Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 226 Right or Wrong

Without seeing the reinforcements outside the city, Xue Jinyao always had some doubts in her heart. She didn't believe that the King of Wu could guess the enemy's movements with only a little information.

She arranged the soldiers, climbed the city wall, and looked around from the east and north sides. Until night fell, she didn't see any clues.

There were indeed more lights in the officers and soldiers' camp than expected, but this was probably a trick to confuse the enemy.

"If the King of Wu guessed wrong, it would be a big joke." Xue Jinyao whispered to herself. Somehow, she actually hoped that the King of Wu really guessed wrong, but she comforted herself: "Anyway, all the kings are wrong, not just him."

Xue Jinyao returned to the camp for dinner. She was only a few rooms away from the King of Wu. She didn't go to him. She knew that the King of Wu was already wary of her, and it would be boring to go to him at this time.

The generals came in and out, informing her of the situation in various places. Xue Jinyao answered while eating. She was never good at memory. She always stumbled when writing and reciting, and forgot as soon as she turned her head. But when it came to leading troops to fight, she remembered the names of the generals, the strength of each team, and the distribution and arrangement clearly. With the assistance of several generals recommended by the King of Wu, she could always give answers immediately, as if everything was in her plan.

Even those generals who had the most contempt for the general who came to the world changed their views after a day, thinking that this young woman was really a natural commander. If she were a man, she would have stood out long ago.

Gradually, fewer people came. Xue Jinyao only left two guards and asked the others to eat and rest for a while, and then go to patrol the city and supervise the soldiers to defend the city.

With fewer people around, Xue Jinyao was able to free his eyes and whispered to a guard beside him, "Go out and see who is peeking around, bring him in." The guard was also a woman, as tall as the Golden Saint, and she went out. Not long after, there was a quarrel outside. Tang Weitian walked into the room with an angry look on his face and shouted, "Don't touch me, I can walk by myself." Xue Jinyao frowned slightly, "Why are you here? Is there something wrong with the King of Wu?" "Nothing, I came out to stroll around and happened to walk to your place. Who would have thought that your men would come up and arrest people. Why, don't you allow people to pass by the door?" Tang Weitian raised his head and refused to salute. He came back late and didn't catch up with the King of Wu's wedding, so he didn't recognize this wife of the King of Wu from the bottom of his heart. "Hey, you've been back and forth seven or eight times. Take him back to the King of Wu and ask him what's going on." Xue Jin waved his hand, not intending to tangle with a guard. Tang Weitian gave in, clasped his hands together, and said with a chuckle: "Saint Jin, don't look for the Grand Commander. He's in a bad mood now, and I don't want to offend him."

"Then tell the truth."

Tang Weitian was already justified, and said: "I came to see the world-delivering stick. Since I was called in, I also want to ask Saint Jin when you will return it?"

Xue Jin shook his head and glanced at the stick on his waist, "So you want to steal my things."

"How do you steal?" Tang Weitian widened his eyes and became even more unconvinced, "The world-delivering stick was originally the treasure of the Grand Commander, and I kept it for him..."

"The world-delivering stick is obviously my father's thing, when did it become the King of Wu's?"

"Haha, although I didn't see it myself, I heard about it, The King of the Underworld gave the magic stick to the Grand Commander in public. From then on, it belonged to the Grand Commander until you snatched it away. "

"That has nothing to do with you. King Wu came to ask for it, and I gave it to him. No one else can do it, especially you."

"Why can't I?"

"You keep the stick of the underworld for King Wu?"

"Yes, I have always kept it. I have a relative of the stick of the underworld. You see, they were originally a pair, but you broke them up."

Xue Jinyao couldn't help laughing, "You want to claim a relationship, but we don't recognize them. You once kept the stick of the underworld, which is equivalent to... the scabbard, not the owner of the knife. If the knife is gone, only the owner can find it, but the scabbard can't, and it's useless to find it."

"I'm just the scabbard?" Tang Weitian blushed.

"It's just a temporary scabbard, it's worthless."

"The Grand Commander trusts me the most, I'm not temporary." Tang Weitian put his hands on his waist. Although he was also from the Advent Army and had known about the Golden Saint for a long time, he no longer took the former leader seriously since he followed King Wu. "The Grand Commander would rather trust me than you."

Xue Jinyao was touched on the sore spot, his face turned cold, and he retorted, "He doesn't trust me, so he makes me the Advent General. He trusts you, but only makes you a soldier and a scabbard."

The two glared at each other. Xue Jinyao was only two or three years older than Tang Weitian, and at this time he became like a child, staring at the winner without blinking.

The two female soldiers standing aside saw it in their eyes and laughed in their hearts. The Golden Saint was just the Advent General that everyone respected, but in the blink of an eye she became a girl who argued for the benefit of words.

Tang Weitian shouted, "So what if you are a general who has descended from the heavens? Cao Shenxi said that there was something wrong with your deployment of troops during the day. The King of Wu specifically asked me to ask about it. After asking, he decided not to fight."

Tang Weitian deliberately concealed a detail. He didn't get anything out of Cao Shenxi. The King of Wu's cancellation of the attack actually had nothing to do with it.

But Xue Jinyao believed it, "Which Cao Shenxi?"

"There is only one Cao Shenxi, the old general whose officers and soldiers surrendered. He was originally going to be killed on the battlefield. He has fought more battles than you have seen and heard of combined. If he says you have a problem, then you have a problem."

Xue Jinyao stood up, and Tang Weitian was shocked. The two had competed in strength before, and he was slightly inferior. He was worried that he was still not a match at this time.

