Kou Daogu has two personal servants. They are neither too old nor too old. They look like two brothers. They rarely speak. When the master orders, they do it immediately. They never ask questions or delay. They usually stay nearby silently, like They are two hard-working mules who don't draw attention to themselves.

It was not until they were "selected" by Feng Juniang that many scholars discovered for the first time that Mr. Kou actually had two followers.

The two servants looked at each other, looked away, and refused to look at Feng Juniang or respond.

Kou Daogu sneered as usual, "Mrs. Feng is really good at picking opponents. It's a pity that they can't speak and can't argue with you."

The two servants were so inconspicuous that no one remembered whether they had ever spoken to each other.

Feng Juniang refused to give up, "It doesn't matter, the Great Dao is so vast that it can accommodate all living beings in the world. After all, they are human beings who cannot speak, but they are also the spirits of all things. They should be able to discuss the Dao."

"Hey." Kou Daogu didn't say anything and seemed to acquiesce to the challenge.

Feng Juniang smiled sweetly, "You can't speak, but you can understand. Can you write?"

The two servants hesitated for a moment and shook their heads at the same time.

"Well, I can't speak or write. Mr. Kou is really different. He picked two good servants. Can they make gestures?"

The two servants could no longer deny it and nodded.

"What a coincidence. One of my husbands was mute. I learned gestures from him for a few days. I wonder if the rules in Qinzhou and Jizhou are the same?"

Feng Juniang made several gestures, and the two servants looked at each other before responding. This time was no exception, and they shook their heads at the same time.

"Do you not understand, or do you not know?"

A servant made a gesture, and Kou Daogu explained for him: "I don't understand."

"Well, gestures must also have dialects - it doesn't matter, Mr. Kou can speak for you, that's enough, but you can't speak, so let me ask questions." Feng Juniang thought for a while and said with a smile: "I can't ask It’s too profound a question, so let me tell you a story. I don’t care whether it’s true or not, but this story has always puzzled me, but I can’t explain why. Maybe someone can help me refine the question.”

Feng Juniang turned to the onlookers, turned her back to Kou Daogu, and turned sideways towards the two servants, very close to them, within arm's reach, "He is my third or fourth husband, I won't say his name, anyway, he is already dead. He is He used to be a butcher, specializing in killing pigs and sheep. After joining the Incarnation Army, he killed people as efficiently as he killed livestock, so he quickly became the leader and got the title of "Heavenly King General". Don't let this name fool you, in the Incarnation Army. There are so many similar generals.”

Realizing that the topic had strayed a little too far, Feng Juniang smiled apologetically, "My husband is very strong and rude. He always carries a sharp knife for killing pigs. His favorite saying is, 'Be careful if I bleed you.' "

Feng Juniang imitated the man's rough voice. Although it didn't sound like it, it added a bit of charm. Then she sighed, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and her eyes were sparkling, as if there were tears on the horizon, "As you can imagine, being forced to marry What kind of life would I live with a husband like that?”

Her tone and expression impressed everyone. She only mentioned her husband's identity without mentioning any specific examples, which made almost everyone hate this lucky but shameless butcher.

"He was unreasonable and would just grab whatever he wanted. He said that the sharp knife in his hand was a priceless treasure. A sharp knife could buy things that gold and silver couldn't buy. After he fell in love with him, my husband at the time didn't He died inexplicably a few days later. He was the first to learn the news, and was the first to break into the room and said to me: "Ju Niang, ever since I first saw you, a little bitch, I've been feeling itchy." I can't eat well and can't sleep well. Finally, God has been kind to me and given me this opportunity. Your husband is dead. From today on, you are my woman. Come and relieve my itch.'"

The crowd was silent, with mixed feelings in their hearts. They were both hating and envying the butcher, feeling sympathy and contempt for Feng Juniang, and at the same time they were also feeling a little itchy.

Feng Juniang seemed to have forgotten that there was a large group of people around her, and was completely immersed in her own memories. Her tears slowly fell, her body was trembling slightly, and her voice was like murmuring in a dream: "I have been with him for three months, and it is hard to describe. It is hard to describe what happened to me." There are still scars from him.”

"Such a bastard will die early," someone shouted.

With tears still on her face, Feng Juniang forced a smile and said, "Thank you so much for your righteous speech..."

Not everyone is fascinated by her, at least some can break free, and Yan Wei is one of them, "What does Mrs. Feng's words have to do with discussing Taoism?"

"It's very relevant. Mr. Yan, please be patient and listen to me."

Yan Wei snorted and saw no one agreed with him, so he didn't say any more.

Feng Juniang turned her head slightly and glanced at the two servants, "Can you two still understand me?"

The two servants nodded stiffly.

Feng Juniang smiled again and continued: "Three months. Fortunately, the hard days are only three months. My husband was hit by a cold arrow while fighting with officers and soldiers. It is said that he killed more than a hundred officers and soldiers before he died. Of course, I did not see it with my own eyes." , I don’t really believe it, but some people say that he kept shouting the word “bloodletting” before he died, and I believe it.”

Feng Juniang's eyes swept over everyone, and all she saw was sympathy, but she showed a slightly bitter smile, "After him, I married many people, and every time I married, I felt confused."

"What don't you understand?" An Zhongqian asked, his voice as gentle as if there was no one around.

"Why...do I always miss that butcher? Especially the first night of my wedding is always the time when I miss him the most. I miss his viciousness when he said 'bleed', and...other things."

Everyone was stunned.

