Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 214 Welcoming the Wife

Dongdu fell into silence. After a whole day of hard fighting, the rebels finally defended the city. For them, this was a rare victory and worthy of celebration. However, everyone was exhausted and sat on the ground without thinking about getting up. I couldn't even arouse any interest when it was delivered to me.

Xu Chu arranged for his cronies to guard the city gates, including all city gates, including the east city occupied by Liang Wang Mawei.

Many family members of the Advent Army were too weak to leave the city. At this time, they ran out to look for their families and deliver water and food. There were laughter and crying everywhere on the streets - too many people fell to the ground and could never stand up again. There are still a large number of bones left outside the city, and the family members will never see them for the last time.

Xu Chu walked on the street for a while, comforting the soldiers. Finally, Meng Nilun suggested that he go back, "If we continue like this, we won't be able to finish the journey in one night. It's better to go back to rest first when in power, and hold a ritual ceremony early tomorrow morning to save all the souls of the dead."

Meng Nilun moved to the palace again, but Xu Chu refused, so he went back to the camp of the Four Princes' Mansion, summoned some surviving mages, and worked through the night to do something small.

The "ancestral king" once promised everyone a reward for ascending to heaven, and Xu Chu must fulfill it.

The mages found an open space, piled dry firewood, lit a blazing bonfire, chanted sutras around the fire, and sent the deceased to heaven.

Xu Chu brought the son of King Jishi and presided over the ceremony.

There were more and more onlookers. They cried bitterly at first, and then slowly became happy under the guidance of the Master. They chanted sutras together, and those who couldn't chant chanted along.

The son of King Jingshi was inconsiderate and started crying. Xu Chu sent him back to his house and handed him over to his wet nurse.

He couldn't rest, there were many things to deal with.

The first thing is that Xue Jinyao has not returned yet. Xu Chu sent many messengers to call her back to the city. Xue Jinyao once attacked the officers and soldiers camp, but it was at the end of the war. After the officers and soldiers mobilized reinforcements, she could only lead her troops to retreat, but she refused at the city gate. Entering the city, he claimed to camp outside and confronted the officers and soldiers.

Xu Chu had no choice but to invite him in person.

Throughout the day, the ancestral king Xue Liujia gained the highest reputation. King Wu shared half of it and the other half went to Xue Jinyao.

She was the first to claim that the ancestor king had "come to the world", the first to lead troops out of the city, the first to attack the enemy camp, and the last to retreat. What is a miracle is that she led the soldiers into the dangerous situation, and the silver armor she wore Quite eye-catching, after the whole battle, he was not injured at all.

Everyone who saw her with their own eyes thought it was a miracle, and the only explanation was that the ancestor's spirit in heaven protected this daughter.

The ancestor king deliberately omitted his daughter when he ascended to heaven. He must have entrusted her with a heavy responsibility. Of course, he must protect her at all times to prevent her from being harmed.

Xu Chu personally went outside the West City to welcome his wife. Along the way, he heard countless rumors about how brave the Golden Saint was, how she killed enemies with her own hands, and how she evaded countless fatal attacks in a thrilling way...

After this battle, Xue Jinyao has been respected as a god by the soldiers. If she does not enter the city, no one will enter the city. Even the soldiers of the Wu army who originally belonged to Xu Chu firmly stayed with the Golden Saint.

The officers and soldiers were also extremely tired and afraid of falling into the trap again. Seeing the rebels staying outside the city without even a decent wooden fence, they did not dare to attack.

A group of tents were sent from the city, but the number was insufficient. Xue Jinyao gave them to others and patrolled the camp outside. Jiayi was puzzled for a moment.

The arrival of King Wu aroused cheers. Xue Jinyao stopped where he was and waited. The soldiers around him stepped back wisely. Xu Chu also signaled the guards to stop, and he walked towards his wife alone.

It was getting late, and Xu Chu and Xue Jinyao could only vaguely see each other with the help of the firelight in the camp. The closer they got, the farther away from the firelight, and the images in their eyes became blurry.

Xu Chu stopped and smiled: "Everyone is waiting for you to enter the city."

"I did all those things and you still want me to go to town?"

"So you are worried about this. You are overthinking it. You have made great achievements today, which far outweighs your faults. Everything can be forgiven."

Xue Jinyao came closer with a smile on his face, "Look, this is the reason why I don't go to the city. You think 'everything is forgivable', but I don't think there is anything to forgive."

Xu Chu was speechless. It was too difficult for him to admit that what his wife did was absolutely right. After a moment of silence, he said: "When I was trapped on the high platform, do you know what I was thinking?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"For the first time, I hope that there will really be a hell after death. In this case, I will at least have a place to complain: just when I have arranged everything and my work is about to be completed, the most trusted person around me is put in danger."

"Hey, am I the person you trust most? You don't take me seriously."

"Anyway, you betrayed me then."

Xue Jinyao frowned, "You should have heard it at that time. I told the two great mages to release you immediately after they learned about the siege of Prince Ning."

"No one came to deliver the news. I got out of the predicament by myself. The person you left with Niu Tiannu to inquire about the information must have been dealt with long ago. I have never seen this person and I have not received any information. As for Prince Ning, if not I arrived in time, he would return to the city before being surrounded, and then - this is my guess, but I believe it will never be wrong - King Ning would lead his troops straight to the west city and kill me on the high platform. Without my intervention, the King of Shu would not stop King Ning, but would surrender to King Ning. King Jin would flee, and King Liang would not dare to stay in the city, and the entire eastern capital would be occupied by King Ning. They will come out of the city to welcome you, and they will probably bring Niu Tiannu with them. They are either hiding the news of my death, or they are fabricating a lie, saying that I will be promoted to Kaili voluntarily. When you enter the city, within three days, Prince Ning and his wife will find someone. For this reason, send your brothers and sisters to heaven as well.”

