Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 177 A plan within a plan

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Shen Dan was still as enthusiastic as usual, went out to greet him, held his hands in his arms and said with a smile: "Fourth brother is newly married, do you still have time to go out and hang out?"

"Don't mention this." Xu Chu really didn't want to mention it.

Shen Dan laughed and invited the guests into the house.

Ma Wei was also there, sitting at the table, gently nodding his head and saying "congratulations", with a smile on his face that was as light as the white breath coming out of his mouth.

"In order to alienate the kings, King Jingshi is really willing to spend his money." Shen Dan spoke first, "But I know that my fourth brother will definitely not fall into this trap."

"The King of Jin understands me." Xu Chu said his thoughts again in front of Ma Wei without calling him "Third Brother". When he said that he temporarily handed over the magic stick to Gan Zhao for safekeeping, Ma Wei seemed Very surprised.

"Gan Zhao is not trustworthy." Ma Wei blurted out. Seeing that Xu Chu didn't seem to be serious, he added: "I have had more contact with Gan Zhao. He has a kind face but a cruel heart. He is the best at pretending to be stupid. It seems that he doesn’t understand anything and lets others make decisions, but in fact he has already made up his mind and is plotting secretly.”

Shen Dan also said: "The King who came to this world is suspicious and bloodthirsty. He is not related to him but willing to recruit, but he can persist under his hands to this day without being hurt, and he is the king. He must be extraordinary, and the fourth brother should not underestimate him." "

Ma Wei nodded and said: "Take this time to enter the city as an example. Everyone else brought 3,000 people, but he only brought a few hundred people. He deliberately showed weakness to the kings and always mentioned that he wanted to go to Yizhou, as if he was against Dongdu has no interest. But he can't hide it from others, and I know that he has been trying his best to win over the soldiers of the Avatar Army and use them for his own purposes. Maybe he learned this trick from him. , Gan Zhao has more than a dozen adopted sons and daughters, all of whom are married to military leaders. "

"Gan Zhao is very good at winning people's hearts through details." Shen Dan interjected.

Ma Wei said: "Exactly. Gan Zhao's wife and Huang Tieniang are as close as sisters, and they keep saying good things for her husband."

"Xue Liujia didn't notice this?" Xu Chu asked.

Ma Wei smiled and shook his head, "Gan Zhao is very careful, and he thinks he is good at recognizing people. The people he draws in are not close relatives of the Xue family, let alone generals in the army, but some small bosses. For this reason, he got an approachable, courteous and corporal Reputation. These little bosses are also grateful to Gan Zhao. Although they are not in his army, they are willing to go through fire and water for him. "

Xu Chu smiled and said: "The King of Shu indeed has some real abilities."

Ma Wei said anxiously: "King Wu, doesn't he believe what I say?"

"The King of Liang thinks too much, how could I not believe it? I have known for a long time that a willing recruit must be an extraordinary person."

Ma Wei said: "The reason why I know this is because Gan Zhao once overestimated his ability and came to win over my people, but unfortunately he failed. Although there are few people in Liang, they miss the old dynasty and have no second thoughts about me. They keep Gan Zhao's words intact." Don't tell me. After that, I carefully observed Gan Zhao's actions and soon saw his true face."

Shen Dan said: "My fourth brother gave Gan Zhao the stick for safekeeping. I'm afraid it was a mistake."

Xu Chu said: "Xue Liujia's plan to alienate people, I must do the opposite. If I don't make some gestures, how can I gain the trust of Gan Zhao? As the King of Liang said, Gan Zhao is good at winning over the little bosses, and the Jishi Army inside and outside the city There are people like him, and winning his heart is the foundation for breaking Xue Liujia."

Shen and Ma looked at each other, and Shen Dan said, "Fourth brother, just have an idea."

Ma Wei couldn't help but said: "But I really don't understand now. What is King Wu's plan? The soldiers of the kings gathered in the west city, but King Wu abandoned them. Instead, he entered the palace alone, got the stick of birth, and married the daughter of the ancestor king. King Jin and I We were still talking about this just now, and everyone thought that King Wu wanted to take a dangerous plan, which was unwise. "

Shen Dan nodded and agreed.

