Feng Juniang was also a person who had seen the world. When she was kidnapped by the World Army for the first time, she thought the sky was about to fall. One of her husbands was seriously injured on the battlefield. After he came back, he vomited blood and died in front of her. There was also a man who couldn't compete with her. In his rage, he deliberately tried to kill her...

Feng Juniang was always able to face all these situations bravely. She had never experienced such lasting fear.

This time, she actually shuddered.

She admitted that she was not a good woman, and that she had bad intentions when she went to see Kou Daogu and wanted to ruin his reputation. She also admitted that she was not loyal. She did these things not only to protect Xu Chu's interests, but also to make a name for herself. So as to gain the attention of Princess Huanyan.

She knew who was in charge of Yecheng right now, and thought this was a winding path for her to gain wealth.

But the development of things was completely different from what she expected.

As soon as they met, Kou Daogu asked a unique question: "In the beginning, there was Tao, was there also non-Tao?"

Feng Juniang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Mr. Kou really thinks highly of me, and he actually asked me such a thing."

"I don't teach others knowledge, let alone practice debate with others. If you have the heart to understand, let's continue talking. If not, please leave and don't waste my energy."

Feng Juniang thought seriously for a while and replied: "Originally there is no way, and there is no non-way. Once there is a way, there will be non-way."

Kou Daogu sneered. Although he was not satisfied with the answer, he did not end the argument and continued to ask. Feng Juniang was caught off guard. She had not read many books and could not cite scriptures, but she was very smart and roughly figured out the opponent's routine. Kou Daogu's Almost every question hides a trap. The more seriously you answer it, the more likely you will fall into it. You have to go beyond the question itself to stay away from the trap.

Tonight, Kou Daogu focused on the word "not Tao" and asked eleven questions in a row. Feng Juniang answered them all in the same way, preferring to ramble on instead of answering directly.

"There are people who are enlightened, but are there also people who are half-enlightened, temporarily enlightened, half-enlightened but not yet fully enlightened?"

"For those who have enlightened the Tao, there is no such thing as half-enlightenment, temporary enlightenment, or seeming to be enlightened but not concealing it. For ordinary people, who live in the non-Tao and do not distinguish between the true and false of the Tao, and look at people in this way, there are half-enlightened, temporary enlightenment, and An illusion that seems to be enlightened but not enlightened.”

Feng Juniang was very satisfied with her answer.

Kou Daogu also rarely sneered, and immediately asked: "What kind of person do you think I am?"

"I think Mr. Guan is an enlightened person."

"What kind of person do you think you are?"

"Sir, I am a lost person."

"What kind of person do you think you are?"

"I see myself...as a person seeking enlightenment."

"Are you enlightened?"

"Not yet enlightened."

"Are you here to seek enlightenment, or to seek enlightenment?"

"I only seek enlightenment, how can I seek enlightenment?" Feng Juniang said with a smile. She had slowly been able to keep up with the other party's continuous questioning, and even was able to spare some effort to make some gestures.

“For yourself, you seek enlightenment, but for others, you seek unenlightenment.”

"The little girl still doesn't understand."

“Can Tao be transformed into non-Tao?”

"No, if it can turn into something wrong, it must be something wrong." Feng Juniang blurted out.

“Can the enlightened person retreat into the unenlightened state?”

"No. Enlightenment is enlightenment. If you retreat to unenlightenment, you were not truly enlightened before."

"Then why did you come to lead me back into a state of unenlightenment?"

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "Mr. Kou has wronged me. I came to see you just to ask, how dare you lead him into a side trap? Besides, I don't have the ability."

"Take off your clothes."

Feng Juniang was stunned and said, "Mr. Kou, are you joking?"

Kou Daogu had a serious look on his face, "I never joke. Take off your clothes and reveal your true nature as a witch. See if I will be tempted, so that you can stop your wishful thinking."

"I didn't want to seduce Mr. Kou." Feng Juniang felt guilty.

"Having malicious intentions is already a sin, but lying to your face is an even worse sin. Madam Feng, your life has been bumpy, haven't you thought carefully about why?"

Feng Juniang was stunned again, remembering Liu Youzhong's words that she had to go through many hardships before getting rich, "It's just bad luck."

Kou Daogu sneered, "If you look like this now, you will be lucky, and you will pass by. You rely on your beauty and intelligence, and can easily deceive everyone. However, you don't know that the qualifications of those who are deceived are not as good as yours. You often How can you get good luck when you are committed to someone below? People who are more qualified than you will see through you at a glance and avoid you. You will not fight for it. Even if you have good luck, it will not fall on you. ”

Feng Juniang was suddenly told the central issue and murmured: "Niu Tiannu is a superior person, but she later stopped recognizing me as her goddaughter. Is it because of this?"

"Are you comfortable interacting with people?"

"It's easy for me anyway."

"In life, you have to sail against the current. You feel relaxed, but you just go down the river, sinking deeper and deeper, and you sink endlessly."

"That's why I came to ask Mr. Kou, and I also wanted to fight for the 'top' position." Feng Juniang couldn't control it, and felt ashamed. The more she thought about it, the more sense Kou Daogu said made sense.

"Take off your clothes." Kou Daogu returned to this sentence.

"What does this have to do with the question...?" Feng Juniang was not completely convinced yet.

"You have been in the 'downstream' for a long time, and you no longer know what the 'upstream' is, so you have evil thoughts and come to play tricks in front of me under the pretext of asking questions. Only by letting you see the true face of the 'upstream' can I completely destroy you. Only by using tricks can you destroy your corrupt heart.”

