Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 180: Gatekeeping

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There were only a few old family members left in Lan Mansion. As soon as they saw someone breaking in, they immediately knelt down and kowtowed, showing no resistance.

Huang Tieniang was very proficient at it. She assigned her female soldiers to interrogate the prisoners, search everywhere, and move everything they found to the front yard. She personally inspected the important inner rooms and warehouses.

After going around, a lot of things were moved out, but Huang Tieniang was not satisfied. She wanted to see boxes of gold and silver jewelry, not a bunch of candlesticks, copper stoves and other items. Although they were also inlaid with gold and silver, they were all buckled down. It was extremely troublesome and not to her liking.

"The Lan family is the richest in the world. There must be boxes of gold and silver. Where is it hidden?" Huang Tieniang stepped forward to interrogate him personally.

Several old family members could only kowtow, and it took a long time for one of them to have the courage to reply: "They were all taken away, not a single bit left."

"How is it possible? The Lan family escaped suddenly and had time to take away everything?"

The old man said in a trembling voice: "The owner left suddenly. Things started moving out a few months ago."

"Where did you move?"

"I don't know. The owner won't tell us. Anyway, they are pulling out one car at a time. They are probably going to places far away."

Huang Tieniang was so angry that she said, "The Lan family is so dishonest. They transfer their property while fighting against the World Army. They are the ultimate bastards."

Xue Jinyao reminded from the side: "In such a big house, there must be a secret room to store treasures."

"Yes, where is the secret room?"

"We are the gatekeepers. We usually can't even enter the second door. How can we know the secret room?"

"I'll give you a little pain and you'll remember everything."

Several female soldiers came forward and beat them with guns. The family members wailed and begged for mercy, but they could not tell where the secret room was.

Xu Chu arrived at this time. When he entered the hospital, he first asked the female soldier to stop. He took a few steps forward, shook his head to Xue Jin, then raised his hands to Huang Tieniang and said with a smile, "Mother-in-law is well."

"It's not good at all. They say the Lan family is rich. Even people in Qinzhou have heard of it, but I only collected this little rag." Huang Tieniang pointed to the debris piled on the ground.

"Sure enough, they are all rags." Xu Chu said.

Huang Tieniang looked at Xu Chu and said, "Yes, you are from Dongdu and you are the son of the general."

"It used to be, but it's not now."

"Well, in the past, you should know who's rich in Dongdu, right?"

"The royal family, the six ministers and the four kings are all relatively wealthy."

"Who are the Six Ministers and Four Kings?"

"The six families of Lou, Lan, Xi, Cao, Shen and Huangfu, and the four kings of Guangling, Xiangdong, Yidu and Jibei."

"All the money from Kelan's family has been taken away, let's go and have a look at other houses."

"It must be the same for other families, and although the six ministers and four kings are rich, they are not as rich as the emperor."

"Of course, the emperor must be the richest." Huang Tieniang gritted her teeth bitterly, "I was careless and gave the palace to the King of the World... Otherwise, I will go to him again. He wants women, and I want gold and silver. , everyone has their own fun.”

Xu Chu smiled and said: "The emperor is not the richest person."

Huang Tieniang was very surprised, "Stop bragging, who can be richer than the emperor?"

"Excuse me, mother-in-law, where does the emperor's money come from?"

"Collect it from the people of the world. If everyone hands over a little, the emperor's house will not be able to have enough."

"So the common people in the world are richer than the emperor."

"What the hell? The people are so poor that they are forced to rebel. Where will the money come from?"

"I'm talking about 'the common people of the world', not 'the common people of one place', nor 'one common people'."

Huang Tieniang didn't understand, and Xue Jin shook his head and said, "Mom, he is joking with you."

Huang Tieniang said angrily: "No matter how big or small, how can a son-in-law make fun of his mother-in-law? Don't you want to live?"

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "Mother-in-law, listen to what I have to say. I am definitely not joking, but I want to tell my mother-in-law that there is a way to get more gold, silver and jewelry. It is easier than raiding rich households and you can get more."

