Ning Baoguan had something unfinished in his heart and was unwilling to leave Dongdu just like that.

He had no intention of seeking revenge on the King of Wu, because he knew very well that this was a battle of life and death. If he won, he would most likely kill the King of Wu immediately. Unfortunately, he lost. Although he was not convinced, he never felt that it was unfair. When he accumulated enough strength, he would still fight the King of Wu.

He also had no intention of rescuing his virtuous wife who was left in the city. It was not because he was heartless and ungrateful, but because he knew that Niu Tiannu had a way to protect herself and several children. She was a woman who never needed his worries.

He wanted to take back Queen Mother Luan.

But this reason could not convince the soldiers to turn back. The 6,000 people he took away were mainly river workers in Jiangdong. They wanted to return to their hometown. They went east and were all excited. They turned back to the west and were all embarrassed. What's more, it was just to fight for a woman?

During a break, Ning Baoguan gathered all the generals on the roadside and said to them: "King Ning asked us to attack Runan, but I don't understand, what's the point of attacking such a small city? It is said that the garrison there has surrendered to the Huaizhou officers and soldiers and received support from at least 30,000 people. No matter how I think about it, I feel that more than 6,000 of us are going to die."

A general said: "Maybe King Wu wants us to die. In fact, everyone has long seen that King Wu is dissatisfied with King Ning and us."

Another general said: "King Wu is seven The seven clans brought you up, so of course they are dissatisfied with us. "

Ning Baoguan was waiting for these words, and immediately said: "There is a lot of water in Jiangdong, and it is the river workers and boatmen who support the entire Wuzhou, but what have you gained? The seven clans treat you as slaves, impose heavy taxes on you, and do not allow you to go ashore. When they apportion the taxes, they wish to empty your family assets and occupy your wives and daughters..."

Before he finished speaking, the generals were furious, and soon sighed again. They had been bullied for a long time, and they did not dare to shout for revenge. If the seven clans had not lost power, they would not even dare to show their anger.

"The Wu Kingdom was destroyed, and Tiancheng increased the benefits to you, forcing you to leave your homeland, and even your body could not return home after you died. "

"That's why we have to follow King Ning and rebel against him." Some people said that they initially surrendered to King Ning by chance, and after following for a long time, they naturally became loyal. King Ning's bravery and determination were exactly the qualities they needed.

"Since we are going to rebel, we should rebel as much as possible. We can't let a new emperor sit on our heads."

"What to do, King Ning decides, we all listen to you."

"We must go to Jiangdong, which is also my hometown. But we can't go there in such a humiliating way. We must show our power and take revenge for the oppression of the seven clans and Tiancheng."

The generals looked at each other. It's not that they don't want to take revenge, but they really don't know how to take revenge. There are not enough troops and horses, and there are only enough food and grass for ten days. If we don't capture Runan City in time, we will have problems eating in the future.

Ning Baoguan's eyes are like torches, and everything is not a problem in his eyes.

"We can't attack the city, and we certainly can't capture the Eastern Capital. Although Runan is small, the guards must be strict. Even if we force it, the damage will be great. In my opinion, it's better to attack the officers and soldiers' camp."

The generals continued to look at each other.

Ning Baoguan became more determined and continued, "The officers and soldiers are confronting the King of Wu, and they are divided into north and south. They didn't expect us to turn back. Our army will go around the rear and catch them by surprise, and we will surely win a great victory."

"Defeating the officers and soldiers will also benefit the King of Wu..." A general said what everyone was thinking.

Ning Baoguan sneered, "What's wrong with letting him take advantage for free? But I'm not fighting for him." He looked at everyone, "There are 7,000 Wu soldiers in the officers and soldiers camp, all of whom are descendants of the seven clans. They were misled by the King of Wu and became prisoners. Let's rush into the camp and burn them all to death."

There were less than 7,000 captured Wu soldiers, and not all of them were descendants of the seven clans, but no one cared about this exaggeration. The eyes of the generals all lit up and began to become interested in this idea.

