Fei Bing said goodbye to Yin Fu and walked out of the valley together. Yin Fu stopped, looked back, and sighed: "What a place with outstanding people and beautiful scenery."

"Minister Yin doesn't want to take it back?"

Yin Fu shook his head immediately, "No, not at all. The master left a mess behind, and the person who took over will suffer a lot of hardships. Even if I am 20 or 30 years younger, I will not take on this important task."

"Others fight for it but can't get it, but Minister Yin gets it but doesn't fight for it. I really don't understand whether this is to protect himself or... cunning?"

"Haha, Lord Fei's words are still so unpleasant. Since the two of us are in the suburbs, why don't we take a leisurely walk and treat it as an outing?"

Fei Bing waved to the followers who were running in the distance, and ordered them to walk in front and not to come to serve.

The two old ministers walked for a distance, and Yin Fu said: "Mr. Xu can give up the title of king, and my giving up the Valley of Repentance is just a small matter compared to that."

"Xu Chu said he was 'completely defeated', where did Minister Yin fail?"

"The matter may be big or small, but the idea is the same. We both failed because of our uneven state of mind. When we thought about the hardships we were going to face, we either underestimated them or paid too much attention to them. The old servant said that Mr. Xu loved reading and wanted to practice the principles in the books when he was young. In fact, this is also an idea I once had."

"I'm afraid all scholars have had this idea." Fei Bing thought back to the past when he was eager to practice the right way and was deeply saddened by the chaos in the world. Who would have thought that when the world was unified, he would have no place to use his talents. He has been stuck until now and has still achieved nothing. He couldn't help but sigh.

"My master said that such an idea is very dangerous."

"Dangerous? What's the danger?" Fei Bing was very confused. "I can only sigh that the scholars nowadays have less and less ambition."

"Haha, the danger that my master said is not the danger of 'not standing under a dangerous wall', but the danger of 'knowing it is impossible but doing it'. Only because of the danger, those who hold such an idea are worthy of respect."

"Minister Yin still didn't say where the danger is?"

"There are too many truths in my heart. When facing hardships, I either despise them too much or take them too seriously. I have already said it."

"Ambition is great but talent is small. This is probably what you call 'disdain'. I can understand this. What does it mean to take it too seriously?"

Yin Fu did not answer immediately. He took a few deep breaths of the fragrance of plants and trees and said: "I have heard a lot about Mr. Xu's deeds all the way from Jiangdong. Although there are exaggerations, it should be generally accurate. He just takes it too seriously."

"I have experienced Xu Chu's 'too much emphasis' in Dongdu and saw him solve many dangers with my own eyes."

"The death of Meng Senglun, Did Lord Fei witness it? "

"The general who acted on his own initiative? I didn't see it. Although Xu Chu regretted it, I still think that killing him was not wrong. Forcing him to death was not necessary, but he should not be allowed to disturb the morale of the army."

"Xu Chu also handled this matter with such a "reason". He took it too seriously and forced a general to death. He did not necessarily solidify the morale of the army, but he himself could not rest in peace."

Fei Bing thought for a while and gradually understood what Yin Fu meant, "Are you saying that there is a more appropriate solution?"

"I don't know the solution. I only know that the person who can properly solve this matter is a true hero and a true hero. He does not need to understand any reason in advance, and he can restrain his soldiers, reward and punish clearly, and even if there is killing, he will not make people resentful and will not make himself upset. I can't do it, Master Xu can't do it, Lord Fei can't do it, and my master can't do it either."

Fei Bing was silent for even longer. He has offended countless people in his life, and occasionally there are times when he regrets that he can't even do the most basic "not making people resentful".

"Mr. Fan, how should we deal with Kou Daogu?"

Yin Fu nodded, "This is a big worry of our master. The last time I saw him, it was still not resolved. He dismissed his disciples and burned his writings before his death. I think it was not resolved until the last moment."

"No wonder there are almost no scholars who become emperors." Fei Bing sighed.

"Haha, scholars have another great cause, not inferior to emperors."