"Let's talk about it. If you say it's simple, it must be really simple. I won't listen if it's a bit complicated."

"It's very simple. Learn from the emperor. My mother-in-law thinks that the emperor is the richest. Why not imitate him in collecting taxes and collecting tribute from the people? Gold, silver and jewels come naturally, and there is no need for my mother-in-law to inspect them personally."

"Are you trying to persuade me to become emperor?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "When Maitreya came to the world, didn't he just want to establish a new dynasty and unify the world?"

"We are not emperors. Maitreya personally gave him a stick to kill the emperor. It is unlucky to call himself an emperor." The stick was originally Huang Tieniang's "weapon", and she still believed it was a divine object.

"The title is not important. My father-in-law and mother-in-law only need to learn from the emperor's practices. There is no need for the title of emperor."

Huang Tieniang thought for a while and said to her daughter, "Do you think what he said makes sense?"

"I think he is talking nonsense. How can it be so easy to imitate the emperor? Now we ask the people of the world to pay taxes. Who is willing to pay?"

"The people don't want to pay taxes because the name is unfair. It's really difficult to ask people all over the world to pay taxes, but it's quite simple to ask people in Dongdu to pay taxes. Give me ten days, and I can collect ten thousand taels. Silver, a thousand taels of gold.”

Huang Tieniang was so surprised that she couldn't close her jaw. She suddenly thought that she couldn't show her cowardice, and immediately said: "Double everything. If you don't have gold or silver, use jewels to compensate."

"No problem, my mother-in-law can just sit quietly in the palace and wait for the good news."

"Within ten days?"

"Within ten days, today is New Year's Eve, and before dark on the tenth day of the first lunar month, the gold and silver will be delivered to my mother-in-law."

Huang Tieniang grinned, "I read that right, your son-in-law is of some use."

Xu Chu handed over his hand and took the opportunity to say: "Collecting taxes is easy, there is only one condition."

Xue Jinyao snorted coldly, "Mom, you heard it, right? In a big detour, he actually wants to make conditions."

"Let my son-in-law say that as long as it's not too difficult, the conditions are acceptable."

"Don't disturb the people of Dongdu, let them feel safe, and then I can collect taxes. Let them believe that after paying taxes, their families will be protected. In this way, everyone will be willing to pay, and the rebels will spend very little and gain a lot. ”

"My 'twenty thousand' or 'two thousand' cannot be less, and the rest will go to the rebel army." Huang Tieniang corrected.

"Of course, if it's just for the rebels, I don't want to bother myself."

Huang Tieniang became even happier and pulled her daughter over, "Your father has never done many good things in his life, except that he chose a good son-in-law for you, who is much more useful than your brother-in-law."

Xue Jinyao looked at him coldly, "He is lying to you, mother. In the end, you will definitely not get gold and silver."

But Huang Tieniang was already moved and said with a smile: "My dear daughter, go home quickly and have a night of love with your good son-in-law. You won't talk like you do now. How can a newlywed wife say bad things about her husband?"

"I won't go back, let him go back by himself."

Although Huang Tieniang dotes on her little girl, there are times when she has a bad temper. She shouted: "Go back and consummate the marriage tonight. The marriage has been completed and there is no reason to regret it. I will guard the door for you. If you don't understand, ask me."

Xue Jinyao's face was full of anger, and all the female soldiers were smiling. The only one who felt ashamed was Xu Chu, but this hit his weak point again. After thinking for a long time, until he was surrounded by everyone and left the house, he could not think of a suitable excuse.

When she returned to the General's Mansion, it was already midnight. Huang Tieniang and a few female soldiers were guarding the door and pushed her daughter and son-in-law into the room. "Don't fool me. I've been here and know everything. You two chicks Son, please behave for me and try it at least once. If you don’t like it after that, I have nothing to say. It’s up to you.”

