Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 161 Change of plan

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For anyone who claims to be a king, the King of Coming to the World is the biggest threat. Shen Dan decided to accept Ning Baoguan's overtures, "At least we must get rid of the King of Coming to the World first, otherwise, our work will be in vain." . As for Ning Baoguan, let’s wait and see what happens. If there is really no other way, we can temporarily give him the eastern capital, as long as he is really willing to give up the four states of Qin, Guan, Han, and Hebei.”

Liu Youzhong said: "Don't be merciful to Ning Baoguan. From what I see, this person looks like a wolf and has a heart like a jackal. He usually holds back and doesn't show any mercy. He will definitely kill him with one strike. Although the King of Jin has the intention to give in, Ning Baoguan may not be enough. . The Eastern Capital is now a battlefield. There is no way to retreat. The King of Jin will think twice."

When Liu Youzhong came to remonstrate, he unconsciously changed his title from "Third Brother" to "Prince Jin".

Shen Dan nodded, "I understand, but the fourth brother is right, things have priorities. If I can get rid of Ning Baoguan, of course I won't hesitate, but since he has occupied the Eastern Capital and has the advantage of the geographical location, everything must be a problem." We must be on guard. We may not be able to kill him if we join forces with King Jingshi. Moreover, if we kill King Jingshi first, people will be in chaos, and we will not have the advantage if we are to be guests tomorrow. Please let me think about it carefully. Go to see the King of Liang and the King of Shu and let them know that the plan has changed."

Liu You finally had no choice but to say "ok".

Xu Chu breathed a sigh of relief. King Jin's hesitation could at least keep Dongdu safe for a while. He cupped his hands and said: "The battle for the world is no longer about victory or defeat. Tiancheng has been torn into pieces. Now that the chaos has been eliminated, it is the time when all the heroes stand together and compete." In addition to the battle of wits, there is also the battle of benevolence and righteousness. Although benevolence and righteousness are not helpful now, they will be of great use in the future.”

Shen Dan smiled and said: "I understand what my fourth brother means. Strength and wisdom can eliminate great harm, but they cannot win over people's hearts. I have to raise the banner of benevolence and righteousness and make people from all over the world come to join me. I really want to return to Jinyang as soon as possible."

"Third brother knows my heart well."

Shen Dan laughed and sent the two of them out of the tent. He stayed to rearrange the plan for tomorrow. The selected soldiers could be used again, but the target to kill became another one.

Snowflakes were flying outside. Halfway through, Liu Youzhong stopped, signaled the guards to retreat, and whispered to Xu Chu: "There is something I must ask clearly. Fourth brother can tell the truth or lie, but I still have to ask." ”

"Brother, what's going on? Why should I lie to you?" Xu Chu said with a smile.

Liu You finally did not laugh, but took Xu Chu a few steps further, "Tell me, do you want to be independent or support the Mingjun? Is the Mingjun in your heart King Jin or King Ning?"

Xu Chu did not answer immediately, and gradually put away the smile on his face, "Brother, since you asked, I will tell the truth. I have the will to be self-reliant, but I don't have the resources to be self-reliant. Since I claimed to be the king, I have been struggling every step of the way. Let me see It must be clear that compared with other kings, I have no advantage in terms of time, location, and people. If I reluctantly participate in the competition, I will be seeking death."

Liu Youzhong showed a smile, "There is nothing strange about physiognomy, and it is not taught by gods. It is just that you can see more people and recognize them more accurately. Fourth brother, don't say that I underestimate you. From my perspective, four Although I am an unparalleled person in the world, I don’t have the appearance of an emperor.”

"I'm satisfied if my eldest brother can say 'unparalleled in the world'. How dare I ask for anything else?" Xu Chu said with a smile.

"But who does fourth brother think is the wise king?"

"I haven't made a conclusion yet." Xu Chu shook his head, "When Tiancheng died, not all heroes may gather in the Eastern Capital. Maybe there are others elsewhere who will take advantage of the situation and rise up. Even Tiancheng may have a chance to make a comeback."

"Haha, it's true. Before the World Army poured out of Tongguan, who would have thought that a group of rogues in Qinzhou would achieve what they have today? But I'm not asking about Tianxia or Dongdu. Who do you think the fourth brother is as the Mingjun?"