"Can Xu Chu make good use of the Valley of Repentance?"

"There must be a reason why our master chose him."

"Minister Yin really believes that Mr. Fan accepted Xu Chu as his last disciple before his death? I heard that the two of them didn't have time to meet."

"Before our master died, he only left Junior Brother Song by his side. I guess he saw his courage to practice. As for Master Xu, it seems that he is even better."

Fei Bing suffered from the King of Wu and still cannot let it go. He sneered a few times, but did not question it. He understood what Yin Fu meant. Xu Chu was both a scholar and a practitioner. Although he was confused for a while, once he came out, he could still promote the way of Fanmen.

"In the debate on name and reality, Mr. Fan can't win over Kou Daogu, so he wants to leave the Valley of Repentance to a disciple who sticks to the truth?" Fei Bing guessed.

"That's what I mean."

"Hey, like master, like disciple. Both of them are stubborn."

Yin Fu smiled, "My master is indeed like this, so I can't accept the Valley of Repentance. This debate is not over yet. The Fan Sect needs a brave general, such as Junior Brother Song and Mr. Xu."

"You understand the reason, but you don't want to do it yourself and want others to do it."

"Haha, this is exactly my temper." Yin Fu was not annoyed at all, but proud of it.

Fei Bing kept shaking his head, and after a while he said: "No wonder you and I are both officials in the Ministry of Rites. We have known each other for many years, but we don't interact much. It turns out that we have different paths."

Yin Fu stopped and bowed, "Master Fei and I are gentlemen friends."

Fei Bing also laughed, then sighed, looking at the red and green plants on both sides of the road, "You and I are not friends of gentlemen, but 'friends in the mud'. We both lost our jobs, fled, walked on the muddy road, and were exhausted. We couldn't appreciate the beauty of spring. We just wanted to return to the city as soon as possible to rest."

Yin Fu laughed and waved to the followers in the distance, asking them to bring their horses over.

There were more than ten followers who had been paying attention to the actions of the two adults. Just as they were about to greet them, they suddenly gave way to both sides.

Someone rode a horse and galloped over, not slowing down when passing through the crowd, with four hooves flying and countless mud spots.

Fei Bing and Yin Fu were walking on the side of the road, so they had to give way to the side and watched the knight pass by.

It turned out to be a woman.

Although the Tiancheng Dynasty did not prohibit women from riding horses, it was still a bit shocking to see a person riding alone on the road.

Fei Bing looked at the woman's back as she walked away, "This is the way to the Valley of Repentance. Is she... the woman surnamed Feng?"

"She is indeed worthy of her reputation." Yin Fu said.

"What kind of reputation?" Fei Bing asked. There were too many rumors about Feng Ju Niang.

"A glamorous reputation." Yin Fu smiled, "Although it was just a glimpse, I saw her beauty."

Fei Bing frowned, "I was just thinking that you and I are in the same boat. We may be able to visit each other often in Yecheng in the future. If Minister Yin has this intention, it is better for us to maintain a 'gentleman's friendship'."

"Haha, Lord Fei is also worthy of his reputation."

The followers ran over, "Are you scared, sir? I don't know where this wild woman came from, and I don't know who she relies on. She has no rules and dares to act presumptuously in Yecheng. The sentinels in front did not stop her."

The two sirs mounted their horses and moved forward slowly. Yin Fu suddenly said again: "This woman must have something urgent."

"Ha hasn't Minister Yin forgotten her yet?" Fei Bing said coldly.

"Isn't it interesting that Master Xu keeps such a person by his side?"

"He dared to marry the daughter of the leader of the rebels, so what other woman can't he keep by his side?"

"I believe that the innocence between these two people is no less than that between you and me."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Fei Bing said angrily.

Yin Fu smiled in response.

Not far ahead was the sentry post set up by the officers and soldiers of Yecheng, guarded by dozens of soldiers. From here, it is the road leading to Yecheng.

The soldiers recognized the two adults and stood on both sides to see them off respectfully.

