(Please collect and recommend)

After Guo Shifeng entered the door, he looked left and right. Lou Chu leaned out and looked right and left. After he felt there was no problem, they turned around to face each other, not knowing how to meet each other.

Guo Shifeng spoke first, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Come here uninvited, what a bother. There is thunder, no wonder Brother Chu is still up so late."

Standing in the courtyard, the old servant's snoring became more obvious. He turned to look at it and said, "I'm used to it. It's not so loud in the house."

"Ha ha."

"Brother Guo, why are you free tonight?" Lou Chi closed the courtyard door, guessing that the guest would not leave immediately, "Please come in and talk. I'm sorry, I don't have good wine or tea here."

"The bright moon is wine, and clear conversation is tea. It's impeccable."

The two of them entered the living room and sat down. Lou Chu found a pot of warm tea and chatted while drinking. Lou Chu wanted to ask the reason for his visit several times, but held back. Slowly, it turned into a competition, as if who could mention it first. Whoever comes here is the loser.

Time passed little by little, and Lou Chi's patience ran out first. He thought Guo Shifeng was here for Zhang Shiduan, the crown prince of Guangling Prince. Just as he was about to ask frankly, a strange bird call came from outside, drowning out the snoring of the old servant.

This is what Guo Shifeng was waiting for. He stood up and said, "Here you go, you are indeed on time."

"Who is here?" Lou Chu asked in confusion, realizing that Guo Shifeng might have another purpose.

"Brother Chu, please wait a moment. I will introduce a guest to you." Guo Shifeng pretended to be mysterious and walked out of the living room without letting Lou Chu get up.

Lou Chi was confused and a little dissatisfied. He didn't like such an accident.

There seemed to be a noise on the roof. The building owner suppressed his curiosity and drank tea slowly.

Not long after, Guo Shifeng pushed the door open and entered the hall. He stepped aside and gave way to the door. He solemnly said: "Please allow me to introduce to Brother Chu - the number one swordsman in the south and north of the Yangtze River, Hong Daohui, Hong Daxia."

Lou Chu suddenly realized that Guo Shifeng wanted to introduce the assassin to him.

In the whole plan, the assassin is very important. Lou Chu has always wanted to see him. Ma Wei promised to introduce him as soon as possible. Guo Shifeng suddenly brought him, which surprised Lou Chu.

Lou Chu stood up to greet him, but no one showed up outside the door.

Guo Shifeng smiled and coughed, "Dr. Hong traveled around the world in his early years. He retired to the mountains and forests for the past two years and rarely came out of the mountains. I say that an invitation is worse than a chance encounter. Since I am in the city today, I just happened to come over to pay my respects to my brother. Hong Daxia said it was the first time we met, so I must Bring a gift, so come later than me.”

Lou Chu hadn't even seen anyone yet, so he didn't know who to talk to, so he could only clasp his fists at the door and said: "Master Hong, you are too polite. I am unprepared here. I am ashamed. Master Hong...are you here?"

Guo Shifeng looked a little embarrassed, "It should be here, I clearly heard..."

Before he finished speaking, a large group of black shadows rushed in with a roar, and the hall door was closed. The oil lamp on the table flickered non-stop, almost going out.

Both people in the hall were shocked and speechless for a long time.

When the wind stopped and the lights were on, the building foundation finally saw the appearance of the person coming.

He was a man in his thirties, not too tall, with an extremely refined look. He was wrapped in a black cloak, with only his head exposed. His eyes were bright, his cheeks were fleshless, and his expression was serious, as if he was following an order. The cruel official who is investigating the case.

Guo Shifeng laughed, "He comes like a strong wind and goes like lightning. He is worthy of being a great hero. Come on, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Lou Chulou, the most talented man in the Yuxue Academy. He is the son of General Lou of the Chao Dynasty. His biological mother is Wu Princess."

Just as Lou Chu was about to speak, Hong Daohui rushed to him in two steps and saluted respectfully, "Hong Daohui, a commoner from Jiangdong, pays homage to Mr. Lou and is honored to meet the grandson of the King of Wu."

