Feng Juniang was not in the mood to write, but she wanted to complete today's task, so she wrote faster and faster. It was no longer a rule to finish the last few strokes in one go, but she liked it better. She nodded and said: "Writing is not that difficult. In less than a month, I can do it." He has made great progress and is almost ready to create his own school.”

Feng Juniang walked to the edge of the screen and looked at Xu Chu who was sitting there. She was a little confused and a little distressed, "Master, do you want to have tea?"

Xu Chu smiled and shook his head.

"Someone is coming to the city later, sir... do you want to go out to greet him?"

Xu Chu still shook his head.

"At least get some new clothes."

Xu Chu glanced down and said, "We are old people, why do we need new clothes?"

"Haha, the young master's words are quite meaningful, but don't use them on me. It's a waste. Save them and throw them to that old Taoist Kou."

"His name is Kou Daogu, but he is not an experienced Taoist, and he is not old either. He should be less than forty years old."

"Ha, I'm old enough. I shudder when I think of the day when I turn thirty, but I don't want to die..." Feng Juniang trembled slightly, "Anyway, the young master will use harsh words on Kou Daogu. , just like dealing with Yu Zhan, defeat him in just a few moves."

"If the rumors are true, I'm probably no match for Kou Daogu."

"Hey, why are you discouraged before the battle begins? Young master was not like this before."

Xu Chu smiled slightly and said, "There is a victory in defeat. Although I am not Kou Daogu's opponent, I may not lose to him."

Feng Juniang made a few weird expressions. She likes clear arguments and doesn't like confusing quips. "The prince of Jibei is also here. He is a big shot. Some people say that he might become the emperor of the north. When the prince sees him, , don’t you want to change into new clothes?”

"Old people meet old people..."

"Young master, please help yourself. I'll go outside and take a look. Maybe I can block this old Kou for you." Feng Juniang hurriedly walked out of the room, breathed in the fresh air in the valley, and murmured: "Old people, old houses, old words... It's really weird. I don’t know how the young master can bear it until now. If I were the young master’s other wife, I wouldn’t come to see him..."

There were not many people in the valley, but outside the valley there was a sea of ​​people. Some traders even came to carry burdens and shout, and the business was quite prosperous.

The old servant came forward and said to Feng Juniang: "Don't go to the mouth of the valley today."

"How can I be so shameless?"

"Do you know what people outside are talking about you and Young Master?"

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "I can imagine it, but the young master doesn't care, and I don't care either. And since I have such a good reputation, won't I attract more criticism if I remain invisible?"

"You are becoming more and more eloquent. I bet you will never get married again."

"Anyway, no one dares to marry me anymore. It's not because of 'Kefu', but because of 'sharp teeth'. The young master lives here in seclusion, and I am his vanguard general..."

The old servant covered his ears and ran away. He only cared about how much rice and noodles were left and had no interest in the debate that was about to begin. After entering the room, he said to Xu Chu: "Master, there is something I have to say."

"you say."

"The Prince of Jibei will come today. Anyway, he is the young master's brother-in-law, and he is easier to talk to. Can the young master... accept him?"

"He is a guest and I am the host, so of course I have to accept him."

"Not just polite, but also honest..."

"Lack of food or lack of clothing?"

"There is no shortage for the time being, but we are sitting on nothing. King Liang was quite generous and allowed us to take away a lot of things, but it is not enough for more than thirty people."

"Understood, I'll accept it." Xu Chu blinked.

The old servant said goodbye, feeling more and more difficult for the young master to understand.

Feng Juniang called the maid, and they were the only two women in the valley. They came to the entrance of the valley and stood behind Chang Yan and others. People outside looked at the strange things inside, and people inside also looked at the excitement outside the fence.

Feng Juniang has never been afraid of people. The more people looked at her, the more comfortable she became. She even waved to the vendors to buy some snacks and small items.