Xue Jinyao was also angry. He dragged Xu Chu's hand to the bed and said angrily: "I'll do it for you. Don't force me to find a son-in-law again. You don't need to appoint a son-in-law. I have to choose it myself."

Huang Tieniang closed the door and said with a smile: "Silly girl, I only have one son-in-law. I have no chance to find another son-in-law. You have to admit whether it is good or bad..."

The female soldiers were all Huang Tieniang's old friends. If they wanted to have a meal, they would stand outside and drink. They would talk about the romantic affairs of their youth without lowering their voices. When they talked about it, their laughter could spread throughout half of the general's house.

"What's going on with Niu Tiannu? Ning Bao'er wants to marry the Queen Mother, why hasn't she made any move?" Huang Tieniang thought of this incident.

A female soldier said: "Although Niu Tiannu is very powerful at ordinary times, when she is in front of her husband, she is like a mouse meeting a cat. She is extremely well-behaved. Not to mention marrying the Queen Mother, even if Niu Tiannu is asked to serve the Queen Mother as a maid, she will not do it. Dare to say no."

"Okay, I know you two are at odds with each other and will say bad things to each other whenever there is an opportunity. I know Niu Tiannu. She is not a person who can endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens. When Ning Baoer left Qinzhou with a group of people, she was very angry. Ning Baoer Ning Bao'er pulled up a team but didn't go to pick up her and the child, which made her even more angry. Even if there was no such thing as the Queen Mother, she would not let Ning Bao'er go. Just wait and see, Niu Tiannu will definitely take action. I'll scare you."

A female soldier ran to the door and listened for a while, then came back and said, "There seems to be some movement."

Huang Tieniang said disdainfully: "My daughter, who says she is not afraid of the sky or the earth, is still a little scared at this point. I wasn't afraid at the beginning. Even though Xue Liu was the first to make a move, I didn't hesitate..."

The words became more and more explicit, and the old women became more and more excited. They were even happier than grabbing gold, silver and jewelry.

Feeling that it was almost time, Huang Tieniang loudly shouted into the room: "Daughter, tell me when you're done. Don't let me suffer the cold outside. Today is New Year's Eve. Don't just think about celebrating the New Year on your own."

"Okay, let's go." Xue Jinyao said in the room. She was tall, but her voice was not rough. It was even softer now.

Huang Tieniang listened attentively and laughed: "That's right. You are young and not a monk. Why are you so old-fashioned? When Maitreya Buddha comes to the world, he will marry another hundred wives, not to mention us mortals? Go to sleep. ,have a good rest."

Huang Tieniang led people out. She didn't want to live in the General's Mansion and wanted to go back to the palace. As soon as she came to the gate, she saw someone galloping towards him on horseback, shouting: "It's serious, please call King Wu quickly." !”

Song Xingcao immediately went to wake up King Wu, but Huang Tieniang stopped him, "Wait a minute, tell me in advance that King Wu is getting married, and no one is allowed to come in and disturb him."

The messenger recognized Huang Tieniang, jumped off his horse, and said breathlessly: "Outside the city... there is news from outside the city that the officers and soldiers are fighting back again! They want us to open the door quickly, they want to take refuge in the city."

"What's wrong with the officers and soldiers? Come here for a fight, it's not like we haven't seen them before. Pass my order, open the city gates, and let the women and children enter the city first. We can be regarded as rebels, and there is no need to drive the people to fight in the front line."

The messenger did not move, and Huang Tieniang said angrily: "What, my words are not orders? I make the decision tonight, no one is allowed in, and King Wu cannot come out until dawn."

Huang Tieniang did what she said, leaving a hundred female soldiers to guard everywhere and not allowing King Wu's men to disturb her. She took the remaining female soldiers directly to Beicheng to open the door to admit women and children, and take a look at Niu Tiannu. What happened to Ning Baoer.

It was a fulfilling night for Huang Tieniang.

For Xu Chu, this was an unexpected night. He slept soundly, but missed the important news he had been waiting for.

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