Lou Chu hurriedly reached out to help him, "Are you from the Wu Kingdom?"

"Born and raised in Jiangdong. When I was young, I met an expert and was accepted as a disciple. At the age of fifteen, I traveled around the world and visited famous mountains and rivers. My skills gradually improved and I became homesick. I returned home at the age of thirty. My hometown is no longer here, and I always feel guilty and resentful about it, thinking that I learned this skill in vain, and I have been regretting it for nearly twenty years. "

Lou Chu was shocked. This man looked to be in his thirties, but he was actually an old man in his fifties. "Lou grew up in the eastern capital and has never traveled far. He is really ashamed of his mother country. Today, I can see the brave men from Jiangdong, which is a lifetime regret." "

Tea and fresh water seemed too rude. Lou Chu wanted to wake up the old servant and get some food and drinks. Guo Shifeng came over, grabbed their arms and said with a smile: "I knew you two would hit it off immediately. Those who do great things don't stick to trivial matters. Let's Don’t be polite, sit down and talk.”

Hong Daohui did not sit down, but reached into his arms, took out a lock of hair, and put it on the table, "I came in a hurry, so I can only prepare this small gift, please accept it with Mr. Lou's smile."

Lou Chu was puzzled, "This is..."

"Hong has no other skills. He only knows how to do tricks like climbing over walls. I heard that Mr. Lou has a person I hate the most in my life, so I went into his house at night and took half of his hair to teach him a lesson."

Lou Chu was shocked and even more puzzled, "I don't have the person I hate the most..."

Guo Shifeng interjected: "I can guarantee that the black-haired dog Zhou Lv will not dare to go out for several months and will never disturb Brother Chu again."

Lou Chu really didn't like Zhou Lu, but he had no hatred at all. "Master Ma, did you say that I hate Zhou Lu the most?"

Guo Shifeng pointed to the hair on the table, "What do you think of Hero Hong's abilities?"

Lou Chu knew that this was not the time to care too much, so he hurriedly said: "I didn't expect that there is such a strange person as Hong Daxia in the world. Lou Chu is so humble, and today finally opened his eyes."

The three of them took their seats respectively. Guo Shifeng tried to persuade him to stop drinking. Hong Daohui also said that he had given up drinking for many years. "Hong made an oath many years ago: Until the tyrant Zhang is eliminated, he will never drink alcohol in his life."

Lou Chu was ashamed and asked, "Does Master Hong have a grudge against the imperial court?"

"Hong has selfless revenge, and I will avenge the people of the world. Over the years, Hong has traveled south and north, seeing how difficult people's lives are, hearing complaints, and always feeling generous in his heart. What's more, I am an old citizen of Wu State. I was unable to turn the tide back then, but now I have to do it for The motherland is avenged.”

Lou Chu suddenly felt some respect in his heart, and he cupped his hands and said, "People often say that Wu Shi loves his country. After meeting Hong Daxia, I know that this statement is true."

"Thanks to Mr. Lou's high opinion, Hong actually had selfish motives for taking this risk. I think at the beginning, because of my carelessness, I left traces when I killed a bully for the people, and was hunted down by the government's minions. I am convinced after hearing this. Hou Nai was a former Liang emperor who loved to make friends with heroes and help those in need, so he went to seek refuge. Mr. Ma had no choice but to leave me hiding in his house for a few months. After the situation calmed down, he personally escorted me out of the city. I would not repay this kindness. I’m ashamed of the word ‘xia’.”

Ma Wei really likes to make friends. Because of his special status, he rarely interacts with people in the court. Most of the people who come in and out of his home are heroes. Lou Chu admits that this is indeed useful, and it is of great use.

The three of them chatted, and most of the time it was Hong Daohui who talked about various anecdotes, leaving the other two stunned.

The tea had already cooled down and the oil lamp had been turned on seven or eight times. Hong Daohui wiped his mouth and stood up to leave, "Hong will not say anything else. I just wait until Mr. Lou finds out the exact news. Hong will be cut to pieces for this." Get rid of this great harm to the world."