Xue Jinyao's first thought was to confront the King of Wu, but he changed his mind after getting up and walked out of the house. Two guards followed closely, leaving Tang Weitian standing there in a daze. Seeing that no one paid attention to him, he turned around and left, vaguely thinking that he might have said something wrong just now.

Tang Weitian was going to get something for the King of Wu. After finding it, he hurried back without mentioning his quarrel with the Golden Saint.

Xue Jinyao went straight to the temporary prison in the East City.

More than 800 "spies" were imprisoned here, with dozens of people in a room, sitting with their legs folded, leaving little room for maneuver. After a whole day, they had no food or water, and were frightened. Almost no one moved, sitting there like stones.

As soon as the door opened, a pungent smell hit him in the face. Xue Jinyao waved his hand, took two steps back, and said to the guarding soldier: "Can't you let them go and solve it?"

"Anyway, they are going to die. If you don't give them food and water, they will get better slowly."

"Find Cao Shenxi out."

"Yes." Two soldiers covered their noses and went in, and quickly pushed one out.

Xue Jinyao looked at him for a while and vaguely remembered that this man was indeed the surrendered general Cao Shenxi. He said to the soldiers: "Find a clean room. I want to interrogate him."

"There is one right here."

Cao Shenxi was very surprised by this "interrogation". He had never seen a woman called a general, and she was the commander of an army. He stood there and didn't know what to say, so he had to remain silent.

Xue Jinyao asked someone to give Cao Shenxi a seat. Cao Shenxi was indeed tired, and she still didn't speak after sitting down.

After a long silence, Xue Jinyao said: "Have you led troops to fight many battles?"

"Some." Cao Shenxi said modestly, with his eyes downcast.

"You said there was something wrong with my deployment of troops?" Cao Shenxi suddenly realized, "Uh... I was just talking nonsense." "How could the King of Wu take your nonsense seriously? What are you capable of? How many battles have you won? You haven't won the last few." Cao Shenxi was somewhat arrogant, "I have fought more than 60 battles in my life and never lost." "Haha, you are so arrogant. If you have never lost, how could you be captured?" "Mistaken by others." "Mistaken by whom?" "The Lan and Lou families are ambitious, but timid in battle. They only seek personal gain, but they are reckless in battle. They refused to listen to my advice, so they fell into your hands. It is not my fault." Cao Shenxi knew that his life was in danger, but he was more confident. "According to what you said, no one lost the battle, they were all misled by others. What about those who won? How come they were not misled by others?"

Cao Shenxi shook his head, "There are many things that a little girl like you will not understand."

Xue Jinyao would be angered by Tang Weitian, but he could remain calm in front of Cao Shenxi, "You know a lot, but you are still 'misled by others'?"

Cao Shenxi still shook his head.

"If you dare to gossip behind my back, then you dare to say it to my face. What do you think is wrong with my deployment of troops?"

"The war is cancelled, and there is no point in talking too much."

"Whether it is beneficial or not, I have the final say. Anyway, I have to know what you said. If you don't tell me, I will have someone slap you in the face." Xue Jinyao glanced at his guards and added, "Let a woman slap you in the face."

Cao Shenxi would rather be killed than be humiliated like this, so he had to say, "You put the cavalry in front, so you want the cavalry to fight with the officers and soldiers first, right?"

"Well, cavalry against cavalry, entangle the enemy, and then the infantry will join the battle in waves. Our army is large enough to surround the enemy and wipe them out." Xue Jinyao paused, "Of course, this is when the officers and soldiers have no reinforcements. ”

Cao Shenxi smiled and shook his head, “Don’t you have any cavalry generals under your command?”

“Yes, like you, they are also surrendered generals from the officers and soldiers. They helped me arrange the cavalry and said there was no problem.”

Cao Shenxi still shook his head, “The cavalry generals you call are just some lieutenants who know the ranks but not the formations.”

“Don’t just say others are wrong, say your own ideas.”

“I am not a great general, but at least I understand one thing, infantry is the main force and cavalry is the special force. The main force is in the middle and in front, and the special force is on the side and in the back. In the normal fighting style, the infantry will contain the enemy and the cavalry will wait for an opportunity to move. No one does the other way around.”

“There are many cavalry in Jizhou, and that’s what they do.” Xue Jinyao didn’t think he was wrong.

"That's because Wang Tiemei is incompetent. He is only a cavalry general, not a general. He can only fight against the northern barbarians on the border. If he had learned more military tactics, he would not have occupied and lost the South City the day before yesterday. He failed because he didn't know how to use infantry."

"Everyone says that cavalry is powerful, but you said the opposite."

"There is no saying that cavalry and infantry are one strange and one regular. If you have this idea, you will be defeated when you meet a strong enemy. A real general can evolve countless changes between the strange and the regular, making the enemy unable to defend."

"But you still lost, even if you were misled by others, you still lost."

Cao Shenxi sighed He took a breath and had no intention of arguing. "Well, I was defeated, completely defeated. I watched right become wrong and wrong become right. Everyone in the world is like this, using victory and defeat to replace right and wrong. According to this, not only did I lose, but Tiancheng also lost. In the past twenty years, it seems that no one remembers who ended the Five Kingdoms' struggle. The King of the World was even more defeated. He rose to the top in one step and died in one day. You will also be defeated in the future, and then you will be called incompetent. Everyone is wrong when judging right and wrong by victory and defeat."

Xue Jinyao listened to the old general's complaints silently. When it came to her father, she did not refute.

Xue Jinyao stood up and frightened Cao Shenxi. She said, "From now on, you will be my lieutenant general and teach me the art of infantry and cavalry."

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