(Thanks to readers "Ning Weishi", "Lao Ji Leng Leng Yi Xiao", and "Gu Qiyi" for their red rewards. Please collect and recommend.)

Ma Wei did not reveal the overall plan, and Lou Chu did not ask. He had not made up his mind yet and just thought it was a joke that was a bit too much at the wine table.

It was already evening when he returned home. Before Lou Chu had time to sit down, he was called to the General Selection Hall.

The General Selection Hall was where the general Lou Wen held meetings at home, and no one was allowed to enter.

Lou Chu was an idle person. This was the first time he was allowed to enter the General Selection Hall since he was a child. He had to be led by a servant to find out the way.

The General Selection Hall was very large, and the walls were hung with swords, guns, bows and arrows, and bright helmets and armor. Several calligraphy and paintings with a long history were hiding in them and trembling, and they rarely attracted attention.

The general had many descendants, some of whom were officials outside, and some were not yet grown up. There were more than 30 people called today, and they had already been divided into two sides to listen to the general and his staff discuss matters.

Lou Chu was the last to arrive. Under the instruction of the servant, he quietly stood at the end of the team.

"The situation is like this. The rebels in Qinzhou, Guanzhong are about to be wiped out. Who would have thought that another group of thieves would rise in Bingzhou, Shanxi. The counties are in urgent need of help. The court has decided to send 20,000 troops to suppress the bandits. We are short of a general to lead the troops. Do you have any recommendations?" General Lou Wen asked not his children and grandchildren, but the seven or eight staff members sitting on both sides.

The children and grandchildren of the Lou family can only listen here and are not allowed to interrupt. The staff members have long been accustomed to it and are not modest. Someone immediately said, "Teacher Liang sent someone to say hello earlier. He wants one of his grandsons to make meritorious deeds. Why not take this opportunity to do him a favor?"

"Which grandson?" Lou Wen wanted to ask clearly.

"Liang Shengzhi is not a legitimate grandson, but he is said to be very favored."

"Hey, the Grand Tutor has the nerve to ask me for mercy." Lou Wen disagreed, "Who else?"

"The seventh son of the King of Nanyang lost his title of marquis for a minor crime a while ago, and he has been brooding over it. Why not give him this military achievement?" said another staff member.

General Lou Wen nodded and hummed twice, obviously a little tempted, but did not make a decision immediately.

Other staff members continued to make suggestions.

Lou Chu, who was standing at the end of the team, was moved. The general was in charge of the military power of the world. When choosing the generals, he only asked about family background and personal relationships, and did not mention the talent of this person.

Someone came over and whispered, "Why are you here just now?"

Lou Chu hurriedly bowed and replied, "I just came back from the school..."

"Have you been drinking?"

"With friends..."

"You are eighteen years old. The general allowed you to come here to listen to things. You should be careful and don't waste the opportunity you have."

"Yes, brother is right. I am ashamed."

The "brother" in charge was slightly satisfied and walked away quietly.

General Lou Wen and others had already selected the generals and talked about some trivial matters. After the meeting, the staff took their leave and went to the front hall to drink and have fun accompanied by the two sons of the Lou family. The general sometimes participated and sometimes did not. In any case, he had to stay and say a few words to his children and grandchildren first.

"Where are the three old men?" Lou Wen asked sternly.

"Third brother caught a cold..."

"Bullshit, you dare to lie to me? The third brother must have gone to meet his group of bad friends again. I work hard, but my son enjoys himself." Lou Wen was furious and cursed. His son replied in a timid way, not daring to say a word.

The third brother of the Lou family also has a strange name - Lou Ying, the eldest son of the general, with a fat body, comparable to his father, loves to have fun, and always tries to avoid meetings.

Lou Wen had almost finished scolding, but he still had some anger left to vent, so he said to his children and grandchildren in the hall: "Are you all pretending to be dumb? I didn't ask you to come here to be a spectator. There are many descendants in my Lou family, and none of them can say anything? When I die, who can you rely on?"