Lou Chu stood up and bowed deeply, "Winning Hero Hong is like winning thousands of troops. Lou has no doubt that this will happen!"

Hong Daohui smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "I'll see you soon."

Hong Daohui strode out of the hall. There was no sound of the door opening and no one was anywhere.

Guo Shifeng also wanted to leave and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, you won't be worried anymore this time, right?"

"More than worrying, I'm confident now. Unfortunately, my humble home is small and I don't have the chance to see Hero Hong's skills."

Guo Shifeng pointed to the hair on the table, "Isn't this enough? Going in and out of the Marquis's Mansion is like entering a deserted place, swinging a sword to chop hair is like searching for something in a bag, so what's the difficulty in picking up a human head?"

"Brother Guo misunderstood. It's not that I don't believe it, but it's a pity that I can't see the peerless swordsmanship with my own eyes."

"Haha, Hero Hong will be able to escape unscathed. If you want to see his swordsmanship, there are many opportunities."

The floor foundation is leisurely and fascinated.

After sending Guo Shifeng to the gate, Lou Chi asked, "The patrolmen are patrolling the street. Can Brother Guo be able to walk at night?"

"Brother Chu, don't worry. King Guangling has a deep foundation in the Eastern Capital. I have gained a lot from my visit to the capital. As long as I don't break into the palace, there will be no obstruction, haha." Guo Shifeng left, very satisfied with this meeting.

Lu was also very satisfied and was too excited to sleep. He went back to the bedroom to get the knife, took it out of its sheath and looked at it for a while, then sighed: "Brother Dao, you are really weak in my hands. From now on, you will rest in the box." , just wait for the new owner.”

Lu Chi sheathed his sword, turned off the lights and went to bed, tossing and turning, thinking about whether he had a chance to approach the emperor again, and if the general's road was blocked, was there any other way...

Lou Chi spent the whole night looking for his way, and when he woke up the next day, he was exhausted, as if he had walked for several hours.

Breakfast was porridge, and the old servant was waiting on the side. When the master put down the bowl, he said, "Master, did you have guests last night?"

"Yes, a classmate." Lou Chu said vaguely.

"Is there more than one person?"

"Uh, you two. Did it disturb your sleep?"

"It doesn't matter whether you sleep or not, I'm just worried about the young master."

"It's just a chat with classmates, what's there to worry about?" Lou Chu asked with a smile.

The old servant snorted, "Why can't my classmate go through the door and insist on climbing on the roof? To be honest, just looking at his behavior, he doesn't look like a good person."

Lou Chu was startled, "Did you...hear a sound last night?"

"It just passed by my roof. How could you not hear such a loud sound? That's it when you come. You have to go to the room when you go. Don't you know where the door is?"

Lou Chu was stunned. He didn't listen to the old servant's next nagging. He only had a few thoughts in his mind: Is Hong Daohui the kind of swordsman he imagined? I am not a gullible person, why was I fascinated last night? How much do Guo Shifeng and Ma Wei know about this person?

"Hey, young master, you must be careful when making friends. You are the son of a general, so you have to pay attention to your reputation, and..."

Lou Chu stood up and walked out. The old servant held the bowl and shook his head helplessly.

Lou Chi must go to see Ma Wei immediately and ask clearly the doubts in his heart.

There was no one in the alley, only three children were playing. When they saw the building foundation, they pointed at him and giggled. Apparently they had heard about his deeds of being thrown out of the General's Mansion.

The foundation of the building quickened his pace, and a carriage was coming towards him. The carriage was going fast in the narrow alley, and the foundation of the building hurriedly got out of the way. Before he could raise his head to look, the carriage had stopped nearby, and two hands stretched out from above, pulling him up.

Zhou Lu's eyes were red, and he whispered half pitifully, half ferociously: "You must come with me today, they... they attacked me!"

Lou Chu thought of that strand of hair and knew there was a misunderstanding.

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