"Whoever can protect the Eastern Capital and make the best use of materials and people will be a wise king."

Liu Youzhong was stunned for a moment, then laughed again, "Fourth brother really told the truth. Well, those who are benevolent and righteous are just stupid and corrupt disciples, but if one is stronger in intelligence and strength than others, benevolence and righteousness will be of great use."

"That's exactly what it means."

"In terms of wisdom and strength, King Jin is extraordinary. As for 'benevolence and righteousness', my fourth brother will soon be able to see it."

"In terms of friendship, I only recognize Prince Jin."

"Haha, we are the same. I only have more confidence than the fourth brother." Liu Youzhong paused for a while, "The fourth brother doesn't like the plan to carve up the Eastern Capital?"

"No matter how rich the Eastern Capital is, it will not be as rich as the world. He will be overjoyed when he gets a small amount of wealth, and he will fight to divide it up. I can't see that he has any chance of becoming rich."

"It was my idea to carve up the East, and as you heard, King Jin did not agree. So I am a man of small wealth, but King Jin has aspirations of becoming rich."

"The King of Jin has indeed shown signs of 'benevolence and righteousness'."

"I am just a fortune teller. I only know a little about human nature. I only know wisdom and strength, but not benevolence and righteousness. Fourth brother, please don't laugh at me."

"The King of Jin needs people like my eldest brother. This is what is called controlling wisdom and strength with benevolence and righteousness."

Liu Youzhong laughed and nodded repeatedly, "Intelligence and strength, I have enough."

The two talked, and Liu Youzhong became more enthusiastic. He called the guards behind him and chatted while walking.

Mawei's camp is not far from here. He hasn't slept yet. He is worried about tomorrow's plan, thinking about the pros and cons over and over again, for fear of having some loopholes.

Ma Wei was overjoyed to see the two guests, "People said that King Wu had entered the camp. I thought it was a rumor, but it turned out that it was really Brother Chu!"

After a few words of greetings, Liu Youzhong immediately mentioned that there was a change in plans for tomorrow. Ma Wei was stunned for a moment, and then showed joy, "I also feel that the original plan was inappropriate. The King of Incarnation is already above all other kings. If he kills Ning Baoguan, the King of Incarnation is even more domineering. Wait a minute, I'll call someone."

The plan became a little sudden, and Ma Wei was worried that he had not thought carefully enough, so he called Guo Shifeng.

Although he recognized many masters, Guo Shifeng finally returned to King Liang and was willing to advise him.

"The threat of the King of Avatar is indeed greater. He has a high prestige and deep roots in the Army of Avatar. Killing him alone is not enough. He must be eradicated." Guo Shifeng turned around faster and more thoroughly, "This matter must be called. King Shu, he knows best who the confidants of the King of the World are. Tomorrow we will attack both inside and outside the city. No one can be left behind."

Liu Youzhong frowned slightly, "Gan Zhao is a bit weird. I've met quite a few people, and I can make a judgment at a glance. I can't say that I'm 100% sure, and I'm probably not wrong. I've met Gan Zhao a few times. I still can’t tell what he is like.”

Guo Shifeng said with a smile: "I'm afraid Mr. Liu is overthinking. Gan Zhao is a small official in Qinzhou, and he is looking for someone who can have both sides. Mr. Liu has seen many big shots, and when he sees such a small official, he is dazzled."

Liu Youzhong also smiled and said: "Maybe, if Gan Zhao were not the King of Shu, I would not have looked at him twice. Who will persuade Gan Zhao? Can King Liang make another hard trip?"

Just as Ma Wei was about to agree, Guo Shifeng said first, "No, Prince Liang and Gan Zhao are just casual acquaintances. It's easy to persuade him to deal with Ning Baoguan, but it's difficult to deal with King Jingshi. After all, Gan Zhao is the king personally appointed by King Jingshi. If you follow me for a long time, if the secret is leaked, it will ruin our plans. "

Xu Chu said: "Why don't I go and find out what's going on? After Gan Zhao meets me, if he reveals tomorrow's plan, he wants to save Ning Baoguan. I just took the opportunity to persuade him to join the new plan. If he doesn't mention a word, I won't either. Mention. As for who the confidants of the descendant king are, Ning Baoguan also knows."