"The military and national affairs of this dynasty are all decided by the general. You are stupid, so you can only listen, watch, and think more..."

"Shut up!" Lou Wen scolded. He was in a bad mood today and didn't want to listen to these flattering words. He pointed to his other son and said, "You say it."

"The bandits in Bingzhou are strong, and the governor Shen Gongshang If the rebellion cannot be suppressed, the imperial court will send 20,000 troops. I am afraid that they may underestimate the enemy. "

"You have been listening to the affairs for many days without any progress. Is the matter of Bingzhou that simple? Who else?"

The children and grandchildren pushed each other to the side. Lou Chu stepped out from the end of the team and bowed before speaking: "I have something I don't understand. I want to ask the general for advice."

Lou Wen slightly retracted his belly and looked at his son in the distance. "Which one are you? You look a little unfamiliar."

"Seventeenth son Lou Chu, I come to listen to the affairs for the first time today."

"Oh, go ahead." Lou Wen obviously still didn't remember this son.

"The bandits in Qinzhou in the west have been rising for years, and the court has been reluctant to send troops to reinforce. The bandits in Bingzhou in the north have just rebelled, and the governor should suppress them first. If that fails, the court will send troops..."

"If you don't understand, come and listen for a few more days. Do I have to explain everything to every person who comes?" The general interrupted rudely, his eyes continued to turn, and suddenly returned to Shiqi'er, "You are not young anymore, why did you come to listen to the matter today?"

The children and grandchildren of the Lou family are eligible to come to the General Selection Hall to listen to the matter when they are twelve or thirteen years old. Lou Chu is obviously older.

Lou Chu didn't understand the reason either. He always thought that he would never have the opportunity to enter this place.

The general's other son stepped forward and whispered, "Lou Chu is the daughter of the Princess of Wu..."

Lou Wen let out a long "oh", and finally remembered the origin of this son, "Yes, I asked you to come. Come forward and let me take a closer look."

Lou Chu came to his father and bowed again.

"Look up." Lou Wen looked carefully and ordered his servant to hold a candle to illuminate Qi'er's face. After watching for a long time, he finally stood up and laughed, "He is my son. That's right. His appearance is as handsome as when I was young, but his body is too boney." Thin, more like your mother. Do you usually study literature or martial arts? "

"My son is currently studying in the Yuxue Academy."

"You are imprisoned... It doesn't matter. The court will always be merciful. Even if the court doesn't let you be an official, you can still enjoy the glory and wealth by following your father." The general's mood seemed to be better, "You can come more often in the future. Listen, hang out with your brothers and nephews and learn more. Although they are a bunch of idiots, they have more experience than you. By the way, when did you start talking?" Lou Wenshun recalled the eccentricities of his son.

"The child was ignorant when he was young. After studying for several years, he finally understood it and started speaking at the age of thirteen. With the stupidity of a child, I don't know how long it will take for him to learn from his brothers and nephews before he understands."

"Haha, 'A hero in troubled times speaks out, and a virtuous man governs the world with silence'. It turns out that you have been speaking out for a few years, and the world is not in chaos. There are some small chaos, which is nothing to be afraid of. There is no big chaos. The rule of heaven will last forever. At least we people don't need to worry. One day I will bring Liu Xiangshi over and settle the account with him."

Lou Wen got up and went to the front hall to attend the banquet. He only took a few of his children and grandchildren with him, and the others dispersed.

When Lou Chu returned to his residence, many people greeted him on the way, and he got to know several of his brothers and nephews.

Lou Chu moved out of the General's Mansion a few years ago and lived in a small house in a back alley. His neighbors on the left and right were all relatives of the Lou family, and they had little contact with each other.

Fires were rarely fired at home, and an old servant went to the General's Mansion every day to receive meals, which saved worry and effort, but he had no choice.

After dinner, he was not sleepy, so he took off the knife on the wall, took it out of its sheath, wiped it carefully, then took the knife to the small courtyard, waved it at the moon, sweated profusely before giving up, washed up, went to bed to rest, and lay down Tossing and turning in the darkness, he thought that his birthday had turned out well: his best friend invited him to visit him, and his father, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, allowed him to come into the hall to hear things.

