Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 29 Peace of Mind

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Liu Youzhong said goodbye, took a few steps, and suddenly rushed forward, almost falling. Lou Ying was fat and inconvenient, and Lou Chu was closer, so he hurried forward to support him.

Liu Youzhong smiled and said, "You are old. Master said that after I am 60 years old, I will be rich and overwhelmed. I thought it was a good thing, but it turned out that I would have a back disease."

"Give me the money, and your back disease may be cured." Lou Ying and Liu Youzhong are very familiar with each other and often joke.

"It's all fate. I would rather be overwhelmed by the money than be a poor man with a straight back."

"Mr. Liu makes a living with his mouth, so it doesn't matter how his back is. Seventeen, send Mr. Liu out." Lou Wen was in a good mood and was very satisfied with Liu Youzhong.

Lou Chu agreed, and helped Liu Youzhong out of the door. When they passed the second hall, there was no one in front or behind. Liu Youzhong stopped, grabbed Lou Chu's wrist, and whispered: "You have something to ask me, right?"

Lou Chu was surprised, and said after a while: "Mr. Liu doesn't make a living by his mouth, but by his eyes."

"Haha, you are still good at talking. Where do you live?"

"Back alley, the seventh door from the east."

"Okay, I'll meet you at your house later."

"Thank you, sir."

"I have something to ask you too."

Lou Chu sent Liu Youzhong to the front door and went back to the back hall to see his father.

Lou Wen was talking to Lou Ying. When he saw Shiqier coming back, he said, "Tell me, does His Majesty really want to get rid of the Huangfu family?"

Lou Chu stepped forward, "In my humble opinion, His Majesty wants to get rid of more than just the Huangfu family."

"Who else?"

"According to Shen Dan, Shao Junqian went to the Shen family before going to the third brother's house, hoping that the two brothers would go to Bingzhou as soon as possible to invite Shen Mushou back to replace Cao Shenxi, the Duke of Xiao, to take charge of the imperial guards."

Lou Ying was furious, "I drank with Shen Da for a long time, but he didn't mention this at all!"

Lou Wen sneered, "That's because Shen Da is cautious. Shen Wu is young and ignorant, so he would say it casually. However, It's always good news to get it. Strange, His Majesty asked Cao Shenxi to temporarily manage the Western Expedition Army on my behalf, and asked Old Shen to come back to replace Cao Shenxi. What is he doing? "

Lou Chu couldn't answer, Lou Ying thought for a while, "Liu Youzhong is right, this is His Majesty's test of several important officials, those who perform well will continue to be in power, and those who perform poorly will go home to retire. Father, our Lou family must continue to be in power, and the whole family is counting on you. "

"Hey, you count on me for everything. When I die one day, will you go to the underworld with me?"

Lou Ying laughed, he was very skilled around the emperor, and he didn't care what his father said.

Lou Wen once again looked at Shiqier, "How long have you known the fifth son of the Shen family?"

"We met for the first time yesterday. I had only heard of him before, but never met him."

"He opened up to you just after meeting him?"

"Shen Dan hopes to use the power of the general."

"What is my relationship with Shen Mushou? Do I need you to pass on the message?"

"Father is right. I don't understand why Shen Dan said this to me."

Lou Wen was silent for a moment, "Fat Hard, you step back."

"Fat Hard" was very surprised, "Father..."

"Come out immediately The city, let the Lou family's useless people feel at ease, and then reward the officers and soldiers on my behalf, and say... just say thank you for taking care of the Lou family. "

"I understand, in fact, my appearance is enough to make them feel at ease. How much is the reward."

"Two warehouses, I will give one warehouse, and you will give one warehouse."

Since he was born, Lou Ying's eyes have never been so wide, "One warehouse... Father said one warehouse?"

"Money is easy to spend and easy to get, stop talking nonsense, go."

Lou Ying took his leave, asked the manager to open the warehouse to take out the money, silk and jewelry, and transported them to the military camp outside the city to reward the officers and soldiers.

It's a bit late to win people's hearts at this time, but it's better than nothing. Lou Chu secretly admired his father's decision.

"There are only two of us left, father and son. You can talk."