Chang Yan and others were very nervous. What they cared about was not the debate, but how to ensure the safety of Mr. Xu and the Prince of Jibei.

More and more people gathered outside the valley, and they were bored with waiting. A brave young man teased Feng Juniang loudly, causing bursts of laughter. Feng Juniang retorted, causing more laughter.

Several old scholars sternly scolded and drove away the rogue young man. They stood in the front row of the crowd with stern eyes. Occasionally they glanced at Feng Juniang, and they all showed contempt.

After all, the main event today is the Fanmen Debate. Among the onlookers, there are more scholars.

Feng Juniang didn't care at all. She held the snacks in a silk handkerchief and chatted and laughed with the people around her, which made the old gentlemen more and more dissatisfied. The disciples who were further away lowered their heads one after another. When their companions were not paying attention, they quickly glanced at the people further away. There were not so many scruples, everyone was very happy, thinking that just to see the beauties was a worthwhile trip, but it was a pity that they could not squeeze into the front row.

There were not many women who came to see the excitement. They stopped farther away and could not see the situation in the valley. They only used their imagination to describe Feng Juniang in an extremely miserable state.

At three o'clock in the morning, the advance guard of the Prince of Jibei arrived and separated the crowd. More than ten people entered the valley to check the situation and ordered Chang Yan and others to hand over their weapons. They wanted to take over the entire valley.

The guards were not polite to Feng Juniang and directly ordered her to go back to the house.

"It is our custom here that if you want to argue with Mr. Xu, you must first pass me."

The guard leader said coldly: "The debate has nothing to do with me. I only expel irrelevant people."

"I am not an irrelevant person." Feng Juniang said happily, but she was not a stubborn person. Chang Yan and others had honestly handed over their weapons, and she would not conflict with the soldiers. She called the maid, "I'm tired of standing here." , let’s take a rest.”

The old gentlemen breathed a sigh of relief, but many spectators were disappointed, but no one dared to speak out. The soldiers were standing on the roadside. The Prince of Jibei had not arrived yet, but his momentum was enough to silence the people.

More soldiers arrived one after another. They not only took over the inside and outside of the valley, but also hung entire red cloths along the fence to block the view from outside.

This time even the old gentlemen were dissatisfied, feeling that they had been slighted, which was not in line with Yecheng's reputation as a polite and virtuous corporal.

Sun Yalu appeared in time and invited more than a dozen well-known Confucian scholars into the valley, which calmed the anger of many scholars.

Soon after, hundreds of Fan disciples arrived, lined up in two lines, and filed into the valley. They would witness the debate with their own eyes instead of standing outside the valley waiting for news.

To the disappointment of many people, Kou Daogu was not among this group of disciples.

A large number of carriages appeared on the road, attracting everyone's attention. Without orders from the officers and soldiers, the people on both sides knelt down, took a peek, and whispered to guess which carriage contained the Prince of Jibei.

More than thirty vehicles entered the valley. It was not until officers and soldiers lined up in several lines to block the entrance to the valley that the people slowly stood up. They were still arguing about which vehicle the prince took. Only a few scholars cared about how Kou Daogu got in.

In the valley, several tents rise from the ground, and the smallest one is larger than the surrounding wooden houses and thatched cottages.

Feng Juniang peeked out through the window and said to the maid: "I heard that Princess Huanyan will come. She is also an amazing woman. I really want to meet her."

"More powerful than the Golden Saint?"

"It's not the same thing. The Golden Saint is as powerful as a general, while Princess Huanyan is more like a scholar."

"We are in the same group as Mr. Xu."

"Well, we are also on the same road as me."

The maid held back her laughter, but traces appeared on her face. Feng Juniang caught sight of it from the corner of her eye and snorted, "Just be glad that I want to learn to be a scholar now. If it had been before, I would have torn your mouth to pieces."

The maid quickly put away her smile.

A pair of eyes suddenly appeared outside the window and looked at each other. Feng Juniang was so frightened that she almost screamed. The people outside said: "Don't peek."