After thinking about it for a while, Lou Chu sighed silently. Thinking about it carefully, these two things are not a real change. The assassination is nothing more than a joke. If his father can think of him today, he will still forget him tomorrow. Besides, the general is old. The matter is already high, but once he dies, he still cannot get around the "imprisonment" barrier.

Sure enough, in the next few days, Ma Wei didn't look for him again. When they met in the school, they just nodded and greeted him. The general was busy with government affairs and stayed away day and night, so his children and grandchildren had no chance to listen to him.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Ma Wei once again invited Lou Chu to his house for a drink.

Ma Wei's great ancestor was the Emperor of the Liang Kingdom. The country was destroyed before he was born, and his family was forced to move to Luoyang, the eastern capital. When he was one year old and still ignorant, his father participated in the rebellion and lost his life for it. Ma Wei escaped, but was imprisoned.

The horse house is not small, but a little desolate. There are few servants, and the food and wine are not rich. I am accustomed to the building foundation and feel it is much better than my own home.

After a few glasses of wine, the two talked about current affairs as usual.

"The chaos in Qinzhou in the west has not been settled, and there are bandits in Bingzhou in the north. I am afraid that the world will really be in chaos. What do you think, brother Chu?" Ma Wei is seven years older than Lou Chu, and the two are considered brothers.

In front of his friends, Lou Chu showed his arrogant side. He raised a glass of wine with his right hand and pointed at the country with his left hand, "It's not enough. There is just a little chaos in the west and north."

Ma Wei smiled and said: "Brother Chu grew up in the general's mansion, so he is not very well informed. General Zhengxi led his army into Qinzhou in March last year. For more than a year, good news has spread frequently, and several people have been made marquises because of it, but the thieves just raided Not sure. Either General Zhengxi falsely reported his military exploits, or the traitorous situation in Qinzhou is more serious than expected. As for Bingzhou, hey, Shen Mushou is an old friend of your Lou family, but he has been suspected by the emperor for a long time, and this time he suddenly sent a message saying. Someone is rebelling, I’m afraid there’s something else hidden.”

Lou Chu shook his head, "Otherwise, no matter what the situation is in Qin and Bing, it will not affect the overall situation of the world. The battle in Jizhou is the key."

"The war with the He Rong tribe in the north? Brother Chu, haven't you heard? The imperial court has decided to withdraw its troops and make a truce. If you want to fight again, you will have to wait at least two or three years."

Lou Chu still shook his head, "The imperial court intends a truce, but the emperor may not intend it. In my humble opinion, today's emperor will not give up easily."

"Today..." Ma Wei murmured, looking left and right involuntarily. Only when he saw no outsiders did he dare to continue: "If the world is in chaos, it will definitely happen to the emperor. After more than ten years since he took the throne, only the first two Nian pretended, and then his true colors were revealed—Brother Chu, have you thought about Brother Yu’s proposal?”

Lou Chu put down his wine glass, "Are you kidding?"

"Is this a joke?"

"Hey, it's just you and me?"

"Some things look difficult, but are actually easy. To do something like stabbing with a sword, it would be stupid for Zhou Heiquan to use it to retaliate against ordinary people, but it is a strange trick for us to use it on the emperor."

"Who wields the sword? Who assassinates?"

"Haha, I know that Brother Chu is definitely not a thing in the pond. The imperial court imprisons the people of the five countries and the killings are endless. I don't know when it will be your turn. Who wouldn't be angry if you are interested? Besides, Tiancheng is a new generation, but the foundation is not stable yet. When Hunjun is in power, the sky has already revealed that this is the time for you and me to soar into the sky."

Lou Chu looked at the leftovers on the table, thought about his situation with Ma Wei, and asked, "What can we do?"

"Brother Fool has his own clever plan, all he needs is Brother Chu's help."

Lou Chu really couldn't think of anything he could do to help.

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