Xu Chu finished speaking in one breath, and such a scene was almost realized.

Xue Jinyao listened silently, refusing to speak, as stubborn as a stone.

She would not apologize, even if she felt guilty, even if she had thousands of words to say, she refused to say a word.

Xu Chu took a half step forward and sighed softly, "But I still forgive you, because I am still alive, you are alive, I have everything I want, and I don't want to lose anything at this time, I think you are the same. Your brother is still in the city. The soldiers here have worked hard all day and should go into the city to have a good rest. If you don't think about yourself, at least think about them."

Xue Jinyao raised her eyes and looked directly at her husband, "I have only one request, just one."

"You say."

"I want you to answer sincerely, agree if you agree, and don't disagree if you don't agree. I have no complaints. Don't be like you usually do, always keep three points when you speak. You must know that even if I exhaust all my thoughts, I can't guess your three points."

"I Not a cent left. "

After waiting for a while, Xue Jin shook his head and said, "No matter what, please spare my brother's life. You can kill me, you can remove his title of King of the World, and treat him as an ordinary child, but don't kill him. "

Xu Chu was stunned, "How could you think of such a thing?"

"I just ask if you agree or not."


"Don't answer too casually. It won't be long before you have other ideas when you want to move up. You are smarter than me. What I call foresight is a glimpse from afar. You can see the future clearly because you have calculated everything. So, you have to think carefully, think about whether you will think my brother is an obstacle one day. "

Xu Chu doesn't need to think about it.

The new King of the World is still young and not a threat, but when he grows up, he will naturally attract followers. The most ironic thing is that when Xue Liujia just died, everyone thought that the King of the World would fall apart and belong to the kings. It was the intentional or unintentional promotion of King Wu that made the Zu King famous, and the King of the World was resurrected from the dead, more united than before.

The son of the king who came to the world will inherit a huge inheritance.

Xu Chu wondered why Xue Jinyao could think so far, but soon realized that she was not thinking too far, but simply did not dare to believe the King of Wu.

"Agree." Xu Chu still gave the same answer, adding a few words, "From now on, the ancestor king will not come to the world again, and no one, including you and me, will show "divine power" again. The righteous army must fight for the world with real swords and guns. In this way, I don't have to kill your brother, nor do I want his kingship."

Xue Jinyao stared at her husband's eyes. The two were so close that the white breath they exhaled mixed together.

"Okay, I'll go into the city with you."

Xu Chu grabbed one of Xue Jinyao's arms, "Never, never make decisions for me again."

"Yeah." Xue Jinyao answered coldly, but her eyes dodged involuntarily. She was not as tyrannical as usual. Just now she seemed very stubborn, but now she was a little flustered after making a mistake.

Xu Chu let go of his hand. For public and private reasons, he had no way to deal with Xue Jinyao now. He just hoped that she would be an honest wife in the future. Even if she had to help, it should be the same way that Niu Tiannu helped King Ning.

"You didn't kill King Ning?" Xue Jinyao asked.

"It's not time yet."

"Yes." Xue Jinyao didn't ask any more questions.

Xue Jinyao walked away and ordered the whole army to enter the city. The soldiers were very happy. Although they believed in the magic power of the daughter of the king, they still hoped to enter the city to reunite with their relatives and friends and enjoy a moment of peace.

The soldiers lined up to enter the city. The King of Wu and his wife rode on horseback to guard the road. They had to enter the door last.

"The soldiers are coming!" The sentry shouted at the back.

The team entering the city immediately became chaotic. Some wanted to squeeze in, some wanted to run out, and bumped into each other.

Fortunately, another shout came from the rear: "It's not the soldiers, it's the soldiers' messengers."

The riot ended quickly, and those who wanted to squeeze into the city before were embarrassed. No one blamed them, and the team moved faster.

Xu Chu ordered the soldiers' messengers to be brought in from the rear.

There were only four messengers, two of whom were guards, and one of the other two was Guo Shifeng. Xu Chu could no longer figure out which side this person belonged to, and the other was Fei Bing.

Fei Bing was furious, and regardless of whether there were people around, he came to the horse of the King of Wu and shouted: "Betrayal!"

Guo Shifeng advised: "Master Fei's words are too much. When the two armies fight, as long as it is not public, it cannot be considered as betrayal."

Fei Bing was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Xu Chu ordered the guards to take the messengers into the city, leaving Guo Shifeng alone.

Guo Shifeng didn't know how to address Xue Jinyao, so he simply ignored her and said to Xu Chu: "The King of Wu once sent a team of Wu soldiers to Yecheng?"

"Yes, General Wang Dian led them."

"Well, we have to come to an agreement tonight, otherwise, tomorrow at noon, the officers and soldiers will use this Wu army to sacrifice to the God of War."

"Isn't General Wang stationed a hundred miles away?"

"He was just transferred back yesterday, and he is making trouble in the camp today. Maybe he wants to cooperate with the King of Wu?" Guo Shifeng observed Xu Chu's eyes and probed carefully.

Xu Chu really didn't know.

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