Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 229 Father and Son

Lou Wen had many descendants, some of whom were local officials and were highly regarded by him. He led his troops to Hanzhou in order to seek refuge with his sixth son, but the entire army was stopped halfway. There were also rumors that Hanzhou was in chaos and the whereabouts of the sixth son of Lou were unknown. Lou Wen was in a dilemma and looked quite embarrassed.

The King of Xiangdong arrived at the right time. When Lou Wen heard the announcement, he was overjoyed and rushed out of the tent to greet him in person. Even when he was chased by the rebels, he never ran so fast.

At this time, Lou Wen sincerely thanked the King of Xiangdong and was willing to accept the solicitation of Yecheng.

"Go back, we must take back Dongdu." Lou Wen boasted in public, "My home is also in Dongdu, how can I leave it to a group of robbers and bandits? To be honest, I can't sleep at night and my heart aches when I think of those guys who don't even take a bath breaking into the general's mansion."

The soldiers felt the same way and shouted "Go home". The King of Xiangdong, who was standing next to the general, felt relieved and felt that he had made the right trip. He secretly said to Princess Huanyan, who was thousands of miles away, "Daughter, you are wrong this time. The general is desperate and can be used by me."

When he returned to Dongdu, he found that the Jizhou army was not expected to be large in number, and Dongdu was defended by the rebels. He lured the enemy to fight and failed at the last moment. Lou Wen's gratitude quickly faded, and other ideas came into his mind.

Guo Shifeng returned as an envoy and brought back two paragraphs from the King of Wu.

After hearing this, the King of Xiangdong sneered, "What an arrogant boy."

Lou Wen was furious, "The ungrateful and unfilial son actually wanted to compete with me on the battlefield. I am his father, how much benefit can he get by killing me? When I break the city, the first thing I will do is to chop this boy alive. Don't stop me, anyone who stops me will be guilty of the same crime as him."

No one dared to stop him, or even persuade him. The general had ups and downs in his life. Whether on the battlefield or in the officialdom, he had times when he was not satisfied and even bullied. But at the scene, as long as his fat body stood there, it was a powerful deterrent force, and even the emperor had to give way to him.

No one dared to annoy the general in person.

"Don't worry, King Xiangdong. Seventeen will soon pay the price for his arrogance. Within three days, I will attack the city. At most, I will break the city in another three days. That Governor Wang, let your people speed up the production of equipment. The more the better. At this time, no one should be lazy. No matter how hard or tired you are, you must not stop working. You will be rewarded after entering the city." Wang Tiemei was originally the commander of the Jizhou Army. He had the final say in the army. Even the two kings of Xiangdong and Jibei had to follow him. When the general arrived, he lost his power inexplicably. He was indignant in his heart, but he dared not say a word. When fighting with the rebels, Wang Tiemei relied on and reused the cavalry, wanting his people to make meritorious deeds, but it resulted in huge casualties in his own army, and he lost all his face and was unable to compete with the new general. Wang Tiemei hated the general and hated the King of Wu even more. When he thought that they were father and son, he became even more angry. He whispered "yes" and did not dare to look up at them. Lou Wen assigned tasks to everyone, including the King of Xiangdong, but he was a little more polite in his words, "Please send someone to urge the Xi family in Jingzhou to tell them that if they need support, they should hurry up. If they are a few days late, they will not be needed."

"Yes, several groups of people have been sent, and they are probably on the way. There will be a reply soon."

"I don't want a reply, but food and grass. People need food and horses need grass. If it doesn't work, people can eat horses, and then they will starve to death. King of Xiangdong, the outcome of this battle and whether we can recapture the Eastern Capital depends entirely on the ability of you and the King of Jibei."

"Yes." King of Xiangdong began to regret it. His daughter had reminded him long ago that it would be better to give up the Eastern Capital and return to Yecheng than to invite foreign aid, especially not to contact the general. He always listened to his daughter's advice, but he didn't listen to this one, and as a result, he attracted a tiger.

The crowd dispersed, and Guo Shifeng was left alone.