"After Shen Dan arrives in Bingzhou, he will urge Shen Mushou to hold his troops in place. He hopes that the general can also march west as soon as possible, away from Luoyang, and then make plans."

"Who does Shen Wu think he is? He actually made arrangements for me and Old Shen."

"Shen Dan just hopes..."

Lou Wen raised his hand to stop his son from talking. After thinking for a while, he put down his arm, "Old Shen will definitely return to Beijing."

"It's safe for Shen Mushou to stay in Bingzhou. Why take the risk of returning to Beijing?"

Lou Wen laughed, "I may not have as many thoughts as you, but I learned a trick from Liu Youzhong. When you are confused, think more about people and less about things. Unless you can find out the truth directly, otherwise, the more you think about things, the more confused you will be, but the more you see people, the clearer they will be. I don't know what your majesty is planning. I can't see through him, but I can Seeing through Old Shen. "

Lou Wen sighed, thinking back to the past, "You are right, Old Shen is a person who seeks 'no mistakes' when doing things. When the emperor ascended the throne, others were forced to go out, but he took the initiative to ask to go to Bingzhou, thinking that he could stay away from the court disputes. His Majesty summoned him back to the capital, and if he didn't go back, he would have to rebel, but he was not ready yet, and he thought that I would take care of him in the capital, so it would be safer to follow the order. "

"Father will also follow the name and hold him accountable."

"Huh? What the hell?"

"I mean that father is very accurate in judging people."

"It may not be the case for others, but it is a sure thing to look at Old Shen."

"Can't father write a letter to persuade Shen Mushou to stay in Bingzhou?"

"Then people will say that I want to rebel? It's good for Old Shen to come back. He will be in charge of the imperial guards in the city, and I will be in charge of the troops outside the city for the Western Expedition. The two families will join forces, which is really 'no mistakes'."

"Your Majesty will not really hand over the imperial guards to Shen Mushou, right?"

"Didn't you hear Liu Youzhong's idea? Tomorrow I will submit a letter to return the commander's seal. If the imperial court takes advantage of the situation, I will immediately send people to Bingzhou and let Lao Shen stay. If the imperial court insists on letting me take charge of the army, what else will it do? Are you worried? Your Majesty is testing your loyalty, so I will give him a hint of loyalty."

Seeing that his father had made up his mind, Lou Chu didn't want to say anything more, let alone Shen Dan's suggestion of "changing dynasties".

"You are still too young." Lou Wen's tone was rare and soft, and he sounded more like a father than ever before, "You are really similar to Princess Wu. She often puts on an expression like yours, and she obviously has something on her mind. She just didn’t tell her, no matter how she asked. I still don’t understand why she committed suicide. No one forced her to commit suicide.

Lou Chu almost blurted out - his mother would rather die than mourn for the enemy who destroyed the country - but he didn't say it, just like his mother, he didn't say anything.

Speaking of Princess Wu, Lou Wen felt touched and waved his hand: "You can go and enter the palace with me tomorrow."

Lou Wen didn't explain the reason for entering the palace together, and Lou Chu didn't ask any questions, so he bowed and left.

Liu Youzhong was already waiting, but the carriage did not stop outside the door. He was obviously coming on foot.

The old servant recognized Liu Xiangshi and treated him well. When his master came back, he said he wanted to go out without waiting for a signal.

Liu Youzhong seemed to have not seen enough, and stared at the foundation of the building for a long time, humming twice, but did not explain.

"Mr. Liu is a guest. Please ask Mr. Liu first," Lou Chu said.

"I had something to ask, but now I have nothing to say. Mr. Lou, please ask me." Liu Youzhong smiled slightly.

Lou Chu had many things to ask, but the first thing he said was this: "Why did Mr. Liu leave such words to me back then?"

"Shut up and you will be a virtuous person who governs the world, but open your mouth and you will be a hero in troubled times?"

"I have been laughed at for a long time because of this sentence. Even now, people occasionally mention it. To be honest, it is all ridicule."

"Haha, that's right. I have two reasons, one true and one false. Which one do you want to hear?"

"No one wants to hear lies."

"On the contrary, I know countless people, and most of them are more willing to listen to lies, such as your father-in-law, the great general."

"Is it a lie to say that Your Majesty is testing important ministers?"

