The next morning, King Liang did not show up in person. The person who came was his general Pan Kai. It was said that King Liang was ready to leave the camp, but he encountered a mutiny in the military camp before dawn. This made him temporarily change his mind and asked Pan Kai to solemnly convey his apology. .

Xu Chu comforted him, saying that he had also been attacked, and then sent Pan Kai to the gate of the military camp - that is, the gate of the Guangling Palace, to express his common hatred for the enemy again.

After seeing off the guests, Xu Chu immediately called for Lei Dajun. He still had many things he didn't want to know.

Lei Dajun has been interrogating the prisoners and has just figured out some facts.

Near the fifth watch of the day, a group of soldiers from the World Army rushed out of the barracks, claiming to seek revenge from King Liang. However, they ran around in the camp and asked others to join. They first insulted those who refused, and then started to take action.

Lei Dajun and Dai Pohu led their troops to suppress the situation and arrested a dozen of the leaders. Just as the situation was stabilized, they found that someone seemed to have broken into King Wu's barracks, so they went in to check. Sure enough, the bed was a mess and the tables and chairs were overturned. , the gifts sent by the generals were scattered all over the floor. The assassin failed to find the target and was obviously very angry. He used a sharp blade to draw a crooked word "death" on the wall.

All the officers and men in the camp saw the mutiny, and only a few people knew that assassins had arrived.

Xu Chu stared at the word "death" and couldn't help but sneer.

Lei Dajun came in just in time, his head covered with sweat. The interrogation was a strenuous task, but he finally found out something, "We can't find the main messenger. Everyone said the same thing: I heard rumors that all the descendants of the World Army have revenge. As long as someone starts to call, there will be a cloud of followers, and the person who kills King Liang with his own hands will be the new king."

"Rumors always come from somewhere."

"I asked in detail. The rumors are only heard among the World Army. Some people laughed it off, while others took it seriously. I followed the line forward and finally pointed to the King of Shu."

Ganzhao's subordinates are all from the Incarnation Army. It doesn't mean anything if the rumors come from there.

"Not many people participated in the mutiny. It seems that not many people really want to avenge the coming king."

"The number of people was not large, less than a hundred, but it caused a lot of trouble. General Dai and I used nearly a thousand people to suppress it. What's even more troublesome is that although the mutiny failed, the rumors became more popular. Now even Wu Bing It is also said that the ghost of the fallen king is still lingering in the city, looking for who is willing to avenge him and who takes pleasure in his death, and write them down in the book one by one. "

"Is there such a rumor?" Xu Chu frowned slightly.

"On the way to see the governor, someone came to me and told me that he hoped I would remonstrate with the King of Wu, at least act like he was taking revenge, and not get too close to the King of Liang."

Xu Chu smiled. He had just sent away the envoy of King Liang, and they were very close. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Does General Lei believe the rumors?"

"Me? Of course I don't believe it. This is nonsense. If the King of Avatar had such ability, he would not have been killed at that time. I saw with my own eyes in the palace that the cronies of the King of Avatar were all dead. Like an animal, it will cry and beg for mercy, without showing any miracles. But..."

"But what?"

"Some people believe it, and there are quite a few of them. We need to pay more attention to it in governance, otherwise it will really cause big trouble."

"What General Lei said is absolutely true."

"I am a fool. I can only work hard and run errands for the government. I will go out for a patrol to stop them talking."

"Wait a minute." Xu Chu thought for a long time, "The generals gave me gifts. Are they all received by General Lei?"

"Yes, almost all of them are leaders of the Advent Army. The things they sent are in a mess. I say you should pile them up in the house first. Leave a note and write your name. I can't remember so many people."

"General Lei, look, the notes are all gone."

Lei Dajun was stunned and looked carefully. Sure enough, all the notes on the gift were gone, not a single one was left. "Did the assassin take it? Why does he want this?"

"There is a leader in the Avatar Army named Li Qiao'er. General Laurel asked him to come to my place."

"Could it be that Li Qiao'er..."

"General Lei, don't think too much. Li Qiao'er has nothing to do with the assassin. I have other things to talk to him about."

"Okay." Lei Dajun resigned. After a long time, he brought Li Qiao'er. His face was not very happy. As soon as he entered the room, he said to King Wu: "Boss Li is very busy. He finally found time to see the governor."

Li Qiao'er was in his forties, thin and small. He looked neither like a woodcutter nor a general. He was wearing ill-fitting armor and looked more like a vendor selling these armor pieces everywhere.

As soon as he saw the King of Wu, Li Qiaoer immediately nodded and bowed, and said with an apologetic smile: "General Lei misunderstood, I am either busy or... just a little nervous. How can I, a small leader, be qualified to come to see the King of Wu alone? Really, if you don't believe it, , please ask General Lei to find out. I have always been afraid of officials. In the past, even a government official could bully me. Following... In the years since I joined the World Army, I have become bolder and dare to kill officers and soldiers, but I am still afraid of my superiors. . And I'm stupid and can't speak, and I don't know anything. Because I have many relatives, I am a small boss and am in charge of hundreds of people. If there is something wrong with the King of Wu, please ask Liu Shuangqiang, who is above me..."

Xu Chu had to raise his hand to stop Li Qiao'er, otherwise, he might keep talking, and he didn't know where it would lead.

Lei Dajun originally wanted to stay and protect the ruler, but seeing that Li Qiaoer was too thin and had no weapons on him, he resigned.

The room was not yet tidied up. Xu Chu held up a chair, stretched out his hand and said, "Please sit down."

Instead, Li Qiao'er took a step back and said, "I can just stand while King Wu sits."

