Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 245 Guessing each other

"Don't you have anything else to do, Princess? You are always guessing my intentions." Xu Chu said calmly, trying to control the anger in his heart.

The King of Xiangdong frowned slightly, "She not only guessed King Wu's intentions, but also guessed everyone's intentions in order to capture the eastern capital. She said that she could not go out personally and had to consider everything... Alas, she still failed, but this Don’t blame her, blame me for not listening to her advice. If I didn’t recruit the general..."

"If the King of Eastern Hunan didn't go to recruit him, the general would come. He was in a dilemma. The Luozhou soldiers were homesick, and he had no choice."

"That's different, my daughter said..." King Xiangdong looked up at King Wu and said nothing further.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "If the King of Xiangdong doesn't want to, let it go. When Sun Yalu returns to Yecheng, he will surely be able to bring back the princess's answer soon. If there are no accidents, the King of Xiangdong will stay with me for a while."

King Xiangdong's expression changed slightly, "My daughter is not that easily threatened."

"Threat? How can it be a threat? Asking the general of the Eastern Hunan King to take charge of the Luozhou Army is at least a good intention, right?"

King Xiangdong shook his head, "You will not succeed."

"Won't you succeed in persuading the King of Xiangdong? I only send invitations, not persuasion or force. Since the King of Xiangdong only obeys his daughter's orders, he might as well write a letter and seek her advice. She guessed my intention , I also took a guess: Well...she will definitely agree."

"If she agrees, I won't refuse, but don't have too much hope, King Wu."

"Would King Xiangdong be willing to write this letter?"


There was ready-made pen and paper in the room. Xu Chu studied the ink and the King of Xiangdong wrote a simple letter, not shying away from the King of Wu.

The content of the letter is very simple. After the ink is dry, the king of eastern Hunan folds it, "The king of Wu is like the sun, but beware of the decline of prosperity."

"For me, it's just the rising sun to defend the eastern capital, and it's still far from the peak of the sun." Xu Chu called the guards and ordered him to find someone to deliver a message to Yecheng.

Xu Chu was about to leave, but suddenly became curious, "Is the princess guessing everyone's intentions?"

"Of course it has to be someone worth guessing."

"Who's worth a guess?"

"For example, King Wu, but you are not the first person she has to guess."

"Oh, and sorting?"

King Xiangdong nodded, but refused to continue.

Xu Chu smiled, turned and left, acting completely unconcerned, but remembering this in his heart.

Xu Chu was not particularly disappointed when his invitation to the King of Xiangdong was unsuccessful. After all, the King of Xiangdong was just a name. What he really needed was a general who could make good use of tens of thousands of Luozhou elite soldiers and act alone.

So he still had to win over Tan Wuwei.

Tan Wuwei is relatively free these days. He hangs out with his sword every day. He still likes to argue with others and comment on the recent wars. He denigrates the rebels and the King of Wu as useless. "It's a fluke. It's all a fluke. You can win a temporary victory with this, but you can't." Conquer the world."

When the King of Wu's messenger came to him, Tan Wuwei was having a verbal dispute with a group of soldiers. Although there were many soldiers, they couldn't compete with him. At this time, he encouraged him: "Old Tan, if you have the ability to tell the King of Wu this, it depends on you." Could it be a 'lucky' one?"

"Why don't you dare? King Wu obeys my words, but I don't want to say more to him. Why? Because my words are like a unique sword in the world. In your eyes, it is a joke. Even if you can appreciate its benefits, you will not use it. , King Wu is different, he can use it. "

The soldiers laughed, dismissed him and left, calling him "idiot" behind his back.

Tan Wuwei didn't feel stupid at all. He chatted with the messenger on the way, but when he saw King Wu, he really shut up and just bowed.

The messenger was annoyed by what he said and couldn't help but complain to his face: "King Wu, General Tan has a lot to say to you. He thinks that our several victories are all luck. It won't be long before the next battle." He will be beaten to pieces."

