Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 262 Leaving the Camp

(Thanks to the reader "Environmental Engineer" for the red tip.)

The expected news finally came, but Ning Baoguan did not dare to believe it easily, "The King of Wu is full of tricks and cannot easily enter the Eastern Capital. He needs to stay for a while."

Guo Shifeng was unable to advance or retreat, so he had to stay to give advice to King Ning and help King Wu secretly: "If you think about it carefully, it is indeed King Wu who arranged for me to take this route, which is quite suspicious."

Ning Baoguan sneered and ordered to set off the next day. He rushed to the east capital at dusk and called the door in the name of the World Army. If there was no result, he set up a ladder to climb the city.

Guo Shifeng's "secret assistance" had the opposite effect.

He was a calm person. After trying all the methods he could think of, he no longer had any worries in his heart. He stayed in the tent drinking and thinking over and over who he should defect to after this battle.

Someone came in uninvited. Guo Shifeng was startled at first, then smiled and said, "What a coincidence, Mr. Fei is here too."

Fei Zhen cupped his hands and said, "I've heard that Mr. Guo was captured, but I never had the chance to come over and pay him a visit."

Guo Shifeng pointed to a few wines and dishes on the table and said with a smile: "You can eat and drink. Such a 'captive' is something you can't ask for."

Fei Zhen said seriously: "Mr. Guo, why aren't you in a hurry?"

"I'm already anxious, but I can't imagine that King Ning's ruthlessness is the biggest nemesis of a counselor like me. I can only watch and see how King Wu responds to this disaster. Maybe he has been prepared for it. Really Set a trap in Dongdu.”

"What if he is not prepared? King Ning has no intention of holding on to the Eastern Capital. He is just angry that the city was taken away by the King of Wu, so he insists on attacking the city. This time when he enters the city, he will definitely kill and loot, steal food and grass, and leave. The people of the Eastern Capital... …”

Guo Shifeng waved his hand, "Don't mention the people of Dongdu. I don't know them, and I have no intention of meddling in their business. As for Prince Ning, Master Fei also knows his temper, and I don't dare to stroke his beard."

Fei Zhen sighed and was speechless.

In order to break the embarrassment, Guo Shifeng said: "Master Fei is here to protect the Queen Mother, isn't he joining Prince Ning's gang?"

"Of course not." Fei Zhen raised his eyebrows, then sighed again.

"Haha, it's strange that Prince Ning shows mercy to Master Fei."

"The Queen Mother did not allow Prince Ning to kill me. Alas, I thought I was here to protect the Queen Mother, but ended up being protected by her instead."

"That's good. Master Fei can at least feel at ease."

"How can you feel at ease?" Fei Zhen showed an indignant look, "The Queen Mother... The Queen Mother..." He couldn't say anything.

"The Queen Mother has lost her temper?" Guo Shifeng was not surprised.

"Have you even heard of Mr. Guo?"

"You don't need to hear about it, you can just guess it. King Ning returned to the Eastern Capital and kidnapped the Queen Mother, presumably not for the purpose of offering sacrifices. The Queen Mother assassinated the general in the camp, and seemed to have the ambition to die as a martyrdom. After being kidnapped by King Ning, But there has been no news of suicide. I heard from Mr. Fei that the Queen Mother could persuade Prince Ning to stop the killing, so there is only one explanation left. "

Fei Zhen shook his head as he listened, "She is a woman after all."

"What does it matter what she does? Mr. Fei should think about it for himself."

"But she is the Queen Mother after all, and she has given me the gift of knowledge and promotion."

Guo Shifeng laughed and said: "At that time, all the officials in the Eastern Capital were gone, and only Mr. Fei was left. It is said that it was Mr. Fei who entered the palace in person to win the position of city guard. Is this considered a favor of 'promotion'?"

"Forget it." Fei Zhen answered with absolute certainty, leaving no room for doubt.

Guo Shifeng smiled and said, "Master Fei will suffer a lot in the future."

"Yes, it is said that Mr. Guo gave Prince Ning advice and suggested that he take the Queen Mother to Jiangdong to seek refuge with Emperor Tiancheng. Is that true?"

"Well... I may have made a start. The idea came from Prince Ning himself. It's obvious. The Queen Mother has only such a little use. Who would have thought of it?"

"Prince Ning couldn't think of it." Fei Zhen said coldly.

