No matter how much he calculated, Meng Nilun felt that there was not enough time. He still had many things to do, and now he could only choose the most important ones to deal with first.

He wrote two suicide notes. Leave one share to your younger brother, give away the entire inheritance, and ask him to mention him when he visits his parents' graves every year from now on. The other was left to familiar generals, explaining to them why he wanted to go to the officers and soldiers camp alone.

Meng Nilun thought about it and felt that suicide was not a good idea. It would leave too many doubts that were not conducive to the king of Wu. Therefore, he decided to break into the camp and let the officers and soldiers kill him. This time he did not take anyone with him and wanted to be alone. Take full responsibility.

The two suicide notes were placed in the room and were to be given to the appropriate people after his death.

Meng Silun carefully sorted out the relics and recorded them one by one, including the houses and property of his hometown in Jiangdong. There were also some debts, some of which were exempt, some of which had to be recovered, and some of which had to be repaid. There were also five pages dedicated to recording human relations. , after he died, the friendship could not be broken, and his brother had to inherit it.

Some things couldn't be written down on paper, so Meng Nilun asked his close confidants to dictate them.

Although his brother was in the army, Meng Nilun's closest confidants were not him. The first ones were Song Xingcai and Wang Dian. Unfortunately, one was killed and the other was captured. He could only find Lei who was second in the list. Dajun.

Meng Nilun gave a general account of the causes and consequences, and finally said: "I am telling you this for no other reason than to prevent someone from saying that I died inexplicably a few years later. You have to bury my words in your heart. If no one mentions it, And the cause of my death, you must never reveal it, do you understand?"

"Understood, but King Wu..."

"The King of Wu is right. If he openly asks questions, almost all the officers and soldiers of the Wu army will be affected."

"It's just a few people killed. If you ask me, it's not enough to make up for the losses suffered by Wu State."

"Enough has been killed." Meng Nilun sighed softly, "After all, they are just a group of women and children. No matter how much they kill, they are still not the rightful owner. It is better to capture the Eastern Capital than to hunt down Emperor Tiancheng and his ministers. We can only do small things. , Great things depend on the King of Wu. Without him, we may not even be able to see the city wall of Dongdu. We cannot do without him to eliminate the remnants of Tiancheng. You should follow the King of Wu well, just like when I was there, but don't imitate me. Make your own decision. The King of Wu cherishes the soldiers of Wu Army, and you must cherish him even more. From now on, you must obey his orders and never embarrass him again. "

Lei Dajun couldn't help but cry bitterly, "General Meng is so loyal, I never thought he would end up like this..."

Meng Nilun said sternly: "Why are you crying? You are embarrassing the Jiangdong man. Don't say that I am loyal. I have always treated King Wu as a child and always want to do something for him. At the same time, I am also using him to take revenge... "

"The hatred of destroying the country, how can it be a personal hatred?"

"The King of Wu aims at the world, and reviving the Kingdom of Wu is just one step for him. It's because our vision is too narrow and we only want revenge. Compared with the world, this is just private revenge."

Lei Dajun had nothing to say. He wiped away his tears and said, "I will die with General Meng."

Meng Nilun smiled and shook his head, "Why haven't you understood yet? King Wu is kind to me. It's enough for me to die. Why are you joining in the fun? Not only do you let down King Wu's good intentions, but you also make me die in peace."

"But General Meng didn't kill many people..."

"Without my encouragement and support, you would never take action, right? So the people you kill will all be counted on me."

"That's not necessarily true. Everyone hates Tiancheng and his ministers, including their family members." After saying this, Lei Dajun knew clearly that if Meng Nilun had not spoken, they would not have dared to kill so many people.

"I am responsible for the ideas I came up with. I called you here not to argue about this, but to prevent others from making irresponsible remarks in the future."

