Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 299: Difficult to Stab

Sun Yalu arrived just in time, and Xu Chu used this visit to easily get the truth out of Wang Pei's mouth.

As soon as the Advent Army entered the territory of Qinzhou, they clashed with the New Army, which soon turned into a war.

The demands of the leaders of the new army are very simple: recognize the son of the King of the World, but never accept the daughter of the King of the World. They require the Golden Saint to hand over the young king and let the leaders of the old and new armies jointly take care of her. Or she can go to them. The husband of the young king will either stay as a sister and be responsible for taking care of the young king's food and daily life from now on, and will not interfere with anything else.

Of course, the Golden Saint would not accept such harsh conditions. She led her troops into battle, with a win or loss, and many casualties. The Advent Army finally broke through the siege of the New Army and rushed to Xijing with a large number of family members.

The new army was unexpectedly frustrated and did not dare to pursue it. Moreover, they did not have any foresight. They went wherever there was rumored to be food and easy to fight.

Xijing was still occupied by a detachment of officers and soldiers. They had been guarding it for a long time. They had almost depleted their troops and food, and not many people were left. However, the city was still strong and difficult to attack. Therefore, the new army did not want to go there. Instead, they laughed at the Golden Saint. Seeking death.

Dai Pohu, Wang Pei and others were captured in the battle. They thought they were certain to die. Unexpectedly, after suffering for a few days, they were suddenly treated with courtesy. Not only were their ropes removed, but they were also provided with wine and meat.

Soon, they understood why.

There are many leaders in the new army, and there are three who are the most powerful. One of them claims to be difficult to defeat. I don’t know if this is his real name or a nickname. When he saw the golden saint in full armor in front of the battle, he fell in love with her and insisted on marrying her. No, so he sent someone to ask for her hand in marriage.

Duryodhana is not the kind of person who pays attention to courtesy. As soon as the marriage envoys set off, he publicly announced that the marriage was finalized and asked all new armies to prepare to merge with the old army.

Of course the other two big bosses disagreed, and they were arguing endlessly. One of their objections was that the Golden Saint was a married woman, and her husband was still alive, so there was no reason for her to marry another woman.

A few days later, the marriage messenger came back with almost the same answer. At least on the surface, the Golden Saint was not angry, but she refused very clearly, and the reason was that she was a married woman.

The male Duryodhana lost his face and was furious. He immediately sent troops to pursue the Golden Saint, claiming that he would give 100,000 heads as a betrothal gift.

No one wanted to fight this battle, and no one knew who came up with the idea, so Xiong Nandi gave up his original plan and decided to send people to capture or assassinate the King of Wu.

"When the husband dies or divorces his wife, the Golden Saint is no longer a married woman and can marry me." These were the exact words of Xiong Duryo, who wanted to recruit assassins among the captives.

At this point, Wang Pei was very embarrassed and felt the need to defend himself: "The New Army does not have enough food at home and is never willing to give an extra bite to the prisoners. We are so hungry that we eat whatever we catch. The mat, the dirt on the ground, and even the desire to eat people..."

Recalling the tragic situation at that time, Wang Pei choked up.

"Many people are rushing to be assassins?" Xu Chu said.

Wang Pei hummed twice, "Before that, all the prisoners are willing to surrender. Really, as long as they are given food, they will surrender immediately without any hesitation. It's not that General Dai and I can't bear the suffering, it's everyone, all People! At that time, not to mention assassinating the King of Wu, even if relatives were to kill each other, everyone would rush to do it. "

Xu Chu didn't say anything. After Wang Pei got excited, he immediately showed a look of depression and guilt, "The enemy picked ten people..."

"I only saw three people."

"There are three other people from the World Army, and the other four are from the old army. General Dai is worried that they will arouse the suspicion of the King of Wu, so he asked them to find a place to stay first. The three of us met the Tianjiang as soon as we entered the boundary of Yecheng, so we followed He came over. We have agreed to capture him alive as much as possible... We will try to ask King Wu to go to Qinzhou, but if it doesn't work, we can ask King Wu to write a letter of divorce and we can take it back."

"That's all?"

Wang Pei knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, "The four cronies of Xiong Di Di, they... they are more willing to take King Wu's head back, saying it is more convenient..."

Feng Juniang, who had been writing, put down her pen heavily and said angrily: "You are so grateful for the King of Wu that you come just because Duryodhana asked you to come? Did he promise you a heavy reward? Detained your wife and children?"

"No, no." Wang Pei blushed.

"Just to earn a living, you volunteered to be an assassin? Your reputation among the Wu people has been completely disgraced."

Wang Pei's face turned redder, "We thought... we thought..."

Xu Chu continued for him, "Anyway, the 'King of Wu' has abdicated. He can abandon all the soldiers, why can't the soldiers abandon him?"

Wang Pei suddenly straightened his body and said loudly: "Whether or not to abdicate is the King of Wu's business, and whether to be loyal or not is our business. Mrs. Feng is right, I have indeed embarrassed the people of Wu..."

Wang Pei took out a dagger from his arms, and Feng Juniang was shocked. However, he did not want to assassinate the King of Wu. He turned the dagger upside down and stabbed himself in the chest.

"Death cannot atone for sin." Xu Chu said.

Wang Pei's arms froze, and his expression became more angry. After a while, he said, "What does King Wu want from me?"

"I want you alive."

"I...I have no face to stay with King Wu, and I can't go back to Qinzhou..."

"The world is vast, where can't I fit in? You are from Jiangdong, at least you have a home to go back to."