Guo Shifeng looked slightly embarrassed and immediately covered it up with laughter, "But this is a good thing for the Queen Mother after all. She can return to the emperor and mother and son are reunited."

"Mother and son are prisoners together."

"No, King Ning only leads a few thousand people, and the Liang and Lan families control Stone City and will not let them out no matter what."

"The Liang and Lan families guard Stone City alone. If anyone goes to defect, they will go out of the city to greet them. What's more, King Ning leads an army in the name of Emperor Qin? If the two families could see the danger, they would not be so easy in the first place. Throw away Dongdu.”

"Haha, Mr. Fei is really hurt by the two families. As I said, King Wu may have been prepared and set a trap in Dongdu. King Ning will never return, and everything will be solved."

"It's not that simple."

Guo Shifeng's patience ran out, "Whether it's simple or complicated, it's all the same here - there's nothing we can do. Why don't you, Mr. Fei, sit down and let's drink and talk and ignore the world's affairs?"

Fei Zhen did sit down, but did not drink, and did not want to talk about the article. "I also know that Prince Ning is stubborn and hard to persuade. I have to leave it to fate to attack the Eastern Capital. However, the Queen Mother can no longer stay here and must be taken away."

"The Queen Mother has lost her temper anyway..."

"I was forced to lose my integrity. Although there are flaws, it is excusable. You and I cannot just sit idly by."

"I think this is an acceptable destination for the Queen Mother..."

Fei Zhen's eyes widened, and Guo Shifeng immediately changed his words: "The Queen Mother is the Queen Mother after all, she should have a better place to go."

"Yes, Mr. Guo..."

"But it has nothing to do with me. I am no longer a citizen of Tiancheng. I have no right to worry about the safety of the Queen Mother, not to mention that I myself am not safe day and night. Jiangdong is far away, the emperor is guarding the city alone, and the Liang and Lan families are like that. Mr. Fei Even if the Queen Mother is sent, I'm afraid..."

"Jiangdong? I didn't say I was going to Jiangdong."

"The Queen Mother's son is in Jiangdong. If not there, where else can the Queen Mother stay?"


Guo Shifeng let out a long "oh" and said with a smile: "Master Fei is really determined to go to Yecheng after staying in the Jizhou military camp for a few days."

Fei Bing said: "It has nothing to do with this. The emperor is in Jiangdong, which should be the best place for the Queen Mother, but Liang and Lan are in power, and Shitoucheng will sooner or later become the second Dongdu, and we can't outrun King Ning. Jiangdong is not a good place to go, and the next place is Yecheng, because..."

"The Queen Mother is in Yecheng?"

"That's exactly the reason."

Guo Shifeng shook his head, "This At this time, Lord Fei still doesn't forget the orthodoxy. I really don't know what to say. I wish Lord Fei all the best. "

"Mr. Guo must go to Yecheng with me."

"I won't go. I am a minister of King Wu..."

"But he fell into the hands of King Ning, and all the people he brought were killed. Even if he had a chance to escape back to King Wu, he would return empty-handed. Why don't you go with me to Yecheng, make some merits, and then go to see King Wu."

"Hehe." Guo Shifeng was a little tempted. His mission was to persuade the Sheng family in Huaizhou. Now that he has lost his entourage and gifts, it is useless to go to Huaizhou alone. He has acquaintances in Yecheng, and maybe he can really make a merit, so as not to be too embarrassed in front of King Wu.

"King Ning will lead his troops to set out tomorrow, and the opportunity to escape is now." Fei Bing advised.

"Okay... then let's go to Yecheng, but Prince Ning is going to war, maybe he will take me with him..."

"No, Prince Ning is attacking Dongdu by surprise, and he wants to be quick, so he will never waste horses to bring a counselor, and you and I will be left in the camp."

"Prince Ning has few horses, and there must be many soldiers left in the camp?"

"Yes, that's why I came to see Mr. Guo?"

"What Mr. Fei means is..."

"Please give Mr. Guo an idea to take the Queen Mother away from here."

"So Mr. Fei has no solution?"

"If I had a solution, why would I come to Mr. Guo?" Fei Bing was more straightforward.

Guo Shifeng smiled bitterly, and said after a while: "It's difficult, really difficult, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Will King Ning listen to the Queen Mother's words?"

"Not every word."

"Can Lord Fei see the Queen Mother?"