Lei Dajun was about to cry again. Meng Nilun held his shoulders and said sternly: "Look at me. If you die, you will die. I have no regrets, let alone resentment to King Wu. Without King Wu, I probably wouldn't be alive now." , I am willing to see Dongdu fall and Tiancheng half destroyed. Wang Dian listened to my idea and became a prisoner of the army. It is worth dying to save him. You swear to Deng that you will never leak what you just said."

Lei Dajun nodded reluctantly.

"You go, I still have things to deal with."


"Tomorrow, when it gets dark." Meng Nilun has already chosen the time.

Lei Dajun said goodbye. He came again at night. Meng Nilun was about to take a rest. When he opened the door and saw him, he was surprised and asked, "What are you doing here again?"

"General Meng." Lei Dajun squeezed into the room and closed the door with a slightly excited expression.

"Lei Dajun, I treat you as a friend and a relative. Please don't trap me in an unkind and unjust place."

"Benevolent and righteous." Lei Dajun asked Meng Silun to sit down and stood up. "Don't be angry."

Meng Senglun stood up and said, "You..."

Lei Dajun forced Meng Nilun to sit down again, "I didn't reveal what General Meng said, I just had an idea. No, it should be said to be an idea."

Meng Nilun felt relieved, "What do you think? It's not that I look down on you, Lei Dajun, you are far from smart."

"I know this, and I admit it, but a fool will always gain something after all his worries. Maybe this idea of ​​mine is the only gain."

"you say."

"Who is most responsible for the death of Wu?"

"Of course it's Emperor Tiancheng Zhang Xi."

"What's next?"

"General Lou Wen."

"Among the two, who does General Meng hate the most?"

"You obviously know...Lou Wen."

"Yes, Lou Wen. Not only did he conquer the Kingdom of Wu and force Emperor Wu to death, but he also kidnapped the Princess of Wu Kingdom just before General Meng was about to get married..."

"Don't mention the past." When Meng Nilun thought of this, the anger in his heart boiled like boiling water. In his early years, he was even more angry, even to the point of madness. It was not until he heard about the death of Princess Wu that he could gradually control his anger. A share of anger.

But the anger never goes out. It hides under the ashes and can be rekindled by the slightest breeze.

"We captured Dongdu, but Lou Wen did not die and even brought troops back to support the Jizhou army."

"There is no other way. If you want to avenge this, you can only do it by following King Wu."

"But I heard that King Wu doesn't want revenge."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The counselor named Guo Shifeng came to the city during the day. I heard that he brought Lou Wen's suggestion. As long as the King of Wu is willing to change his surname back to Lou, Lou Wen will kill the commander of Jizhou and surrender with his troops."

Meng Nilun was stunned, "It's impossible for King Wu to agree..."

"But he didn't explicitly refuse. Just now, Guo Shifeng came again. He is meeting with King Wu at the moment. If I guess correctly, he is passing the message between father and son."

"Father and son..." Meng Nilun murmured, he always forgot the relationship between King Wu and Lou Wen.

"Father and son have no overnight feud. In our eyes, the enemy is Emperor Tiancheng and the general. In the eyes of King Wu, the only enemy is Emperor Tiancheng."

Meng Nilun shook his head, "We don't need to think too much. King Wu has his own ideas. If he accepts Lou Wen's overtures now, he will break up in the future. And I don't believe that King Wu will change his surname back to Lou. I can feel that first I felt from the first meeting that King Wu has a deep affection for his mother, which is unparalleled by ordinary people. It was because of this that we felt like old friends at first sight. "

Lei Dajun nodded, "Okay, we don't care about this matter, but I haven't expressed my thoughts yet."

"If you have something to say, say it quickly. Don't hide it. This is not like you usually do."

"General Meng hates Lou Wen so much, why doesn't he kill his family members?"

"That's also the home of King Wu."

"First, King Wu did not live in the General's Mansion at all. I found out very clearly that King Wu moved out to live when he was in his teens. Second, it is death anyway. Instead of going out of the city to break into the enemy camp alone, it is better to kill a few enemies. Then he committed suicide."