Lou Wen half-lying and half-sitting, suffering from the cold of the last winter, the pain in his body, and the anxiety in his heart. Every breath he took seemed to be exhausted.

"What did Seventeen say?"

Guo Shifeng stepped forward, "King Wu refused to change his surname back to Lou."

"How dare he?" Lou Wen turned his head and glared at Guo Shifeng, scaring him back a few steps, but it had no effect on Seventeen behind the city wall, "What kind of King Wu is he? I am the general, and he actually called himself king... There are so many children and grandchildren in the Lou family, and only this one has some courage, like me when I was young."

Lou Wen was angry at first and then happy, Guo Shifeng smiled bitterly, thinking that it was no wonder that King Wu wanted to leave home and change his surname. The general was indeed not an easy person to deal with.

"But the King of Wu didn't say anything final."

"What did he say?"

"He said that if the general can send back the soldiers of the Wu army, he will consider the general's proposal."

"Impossible, I will let the prisoners go before a battle, the people of Yecheng will not agree, and the soldiers in the army will also say that I am a coward. What else did he say?"

"The King of Wu also said..." Guo Shifeng didn't dare to say it directly.

"He said that he was going to fight with me on the battlefield, what else can't be said or heard?"

"The King of Wu said that he is the leader of an army, and the general must at least be the leader of an army before he can be on an equal footing with him. Then it won't be too late to talk about the father-son relationship."

Lou Wen was stunned for a while, suddenly laughed wildly, cursed a few dirty words, and then said: "It's heartless enough, okay, maybe this kid can really do something."

Guo Shifeng stepped forward and reminded: "General, be careful."

"Be careful of what?"

"The King of Wu deliberately used these words to anger the general, implying that the general would seize power, but in fact he was alienating the officers and soldiers."

Lou Wen's expression darkened and he murmured: "He has long advised me to seize power, more than once, but I didn't listen..."

Lou Wen quickly cheered up, "It's not too late, it's never too late. There is no need for his irritation and hints. I will make my decision early. Yecheng is incompetent and it is difficult to achieve great things. It will perish with it and cannot take the opportunity to seize it. The Lou family To seize the world for the Zhang family is for the Zhang family to lose, and it has nothing to do with the Lou family. Now it is time for the Lou family to make plans for themselves. "

"The general really wants to..."

"Go and fetch one of my sons."

"Which one?"

Most of Lou Wen's children and grandchildren are in the military. If he doesn't tell his name or ranking, others won't be able to guess which one he wants.

"That..." Lou Wen tapped his forehead lightly, "The one who wants to marry the daughter of King Xiangdong..."

"Loujilou Xiaoqi."

"Yes, call him over."

Lou Ji arrived as soon as he was called and bowed deeply to his father, "My son, I pay my respects to the general."

According to the rules of the Lou family, children and grandchildren should call their father by his official title, and only those who are extremely favored can be called by other names.

Lou Wen nodded, "This Mr. Guo is one of our own, tell him your plan."

Lou Ji glanced at Guo Shifeng in surprise, "He was the counselor of King Wu..."

"Yes, that's why I asked you to tell him." Lou Wen was a little impatient.

"Say anything?"

"If you want to hide anything, I will tell you." Lou Wen said coldly.

Lou Ji bowed his hands to Guo Shifeng and said with a smile: "Mr. Guo, don't worry about it. You have to be cautious in everything now."

"Understood, I just need to know a general idea so that I can go back and report to King Wu."

"Actually, it's simple. There will be a mutiny in the army the night after tomorrow. Jizhou soldiers rushed into the tent and killed the King of Xiangdong. The general avenged the King of Xiangdong and killed Wang Tiemei. I took the body back to Yecheng, and the general sent troops to follow. That's it. ”

Lou Ji spoke briefly and did not mention whether the mutinous Jizhou soldiers were real or not. Guo Shifeng did not ask, and said with a smile: "A brilliant plan. With the power of the general, this plan is foolproof. There is no reason why the King of Wu does not believe it."