Xu Chu was no longer polite, sat on the chair and stared at Li Qiao'er.

Li Qiaoer felt uneasy when he was looked at, and when he saw the word "death" on the wall, his smile became more and more stiff, "King Wu... do you want to see me?"

"Well, thank you for the gift you sent, a golden stove and ten silver cups."

Li Qiaoer blinked in confusion. He did send a gift, but it was not the most expensive or special, and it was really not worthy of the King Wu's personal thanks. "Ah... it should be, a small gift, not respect... many people have sent gifts, Liu Shuangqiang sent a box of jewelry, more than me..."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "I know that everyone's gifts are very good, I can't thank them one by one, so I specifically look for Chief Li, thank you, that is, thank everyone."

"Ah? King Wu thinks too highly of me."

"Not high. I have nothing else to do, Chief Li, please go back, if anyone asks, just say I like the golden furnace, so I came to thank you. "

"Is there really nothing else?"

"No, Li will encourage the soldiers when he goes back. When the soldiers attack the city, there will be a tough battle to fight."

"Yes, that's for sure. Everyone says that King Wu is very smart and will win this battle. Then I... will go back."

"I will send Li out."

"You must not do that. King Wu is too polite. Don't waste my life..."

Xu Chu insisted on being polite. He stood up and walked to Li Qiaoer, stretched out his hand to hold one of his arms, and said with a smile: "Since Li has joined the Wu army, he is my family. How can I be 'polite'? I must send him off with courtesy so that all the soldiers can see..."

Seeing that he couldn't refuse, Li Qiaoer suddenly softened and knelt at King Wu's feet, crying and begging: "King Wu, please spare me." I'll do it."

"Huh? What does Chief Li mean? Are you blaming me for being polite and not giving gifts in return?"

Xu Chu let go of his hand, and Li Qiao'er kowtowed, looking up and said, "That's not what I meant. The King of Wu is too good to me. I'm afraid... I'm afraid he will kill me."

"What Chief Li said makes me more confused. How can being good to you kill you?"

"The King of the Incarnation... The ghost of the Ancestor King is hanging around nearby, and he doesn't like to see--" Li Qiao'er suppressed his voice, "We are too close to the kings, not just the King of Wu."

Xu Chu pretended to be enlightened and took off the stick of incarnation from his waist, "I have a magic stick in my hand, which was given by the King of the Incarnation when he was alive, but it's useless?"

Li Qiao'er kowtowed to the stick of incarnation again, still with a sad face, "I don't know, I can't talk to those people To be clear, they have determined that the kings are responsible for the death of the ancestor king. Anyone who gets too close to the kings is a traitor. "

"The advent army has joined the kings' army, aren't they all traitors?"

"That's different. They joined the kings' army because there is no other way out. There are still soldiers outside the city... Getting too close is another matter. For example, the king of Wu... I got too close. They will suspect that I informed the king of Wu, but in fact I have no secrets to tell..."

"Who are 'they'?"

"They are them."

"The people who made trouble last night and were arrested?"

Li Qiaoer shook his head, "No, they didn't participate in what happened last night, but they are everywhere." Li Qiaoer lowered his voice again, "They can even get into people's hearts and know everything. No one they want to kill can escape."

"Can 'they' help the righteous army defeat the soldiers?"

"Yes, but they don't want to, because the kings killed the ancestor king, and the righteous army can no longer get the blessing of Maitreya Buddha. "Li Qiaoer said it seriously, and it seemed that he really believed this set of loopholes.

Xu Chu stared at Li Qiaoer, but he was not looking at him. It was just a coincidence that he recruited Li Qiaoer, because Guo Shifeng happened to read his name last night. Because of this, Xu Chu believed that Li Qiaoer's idea was almost the same as the general idea of ​​the army of advent.

Ma Wei killed Xue Liujia and caused more trouble than expected.

Li Qiaoer didn't know what King Wu was thinking, and was stared at and felt uneasy. He said carefully: "King Wu wants to see them?"

Xu Chu came back to his senses, "What? Will 'they' show up?"

"If ordinary people want to see them, they will certainly not show up. King Wu is not an ordinary person. He is the son-in-law and closed disciple of the ancestor king. He holds a magic stick and has inherited the mantle. He is also the son of the general and the princess of Wu. He has assassinated the emperor of all things... Maitreya Buddha must have taken a fancy to King Wu. So King Wu can recruit them to descend to the world, but it won't work if it's someone else. "

"Descend to the world... are they in heaven?"

"Yes. "

Xu Chu almost wanted to laugh, but he forced himself to hold it back, and said seriously: "Okay, then invite them to come to the world, let's start now."

Li Qiaoer shook his head repeatedly, "It's not possible here, we have to go to the place where the ancestor king was killed, his soul is still there."

"I thought the soul of the ancestor king was wandering in the city."

"People have three souls and seven spirits. The soul stays in the same place and the spirit can wander around. The so-called wandering soul actually refers to the seven spirits. The soul is more important, so we have to go to the place where the soul is to invite the gods to come to the world."

Xu Chu wanted to ask Li Qiaoer how Maitreya Buddha could accept Taoist rituals, but he thought it would be better not to say too much, "Then go to the main hall."

"We have to find a few magicians, which is easy to do. I can find them. They are all in our camp."

Xu Chu remembered Guo Shifeng's reminder that the kings were murderous and had the ambition to be kings alone. The more careful they were in the city, the better.

"When can we invite the gods to come to the world?"

"It must be midnight. "

Xu Chu nodded. He had to seize every opportunity instead of being cautious all the time.

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