"Obviously you were peeping." Feng Juniang pushed up the window, caressed her chest and panted softly. After a moment, she said to the maid: "I regret learning to be a scholar."

"Is Madam's heart changing too quickly?" the maid said with a smile.

"You don't understand. Youdao says, 'When a scholar meets a soldier, you can't explain why.' When I saw him today, it turned out to be true. In terms of pomp and momentum, one thousand or ten thousand scholars can't compare to the prince of Jibei."

"Madam made friends with the kings in the Eastern Capital. Why do you care about the ostentation today?"

"It's different. The kings of the Eastern Capital have empty names. The so-called support is just more guards. It's not as pleasing to the eye as the Wang family of Jibei."

"Then the emperor's family is even grander, isn't it?"

"Definitely. Alas, Liu Youzhong said that I am destined to have wealth, but I wonder... how far away is it from me?" After some thought, Feng Juniang decided that it would be better not to "see through" physiognomy.

There was a knock on the door outside. Feng Ju Niang was quite surprised and asked the maid to open the door.

The rooms in the valley are not big. Standing in the room, Feng Juniang could see the people outside. The person who came turned out to be a young woman, with soft clothes and a dignified expression, just like the person in the painting.

The maid was frightened first and was speechless. She stepped aside and was even more timid than the soldiers.

Feng Juniang also felt a little ashamed of herself, but she would not show it like a maid. She walked over, nodded slightly, and asked, "What do you call your Excellency? Why are you here?"

Being called "Your Excellency", the woman outside was slightly startled, and then said: "Are you Feng Juniang?"

"It's me."

"Please come with me."

"Where to go? Who to meet?"

The woman refused to answer and stepped aside to give way.

Feng Juniang refused to leave the house, "If you want to argue with Kou Laodao, I will go. If you want to see Princess Huanyan, please ask her to come to my place and tell her..."

The woman actually turned around and walked away, unhurriedly.

Feng Juniang's momentum subsided slightly. After waiting for a while, she said to the maid: "If the valley wasn't filled with officers and soldiers, I wouldn't be afraid of her."

The maid nodded and begged the madam to follow her quickly, but she was really scared.

Feng Juniang was a little scared, but also a little curious, so she quickly caught up, walked side by side in silence for a while, and asked, "Has the princess also heard my name?"

The woman still didn't answer.

Arriving in front of the big tent, the woman stopped and stepped aside, and Feng Juniang followed suit, because a group of people, none of whom were officers or soldiers, walked out of the tent, surrounding the two people walking in front.

Feng Juniang was brave and took a quick glance to see what the prince of Jibei looked like. The prince had been to Dongdu before and she had no chance to see him.

The prince was just a young man dressed in luxurious clothes, nothing special about him. Feng Juniang was a little disappointed, but when she was about to look away, she was attracted by the people around the prince.

He was a very handsome man, dressed in common clothes, walking among a group of people in brocade clothes. He did not look out of place at all. He had a pale face, fairer than Xu Chu, who had not left the house for nearly a month, and his eyes were slightly brighter. He was at a loss, but once he looked at it, it was like a sharp arrow.

Feng Juniang was stared at, and she quickly looked away, feeling uneasy, thinking to herself that Kou Laodao was really not old, not a Taoist priest, and had an extraordinary aura. Just by looking at her, she had given up the idea of ​​"getting past her first." , and only three or four points of confidence in Xu Chu were left.

A group of people walked over. The prince of Jibei obviously recognized the woman leading the way. He stopped to say a few words and glanced at the person she led. Feng Ji Niang didn't notice anything. She was relieved when the group of people walked away. Then she turned her mind and recalled what she had just heard. Her heart suddenly jumped.

"You are the maid of the prince's sister, so doesn't that mean..."

The woman finally replied, "Well, it's Princess Fangde who wants to see you."

Feng Ji Niang didn't expect to meet Mr. Xu's other wife today.

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