Lou Wen interjected: "This is the plan of our Lou family. It is not used to deceive that boy. He is willing to change his surname back. That's great. The Lou family occupies the two states of Luo and Jizhou and dominates the world. Maybe there will be an emperor. If he doesn't want to, don't get in the way. I will go to Yecheng and he will stay in Dongdu. It will be beneficial to everyone."

"I can't think of any reason why the king of Wu should refuse the general's kindness."

Lou Wen adjusted his sitting position, "Does he believe the story of an illegitimate prince?"

Guo Shifeng thought for a while, "At least there is no doubt."

"That's good." Lou Wen breathed a sigh of relief, "Go and tell that boy. If he is anxious, we can exchange prisoners tomorrow. If he is not anxious, just wait until I seize the army. In short, my concubines are all alone No less.”

"With King Wu here, no one dares to go to the general's mansion to cause trouble." Guo Shifeng said with a smile, not sure whether the general really wanted those women or was pretending to be lustful.

"I'm worried about no one else but him. A boy in his twenties, full of energy, is the most dangerous time..."

"Don't worry, General. King Wu is not that kind of person. I have heard that King Wu is quite affectionate with the daughter of the King of the World after their marriage."

Lou Wen frowned, "The daughter of the King of the World?"

Lou Ji said: "I have seen this woman. She was captured by officers and soldiers before. She is very tall and very strong. In the previous battle, she led the troops to attack the Western Camp, causing the officers and soldiers to lose their connection. She is a ruthless general. Only not like a woman.”

Lou Wen laughed loudly, "What kind of taste is this? This kid... has been different from others since he was a child, and it was all caused by his biological mother."

"In short, the general does not have to worry about his concubines, and some of them seem to have escaped from the Eastern Capital and are missing." Guo Shifeng said.

Lou Wen's face darkened, "I was taken away a lot by Lao San. He is just like a dog. He pounces on meat. None of the concubines who fall into his hands can escape... If he doesn't pay double compensation to me, I will Eat him alive."

Lou Wen gritted his teeth.

Guo Shifeng and Lou Ji looked at each other, neither willing to speak.

"What else do you want to ask?" Lou Wen came back to his senses.

Guo Shifeng shook his head, "No, I will go to the city to see King Wu."

Lou Wen waved his hand.

As soon as Guo Shifeng left, Lou Ji stepped forward and said: "The King of Wu is ambitious and has no truth. General..."

"You also call him King Wu?"

"Lou Chu, the kid is quick to talk... Lou Chu is so ambitious and can't be believed."

"I don't know who my son is? Don't worry, that boy is indeed smart and courageous, but his heart is a little soft. As long as I show weakness, he will never dare to bear the name of patricide."

"Lou Chu once personally assassinated the Emperor of All Things." Lou Ji reminded.

"It's different. He has the courage to kill the emperor. He can't do it without ruthlessness and righteousness to kill a weak father. I just want to make him soft-hearted and let him come to me..." Lou Wen really didn't know what to do. What to do, he both hated and admired this son.

"We'll talk about it then. I want a son, but I don't want King Wu." Lou Wen didn't want to think about what happened in the future for too long.

"Everything is decided by the general. The child should not stay for a long time. He must visit the King of Xiangdong to appease his heart."

"Yes, he is your future father-in-law. You must be able to distinguish between inside and outside."

Lou Ji smiled and said, "My child's surname is Lou, and I can never change it. Besides, Prince Xiangdong and his daughter have no sincerity towards me. Princess Huanyan has a slutty nature and is not worthy of being the wife of the Lou family."

Lou Wen nodded, he needed a lot of sons like this.

Lou Ji was about to leave, but Lou Wen stopped him again, "Wait, um... have you met the Queen Mother?"

"Queen Mother Luan? I haven't seen her before. No one in the army has seen her."

"But there are many rumors."

"What rumors?" Lou Ji didn't understand.

"They say she is as beautiful as a fairy, and the rebel kings fought for her and had to send her back to the soldiers." Lou Wen clicked his tongue twice, "I saw her twice, but I was far away and couldn't take a closer look. This is the biggest regret in my life."

Lou Ji smiled and left, finally convinced that the general was really lustful and not pretending.

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