"The words are true, but they may not be true." Liu Youzhong always smiled mysteriously, as if he was hiding or playing, "The important thing is that the general needs the word 'test', if I say Saying anything else will be of no use to the general, but it will bring trouble to me."

"I do not understand……"

"The general has made up his mind. He came to me just to ask for peace of mind. If I talk nonsense, the general will definitely be flustered. If he does anything big with this mentality, he will definitely fail. Let the general calm down first. No matter what you do, , will make fewer mistakes.”

Lou Chu finally understood what Liu Youzhong meant, "So you can't guess what His Majesty is thinking?"

"Your Majesty is in the palace, and I am outside. Your Majesty is the Supreme Being, and I am a commoner. Asking me to guess your Majesty's thoughts is like shooting an arrow across the river, but trying to hit a copper coin on the other side."

Lou Chu also laughed.

"So - there are two true and false reasons, which one do you want to hear?"

"Really, I don't need comfort. I just want to know what happened back then?"

"We have to start from the beginning. The general said that I eat with my mouth, and Mr. Lou thinks that I rely on my eyes. They are all right, but my real skill is it." Liu Youzhong raised his hand and gently pulled his ears.


"Yes, it's not just me, all real fortune tellers rely on it to live and work. I remember back then, when the powerful general suddenly invited me into the palace, I naturally wanted to think about the reason, so I asked around, and added in what I had heard on a daily basis. ——It turns out that the general is afraid of ghosts.”

Lou Chu knew who the "ghost" was, but he didn't want to say anything.

"When the general conquered the Kingdom of Wu, there was a lot of killing, and he was always uneasy. The emperor passed away, the princess of Wu committed suicide, and Lord Lou suddenly refused to speak. When the new emperor ascended the throne, the powerful officials fought for the throne, and the general suffered successive misfortunes, and he became more and more worried. He was afraid, so he came to me for a fortune teller, but he still wanted peace of mind. "

"Give me a special prophecy that can make the general feel at ease?"

Liu Youzhong smiled and said: "The cleverness of my prophecy is that it can make Mr. Lou stand out among the brothers."

"You did."

"Half luck is good and half is bad. This is also a common method we use. Don't let your words die and leave a way out for the prophecy. The more special Mr. Lou is, the more the general will feel at ease, because he will feel that the soul of Princess Wu is here with you. , not him."

Lou Chu didn't quite understand, but Liu Youzhong could see it and smiled again: "It's hard to explain this kind of thing for a while. In short, the general is this kind of person. After I made the prophecy, the general will not see you for a few years." ?”

"ten years."

"Look, the general is still afraid of the dead souls around you. He won't see you until he hears that you are fine and thinks that the dead souls are gone."

Liu Youzhong's words sounded true, and a knot in Lou Chu's heart was untied. He suddenly realized that he was also seeking "peace of mind", and the method was contrary to ordinary people. The general would rather listen to "falsehood", but he had to Seeking "truth", he cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Liu is a master, and he deserves to be called the Divine Prime Minister of Zhongnan. Whether your words are true or false, they will have the same miraculous effect."

"Haha, Mr. Lou deserves the prize. There is another truth: Mr. Lou was too young back then and I couldn't see anything. Now that I see him today, I dare to say that Mr. Lou will have great disasters as well as great fortunes."

"Half good, half bad again?"

Liu Youzhong laughed even more happily, and stopped after a long while. "I came here not only to reminisce and tell the 'truth', but also to ask Mr. Lou for a favor."

"It is my honor to help Mr. Liu, but I am afraid I am not able to do it."

"I will, I will definitely do it." Liu Youzhong looked at Lou Chu carefully again and said slowly: "Fortune tellers make a living by listening, so I especially want to know: why does Your Majesty value Mr. Lou so much?"

"Because of the recommendation of the Princess of Luoyang."

"No, no, I know the rules in the palace. The recommendation of the Princess can indeed make a person rise to the top, but it is not a one-day job. Your Majesty will never favor anyone easily. Extraordinary actions can better reveal the true heart. If outsiders want to see through the emperor, they must start with Mr. Lou."

Just a few words, Lou Chu's mind suddenly became clear and he understood many things.

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