"We don't need too many people. Those with horses will follow me. The others will stay and set up camp and wait. We will attack at night and burn the camps. The officers and soldiers will definitely panic and think it is a sneak attack in the city. The troops will definitely be transferred to the direction of the Eastern Capital. We will retreat immediately. I think those Wu soldiers are just captives. The officers and soldiers will not try their best to put out the fire and will surely die. Once the Wu soldiers die, you will get a small revenge. The officers and soldiers and the King of Wu will no longer have the opportunity to negotiate. Let them fight to the death, isn't it good?"

Ning Baoguan's firm eyes, coupled with his just right words, finally persuaded the generals, especially those from Jiangdong, to ask for a fight.

Ning Baoguan assigned the soldiers and ordered Luo Hanqi to find a place to camp and be ready to welcome them at any time. Ning Baoguan selected 1,000 soldiers and generals, took only a small amount of food and grass, and rode around the north.

The sneak attack was originally scheduled for the early morning, and the officers and soldiers were in turmoil, so Ning Baoguan saw an opportunity and decided to launch an attack in advance.

In the military camp, Lou Wen also thought about the Queen Mother. Before this, he had never had any interest in this woman. He only thought that she was an inconspicuous decoration in the Imperial Palace of All Things, and was an orphan queen specially selected by the previous emperor to balance the power of the ministers.

However, the rumors that were spreading made him more interested. He wanted to see what the Queen Mother looked like that could make a group of rebel leaders crazy. Rumors are always exaggerated than the facts. This time, it was exaggerated many times. Even the King of Wu was included. It was said that it was not his idea to send the Queen Mother, but he was forced by the Golden Saint...

Lou Ji went to the city to negotiate. Lou Wen couldn't think of any reason for the King of Wu to refuse his kindness. Several veterans went to the camps to appease the soldiers of Jizhou. Lou Wen also couldn't think of anyone who had the courage to oppose the general.

Everything was safe. He would send troops to Yecheng early tomorrow morning. Tonight, he could celebrate a little.

"It's good that the Emperor of All Things died." Lou Wen thought to himself, and said to his seventh son Lou Shuo, who followed him, "Some things look difficult, but they are easy to do."

"Everything will become easy when you meet the general." Lou Shuo flattered him.

Lou Wen snorted. This son obviously didn't understand what he meant. He was talking about rebellion.

He couldn't help but wonder, if he had listened to the advice of the seventeenth son, what would he be like now? He shook his head. He was right to refuse. The rebellion at that time was treason and brought chaos to the world, but the rebellion now was in line with the will of heaven and set things right...

There were people blocking the road ahead, and the leader was Fei Bing.

Lou Wen didn't see Fei Bing in his eyes. He waved his hand, and his children, grandchildren and guards rushed up and carried Fei Bing away. The rest of the people dispersed.

Fei Bing cursed loudly, but before he could shout a few words, his mouth was blocked by mud and snow.

Lou Wen walked to the Queen Mother's tent without stopping, and said to the shivering maid standing at the door: "Inform, General Tiancheng Lou Wen, I come to see the Queen Mother."

The maid entered the tent, but a middle-aged female official came out and said coldly: "It's late at night, the Queen Mother is resting, it's inconvenient to see guests, please come again tomorrow."

Tomorrow, the troops will be sent north, and Lou Wen will not be in the mood to do other things until Yecheng is captured. He must fulfill his wish tonight no matter what. "It's just dark, the whole camp hasn't rested, the Queen Mother sleeps so early? I don't believe it, let me go in and see."


Lou Wen walked straight in, and his fat body pushed the female official away, like shaking off a grain of dust.

The female official wanted to chase in, but was stopped.

The Queen Mother's tent was relatively large, and there were two palace maids left by her side. Lou Wen didn't even look at them, and said "get out", and the palace maids immediately ran away in a hurry.

This was not the first time that Empress Dowager Luan had experienced such a thing. Her fear had not diminished at all, but her expression was a little calmer.

Lou Wen did not even want to be polite on the surface. He picked up the candlestick on the table and held it in front of the Empress Dowager. He frowned slightly, "She is a beauty, but not stunning. The rebels have really never seen the world."

