Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 205: Win or Lose Together

The night was already very deep. Xue Jinyao was still awake and did not play with weapons. She sat at the table and watched the candle wick burn and grow longer. When the light was about to disappear, she picked up the scissors and cut off a small section. Excess cotton core.

When she heard the door open, she turned around and felt embarrassed about breaking in with a knife before, but she would not apologize, nor did she want to apologize.

Xu Chu had just come back and felt a little guilty after being stared at by his wife, "Are you still not asleep?"


"Get some rest, it's getting late."

"Yeah." Xue Jin didn't move.

Xu Chu wanted to say something, but felt it was unnecessary, so he walked to the bed. He had to sleep as soon as possible. There were still many things to deal with early tomorrow morning.

"Can the Advent Army really repel the officers and soldiers?" Xue Jinyao asked. In her eyes, all rebels are Advent Army, regardless of their origin.

"Yes." Xu Chu said decisively, sitting on the edge of the bed and preparing to take off his boots.

"I have a bad feeling."

"Oh?" Xu Chu really wasn't interested.

"You will lose Dongdu."

"Really? Did you foresee what I would get?" Xu Chu had finished washing in another room, took off his coat, and lay down on his back.


"Haha, then I can have some leisure time." Xu Chu closed his eyes.

Xue Jinyao made no sound, but Xu Chu slept well. He opened his eyes and saw his wife standing by the bed, looking down at him.

"Do you have something to say?" Xu Chu was completely sleepless.

Xue Jin shook his head, "I have nothing to say, I just want to see you."

"What do I have to see? You can see me every day." Xu Chu said with a smile. Looking from the bottom up, Xue Jinyao looked even taller, making him feel like an adopted monkey.

"Not only will you lose Dongdu, but you will also lose everything, including me. We won't be together for long."

"You want to leave? Go back to Qinzhou? We are probably going the same way."

Xue Jinyao's face showed a hint of irritation, "I don't know, I didn't foresee it clearly enough."

Xu Chu sat up and said seriously: "This may not be a foresight. What Maitreya gave you is just a revelation. You noticed something and felt uneasy, but you didn't understand the reason, so you felt that you foresaw a bad future. For example... ...King of the Avatar, you once said that you foresaw the bloody disaster, but it actually happened, but it may have been just what you saw and heard after entering the city that made you wary, thinking that the King of the Avatar would not be able to cope with such a situation."

Xue Jinyao slowly sat down on the edge of the bed and thought for a long time, "What you said makes sense, because whenever I foresee something, I always want to change it instead of accepting it. Sometimes... sometimes I can really change the 'future', As long as I am willing to participate, I also want to intervene in my parents' death, but I am going in the wrong direction."

Xu Chu nodded, "That's what I mean. Rest, I won't be left with nothing, and you won't leave and go back to Qinzhou alone."

Xu Chu yawned and lay down again. This time he was not disturbed and quickly fell asleep until he was woken up by a violent shaking.

It was pitch black before his eyes, and it was still dark outside. Xue Jinyao was still sitting on the edge of the bed, but he was full of coldness and had obviously been out.

"What's wrong?" Xu Chu's head was so dizzy that he really didn't want to open his eyes.

"I checked."

"What have you checked?" Xu Chu said weakly.

"I hope I can help you, so go find out what you're doing."

Xu Chu smiled bitterly and said, "You can ask me directly."

"You won't tell the truth to me, you won't tell the truth to anyone."

Xu Chu laughed twice, unable to refute.

"Feng Juniang is back."

Xu Chu suddenly woke up and sat up, "So fast?"

"Yeah. You want to kill Ning Bao'er, right?"

" could you have such an idea?"

"Everyone knows: King Wu wants to kill King Ning, and King Ning also wants to kill King Wu. King Wu is more wise, and King Ning is more powerful. Everyone is curious, whether this time it is wisdom or strength that wins."

Hearing Xue Jinyao say such words, Xu Chu couldn't help but laugh, "You foresee that I will have 'nothing', so you think in your heart that I am not a match for Prince Ning?"

"You are no match for him." Xue Jinyao said bluntly.

"Then I want to fight him even more."

"All your tricks are useless."

"What plots?"

Xue Jinyao paused for a while, "What did you ask Feng Juniang to say to Niu Tiannu?"

"Didn't Feng Juniang tell you?"

"She refused to disclose it, saying that you had given her a strict order not to reveal the secret."

Xu Chu was quite satisfied with Feng Juniang, "Actually, it doesn't matter. The King of Jin will resort to alienation tactics and say that I want to assassinate King Ning, so I have to remind King Ning that the King of Jin has bad intentions. He wants to lead officers and soldiers into the city to wipe out the rebels." "

"Since you are reminding Prince Ning, why are you looking for Niu Tiannu?"

"Because -" Xu Chu adjusted his sitting position to make himself more comfortable, "Niu Tiannu is the one who makes the decision. Without her, I can't defeat Prince Ning."

"Really? When Ning Bao'er left the World Army, he didn't take Niu Tiannu with him."

"That's because the King of the World is jealous of the virtuous..." After he finished speaking, Xu Chu remembered that his wife was the daughter of the King of the World.

"Go on, my father is indeed such a person."

"Ning Baoguan would be in danger sooner or later if he stayed in the Incarnation Army, so he won a king's title and led the troops to stand on his own. But the Incarnation Army had many soldiers, which was a very powerful boost, so Niu Tiannu stayed. Niu Tiannu has been looking for generals for her husband. There are captured officers and soldiers, as well as the leaders of the descended king. There are not many, but they are all used in Ningbaoguan. "

"Well, Niu Tiannu does often send people to Ning Bao'er. At that time, we laughed at her for being too weak towards her husband."