Yin Fu obviously had not forgotten Feng Ju Niang. He stopped his horse and asked the sentry officer: "Who was the woman who ran over just now?"

"Feng Ju Niang, who lives in the valley with the King of Wu, went into the city a few days ago and came back today." The officer replied, still habitually calling him "King of Wu".

Yin Fu nodded and said to Fei Bing: "Master Fei's guess is really accurate."

"Who else could it be if not her?"

"Seeing her anxious expression, what's the matter?" Yin Fu continued to ask.

"I don't know." The officer was also very curious, and he and his soldiers had been guessing for a long time, "Because she is from the valley, we didn't stop her, and she didn't stop to explain. Maybe she got into trouble in the city."


Fei Bing urged: "Can we go now? If Minister Yin wants to go back and find out, I won't accompany you."

"No need to look back, since she got into trouble in the city, we can find out when we go back."

The officer blurted out: "She must have hooked up with a man and annoyed her original wife... I'm talking nonsense, take care, both adults."

Fei Bing didn't like to hear this kind of thing, and glared at him, so the officer didn't dare to say anything more.

Two more riders came on the road, and one of them asked loudly from a distance: "Has Madam Feng passed by?"

The officer waited for a while, "Who are you two?"

The two riders were both young men, and one of them bowed and said: "We are stewards in the Jibei Palace."

The officer stood in awe and hurriedly replied: "Madam Feng just passed by."

The two riders sighed at the same time, and one said: "No matter how fast we hurry, we are still a step late."

The officer did not dare to say more, but Yin Fu could, and bowed on the horse and said: "I am Yin Fu, the former Minister of Rites, and this is Lord Fei, who is also a Minister."

Fei Bing snorted, not wanting to be mentioned by his name.

The two riders dismounted and returned the greeting, "My humble servants greet you two adults."

"Why is Madam Feng in a hurry to return to the valley? Why are you two chasing after her?" Yin Fu asked.

The two riders looked at each other, and one of them replied: "We are also following orders. If we can catch up, we will ask Madam Feng to go back. If we can't catch up, forget it. We don't know what happened."

"Whose orders?" Yin Fu had to ask clearly.

"Uh...by the order of Princess Fangde."

"Princess Fangde?"

This time even Fei Bing was somewhat interested and explained: "The daughter of the King of Jibei, Xu Chu...the original wife."


The two knights were afraid of misunderstanding, so they hurriedly said: "Madam Feng came to the city a few days ago and lived in the palace. She was as close to Princess Fangde as sisters. She went out a few times in the meantime. I don't know why she suddenly left, but she never caused any trouble in the palace. We still don't know why."

The two knights were afraid of causing trouble by saying more, so they hurriedly said goodbye, got on their horses and left first.

Yin Fu also said goodbye to the officer, and continued to rush back to Yecheng with Fei Bing, and did not mention Feng Ju Niang on the way.

After walking a few miles, the two deacons in the palace had long disappeared, but a large group of people came to greet them on the road. The first few people all recognized Yin Fu, quickened their pace to greet him, and bowed to greet him.

"Where are you going, fellow disciples?" Yin Fu asked in surprise. At least half of the group were disciples of the Fan Sect.

An Zhongqian said excitedly: "I just happened to meet Senior Brother Yin. Can you take back the Siguo Valley?"


"It's okay. Senior Brother Kou has changed his mind and wants to have another debate. This time he is determined to win. Let's all go to cheer him up. Senior Brother Yin should go with him."

Yin Fu was stunned, then smiled at Fei Bing and said, "Who would have thought that the person who defeated Senior Brother Kou was actually a woman?"

Fei Bing didn't understand, and An Zhongqian and others were even more confused. Yin Fu didn't explain and asked, "Where is Senior Brother Kou?"

"He's in the back and will be there soon."

"Okay, let him go alone. The debate on name and reality should have a result today, but you can't understand it. It's useless to watch it, and it will cause trouble. Follow me back to the city, and you are not allowed to go to the Valley of Repentance."

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