Feng Juniang turned around and faced the two servants. She was so close to them that her breath could directly hit each other's faces. Then she said in a very light voice: "Look, this is the person I will never forget. He is direct, strong and energetic." Abundance is exactly the opposite of you.”

Feng Juniang turned around again and walked towards the valley.

The two servants' faces were as red as blood, and they suddenly shouted at the same time. One said: "Bitch!" and the other said: "Shameless slut!" Then they rushed forward at the same time, arms spread wide like evil wolves.

Kou Daogu's two servants could actually talk and behave ungracefully. The scholars around him were all shocked. Although they were confused by Feng Juniang's last few words of "missing you", they still had sympathy in their hearts, so they shouted to stop. , a little far away, too late to stop.

Feng Juniang wanted to anger these two people. She succeeded, but she was too successful. She put herself in danger. She could fight one against a hundred by just using her mouth. As long as the "hundred" were men, she would fight with them if she used her hands. There is no difference between ordinary women. They have no power to fight back and will only lose their beauty.

Saving a beauty doesn't happen often, but today it happened in front of a group of scholars.

Someone came out of the crowd and strode closer before the two servants pounced on them. It seemed that they had already guessed from their expressions that the two men were about to make a move. They moved very quickly. They came closer in three or two steps and grabbed the hands of the two servants respectively. With one wrist, he pushed forward ten steps away.

Feng Juniang hurriedly fled to Chang Yan and others. She nodded to her rescuer, then smiled at Kou Daogu and said, "I can't understand your servant's sign language. Please explain it to Mr. Kou. And they can talk. Could it be that they are mine?" Stories create miracles?”

Kou Daogu's face was ashen. He had always been aloof and calm. For the first time, he was dragged back to the secular world. This was a world that he sternly despised. He accidentally got himself covered in mud and water, and he even forgot how to do it. Shake it off to restore cleanliness.

"Why didn't you two want to talk before?" An Zhongqian asked. He was still in awe of Kou Daogu, but had no good impression of the two servants.

The two servants were panic-stricken and looked at Feng Juniang with eyes that were still vicious and greedy. Even a scholar with a little experience could tell that they not only hated Mrs. Feng, but also had evil desires.

The two servants took another look at the man who had just pushed them away. They did not dare to step forward to provoke, nor did they answer the scholars' questions. They glanced at the master, suddenly turned around and ran away, pushing away the crowd, and refused to speak again.

The atmosphere was a little awkward. Gradually, the eyes of the scholars focused on Kou Daogu. After all, this was his servant, and Feng Juniang's question - if it was really a question - had to be answered by him.

Kou Daogu's expression is no longer as livid as before, but he has not returned to his old extraordinary state. He now looks more like an ordinary scholar.

"There are unscrupulous people under the sage, not to mention two servants with unpredictable intentions? Mr. Kou is not thinking about this. He was deceived by the bad servants. He definitely did not hide it intentionally." Yan Wei explained on his behalf. He did not understand the details, so he They are all based on your own hopes, not facts.

Kou Daogu still didn't speak.

Yan Wei added: "Mrs. Feng is not discussing Taoism, but... exposing her own ugliness. Mr. Kou didn't answer because there is no need to answer and it is not worth answering. Mrs. Feng..."

Kou Daogu walked away. There was only one road in and out of the valley, so he followed in the footsteps of two others. The crowd that had been pushed aside had not yet closed up, so they gave way to both sides.

"Mr. Kou!" Yan Wei couldn't get along any longer and hurriedly chased after him. After a few steps, he turned around and said, "Witch, don't be so arrogant. Someone will get rid of you sooner or later."

"I hope it's Mr. Yan, don't let me down." Feng Juniang raised her arm and waved the silk handkerchief.

Yan Wei snorted coldly and quickly went to chase Kou Daogu away.

A fierce debate over the grain came to an end in this way. The most embarrassing thing was that the scholars, especially the Fan disciples, suddenly remembered Yin Fu they met halfway and the reminder he had made, and they all regretted it.

Everyone hoped that others would say something to end this embarrassment, but in the end no one could say anything. The people standing behind simply walked away quietly, and others turned around one after another. They came in groups and left in groups. They are not willing to go together in twos, threes, or even alone.

An Zhongqian left a little later and looked at Feng Juniang, not wanting to leave her but looking at her like a snake and a scorpion, "You are really a witch." After that, he left.

As soon as he left, the last twenty or thirty people dispersed.

Feng Juniang took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Master Tian came back just in time. Thank you very much for your life-saving grace."

Tian Jiang came over, frowning slightly, "What's Mr. Xu's idea?"

"Master Xu said that I can win a great victory just by irritating Kou Daogu. How to irritate him is my own idea. How about it? Is it worth watching?"

"Sooner or later you will bring yourself a fatal disaster."

"Then will you save me?"

Tian Jiang's brows furrowed even more, but he didn't say anything. He turned to the other people who were following him and said, "You see, this is what Si Guogu looks like. Follow me to see Mr. Xu."

Feng Juniang saw that these people looked familiar, but Chang Yan recognized them and had never had a chance to say hello. At this time, she held up her hands and said, "General Dai, you are fine. Why are you... here?"

Dai Pohu was a general in Jingzhou. He went to Qinzhou with the World Army. He came to see Xu Chu for some reason and smiled at Chang Yan and others, "I was forced to have no choice."

Feng Juniang was confused. Tian Jiang had clearly said that he wanted to persuade the old people to stay away from Yecheng, so why did he bring them here in person?

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