If you have more than General Lu, you will have greater merit."

It is not a good idea to evaluate military merits by wounds, but the generals of the righteous army are willing to accept it. Lu Kuan was originally a general of Liang, and he was brave. When he heard the words of King Wu, he immediately took off his armor and exposed his wounds, "Only look at the fresh ones, old wounds don't count."

The generals took a look and each bowed and said, "King Wu is right, General Lu has made the greatest contribution and should be awarded by Feng Ju Niang."

Lu Kuan put on his armor again and bowed and said, "King Wu keeps his word, there is nothing to say, I will go wherever you point, without any hesitation."

"Let's just go to Dongdu." Xu Chu smiled.

The team was on the road again. The general who was familiar with Lu Kuan joked with him, "Old Lu, be careful. Feng has killed ten husbands."

"I have survived so many injuries. Why do I care about a little girl? Don't say that Dongdu is scared. Even if they dare to go out of the city to fight, I can fight one hundred!"

"With Old Lu's bravery, there will be no problem on the battlefield. I am worried that you can't stand it in bed, haha!"

Everyone laughed, and Lu Kuan was very proud.

"I can stand it in bed, but I can't stand it on my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law is invincible with her kitchen knife. Be careful of your life."

"That woman likes gold and silver jewelry. A few pieces can shut her up. I also want her to call Ju Niang sisters." Lu Kuan was more and more proud.

Someone rode up in front, and Xu Chu was happy, thinking that Ning Baoguan had succeeded.

The rider was panting, but his face showed no joy. When he saw Xu Chu, he immediately said, "Prince Ning sent an order to have Prince Wu lead his troops there quickly."

"What's going on?"

"The Eastern Capital refused to surrender and detained our people!"

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