Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 151: In and Out of the City

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Ning Baoguan took Xu Chu aside and said, "It was your idea to attack Dongdu, but I made the decision, so all the responsibility lies with me."

Xu Chu handed over his hand and said, "Prince Ning is generous, but this is not the time to divide responsibilities..."

Ning Baoguan asked Xu Chu to take a few more steps, "I'm not dividing responsibilities, I just want to tell you that although you are the King of Wu, since you agree to me being the head coach, you have to listen to me."

"Of course, if it hadn't been for King Ning's order, I would never have divided my troops and come here without permission."

Ning Baoguan nodded with satisfaction. Although he was born into a poor family, he had been aloof since he was a child. He had to be the leader when playing with other children. His lifelong shame was to live under others. Even though he was the king of the world, whenever he had the opportunity, even if Even if there is a very small opportunity, you must be independent.

For him, overwhelming people is neither a goal nor a choice, but the blood flowing in his body, just like some people are violent, some are easy-going, some are silent, and some love to talk and laugh... Ning Baoguan His temper was so bad that he couldn't even notice it.

Others can notice that Xue Liujia hates him extremely, Ma Wei becomes restless when he sees him, and Xu Chu can't help but be careful everywhere, and must be very alert, just for fear of making a small mistake.

"The general is leading his troops back to Beijing for rescue. We estimate they will arrive after nightfall. Originally we were going to attack the officers and soldiers, but now we are being attacked by them. If Dongdu does not surrender as soon as possible, you and I and all the soldiers will surely die."

"Dongdu has already surrendered, please wait a little longer..."

Ning Baoguan turned to look at the westward sun and shook his head, "Waiting is not the answer. The longer we wait, the more people in the city will see our weakness."

"What is Prince Ning's plan?"

"I'm going to send you and that cowardly guy into the city to persuade the people of Dongdu to surrender quickly."

Xu Chu had already guessed Ning Baoguan's thoughts, and said, "I can go, but I have something to say: King Ning knows my identity, and the people of the Eastern Capital also know it clearly. If I go to persuade them to surrender, it may make them determined." , or it could be counterproductive.”

"We are the 'rebels' in the world, and you are the 'rebel' in Dongdu." Ning Baoguan actually smiled, "Let the people of Dongdu see that the 'rebels' live better, not worse." , If they hate you so much, it goes without saying that you will die in the city and I will die outside the city, just one morning and one night. If they are calmer and can listen to you, we will have a chance to enter the city early. "

Ning Baoguan turned his head and glanced into the distance. He was a man who was not afraid of heaven and earth. Although he was panicked when encountering trouble, he could always adjust quickly. "I can pretend to accept the recruitment and will never surrender in front of the formation. When the officers and soldiers arrive, I will fight to the end.”

"Please ask King Ning to send someone to shout to the city."

"Okay." Ning Baoguan also lowered his hand, "I think about how much my brothers and I offended each other when we first met by the river. I looked at King Wu Haihan. At that time, I didn't know that King Wu was also a hero."

Xu Chu returned the courtesy and looked at the city without saying anything.

"How many people will King Wu bring?"

"No need, Zhou Lu and I are enough."

Ning Baoguan went to ask his men to shout to the top of the city with loud voices. Xu Chu called Tang Weitian over, "I will go to the city to negotiate with the court later."

"Okay, I'm ready and can leave at any time."

"You don't have to go in with me."

"How can that happen?" Tang Weitian tilted his neck and widened his eyes, "I can't leave the Governor at all. The people in the city are insidious. What if they want to harm the Governor?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "I am from Dongdu. I know many people. Who dares to harm me? And -" Xu Chu lowered his voice, "I have other reasons for leaving you outside. If I don't come out before dark, I won't do anything." If there is news, or if my head is thrown out, you should go find Wang Dian immediately, roughly in the Supreme Garden on the east side, you have to find the specific location. "

"I'm looking for the governor's head..."

"Don't worry about it. You have quick legs and feet. After you find Wang Dian, tell him it's my order to lead his troops back to Runan City, meet up with General Bao, and go to Yecheng together to attack the King of Jibei or Xiangdong." If the king surrenders, you cannot go back to Jiangdong, remember?"

Tang Weitian listened attentively, but there was no response. Xu Chu reminded: "I asked you, do you remember?"

"Oh, remember, go back to Runan, find Bao Dun, and go together to surrender to the two kings in Yecheng. Don't go back to Jiangdong."

"Don't worry about others, just leave when it's time to leave, don't hesitate."

"But I still want to stay with the Governor." After all, Tang Weitian was young and had a childish side.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "The fortune teller said that I have great luck, and I will find you in the future."

"But you said your head would be thrown out..."

"I'm trying to scare you, but I shouldn't..."

When Ning Baoguan came, Tang Weitian was a little afraid of him and immediately backed away.

"It's done, I will lead the people back to the camp, and you and that guy can enter the city."

Zhou Lu was escorted over, thinking that he was going to be beheaded in front of the city gate. He was so frightened that his whole body became weak and he walked unsteadily. He was dragged by the guards for the last few dozen steps.

Xu Chu said: "Zhou Lu, you follow me into the city to persuade me to surrender."

Hearing that it was not beheading, Zhou Lu could stand on his legs again and shouted: "Go into the city! Go into the city together! Persuade them to surrender! Persuade them to surrender!"

The guard showed contempt and pushed him in front of King Wu.

Ning Baoguan said: "You still have about an hour." After saying that, he turned and left, leading the soldiers to retreat to the prototype camp that had just been built.