The other three people nodded at the same time, and Ma Wei said: "I will send someone to send Brother Chu there. Don't expose your whereabouts. Gan Zhao's camp is full of old members of the Avatar Army. There may be people who talk too much and tell the story to the Avatar King. If Gan Zhao is serious, it's the best Well, if not, Brother Chu will have to find a way to remove his doubts. "

"I just said that I was ostracized by Ning Baoguan in the city, and I wanted to find a way out of the city to find some help." Xu Chu said.

The other three nodded again.

Liu You eventually stayed in the Mawei camp, waiting for Xu Chu to come back, while discussing the details of tomorrow.

That night, among the kings, only Ganzhao slept soundly. After waking up, he dressed and invited guests into the tent.

"King Wu?" It was announced that someone from King Liang was coming. Gan Zhao was very surprised when he saw Xu Chu.

Ma Wei's men exited the tent, and Xu Chu stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "You are here to visit me at night, and you will not be punished for being abrupt."

Gan Zhao asked Xu Chu to sit down, "I'm still looking forward to it. The King of Wu is here...Did the King of Wu leave the city on his own?"

Xu Chu did not abide by the promise he made to Ma Wei and others, and said directly: "I was ordered by King Ning to go out of the city, contact the kings, and jointly eliminate the world. The two kings of Jin and Liang have agreed, but there is no help from the King of Shu. , it’s hard to do, and that’s why I’m here.”

Gan Zhao was shocked and pale. He hadn't put on all his clothes yet. He sat there blankly. After a long while, he said: "It became... too fast."

"King Ning only left Luo and Jing Prefectures, and gave the other places to other kings. What does King Shu think?"

"Well... to be honest, I don't want to get involved in this matter. Anyone can own the Eastern Capital. I have no intention of fighting for it. I just want to go to Yizhou as soon as possible. According to the plan taught to me by King Wu, I will find the descendants of the original King of Shu and give up the throne. Give it to him and wait and see how the situation in the world changes."

"In this case, consider my trip here in vain. I just hope that the King of Shu can keep it a secret."

Xu Chu stood up to leave, but Gan Zhao hurriedly stopped him and said, "King Wu, sit down first and wait for me to think about it."

Gan Zhao put on his outer robe, meditated for a long time, and asked, "Will Yizhou be mine?"

"Well, Wuzhou belongs to me, Huaizhou belongs to the King of Liang, Qin, Bing, Han, and Ji belong to the King of Jin."

"Prince Ning also thinks Prince Jin is a strong rival, right?"

Xu Chu smiled and nodded.

Gan Zhao thought for a while and shook his head, "I still have to stay out of the matter. Of course, I will keep it a secret and not leak a word. Before, the kings wanted to kill King Ning, but I just conveyed the message on my behalf. I didn't listen to their plans, nor did I He sent soldiers to participate and did not leak the secret to King Ning."

"Does the King of Shu really have no intention of participating in this matter? Although staying out of the matter is the least dangerous, he will also receive the least reward afterwards."

"I didn't even get an inch of land in Yizhou. I have enough work there and I have no intention of asking for more rewards."

Xu Chu stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Okay, I believe the King of Shu will keep it secret. I have something to say, I wonder if the King of Shu is willing to listen?"

"I listen to every word of King Wu's golden and wise words."

"If you want to go to Yizhou, you don't have a good chance. The sooner the better. The East is a land of trouble. Once you are trapped, there is no way to escape. Moreover, the general led his troops to the west, and the place he went to was either Hanzhou or Yizhou. The mountains and rivers of the state are connected, and if a general gains access to one place, he will inevitably look into another place. If the king of Shu leaves late, he will gain nothing."

Gan Zhao bowed deeply and said, "If I gain the land of Shu, I must thank the King of Wu. But I don't know when the King of Wu will be able to travel west to meet him."

"If I don't go, Shu will be safe. If I go, there will be war and chaos. So, it's better for me not to go."

Gan Zhao smiled and said: "Yes, the king of one side, how can he go to the other side alone? In any case, I thank the King of Wu. Someone else can win the world. I will wait and see for a while. If it is the King of Wu, I will definitely give up Yizhou. Presented.”

Regardless of whether these words were sincere or not, Xu Chu thanked him.

On the way back to the Mawei camp, Xu Chu judged the kings in his heart, and finally felt that he deserved the Eastern Capital more.

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