Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 313 Barbarian King

As soon as Feng Juniang entered Siguo Valley, she asked loudly: "Where is the young master?"

"The back mountain carries water." The old servant replied, holding the paper charm on his chest with his right hand.

There were yellow papers everywhere in the valley, as if a funeral had just been held. Feng Juniang frowned and said, "Is Mr. Fan celebrating his birthday? Burning so much paper money."

"It's not paper money, it's a talisman. Taoist Master Yun of Mount Laojun Mountain came here yesterday to eliminate demons. The effect was remarkable. Look, the weeds in this valley didn't grow much last night..."

Feng Juniang had no intention of chatting and hurriedly walked deep into the valley, leaving the maid behind to listen to the old servant's chatter about how to eliminate the demon.

Xu Chu did not rush to carry water back to the valley. He filled two buckets of water and sat by the stream to take a nap. He felt quite comfortable listening to the sound of running water. Hearing the footsteps behind him, he hurriedly turned around and saw Feng Juniang. He was a little surprised. .

"What, you're not happy to see me?" Feng Juniang asked.

"I didn't expect it was you." Xu Chu smiled.

It was indeed the first time for Feng Juniang to come to Houshan. She looked around and said, "Everyone said that the water here is delicious. It looks very ordinary."

"You have to calm down to taste the benefits."

"That's the result of a calm mind and has nothing to do with the stream. And don't be calm, young master. It's time to move."


"The little princess was brought back to the palace yesterday. Young Master, do you know why?"

"It is said that I want to meet a distinguished guest, I don't know who it is."

"It's some kind of barbarian king from the He Rong tribe, the cousin of the wife of the Crown Prince. He came to Yecheng not only to visit relatives, but also to ask for marriage."

"He Rongbu must have selected a new chanyu."

"Well, Xindan is the elder brother of the Crown Prince's wife. Originally, everyone thought that He Rong's tribe would be in chaos for a while, but the name of He Rong's strong arm is really not for nothing. He is very skillful and subdued all the tribes in just a few months. He was unanimously promoted as the new Chanyu."

"He Rongbu's new chanyu is willing to marry him, Yecheng should be very happy."

"More than happy, I am simply overjoyed. All the unmarried princesses and princesses were summoned together and let He Rong choose. Young Master, can you imagine? The majestic Tiancheng royal family actually flatters the barbarians to the point where they don't even give up the most basic dignity."

"You must be exaggerating." Xu Chu said.

"Humph, am I exaggerating? Of course, I have done some superficial work. All the princesses and princesses are nominally invited by the prince's wife, but the meaning has not changed. In the final analysis, they are to be selected by the barbarian king, and... that kind of It's the same as the local women. I never suffered such humiliation when I was snatched away by others in the World Army."

"You came all the way just to talk about this?"

"Why haven't you understood, Young Master? The little princess was called back at this time. It's not just her who is humiliated, but also the Young Master. This move by the King of Jibei is tantamount to declaring that the little princess has no husband!"

Xu Chu stood up and said, "Princess Fangde and I are just called husband and wife, but there is no real reason. The King of Jibei has been very patient until now."

Feng Juniang opened her eyes wide, "Young master...why are you so weak?"

Xu Chu picked up two buckets of water and said, "If I interfere, I will be meddling in other people's business."

Feng Juniang shook her head repeatedly, followed Xu Chu, and said after a while: "Young master has two wives, one is in Qinzhou, and maybe one day there will be news that he was defeated and killed, or maybe he married someone from the World Army. The leader, the other one is in Yecheng. She is regarded as an unmarried daughter by her parents, and she intends to give her to the barbarian king as his wife. The young master... doesn't care? "

"There is no such thing as two wives in the world. When I first got married to them, we were already unjust and incompatible. The result now is inevitable."

Although she had known that Xu Chu's personality had changed greatly after his abdication, Feng Juniang still felt incredible and sighed: "The little princess is just selected, and she may not marry someone else. The barbarian king will most likely choose a princess. Alas, the young master is really Do you want to live your whole life in this valley?"

"We'll talk about it later."

Feng Juniang hated the word "wait" and quickly passed Xu Chu, "Young master, please rest assured and wait, I won't be too busy. By the way, news just came from Qinzhou that the World Army has been defeated in a row. At most, it can be defeated again." After holding on for a month or two, although the Golden Saint is brave and good at fighting, she is still no match for the officers and soldiers without the help of the young master. "

"Officers and soldiers have surrounded Xijing?"

"Not yet, but soon. If the Golden Saint is smart, she'd better flee immediately, take few people with her, and hide in the mountains. Maybe she can save her life."

Feng Juniang was a little tired and stood on the roadside to rest.

Xu Chu was used to mountain roads and passed her leisurely, "Mrs. Feng once traveled around with the World Army. Do you think they were wiped out by the officers and soldiers in one fell swoop?"

"Who can predict the outcome? I only know that the leaders of the Advent Army are more and more stupid than the last. Their eyes are all about gold, silver, food, grass and women. When they are weak, they will be strong, and when they are strong, they will flee. If the officers and soldiers are not too unbearable, they will surrender. Shijun can’t even make trouble in Qinzhou.”

"Flee when you are strong - this is a good habit."

"Hmm? Master, what do you mean?"

"The Advent Army was scattered, but it didn't collapse when they were in the Eastern Capital."

"That's the young master's trick. After winning several battles in a row, the soldiers of the World Army thought it was profitable... Young Master, wait a minute, I have to catch my breath." Feng Juniang came in a hurry, and then she felt her legs were weak and her chest was filled with tears. feel oppressed.

Xu Chu put down the bucket and sighed: "Although the world is big, it's hard to find such a quiet place."