Xu Chu said: "My two brothers are worried. Huang Tieniang led the woman into the city. I originally thought that she was ordered by Xue Liujia to take the opportunity to seize the city gate. Later I found out that although Xue Liujia had this intention, Huang Tieniang did not know. So. I sent her to the palace and inquired about Xue Liujia's movements. I didn't expect Debang to marry her. "

Ma Wei shook his head, "King Wu's move is too risky. If Xue Liujia takes action in the palace, no one can save King Wu. If anything happens to King Wu, the kings will be in chaos."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Things in the world are often like this. I know but the enemy doesn't know, and the enemy knows but I don't know. The people Xue Liujia fears the most are King Jin and King Ning. When I entered the palace alone, he felt that it was useless to kill me. He will find ways to bribe me, and his methods are really unexpected.”

Ma Wei was about to speak, but Shen Dan said: "Fourth brother must have a clever plan. Can you let us two get to know each other first so that we can make some preparations and cooperate with fourth brother?"

"I'm here just for this." Xu Chu looked at the two of them and put away the smile on his face, "Xue Liujia thought he had a plan and would summon the kings again soon. On the surface, it was me who spoke, but in fact it was his idea. . When the kings arrive, he will take action. My strategy is similar to his, and I also want to take advantage of the gathering to imprison Xue Liujia."

"Won't you kill?" Ma Wei asked doubtfully.

"If we don't kill him for the time being, we have to use him to appease the World-born army outside the city."

Shen and Ma looked at each other again, and they fell into a dilemma: if they trust King Wu, they have to go to the party, and this is exactly what Xue Liujia meant; if they don't trust King Wu, the kings will be divided, and Xue Liujia will be tricked. plan.

Xu Chu understood what they were thinking and said sternly: "Please give me a list, two brothers. I want to select warriors from the Jin and Liang armies. This time will definitely not end without success."

Shen Dan and Ma Wei felt a little relieved and didn't even say no. Under Xu Chu's insistence, Ma Wei said: "I don't have to make a list. Pan Kai is in King Wu's army. You go to him and let him pick people. There will be no mistake." ”

Shen Dan also said: "Yuan Ting and Shi Wanfeng are two generals of the Jin army. They are familiar with the soldiers. The King of Wu can just find them. I will send someone to inform them. They only follow the orders of the King of Wu."

"That's very good. Please wait for my news, two brothers. When you invite the kings, there must be a letter. If it says 'Wu Zhi Ji' on it, it means that my plan is sold. If there is no such word, or one word is wrong, The plan is not appropriate, and the two brothers must not accept the invitation."

"It should be like this. Where is Prince Ning? Will something happen again?" Shen Dan asked, still fresh in his memory of the scene at the first palace gathering, and regarded Ning Baoguan's actions as betrayal.

"So we don't need Prince Ning's people this time, just let him watch."

"How about taking the opportunity to bring him with us..." Ma Wei had an idea and came up with an idea. He was both afraid and hating Ning Baoguan.

"Just getting rid of the leader of the Advent Army will not be of much use to us. It will only cause trouble. First, imprison Xue Liujia, and then Tun Ning Baoguan. The most important thing is to win the morale of the Advent Army." Xu Chu replied.

Ma Wei knew the importance of having a large number of soldiers and a broad general, so he nodded and said, "What King Wu said makes sense."

Xu Chu left and did not ask Xue Liujia if he had promised to win over the two kings, because he knew that he would not hear the truth.

In the room, the two kings were silent for a long time. Ma Wei spoke first: "Xu Chu's heart is as deep as the sea. I see that his ambition has become more and more intense these days. He is no longer the imprisoned person he used to be. We should be more careful."

Shen Dan sighed softly, "It's a pity that the fourth brother refuses to be used by others. Otherwise, he would be a rare adviser. In the future, he will be granted the title of king or marquis."