"The people I come into contact with are not all 'downstream', there are also 'upstream' people, such as... Mr. Xu."

"Hey, Xu Chu is the 'lower' extreme, your evil thoughts come from him."

"No, no, this is my own idea, Master Xu has no idea..."

"This is exactly where Xu Chu is the most evil, he makes you have evil thoughts and serve him without knowing it."

"I... it seems..." Feng Ji Niang had already lost the ability to think unconsciously.

"Witch, show your true face!" Kou Dao Gu shouted sternly, his eyebrows raised, he was tall and had a solemn appearance, and this anger was quite powerful, "In front of the Tao, there is no place for you to hide! Tao is the only Tao, Tao is the highest, supreme, and supreme, your little tricks have nowhere to hide! Take off your clothes, give up your disguise, and let the Tao show you your true face!"

It's better to say that she was frightened by Kou Dao Gu's tone than to be convinced. Feng Ji Niang really raised her hand to undress, which was not a particularly difficult thing for her.

If she hadn't been awakened by a strange voice, she would really take off all her clothes.

There were two servants of Kou Daogu in the room, standing in the corner, silent, never interrupting, nor coming forward to serve, just standing there silently, until Feng Ji Niang began to untie her skirt, and one of them made a slight humming sound.

The sound was very small, but Feng Ji Niang still heard it. She turned her head and glanced at it, and saw a very familiar look. She had seen it in the eyes of her dozen husbands and many other men. It was an undisguised obsession and greed, more like staring at a piece of meat, not a living woman.

Feng Ji Niang looked at Kou Daogu again, and saw a hint of excitement in his eyes, which seemed familiar, but also very strange. She couldn't tell what it was, but suddenly she felt extremely scared and trembled all over.

Kou Daogu took a step closer, "Don't let evil thoughts control you anymore, it's Xu Chu who is doing bad things, he is the devil, if you don't get out of his control, you will continue to fall and never get out of it..."

"You are the devil." Feng Ji Niang shouted, tied her skirt in a hurry, pushed the door and ran out, not wanting to talk to anyone. She returned to the palace and lay on the bed shivering. She was glad that she had escaped, but she was a little shaken in her heart. She judged back and forth between Kou Daogu and Xu Chu, trying to distinguish who was the righteous and who was the devil.

The next morning, Kou Daogu sent someone to deliver a letter. In the letter, he severely reprimanded Feng Ji Niang's sinister intentions and put all the blame on Xu Chu. Finally, he claimed that Taoism and demons could not coexist, and he would go to the Valley of Repentance again to defend Taoism and eliminate demons.

Feng Ji Niang was really scared. It was impossible to ask the little princess for help in such a matter, so she asked for a horse and galloped back to the valley.

Nothing in the valley had changed. The old servant led five or six people to clean up everywhere. Chang Yanzhi and others were divided into several groups, drinking, competing in strength, or chatting. In short, they were not "serious matters" in the eyes of the old servant.

Seeing Feng Ji Niang coming back, many people surrounded her and asked about her well-being. They were all what Kou Daogu called "low-class people", but Feng Ji Niang did not hate these people. On the contrary, she felt very comfortable.

Have I really fallen into the devil's way? Feng Ji Niang had this thought, and her heart was trembling. She was afraid that she would turn around and crawl back to Kou Daogu to apologize. She jumped off the horse in a hurry, handed the reins to others, and hurried to Xu Chu's residence.

"What happened to Madam Feng?"

"Was she bullied in the city?"

"Who can bully her?"

"It's hard to say, after all, we are guests..."

"Ah, I know, Madam Feng got married in the city, and another husband died!"


Feng Ju Niang rushed into the room and saw that the desk in front of the window was still there. She remembered that she hadn't written for a few days, and her mood suddenly eased, but her voice was still trembling, "Young Master, save..."

There was only a desk in the room, but no one was at the table.

"Where is the young master?" Feng Ju Niang was shocked.

A reply came from behind: "Young Master went to the back mountain to fetch water."

Feng Ju Niang turned to look at the old servant, more and more surprised, "Young Master... have you figured it out? Why would you go fetch water for no reason?"

"Not for no reason, two high officials came today, real high officials, both of whom have served as ministers of the Ministry of Rites. Tsk tsk, they are mature and upright people at first glance, much better than the Mr. Kou who came before. After chatting with them, Young Master..."

Feng Ju Niang hurried out of the room and went to the back mountain.

The old servant cleaned up the house. After a while, he stopped what he was doing and said to himself: "What did I say? It will definitely cause trouble. Alas, Young Master is too kind, so he can't be the King of Wu. He can't even control a woman."

Feng Ju Niang didn't run far away and saw Xu Chu sitting on a stone by the path, using a ladle to fill water, drinking it in big gulps, and staring at something at his feet.

"Young Master Xu, I... I'm afraid I've caused trouble for you." Feng Ju Niang approached and said.

Xu Chu raised his head and smiled, "You're back? I'm going to the city tomorrow."

"Don't go into the city. Kou Daogu...may come again today. He wants to...he wants to defend the way and eliminate demons."

"Exorcise demons?"

"It's you, young master. He thinks...he says you are the devil!"

Xu Chu laughed several times, "Mrs. Feng is really capable. She can actually anger Kou Daogu."

Feng Ju Niang was stunned, but she understood one thing in her heart: Xu Chu is definitely not the "devil".

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