"No, but we can talk through the curtain."

"Can you turn away outsiders?"

"Yes, King Ning has no defense against me."

Fei Bing is an old man, and he is also known for his integrity, so Ning Baoguan certainly won't be wary of him.

"Okay, please ask Lord Fei to see the Queen Mother and ask her to cry to King Ning tonight, saying that the soldiers in the camp are dissatisfied with King Ning's love of women and often want to kill the Queen Mother."

"The Ning army is indeed dissatisfied, especially those generals. King Ning has known about it for a long time. What's the point of crying?"

"Make King Ning angry and upset. Before he leads the troops to set off tomorrow, he must issue a death order to the soldiers who stay in the camp, and no one is allowed to alarm the Queen Mother. In this way, we will have a chance to escape."

"Mr. Guo is saying that the Queen Mother can leave the camp openly?"

Guo Shifeng nodded, "With King Ning's cruelty, he If a death order is issued, no one dares to stop the Queen Mother. "

"But what if King Ning also issues a death order and does not allow the Queen Mother to leave?"

"There is no perfect plan in the world. If so, we can only accept our fate. But I guess King Ning will not doubt the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother has already lost her chastity to him and has no intention of assassinating her..."

Fei Bing thought about it and felt that although Guo Shifeng's plan was not a brilliant plan, it could at least be tried, so he stood up and said, "Okay, it has to be this way. I will go to persuade the Queen Mother now."

Guo Shifeng continued to drink and thought that Yecheng was also a good place to go.

The next morning, Ning Baoguan really summoned all the generals and asked them to swear in public that they would treat Queen Mother Luan like King Ning himself and never have any bad intentions. If they violated it, what would happen.

Ning Baoguan also brought all the most violent generals with him and set off before noon. There were less than a thousand soldiers and horses. His plan was to sneak into the Eastern Capital and occupy it. Climbing the city was a last resort.

Fei Bing came to Guo Shifeng again, "Is it OK?"

"Yes, let the Queen Mother find an excuse to leave the camp."

"The Queen Mother wants to go to the intersection to pay respect to her parents."

"That's a good excuse. Soldiers are not allowed to follow."

"They dare not follow us, but we can't go far. The soldiers in the camp can't see us and will chase us."

"The Queen Mother takes a carriage out of the camp and stops at the intersection. Leave the attendants behind. We help the Queen Mother get on the horse and take advantage of the camp's unpreparedness. Go east first and then turn north. If we can meet the Jizhou army on the way, everything will be fine."

"Okay. Many children and grandchildren of the Lou family are imprisoned in the camp. Do you want to take them with you?"

"The general is dead. The King of Wu doesn't recognize the Lou family. It will only cause trouble if you take them with you. Don't take any of them."

Fei Bing thought it made sense and said goodbye and left.

It was almost dusk when Fei Bing came again. This time, he asked Mr. Guo, who was "familiar with yin and yang", to preside over the ceremony of paying respect to the Queen Mother.

The intersection was not far from the camp, and the soldiers who stayed behind did not stop them and let the queen mother go out.

There were still four maids left, and they followed.

When they reached the intersection, the maids burned paper and incense, and Guo Shifeng pretended to dance and winked at Fei Bing.

Fei Bing walked to the front of the car and talked to the queen mother, but it didn't seem to go smoothly. His voice became lower and lower. He came back after a while, looking frustrated and disappointed.

"What's wrong?" Guo Shifeng asked, turning his head to look at the camp. It was dusk, and it was the best time to escape.

"The queen mother refused to leave."


"The queen mother is willing to stay with Prince Ning."

"Woman." Guo Shifeng could only say this, "Then why did she leave the camp?"

"The Queen Mother asked us to leave. She dismissed all my official positions. I have done what I should and can do. It is time to leave. Without the Queen Mother's burden, the two of us can go faster."

"I will stay too." Guo Shifeng said. Even he was surprised by this sentence.


"If the Queen Mother stays, King Ning will have a great chance to seize Jiangdong. I must at least go with him to see the result."

Fei Bing was extremely surprised. In the end, he only uttered two words: "Advisor."

"Master Fei, you can't stay. King Ning will kill you sooner or later."

Fei Bing sighed, didn't want a horse, didn't say goodbye, and walked away. He felt that the world was so big, but he had no place to stand, and there were no like-minded people.

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