"I didn't use the word 'falling flowers and flowing water'. With the wisdom of King Wu, even if he is defeated, he will not be completely defeated."

The messenger resigned, and Xu Chu asked Tan Wuwei to sit down, "Second brother, do you think the rebels were able to hold on to the Eastern Capital by luck?"

"King Wu, please call me General Tan. If you call me Second Brother, I'm embarrassed to tell you otherwise."

"Haha, okay, General Tan, please tell me everything you know."

"It can't all be said to be a fluke. After all, if King Wu hadn't persisted for so long, luck wouldn't have happened to you."

"Let's not talk about perseverance, just luck."

"Well, do you have any wine? I talked too much today and my mouth is a bit dry."

Xu Chu asked Tang Weitian to go find some wine and said with a smile, "I would rather General Tan say something to me from time to time, but you don't want to."

"Hey, this is what I told the soldiers, and they didn't believe it!"

"If you are willing to be my general, they will believe you."

Tan Wuwei shook his head, "My mind has not changed. My lord is still the King of Jin."

"What if King Jin...unfortunately loses to He Rongbu and never gets the chance to be your lord again?"

Tan Wuwei handed over his hand, "If I had a second choice, I would choose King Wu."

"Haha, I'm lucky to be so valued by General Tan."

"Don't be too happy, King Wu, King Jin will never be defeated..."

Tang Weitian came in with wine, but Tan Wuyi interrupted, poured himself a drink, took a sip, nodded, and asked, "New wine taken from the officers and soldiers?"

"Well, the officers and soldiers left a lot of supplies."

"The centipede is dead but not stiff. Even if Tiancheng reaches a situation where the building has collapsed, the wine left behind is still better than that of the rebels."

"Perhaps this is the reason why Tiancheng died early. The people were poor but the soldiers were rich."

"Maybe. I only know that Tiancheng's generals don't know how to use troops. They clearly have the advantage, but they always collapse for no reason. The king of Wu is really lucky, and he always catches such good things."

"That's because others were avoiding the officers and soldiers, and I faced the difficulties. The first time I did this, it was General Tan's idea."

Tan Wuwei put down his hand, indicating that it was not worth mentioning, and poured himself another glass.

"General Tan just said that King Jin will never be defeated. Before King Jin left, did you give him any advice?"

Tan Wuwei shook his head, "Prince Jin was worried that I would leak the secret, so he didn't ask me what my ideas were. I just made a guess. Based on my understanding of Prince Jin, I can guess how he would avoid the defeat of Jinyang."

"It's interesting. Everyone seems to like to guess other people's thoughts and intentions, and then judge the outcome."

"The art of war is dead, but people are alive. Everyone can learn the dead art of war. Even a small captain can set up camp and arrange troops when he has to, but living people can only guess. , Guess, those who are familiar with this method will be a general."

"In that case, let me take a guess and see if it coincides with General Tan."

"Okay, if we guess the same, I can explain it in detail. If we guess differently, I'll just drink. I can't ruin Prince Jin's plan."

"Haha, there is still a lot of wine, please drink as much as you can. Well, I guess King Jin will send someone to make peace with He Rong on the way before returning to Jinyang."

Tan Wuwei put down his glass and said, "This cup is too good to drink. Yes, King Wu agrees with my guess. He Rong is a border threat to the north. Victory will be of no use to the south for the title. If he loses, he will lose all his capital. So no matter whether he wins or loses, this It’s not a battle worth fighting.”

"Besides, the Shen family has been in contact with He Rongbu for many years, and they have a good relationship. As long as King Jin gives up some benefits, He Rongbu should be satisfied."

"King Wu just guessed this?"

"Already guessed it."

"In that case, why did you let Prince Jin leave?"

"Although the He Rong tribe is a border threat, if we let it go, it will inevitably not invade the Central Plains in groups, and it will become a serious trouble. Whether King Jin is leading the battle or suing for peace, he can always temporarily block it and give the Central Plains some breathing space."

"The King of Wu is generous and thinks long-term, which I admire." Tan Wuwei handed over his hand.