"Your appearance is crude, and it is my fault that you have polluted the eyes of the general." Empress Dowager Luan would rather admit that she is ugly.

Lou Wen smiled and turned around to put the candlestick back to its original place. "I can understand. After all, she is the Empress Dowager of the current dynasty. Those rebels have never seen her before. Naturally, they are fascinated and lost their souls."

"How can a ruffian compare to the general who has seen countless people?"

"I have indeed seen a lot of people. When I destroyed the five countries, I slept with the queen and married the princess, but I have never touched the Queen Dowager. They are not as young as you."

Empress Dowager Luan forced a smile, "The late emperor was very kind to the general. Even if he is the emperor of all things, he is not bad to the general. ..."

"Hey, the late emperor treated me like his own brother. As for the Emperor of All Things, he wanted me to die, but it was him who died. When the Emperor of All Things was alive, he enjoyed himself among the people and neglected the concubines in the palace all year round. You were not favored either. This is a well-known fact. Although you are the queen and the queen mother, I am afraid you have never enjoyed the benefits of it for a day, right?"

"For a daughter of an ordinary family, it is no regret to be able to marry a rich man."

"Haha, a group of poor ghosts still have ambitions after rebellion, not to mention that you have been in the palace for many years. Years old? Don't be afraid, don't be anxious, the title of Queen Mother is noble after all. If you obey me tonight, you will be the Queen and Queen Mother in no time. This time it's true..."

"The general said that the late emperor treated you like a brother. Is this how the general treats his brother's daughter-in-law?"

"I have enjoyed my own daughter-in-law, let alone my brother's daughter-in-law? Queen Mother, don't argue with me. I have a bad temper. I only like to hear good words and soft words. Once I am angry, I will kill people. The Queen Mother is young - at least she looks young. She has been guarding the palace alone for many years. It's time for her to think about herself. The late emperor was unfortunate, and the descendants he left behind were all not good. The Emperor of All Things at least had some courage. The King of Xiangdong and the King of Jibei were both incompetent. It's better to serve me well and wait for me to fight for you to win the world. "

Queen Mother Luan forced a smile again, "A weak woman, only the king obeys."

Lou Wen was very happy. When he thought that the woman in front of him was the wife of the Emperor of All Things and the mother of the little emperor of Jiangdong, he felt even more proud and somewhat understood the greed of the rebel leader.

Outside the tent, the female official looked ashen, regretting leaving the tent. She could no longer get close to the general, let alone the queen mother.

The two had agreed that if they were humiliated again, the female official would kill the queen mother and then commit suicide, but she couldn't even enter the tent.

The tent was silent, and a large group of men were standing outside, chatting and laughing quietly. No one thought there was anything wrong with this.

A soldier came on horseback and shouted from afar: "Quickly inform the general, the Jizhou soldiers are going to run away, and some have already left the camp..."

"What's going on?" Lou Shuo had to ask clearly before he dared to see the general.

The soldier stopped and panted, saying, "General Xiao Sun killed the Jizhou general to establish his authority, but somehow he angered the soldiers. They are getting on their horses and going back home..."

"Stupid." Lou Shuo cursed, and seeing that everyone was hiding behind, he had to come to the front of the tent and shouted, "General, please come out. There is something important."

After shouting three times, there was still no response from the tent. Lou Shuo was a little surprised. He turned his head and looked at his brothers and guards again. To give himself courage, he lifted the curtain and entered the tent. "The Jizhou soldiers are going to run away. The general has to go and see..."

Lou Wen was lying on his back on the ground, with blood gushing from his neck. Empress Dowager Luan stood aside, her clothes in disarray, holding a bloody dagger in her hand, and she was actually smiling.

Lou Shuo's blood rushed to his head, and he cried "Mom", and sat on the ground.

On the other side, the Jizhou soldiers escaped from the barracks, and Ning Baoguan took the opportunity to attack the barracks in advance.

On the city wall, Xu Chu heard the news and wanted to send troops to fight.

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