Tang Weitian was the last one to leave. He wanted to speak several times, but swallowed the words back. Suddenly he knelt down and kowtowed, got up and left.

The rebel army retreated, Xu Chu walked forward, Zhou Lu followed closely, and slowly gained some strength, "King Wu, what will you say after entering the city?"

"It depends on who you say it to and how you say it."

"Wang Wang, please see me. What about me? What do you need me to do?"

"You don't have to do anything, just follow me. Your face is a powerful tool to persuade me to surrender."

Zhou Lu didn't understand the meaning of his words and raised his hand to touch his face, "That's true. I know a lot of people in Dongdu. For my sake, they will surrender."

When he was approaching the city gate, Xu Chu saw the blood stains left when Lu Kuan fell to the ground. The body had been removed. He sighed softly and couldn't help but think, is there really such a thing as a gram in the world?

Zhou Lu smiled and said: "This is a big deal for King Wu to enter the city..."

Xu Chu raised his hand to stop Zhou Lu from speaking.

The small door on the city gate opened a crack, and someone poked his head out. After confirming that there were only two people outside, he opened it slightly wider.

Xu Chu entered the door, looked up and saw the receptionist, and felt a little relieved.

First there are people to persuade, and then there are words to persuade. If the person who greets the rebel envoy is still Fei Zhen, Xu Chu's life is over. The person standing opposite now is not Fei Zin, but Lou Keng.

Lou Jian seemed to be fatter than before, and was finally on par with his father. The expression on his face was very strange, as if he was about to laugh, but also as if he was about to cry. He looked more like brothers with Zhou Lu.

"Is Lou Zhongjun the only one?" Xu Chu stepped forward and asked.

Lou Jiang became more and more embarrassed, "There are others, that... King Wu, please come with me."

There were only a dozen people under the city gate, and Xu Chu could see strong fear in them.

The negotiation place was near the city gate. It was originally the sitting hall of the city gatekeeper. It was slightly decorated and had a long table with several seats on both sides.

Xu Chu sat alone, but Zhou Lu didn't dare to sit. He stood behind him, confused about his identity, and seemed more and more lost.

There are four officials in total. Except for Lou Gang, the others all look familiar to Xu Chu. I remember they should be important ministers in the court.

The four of them sat down, but the chair in the middle was empty.

Xu Chu stood up and said, "It turns out you guys asked me to come into the city just for fun. I don't want to talk anymore. I'm leaving."

Lou Jian and others were shocked. When they got up, they were too hasty and overturned the chairs. Lou Jian walked around the table and ran over, "What does King Wu mean by this? We have no intention of having fun."

Xu Chu stopped and said, "In that case, why don't you see Lan Xun and Taifu Liang? Can you make the decision for the emperor?"

Lou grabbed one of Xu Chu's arms and said eagerly: "It is because we have no backbone that we have not opened the door to surrender to the rebels. The Liang family quietly took His Majesty out of the city yesterday morning. We only got the news today. Now there are only The Queen Mother is still here, but the Queen Mother and the Emperor have run away."

"Where is the Lan family?"

"Lan Yong came back last night and said that the army had been defeated. The court was in chaos after hearing the news. He took advantage of the chaos and ran home, taking his father and family with him."

"The two kings of Jibei and Xiangdong?"

"They left earlier, saying they were going to fetch reinforcements, but there was no news. Now that I think about it, they fled with the Empress Dowager."

"Why didn't Lou Zhongjun leave?"

"I...I...the general is still outside, I can't leave."

Xu Chu didn't believe this reason, so Lou Jian had to say: "There are many things at home, and there are also many wives and concubines. I didn't expect the rebels to come so quickly..."

This reason is credible, Xu Chu asked again: "Why didn't Fei Zhen, the minister, come?"

"He's crazy. Dongdu doesn't even have a decent army, but he insists on holding on. He says that the rebels are civilians and don't know how to fight. There are so many people in Dongdu. People are fighting against people. There is a high city and thick walls. There is no need. The truth of defeat... We really couldn't listen, and we saw him killing the rebel envoy and trying to coerce the whole city to die with him. This didn't work, so we locked him up. The rebels wanted to take revenge, so they came to him. It really has nothing to do with us.”

Xu Chu was secretly shocked. If the ministers of the DPRK and Central Government listened to Fei Zhen, the Eastern Capital would really be unbreakable.

The eastern capital was destroyed by the Lan and Liang families, and those in power fled completely, so the remaining people naturally refused to fight.

"This one is not there, and that one is not here. Who has the highest official position in Dongdu now?"

"No more." Lou Jian and others shook their heads repeatedly, and an official said: "Lou Zhongjun has an old relationship with the King of Wu, so we pushed him..."

Lou Liang said angrily: "Master Qi, don't talk nonsense. You have pushed it, but I didn't agree."

No wonder the chair in the middle is empty.

Xu Chu said: "Since you have agreed to surrender, it will be much easier to handle. The rebels are fighting against the unjust and do not want to see the lives of people in ruins. If you put forward conditions and accept them, the rebels will accept them."

The four people scrambled to put forward conditions, which were almost the same as before. They were all about how to protect their own property and status, without mentioning a word about the people.

Xu Chu was suspicious. Since Fei Zhen was in jail, Lou Jian and others should have opened the door and surrendered long ago. Why did they hesitate until now?

The two officials spread out the paper and wrote down the conditions as long as Xu Chu nodded.

While the negotiation was in progress, the hall door was suddenly opened, and several people came in. The first person shouted: "Who dares to surrender, I will accept it first... Why is it you?"

The visitor was surprised, and Xu Chu was also surprised. He cupped his hands and said, "Master Tian, ​​you are well."

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