Xue Jinyao is still the female general who takes the lead and marches forward bravely, but the soldiers behind her are no longer warriors inspired by the "ancestral king" who are willing to stain the battlefield with blood.

Xue Jinyao launched three consecutive attacks. The first time the two armies met, there was a short melee. She was in full fighting spirit, but the World Army retreated inexplicably. When the number of people was too small, she had to retreat and lost her temper at the generals. But it had no effect. The next two attacks did not even make contact with the enemy. A round of arrows fell to the ground, and the Advent Army turned around in unison.

The generals who were being trained in front of the battle were red-faced, but they had no choice. Even drawing their swords and threatening them was useless. The soldiers just didn't dare to step forward, and they couldn't find the leader. It seemed that everyone had made an appointment to be at the same time and place. , and turned around at the same time.

Xue Jinyao had no choice but to form a defensive formation and wait for the enemy to attack.

The Jingzhou people were very cunning. Every time, they would assume a large force and send out only a small number of people to challenge them. This was repeated several times and lasted for nearly two hours.

The battle was not fought much, and the Shicheng army was already exhausted. Xue Jinyao suppressed his anger, encouraged the soldiers to attack one last time, and offered heavy rewards to those who dared to fight.

The two armies clashed again. The Avatar Army relied on their large numbers and swarmed forward. However, the Jingzhou Army entered the battle one by one. They were at a disadvantage at first, but gradually reversed the situation.

Xue Jinyao finally managed to stay awake. Before the situation became irreversible, he ordered the withdrawal of troops, suppressed them personally, and returned to the camp before dark, unable to hold on.

She didn't even eat, so she immediately summoned the generals, took out the stick of birth and put it on the table, and asked everyone as the Golden Saint, why the soldiers were so timid in the face of the enemy? The Advent Army clearly had the advantage due to their large numbers.

The generals gave way to each other, and finally someone finally had the courage to say: "What the brothers are afraid of is not the enemy army, but... the rear area."

"The rear? The rear is full of our own people. There are no ambush troops. What's so scary?"

"It has to go further."

Xue Jinyao finally understood that before the expedition, Liu Jiuzhuan's words to persuade her were not groundless. Although she was rejected, it had a wide influence on the World Army.

"Wu Bing is the vanguard, are you still worried that King Wu will use the Advent Army as bait?"

The general who spoke hurriedly said: "I'm not worried. I believe that King Wu is a brother below. They heard rumors from nowhere. They all said that King Wu wanted to re-employ people from Luozhou. He thought that our incarnated soldiers were too much trouble and that Wu The soldiers are not under control, and they can be eliminated at any time. It is also said that the people of Jingzhou actually have a secret deal with the King of Wu..."

"The more you talk, the more you go too far. How could King Wu have a deal with the people of Jingzhou?"

The general just smiled and did not dare to say anything further.

Xue Jinyao turned his eyes and looked at a more trustworthy general, "Monk Wang, tell the truth, I won't blame anyone, I just want to ask for clarity. I am the commander-in-chief of an army, so I can't all of you understand. I was the only one left in the dark.”

Monk Wang is not a monk, he just has a little short hair and is relatively honest. Hearing the golden saint call his name, he said: "It's nothing, it's just... King Wu is also the son-in-law of the King of Jibei, and the Jingzhou Army is the King of Jibei." It’s normal for my father-in-law and son-in-law to have private interactions.”

Xue Jinyao thought for a while before she understood. She knew that King Wu had married a wife before. King Wu explained that it was a marriage of last resort, and the princess divorced her husband by writing a letter of divorce.

"You guys, you can't fight, you just have random thoughts. When the King of Wu married the daughter of the King of Jibei, his surname was Lou, and now his surname is Xu. You have broken up with your biological father, let alone a wife in name only?"

The generals nodded, but they didn't seem to be truly convinced.

Xue Jinyao had no choice but to dismiss the generals first and let them restrain their subordinates and prepare to fight again in the future. "You suspect that King Wu is using the World Army as bait. But if we continue to fight like this, the Jingzhou Army will eat away bit by bit, and we will suffer more casualties. Tell us." Everyone, you must win for me once. If you win, I will take you back to Dongdu and ask King Wu to send Luozhou soldiers. If you don't win, you will continue to waste me here. You all know my temper and would rather die than betray me. Retreat in the name of defeat. Don’t even think about escaping. We have military laws now. Those who escape will be killed, their property will be confiscated, and their families will be enslaved.”

Xue Jinyao picked up the stick of birth and knocked on the table, as if he would never give up.

The generals should have left a few close followers, including Monk Wang, who advised: "Golden Saint, don't push everyone too hard. The World Army has suffered heavy losses in the past few days. Before, we fought for our ancestors and died." After ascending to heaven, you deserve to die. Who is this fight for now? Is it just for the King of Wu?"

"What's wrong with King Wu? When he conquers the world, you will all be the founding heroes."

Several generals looked at each other, and Monk Wang still said: "I'm afraid that we won't survive that day. King Wu is your noble son, and we are poor people, not from the same place at all. Holy Girl Jin, don't even think that King Wu has married you. Let me tell you, he does not regard you as his real wife. Based on this alone, we..."

"What does the matter of our husband and wife have to do with you?" Xue Jinyao was angry, swung the stick of birth, and drove Monk Wang and others out. There was only one person left, but he became more and more angry as he thought about it.

Finally feeling calm, she summoned the generals again and said, "You have no evidence for this or that. I will send people back to the Eastern Capital and ask King Wu to send more troops, especially those from Luozhou. Since they have surrendered, , they should listen to my instructions and let them fight the Jingzhou Army first, and then the World Coming Army, you have no doubts, right?"