"So I have to win the trust of Niu Tiannu. Only she can help me defeat Ning Baoguan."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Xue Jinyao sat in the dark and thought, and after a while he said, "What I saw was your defeat."

"Is there a reason?" Xu Chuxiao asked.

"You...have used too many tricks."

"What's wrong with having lots of tricks? I won't stand on horseback and hold a gun to challenge Ning Baoguan in person, right?"

Xue Jinyao refused to answer and changed his words: "A group of World-born soldiers came just now and knelt outside the camp gate to beg for mercy. I sent them away."

"Oh, they are a group of drunkards. They must have sobered up."

"I know you look down on the Advent Army..."

"On the contrary, I care about the Advent Army very much. Everything I did after entering the Eastern Capital was to get the support of the Advent Army. To me, the Advent Army is more important than the East Capital."

"But your schemes will only make the World Army farther and farther away from you, because they can't understand it, and everyone supports Ning Bao'er even more."

Xu Chu was silent for a while, "Until the end, the outcome will be unpredictable."

Xue Jinyao sighed softly, "Take your people and go to Qinzhou with me. I can at least recruit half of the World Army, and leave the rest to Ning Bao'er. Don't fight with him."

"Just because you 'foreseen' that I couldn't compete with him?"

"I asked the mage carefully. The previous riots in the kings' camps were probably secretly instigated by Ning Bao'er. He was unwilling to publicly avenge my father, but wanted to use this incident to eradicate dissidents."

"I remember there was also a mutiny in Ning's military camp, and Ning Baoguan killed the most people."

"He killed whoever he wanted, whether he was a mutiny or not."

"I'm not surprised at all." Xu Chu said.

Xue Jinyao was silent for a while, and finally said the answer she had been looking for, "You are not as cruel as him."

"The time has not yet come."

"No, no, there is no time. Cruelty is a character. Either you have it and it can be revealed all the time, and you can't hide it. Or you don't have it. You can be ruthless even if you are forced to do so, which makes people feel awkward."

"Okay, I'm not ruthless enough, but when two kings fight, it's not about who is more ruthless."

"This is how it is for the Advent Army. They will follow whoever is cruel. If you had joined the Advent Army in Qinzhou from the beginning, you would have been like this too. When my father was still alive, we would kill people within three days at most. More or less. He said that the Advent Army was forced to rebel. They didn't want to leave their hometown and didn't know where they were going. They had to take care of their families and have a lot of burdens. They must strictly manage the army and let them know who has the power of life and death. Only by holding it in hand can it barely fall apart.”

"Look at what happened to King Jingshi. Although the person who killed him was King Liang, the ones who broke into the palace with King Liang and killed all the relatives and friends of the Xue family were all from the Jingshi army."

Xue Jinyao had never been able to argue with her husband, and sighed: "I still think you are no match for Ning Baoer. I really hope I can do something for you."

"Don't do it." Xu Chu immediately stopped him, "I have my own way."

"Hey, you always have a 'method'. Your problem is that you have too many 'methods' and your wrist is too weak." Xue Jinyao reached out and held her husband's wrist. It was not as thin as she thought, but not very strong either.

Xu Chu couldn't break free, so he had to follow her, "The reason why the descending army has a beginning and an end is because it has no ambition and just follows the trend. The so-called Buddhist country is too far away and the soldiers don't know where to go. It's different now. I'm fighting with King Ning." Not only Dongdu, but also the whole world. At this time, being ruthless is not enough. You are my wife who shares the same bed. Give me some trust."

"I hope you can win." Xue Jinyao refused to let go. She had known her husband for a short time, but she already felt reluctant to give up. "If you don't win, I will take you away."

"If I didn't win - you were also the loser. With Yi Ning's cruelty, how could he let the two of us leave alive?" Xu Chu stretched out his other hand and gently pressed on the back of his wife's hand, "If we win, we both win. If we lose, we will lose together and we will be husband and wife.”

"Hey, why did I agree to marry you in the first place?"

"Because of the revelation given to you by Maitreya Buddha?"

"Actually, it's because... you are the most handsome among the people I have ever met."

"Haha." Xu Chu laughed, "I didn't expect that I would still have trouble with Israel. Regardless of the past, just look at now. We are husband and wife, and we should be in the same boat."

"Of course, but you still have a wife in Yecheng..."

"It was neither my intention nor her intention to marry her. When she left Dongdu, she wrote a divorce note."

"She divorced you?" Xue Jinyao asked in surprise.


"Yes, why are there only men who are married to women, but not women who are married to men? After hearing what you said, I kind of like her. She is a strange woman."

"She is not a strange woman, she is just spoiled."

"Okay, I believe in you, I believe you will win, and I hope I can help."

"I don't need your help for anything else. I'm only worried about Niu Tiannu. Feng Juniang is afraid that she won't be able to win her trust..."

"I'll go there, I can see through her mind." Xue Jinyao said happily, took out his hand, stood up and walked out.

It was already dawn, and Xu Chu couldn't sleep anymore. He felt uncomfortable and fell into a cycle of guilt and contempt.

Although Xue Jinyao took the initiative to come to him, Xu Chu still told her some lies and used his wife.

He once set a bottom line for himself, but now this line is getting more and more blurred.

"It's not the time to talk about benevolence and righteousness." Xu Chu could only use this sentence to comfort himself.

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