Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 297: Request from an Old Friend

Dai Pohu stared at Xu Chu closely, hoping to see a hint of anger and concern, but he was disappointed.

Xu Chu actually smiled and said, "The seven Jiangdong clans...are really not easy to worry about."

"They will not surrender to anyone but King Wu."

"Jizhou and Qinzhou are separated by mountains and rivers, and it takes time to travel. If the Wu people really have different intentions, they may have already taken action on the way General Dai is coming, and success or failure has been decided. But the news has not yet come, so it is useless for me to rush there."


"Who is General Dai here for? It must not be the Golden Saint."

"The Golden Saint cannot stay together forever. She already has the intention of remarrying. Of course I am not here for her." Seeing that Xu Chu was indifferent, Dai Pohu changed his mind and said directly: "The rebellion of the Wu people will definitely succeed. But the number is too small to suppress the Shishi Army. The King of Wu must go in person to appease the entire army and save the Wu people."

"The Golden Saint is my wife. If I were present, I would never allow the seven tribes to mutiny. Now I am far away from right and wrong, and I will not help them appease the World Army."

Dai Pohu kowtowed on the table, "Even if the King of Wu does not remember the loyalty of the seven clans, he should still remember the thousands of Wu soldiers who were burned to death in the officer camp. General Wang Dian and Wang Wang were lucky enough to survive, and his whole body has not been injured so far. Hey, if he doesn't get help from the King of Wu, he can't escape the fire disaster, but he can't escape the military disaster."

Xu Chu's expression darkened.

Dai Pohu pressed his hands on the mat, and was also called "King of Wu", and continued: "King Wu wants to live in seclusion, and Yecheng is not a safe place. It is said that the three states of Hebei, Bing, and Huai are forming a coalition to pacify the Qin Dynasty. If the rebels in the two states of Han and Han are victorious, the King of Wu will no longer be of use. If they are defeated, they will be punished by the King of Wu out of humiliation. "

Xu Chu said with a smile: "I have been impressed since I haven't seen him for three days. General Dai's eloquence surprised me."

Dai Pohu chuckled twice, "Actually, these are General Wang's words. I'm just paraphrasing them. If General Wang had not been injured, he would have come to see King Wu in person."

Xu Chu thought for a while and said, "General Dai, go have a drink first. I will give you the final answer tomorrow morning."

"The people of Wu only recognize the King of Wu, and so do the soldiers and generals of Jingzhou. Following the Golden Saint is not what we want."

"What did she do to displease you?"


"Except for remarrying."

Xu Chu did not believe that an inconclusive remarriage was enough to make the seven Wu tribes determined to launch a mutiny.

Dai Pohu knew he couldn't hide it, so he sighed, "It's okay for the Golden Saint to rely on the Incarnation Army. After all, those people are her father's old troops, and they are more powerful than others. However, she also promoted a large number of officers and generals and entrusted them to They even entrusted Jing and Wu officers and men with important tasks."

"I thought all Luozhou soldiers stayed in Dongdu."

"Most of them stayed in Dongdu. There were five to six hundred people who chose to follow the Golden Saint, and most of them were former generals. I don't know what they thought, but they were probably moved by the heavy bribe offered by the Golden Saint. In short, These people are now the confidants of the Golden Saint, and they all hold important positions. The people of Wu are being squeezed out, and the people of Qin are also dissatisfied, but they dare not resist. "

"General Dai wants answers, but we have to wait until tomorrow."

Dai Pohu had no choice but to kowtow, then stood up and left the table, adding at the door: "We miss King Wu all the time. If King Wu has the heart to sit back and do nothing, we... alas, we will all have to die in a foreign land."

Xu Chu refused to accept this sentence.

The old servant brought in water for washing, and Xu Chu silently washed his face and feet. When the old servant was about to bring the water and leave, he asked, "Do you want to invite the young master to come out?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"Me? Haha, I'm just an old and immortal servant. I have to be taken care of by the young master. I do some light work like serving tea and water. I don't know anything else."

"Just say what you have in your heart. You don't have to hide it in front of me."

The old servant laughed dryly. If he really didn't want to meddle in this nosy matter, he wouldn't have asked at all. "Young Master asked me to talk, so I just said it. It's just talkative. You just listen to it casually, don't take it seriously. I think it's best to be down-to-earth. In We have accommodation and food here. Although it is a bit remote, we have a large population and it is quite lively. Why bother going to the troubled waters outside? If it doesn’t work, we will still be a ‘King of Wu’. If not, we will not even have the leisure time.”

"When you tell me, things are quite simple." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"I'm just talking nonsense. I'm old, haven't read a book, and have little knowledge. In the end, the young master has to make the decision. In short, no matter where the young master goes, I will definitely follow him. Even if he can't walk, the young master doesn't need to worry about me. The young master is in front. Tell me a place to go and I will follow you slowly.”

Xu Chu nodded, and the old servant said goodbye and left.

Xu Chu got up and went out of the room. He saw Chang Yan and others still drinking, and turned into the next room.

This room was specially left by the old servant. It has a bed and a cabinet, which is specially used to store the owner's belongings.

Xu Chu didn't even light the lamp. He touched the side of the cabinet and pulled out the waist knife at the bottom.

It had been too long since he had touched the knife, and it felt heavier in his hand than he remembered. Xu Chu slowly pulled out half of the knife. The room was very dark, and he could only vaguely see the glimmer of the blade, but he could still clearly feel the strength of the knife. sharp.

Xu Chu sheathed the sword and took it back to the original room, where a lamp was lit for him to appreciate carefully.

There was actually a person in the room, looking left and right towards the mat, obviously looking for traces of Xu Chu.