The generals nodded sincerely this time, and one said: "If the King of Wu is really willing to send Luozhou soldiers, we will no longer have any doubts, and it will be easier for us to talk when we go back to supervise our brothers. But if the King of Wu agrees verbally, even Piluo If the state doesn’t even send horses, it’s time for the Golden Saint to think more about it.”

"I will naturally think about what I should think about." Xue Jinyao said coldly, dictating the letter in front of the generals, and sent people to rush back to the Eastern Capital.

Xue Jinyao was really unsure about whether King Wu could send troops, but she had no other way to stop the rumors in the army, and she had a little selfish desire to find out whether King Wu cared about the relationship between husband and wife.

The next day, Xue Jinyao did not force everyone to fight, but sent more scouts to check the enemy's situation in all directions.

The Jingzhou army had no intention of fighting. The two armies were less than thirty miles apart and each retreated.

At noon that day, someone came from Dongdu, and Xue Jinyao was surprised. He didn't expect King Wu to react so quickly, but after calculating the itinerary, the messenger should not have seen King Wu yet.

King Wu sent some people, not many, just one person and a dozen guards, but this person was exactly what Xue Jinyao needed urgently.

Cao Shenxi was ordered to come overnight. After all, he was old and his face was not very good. Xue Jinyao ordered him to rest for a while before meeting again. He said to the generals: "The King of Wu is also worried about the war here. The letter for help has not been sent yet." , He sent someone here yesterday. You all know who General Cao is and how King Wu treats him."

Cao Shenxi was a general who was surrendered by the defeated army, but he was appointed as the general manager of the Eastern Capital by the King of Wu. He was once sentenced to death and then released. In the eyes of everyone, he was indeed deeply appreciated by the King of Wu.

It was estimated that Cao Shenxi had almost rested, so Xue Jinyao dismissed the generals and went to visit the tent in person.

Cao Shenxi regained some strength, saw the general who came to the world, and stood up to bow. Xue Jinyao stepped forward and said: "General Cao is my master. I have said it many times. How can there be any rules for a master to salute his disciples? Master, please take a seat. Pay homage to me."

Cao Shenxi was not polite. He sat down and sighed. He was surprised that King Wu was trying to win over him, but he remained unmoved. Saint Jin only called her "Master" a few times, but he was willing to share all the military skills he had learned. Teach each other.

"Master's coming really solves my urgent need." Xue Jinyao urgently needed someone to answer the many doubts in his heart.

Cao Shenxi understood that the reason why he liked the Golden Saint instead of the King of Wu was because this female general had the sincerity consistent with her age. Cruelty is cruelty, admiration is admiration, asking for advice is asking for advice, and saying "Master" , more sincere than the "General Cao" that King Wu kept talking about.

If in danger, Cao Shenxi knows who to turn to for help.

"I've heard about it on the way. You didn't remember a word of the taboos I told you about military strategists before." Cao Shenxi showed his master's style and scolded.

Xue Jinyao stood with his hands down in a dignified manner, "Yes, I am stupid. Master said too many things, and I didn't remember much. When I got to the formation, I forgot them all."

"No matter what you do, you must never forget this: as a commander, you must ensure that you have troops available at all times. Have you not remembered such a simple principle as armies taking turns to go into battle?"

Xue Jinyao blushed, "This is how the Jingzhou army fought. As soon as I saw the enemy..."

"I just want to go into battle in person, and I want everyone to follow you into battle. General Descendant, if you want to be a fierce general, you can, but don't call me 'Master', any martial artist is more useful than me. If you want As a commander-in-chief, you have to be patient, watch the enemy's movements at all times, and act according to the opportunity. Alas, I am a defeated general, and you may not like what I say. "

"I love listening to it. I get benefits every time I listen to it. I know that the previous defeat was not Master's fault."

Cao Shenxi's expression darkened, "If you think about it carefully, it's indeed my fault. A weak will is also a taboo for a coach, and it's something you can't learn. You only have this one benefit, and you can easily change things you're sure of. As for the art of war, , you can learn it slowly.”

"Actually, I'm not that determined. There are rumors in the army that the King of Wu is using Wu Bing and the World Army as bait. It's also said that the King of Wu and the King of Jibei are father-in-law and son-in-law, secretly colluding..."

"Do you believe it?"

"I don't know either." Xue Jinyao was very distressed. "It stands to reason that the content of the rumors is not new. No one took it seriously before, but now everyone suddenly takes it seriously. I don't understand the reason, and I feel... a little confused."

"Things are often like this. When one or two things are alone, they seem to have no meaning. Once they are combined with a certain key, they can make husband and wife turn against each other and monarchs and ministers are suspicious. For the Advent Army, the key is that they do not want to fight. , with this idea in mind, everything in the past was recalled and became evidence against King Wu. "

"But we fought well last time..."

"If the battle is good, many people will die. This is what is meant by the so-called prosperity and decline. Then the general was assassinated, the Luozhou Army defeated itself, and the World Army tasted the sweetness, and naturally hopes that the enemy will defeat itself again."

"How can you have such good luck?"

“It’s good to have hope, but sometimes it blinds you.”

Xue Jinyao felt much more cheerful, "I haven't asked Master why he is here yet? Has King Wu come up with a strategy to defeat the enemy?"

Cao Shenxi nodded, "The King of Wu personally led Luozhou troops to support him and is on the way. The King of Wu wants to catch the Jingzhou army by surprise, but he needs General Jishi to entangle the Jingzhou army and draw them all out, so that he can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop. No more fighting."

Xue Jinyao's face was filled with joy, and the gloom in his heart was swept away, "When? This time, even at the risk of my own life, I want to restore the fighting spirit of the World Army!"

Cao Shenxi sighed inwardly. He had roughly guessed the King of Wu's intention, but he could not say anything.

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