"He can never forget that he is the son of Princess Wu." Ma Wei said sarcastically.

Shen Dan smiled and did not point out that Ma Wei also often mentioned the words "Emperor of the Liang Dynasty", "Should we believe him this time?"

"Wait and see. If he is sincere, this strategy is indeed a good one."

"Yes, there are nearly 200,000 soldiers in the World Army. Even if you choose one of the two, you can still get 100,000 elite soldiers. With Dongdu's food and equipment, it can be said to be the capital of an emperor..." Shen Dan stopped in time and laughed: "Fourth brother has too many worries and too many things on his mind. In the end, the friendship between you and me is not as strong as the one between you and me."

Ma Wei also laughed, and he was also thinking about the Shishi Army inside and outside the city. Under Xue Liujia, they were a ragtag group. If they were willing to submit to him, Daliang would not be isolated in a corner.

After visiting the kings, Xu Chu felt much better and had swept away the depression from last night, but he still didn't want to go back to the general's palace, so he called the guards and went to the palace to see Xue Liujia.

This is a game of defrauding each other's trust. Whoever pays first is the loser.

Meng Nilun also happened to be back. He had sent the "man in the wall" outside the city without asking any questions. Knowing that King Wu was secretly prepared, he felt much more at ease.

After the kings entered the city, there was no looting. The people in the city were a little more peaceful. There were more people on the streets, buying and selling. Everything was as usual, except that prices had increased several times, causing some minor disputes.

Xu Chu was riding a horse and walking on the street, and suddenly he went back to the past. Zhang was still the emperor, and he was still imprisoned.

Wu Bing, who was leading the way, broke his illusion and said "The ruling king has arrived", frightening many pedestrians away. Occasionally, some brave people hid in the alley to take a look, their eyes evasive, reminding Xu Chu that he had indeed captured Dongdu.

Xu Chu noticed one thing. Although most of the pedestrians were old, weak, women and children, there were also some strong men among them. It seemed that what Fei Zhen said was true. There were many strong men hiding in Dongdu. They would rather see Dongdu than fight for the emperor. Fall.

"If I monopolize the Eastern Capital, I will be able to attract everyone to work for me." Xu Chu said secretly.

Xue Liujia was still living in the main hall. When he saw Xu Chu, he smiled and said, "My good son-in-law is here. Where are you...where is the emperor-killing stick?"

"I will give it to King Shu for safekeeping temporarily."

Xue Liujia was shocked. He stood up and went down the steps and came to the "good son-in-law". "What do you mean?"

"The King of Shu told me that my ancestor promised him the three western states and allowed him to proclaim himself emperor?"

Xue Liujia looked a little embarrassed, "Anyway, the three states are not in my hands, so I won't lose anything by promising him, and it can also make him feel at ease."

"The four kings of Shu, Ning, Jin, and Liang, one person and three states, the world is not divided enough."

Xue Liujia laughed, "My son-in-law thinks too much. He counts several states for each person, and there are many repetitions in the middle. It temporarily reassures him, but in the end, not a single state can escape."

"I guess this is what the ancestors meant, so I temporarily handed over the magic stick to the King of Shu, and then went to meet the King of Jin and the King of Liang. I have gained their trust, and I can summon them and catch them all."

Xue Liujia was stunned. He did have this idea. Before he could speak, the "good son-in-law" actually implemented it first, "Are you really... where is Prince Ning?"

"Prince Ning is not easy to persuade, but now that the three kings have been eliminated, Prince Ning will be unable to stand alone, so there is nothing to fear."

Xue Liujia looked at Xu Chu again, "Are you really willing to get rid of the kings for me?"

Xu Chu held up his hand and said, "For the sake of your father-in-law and myself, if your father-in-law can promise me all the soldiers of the kings..."

Xue Liujia laughed and patted the "good son-in-law" on the shoulder, "I understand, I understand, I really saw the right person. But let's talk about my daughter first. She was not very satisfied last night. You won't... You really don’t understand anything, do you?”

Xu Chu fell from "the world" to "the bed" again.

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