Feng Juniang showed an extremely puzzled expression. She waited until her breathing became easier and said, "I understand what you mean. The officers and soldiers went deep into Qinzhou and won consecutive battles. However, the World Army did not scatter because of this. Instead, they gathered in Xijing, waiting for the decisive battle. This shows that Jin Maybe the saint has a clever plan to turn defeat into victory?"


Feng Juniang walked up to Xu Chu and said, "Young master, do you prefer the Golden Saint?"

Xu Chu picked up the bucket again and said with a smile: "My 'cultivation' here is to get rid of likes, sorrows, likes and dislikes, and seek a normal heart."

"Hey, I think Young Master's 'cultivation' is complete."

"It's still a little worse."

The two of them were silent all the way. As they approached the kitchen in the valley, Feng Juniang asked again: "Young master, with an 'ordinary heart', will the little princess be chosen by the barbarian king?"

Xu Chu poured the water from the bucket into the jar, turned around and said, "In He Rongbu's eyes, she is a genuine princess. Who else can I choose if not her?"

Feng Juniang stared at Xu Chu and was quite disappointed to see his relaxed expression. "The difference between the young master and the 'ordinary heart' is that he should not be the little princess. But she may not be chosen. The eldest daughter of the Emperor of All Things is now in Yecheng, and Tai Although the Empress Dowager is reluctant to stay with her, if He Rongbu proposes marriage, she will have no choice but to give up. "

Feng Juniang suddenly lost her interest, "Anyway, women are destined to be in control of themselves, and the same goes for being a princess. Comparatively speaking, I'm lucky. I'll say goodbye. I won't come here again if nothing happens. Please take care of me, sir."

"Concentrate on being a scribe, and your wealth will lie in it."

"Thank you, Master, for reminding me. From now on, I will concentrate on writing for the princess. I will have no other thoughts." Feng Juniang called the maid, left the valley and got on the car back to the city. Her mood was ups and downs along the way, and she secretly decided that although she would no longer care about Guo Gu's Nosy business, but we must block the "nosy business" in the city for the young master.

After fetching water, Xu Chu was supposed to be chopping firewood and mowing grass, but he was not in the mood. Although the obstacle that prevented him from obtaining a "normal heart" was not big, it was extremely stubborn. He went to Fan Guan's mat to sit quietly and did not move for half a day. , nor eat or drink water.

At noon the next day, Siguo Valley welcomed an unexpected guest.

The barbarian king of the He Rong tribe who came to Yecheng to visit the prince's wife actually had a relationship with Xu Chu.

He Rongpingshan, the king of Zuo Shenwei, once snatched the "King of Wu" pretending to be someone else from the Jizhou military camp. On the way, the "King of Wu" escaped, which made him extremely embarrassed. This time when he came to Yecheng, in addition to visiting relatives and asking for marriage, he Another wish is to come and see the real King of Wu.

Just a greeting, no more robbery.

He Rongpingshan rode straight into the valley. When he saw the wild grass and simple houses, he couldn't help but laugh. He had no intention of robbing the king. He ordered his followers to stay, jumped off his horse, walked towards the small group of people on the opposite side, and said loudly: "I am King He Rong's Zuo Shenwei came to pay homage to King Wu."

Chang Yan's face was full of vigilance, "There is no King of Wu here."

"If there is no King Wu, there must be Xu Chu, right?"

While Chang Yan was still hesitating, Xu Chu walked out of the room and said from a distance: "Please come in."

Chang Yan and others then stepped aside, but did not go far, being careful to be wary of the Barbarian King and He Rong's soldiers in the distance.

He Rongpingshan came closer and said, "I remember you. You claimed to be King Wu's military advisor, and your name was Tian."


"Haha, they say that the King of Wu is very resourceful, and he is indeed well-deserved. When we first met, you plotted against me and took a fake king away with you. That fake king is the Tianjiang, right?"

Xu Chu did not answer, but said sideways: "Please come in."

After entering the house, Xu Chu was still kneeling on the mat. He Rongping stood up with his knife in hand and looked at it for a few times. "This place is smaller than our tent."

"Well, it's indeed very small." Xu Chu said.

He Rongpingshan stared at you for a long time, "The people in Yecheng told me that you sincerely abdicated the throne and had no regard for worldly affairs. After seeing you today, I believe it 80%."

"You still don't believe it?"

"Well, there are two points left, because even if you don't ask about the world, you can't stop the world from asking you. Xu Chu, I don't ask you about the reason why you deceived me in the first place, as long as you hand over the Tianjiang."

"I am the one who deceived you, why should I accuse others?"

"I've never met you, so it's nothing to be deceived. But that field worker, he escaped under my nose, making me a laughing stock. When I returned to the ministry, I was constantly questioned. This humiliation must be repaid. Anyway, please pay me. I won’t kill De Tianjiang, but take him back outside the wall and show him to your lords.”

"Tian Jiang is not here, and he is not one of my subordinates. There is no way to hand him over."

"Haha, when it comes to strategy, I am not as good as you, and I have no intention of competing with you. I will come back in three days. If Tian Jiang is there, I will take him away. At the same time, I would like to thank you for your help. I believe you are sincerely abdicating. Tian Jiang is not here, so I I have to leave, but I have to suspect that you are secretly raising dead soldiers and still have different aspirations in your heart."

"If you're not here, you're not here. It doesn't matter when you come."

"Anyway, I will come back in three days. I have to choose a wife in Yecheng these days. In fact, the most important thing when I come to visit is to ask: Are you and Princess Fangde really married or fake? Have you ever touched her? Please tell me the truth so I can decide."

Xu Chu felt that he was getting further and further away from his "normal heart".

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