Xu Chu coughed, and the man turned around sharply, his expression changing slightly. When he saw the knife in Xu Chu's hand, his expression changed again, and he immediately returned to normal, and knelt down directly, "Wang Pei, the villain, kowtow to the King of Wu."

Wang Pei is a descendant of the Seventh Clan of the Wu people. He once served as a guard and came with Dai Pohu this time.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Get up. Why didn't you drink there?"

Wang Pei stood up and said, "I... have something to say to King Wu."

"Don't call me King Wu anymore. Calling me 'Mr. Xu' is enough."

“Once a king, always a king.”

"This is Yecheng. You are talking about the King of Wu. Are you trying to kill me?"

"Of course not, we... Mr. Xu, forgive me."

Xu Chu took off his shoes and went to the table, still holding the knife in his hand, "Close the door."

Wang Pei obeyed, closed the door, turned around, and knelt down again.

Xu Chu said: "Excuse me, do you have something to say to me?"

"Yes, General Wang ordered me to give Mr. Xu a few words in private."

"Say it."

Wang Pei took a few steps forward and stood at the edge of the banquet, "General Wang said, King Wu... Mr. Xu is like the parents of the Wu people. Without Mr. Xu, the people of Wu would be like scattered sand. Everyone is waiting eagerly, like a baby waiting to be fed. I hope Mr. Xu can go to Qinzhou to at least help the Wu people overcome this difficulty."

"Well, General Dai has already said that you should go have a drink and I will give you the answer tomorrow morning."

"Master Xu..."

"That's all I have to say, no need to say more."

Wang Pei sighed softly, "In that case..."

There was a knock on the door, and then someone came in uninvited.

Chang Yan held a glass of wine in his hand. He staggered and looked drunk. He smiled and said, "I knew you sneaked out to see Mr. Xu. Have you finished speaking? After that, come with me. You can't escape this glass of wine." Dropped."

Chang Yan was rude, Wang Pei was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "That's it, it's just a glass of wine, will I run away?"

The two of them left the house one after another. Chang Yan closed the door outside and said to Xu Chu: "Master, please rest early. Don't worry about us. Leave the task of getting the guests drunk to me."

Xu Chu smiled and nodded.

He was the only one left in the room. Xu Chu pulled out the sword and looked at it carefully. He had never been a good user with swords, nor did he like weapons. He found it just to experience the feeling of becoming king again.

The feeling is still there, like standing on the top of a mountain, the cold wind blowing, and the abyss beneath your feet, which is both exciting and frightening.

Xu Chu sheathed the knife, fell on the mat, held the knife in both hands, fell asleep slowly, and let the candle go out.

Early the next morning, Xu Chu woke up suddenly. There was constant noise outside, as if the banquet last night was not over yet, but it was indeed bright.

Xu Chu got up and found that there was an extra quilt on his body. He knew that the old servant had been here in the middle of the night.

Outside the house, Chang Yan and Wang Pei were wrestling, and the noise was made by onlookers.

The two of them are both descendants of the Seven Jiangdong Clan and are very familiar with each other. When they were drinking last night, they talked about who was stronger. They were not convinced by each other and made an appointment to compete early in the morning.

Chang Yan had been slacking off for more than a month, and his skills had indeed weakened a lot. With his stronger body, he was able to deal with Wang Pei, and no one could defeat the other for a while.

Dai Pohu came over and whispered: "Master Xu, have you thought about it?"

Xu Chu handed over the knife in his hand.

Dai Pohu was stunned and did not dare to answer, "What does this mean?"

"Take my sword back and tell the people of Wu that you have to rely on yourself when traveling far away. And I have a hunch that when General Dai returns, he will find that everything is fine and there is no need for me to go there."

Dai Pohu said anxiously: "Wu Bing's arrow is on the string and he has to send it. Maybe he has already sent it. There is no reason to give up halfway."

"Perhaps it's not that the Wu people gave up halfway, but that the Golden Saint had her own plan to appease the soldiers' morale." Xu Chu smiled and put the knife into Dai Pohu's hand.

Dai Pohu had no choice but to accept it and reluctantly said: "Well, in this case, I can't force it. If I can bring the knife back, it can be regarded as an explanation. I just don't know if it's too late."

"General Dai is anxious, so I'll send him off a short distance away."

Dai Pohu glanced at the valley, "The world is in chaos, and there is no lasting peace. The heroine of Yecheng is in power, which will lead to military disasters sooner or later. Who can protect Mr. Xu's safety then?"

"The seven tribes have to rely on themselves, and I also have to keep myself safe."

Dai Pohu sighed and said goodbye. He walked towards the crowd and shouted to the two wrestling people: "General Chang, let Wang Pei go. We are leaving, so we say goodbye."

Chang Yan let go and said breathlessly: "We've only been here for a day, and we haven't talked enough yet. Why are we leaving? And the outcome between us has not been decided..."

Wang Pei was also out of breath, "General Dai, you take the first step. I will chase you after I decide the winner."

Wang Pei was from Wu, so Dai Pohu could not give the order directly, so he called another subordinate and the two of them came out of the valley.

Chang Yan was really tired and asked to compete again later. He wanted to drink water and rest for a while. He walked up to Xu Chu and whispered: "Wang Pei doesn't want to go back to Qinzhou and live the life of licking blood with a knife tip. Can he stay here?" "Down?"

Xu Chu smiled and nodded, looking around, "Where is Master Tian Zhuang?"

"He's gone a long time ago. He's always elusive. Young master, do you want to see him? I'll tell him next time we meet."

"No, I'm just asking casually."

"Then I'll keep Wang Pei. This boy is very strong. It's okay to stay, but I have to give him a warning first."

Xu Chu looked at Wang Pei who was drinking water in the distance, hoping that his guesses were all wrong.

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