Xu Chu toasted, "How about we continue to guess, this time guessing about other people to cheer up the wine?"

Tan Wuwei glanced at the simple side dishes on the table and said with a smile: "Very good. Which hero is King Wu interested in?"

"Strictly speaking, this person cannot be considered a hero - Princess Huanyan of Yecheng. Has General Tan ever guessed about her?"

"Of course I have guessed it. Rumors say that the two kings and generals of Jizhou were arranged by her. From then on, I have been thinking that this woman is not simple. However, Jizhou was defeated, the commander was killed, the king of Jibei lived in Jingzhou, and the king of eastern Hunan was trapped. In Dongdu, I feel that this woman is nothing more than that. The Tiancheng court is really unmanned, and it is actually allowed for a woman to command the generals."

"Me too." Xu Chu reminded.

"General coming to the world... is it okay?" Tan Wuwei said reluctantly, needing a glass of wine to suppress it. "At least there is nothing wrong. I have been walking in the camp these days, and I have seen that the generals are changing with each passing day. If I can persist, I can really become a leader. Excellent soldiers and strong generals.”

"General Tan is flattering. But let's talk about Princess Huanyan. I just met the King of Xiangdong. He said that the princess asked him to beware of the general instead of asking for help. He went against the princess's wishes, which led to the defeat."

"In this way, the princess is quite understanding, but she saw through the general, but not her own father. She is still responsible for this defeat. But it is not a total defeat. There is still a chance to win back."

"What chance?"

Tan Wuwei shook his head and said with a smile: "I won't say this, because the princess would definitely not have thought that a woman can guard Yecheng alone, which is already great. She definitely doesn't have the same strategy as me."

Tang Weitian stood aside serving wine and rolled his eyes.

Xu Chu did not mean to ridicule, "It is said that the princess is also guessing about the heroes in the world, and I am not ranked first."

Tan Wuwei was slightly startled, "Who is ranked first?"

"The King of Xiangdong refused to say anything."

Tan Wuwei brought the wine to his mouth, put it down without taking a sip, "She really has this idea? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Xu Chu didn't push him, and just encouraged him to drink. After a while, Tan Wuwei couldn't help it anymore, "I don't know what kind of woman Princess Huanyan is, but if I was in Yecheng when the Jizhou army was defeated last time, I would We have to find a way to turn defeat into victory, and the way is ready.”

"So simple?" Xu Chu smiled, a little unconvinced.

"King Wu has occupied Dongdu for a long time and is always surrounded by powerful enemies. He may not feel that much, but in the eyes of the heroes from all directions, King Wu rises too quickly and suddenly, so they must be wary. What's more, Dongdu is made in heaven. The old capital, the site of the Four Wars, is coveted by everyone. Therefore, if I am in Yecheng, I will contact the heroes early. If the Jizhou army wins, I will alienate the group of friends and prevent them from joining forces to seize the eastern capital. If the Jizhou army is defeated - -That is, the current situation encourages all heroes to fight together. "

"It is indeed a ruthless plan. Will the heroes be convinced?"

Tan Wuwei shook his head, "It's difficult. It's not difficult to guess what Ye Cheng is thinking. Nine out of ten heroes are unwilling to serve her. I don't believe Princess Huanyan is really capable of convincing everyone to work together, so King Wu can rest assured."

As soon as he finished speaking, a guard ran in from outside and said, "General Dai Pohu Dai is back in power."

"Please come in quickly."

Dai Pohu was ordered to go to Jingzhou to inquire about the news, and Xu Chu was waiting for his news.

Dai Pohu came in dusty, with a stern face, and said with a stern hand: "The soldiers of Jingzhou are on the way, about 50,000 people, with sufficient food and grass, and they will arrive in Dongdu soon."

Tan Wuwei laughed, "If this is the first army to encircle Dongdu, I really admire Princess Huanyan. If there is no encirclement, the Xi family of Jingzhou will come alone to fight for Dongdu, which is to die. The King of Wu is lucky again."

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