Meng Nilun didn't take the first reason seriously, and the second reason was extremely absurd when he first heard it. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that it made some sense.

Lei Dajun continued: "Lou Wen's wife, the Lan family, stayed in the mansion. The Lan family was also one of the chief culprits in destroying Wu. Now they occupy Jiangdong, which is even more hateful. I heard that there are still some women hiding in the mansion, all of them They are Lou Wen's beloved concubines, whom he regards as treasures. He returned to Dongdu this time partly for their sake. If they can be killed together, Lou Wen will be heartbroken and mad, and it will alleviate General Meng's hatred. "

Meng Nilun thought for a while and shook his head, "No, this will put King Wu in an embarrassing situation and make it impossible to negotiate with the enemy."

"General Meng died to apologize, who can say anything? It just so happens that we can check whether Lou Wen is sincere."

"Let me think about it." Meng Nilun had already made a comprehensive plan and did not want to get into trouble, not to mention that this was another self-assertion, which was the behavior that angered King Wu the most.

Lei Dajun knew where Meng Nilun's pain was, "When Lou Wen kidnapped Princess Wu, he didn't allow anyone to 'think' about it."

Meng Nilun's anger hidden under the ashes was instantly ignited, and it was so strong that he grabbed Lei Dajun's arm, wanting to prove that his desire for revenge had not diminished at all.

But this was not the same year after all. Meng Nilun looked up and down and said, "No, this is not an idea you can come up with. Someone instigated you, but you still leaked the secret."

"I'm not leaking secrets, just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just to arrange a retreat for us Wu people."

"A way out? The only way for the people of Wu is to follow the King of Wu. What other way out is there?"

"All Wu people are not of the same mind."

"Who has different intentions? Tell me and I will kill him first." Meng Nilun could not accept that someone was disloyal to the King of Wu.

"Not a Wu man." Lei Dajun lowered his voice slightly, "Those Jiangdong river workers in King Ning's army have always looked at us unkindly."

Meng Nilun was slightly startled, "River workers... they still remember what happened back then."

Lei Dajun nodded, "They are a mob and there is nothing to fear. But now that Prince Ning is leading them, there is no guarantee that they will not have ambitions."

"King Wu has his own reasons. He will deal with it together with King Ning."

"King Wu had the opportunity to kill King Ning. If he couldn't bear it for a moment, it would cause trouble later."

"The King of Wu wanted to keep the Ning Army soldiers..." Meng Nilun suddenly realized that the King of Wu did not understand the complex situation in Jiangdong and was only willing to get rid of King Ning instead of wasting the Ning Army soldiers. However, some of those soldiers happened to be Jiangdong river workers. , has deep hatred against the seven tribes.

"So we have to leave a way out for the Wu people."

"What did you do?" Meng Nilun was wary.

"Among all the kings, King Shu most wants King Ning to die."

"How do you know?"

"The King of Shu once urged the King of Wu on the city wall not to open the door to admit King Ning. Many people heard it at that time."

"Did you seek refuge with the King of Shu?"

"No, no, I am from Wu. Why should I seek refuge with the King of Shu? I just want to use his hand to get rid of those hateful river workers, so I have some contacts with him. And the King of Shu is also a smart man, not much worse than the King of Wu. I heard that the King of Shu is also a smart man. He gave me this idea after what happened with General Meng."

"You still leaked the secret."

"I'm thinking about General Meng, and I don't want to see you die in vain."

Meng Nilun smiled bitterly, and finally understood why King Wu was so angry about "making his own decisions". Just the day before committing suicide, he actually tasted the taste with his own mouth.

"Are Madam Lan and the concubines of the Lou family still in the mansion?"

"Yes, they haven't moved." Lei Dajun's eyes lit up, thinking that Meng Senglun had been persuaded.

"Okay. Okay. Okay." Meng Senglun said three times in a row and picked up the knife on the table.

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