"Jiangdong...has long since ceased to belong to the seven clans, and my family's life and death are unknown. Who can I turn to?" Wang Pei sighed heavily, threw away the dagger in his hand, and cried bitterly on the ground.

Xu Chu sat still, but Feng Juniang felt a little embarrassed and advised: "A grown man, what is there to cry about? Now that you are here and you know how smart Mr. Xu is, why don't you ask him to show you a clear path?" "

"I'm really ashamed of King Wu..." Wang Pei didn't dare to ask for directions.

Xu Chu said: "You can go and seek refuge with Prince Ning."

"Prince Ning?" Wang Pei stopped crying and raised his head, his face full of surprise.

Feng Juniang was also surprised, "Master, you won't forget, right? Ning Baoguan once burned many Wu soldiers to death, and he has a blood feud with the children of the Seven Clans. Is he a descendant of the Seven Clans?"

Wang Pei nodded.

Xu Chu said: "Revenge is revenge, and a road is a road. If you must take revenge, you can temporarily go to Huaizhou to seek refuge with the Sheng family. If you don't want revenge, but you don't like King Ning, you can go to Yizhou to chase the King of Shu. If you only If you want to find a way out that will last longer, joining Prince Ning is the best choice."

Wang Pei nodded again blankly, "Thank you King Wu for your advice, but... as far as I heard, King Ning had no great achievements in Jiangdong. Everyone said that he would not survive the summer and would definitely die in the rebellion."

"I can't guarantee how long King Ning can survive. You can go back to Jiangdong. If King Ning goes around attacking cities and plundering territory, then don't defect. I can't say where you should go. If King Ning declares that he will accept the imperial court's offer of peace, and Don't do any harm to the villages and towns along the way. If you go there, you will be reused and you will be long-term. "

Wang Pei became more and more surprised, but he did believe that King Wu was more far-sighted than him, and kowtowed heavily, "Wang King is so kind... Oh, it's superfluous to say anything else. I'll go back to Jiangdong, but before that, I have to stay. General Dai We will bring people back tonight, and the four henchmen of the Hero are all highly skilled in martial arts, and each of them can defeat one against ten..."

"If you really regret it, don't stay and leave immediately to go back to Jiangdong. I'll give you some money. You can avoid General Dai and the others on the way. Don't waste a moment."

Wang Pei kowtowed again, picked up the dagger, held it in both hands, put it on the edge of the mat, stood up and said: "The king of Wu is worth a thousand gold, which is enough for me. I..." Wang Pei didn't know what to say and turned around. Run out of the room.

"Young Master really let him go?" Feng Juniang asked in a surprised voice.


"But just for a bite of food, he volunteered to be an assassin..."

"'For a mouthful of food' is the most worthy of forgiveness in the world. What's more, in Qinzhou, people can't help themselves. Everyone wants to please the hero, but he just did what everyone else would do."

"That's what I say, but he... I think he is not a good person. He is forgetful and unscrupulous. He is also capricious. He is neither loyal to the young master nor loyal to the new master."

"What kind of loyalty does a scholar need? He is just trying to be brave, and he is not worthy of loyalty. If there is anyone who cannot survive this summer, I guess it is him."

There was a noise outside. Chang Yan entered the house and asked in confusion: "Why did Wang Pei offend Mr. Xu? He said a lot of weird things and said he wanted to go back to Jiangdong. He has already left."

"Let him go."

"Yes." Chang Yan thought more, "Did Wang Pei... do something excessive?"

"On the contrary, Wang Pei did me a big favor and revealed a very important piece of news. You tell others to be careful tonight, there may be guests with ill intentions."

Chang Yan was shocked and vaguely understood why Wang Pei had to leave. He couldn't ask any more questions, so he cupped his hands and asked, "How many 'guests' are there?"

"No more than nine people at most. I guess they will be divided into three teams, with a certain number of people in each team."

"I understand." Chang Yan resigned, gathered his companions, and prepared to welcome the uninvited guests.

"There are officers and soldiers outside, why don't you ask them for help?" Feng Juniang asked.

"Don't make things difficult for them." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Feng Juniang didn't understand the meaning of the words, but she didn't ask any more, "Wang Pei said that each of the four men who were difficult to defeat was one to ten. There are only about thirty people in our valley, and twenty-five of them can hold swords." Six people, even if Wang Pei is a bit exaggerated, we don’t seem to be opponents.”

"The other side has 'one against ten', and we also have Tianjiang."

"Hey, he was the one who attracted the assassins, and he also said he would block the visitors for the young master - it's really shameless, I believe him so much."

"He said he wanted to block visitors?"

"Yes, he said that the young master's old subordinates may come to visit, and he has to block them."

"Then yes, we did block the 'visitors' and brought the 'assassins'."

Feng Juniang was shocked again, "Young master, you mean... Tian Jiang knew these people were assassins and brought them here on purpose?"

"It's possible." Xu Chu smiled.

"If he does this...what does he mean?" Feng Juniang felt that things were not that simple.

"Blocking the visitors is to prevent me from being tempted by the outside world. Letting the assassins in is to make me give up completely. Different paths lead to the same goal. I guess that's what he meant."

"But those three people are assassins after all, and Tian Jiang didn't even warn them secretly. How do you know that the young master will be able to escape the assassination?"

"Tianjiang has his own ideas."

"His ideas will kill people." Feng Juniang no longer had the intention to write, and walked out, "I have to discuss a solution with Chang Yan and the others. Tian Jiang... is really a weirdo."

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