The more Chang Yan thought about it, the more wrong he became. His original intention of going into the city was to solve the problem for the young master, but in the end he brought back a problem - he didn't need to know too much about the inside story. He only knew this by looking at the way Princess Fangde left the city. is a big trouble.

"The road ahead is not easy. Princess, please be careful and don't fall off your horse..."

Zhang Shiqing jumped off his horse and said, "Isn't the place ahead where Xu Chu carries water every day? I know the road and can walk by myself. Please ask General Chang to ride back to the front to avoid making people suspicious."

"The princess has thought carefully." Chang Yan also felt that this should be the case, at least to let the officers and soldiers at the outpost see him.

"General Chang, do you want to watch me go up the mountain? Don't worry, I have walked this road many times." Zhang Shiqing said with a smile.

Chang Yan laughed dryly and said, "Princess, please forgive me for being rude, but I have to say something: The young master is no more powerful now than before. He has no soldiers and generals. He can't even offend a school captain in Jizhou, let alone I admire the princess of He Rong tribe for sticking to her original husband and not marrying someone else far away, but..."

"I don't want to marry the Barbarian King, not because of Xu Chu. Firstly, I don't like Waiwai, and secondly, I can't stand the little Barbarian girl's joy in others' misfortunes. She will definitely want her family to take revenge on me!"

"The princess is from the royal family, which represents the marriage between the two countries. It is not something that a barbarian woman can slander. She has received preferential treatment in Yecheng, and the princess will definitely get the same status outside the wall."

Zhang Shiqing frowned slightly, "Are you trying to persuade me to marry the Barbarian King?"

"What I mean is... the princess can decide who she wants to marry, but Siguo Valley is not the best hiding place. This move by Tian Jiang and Mrs. Feng is quite inappropriate..."

Zhang Shiqing understood and said with a smile: "General Chang is afraid that I will bring danger to Siguo Valley?"

"The princess should have noticed these days that the young master is determined not to care about worldly affairs and is really unable to help. Even if he wants to help, he is powerless."

Zhang Shiqing was poured a basin of cold water on him, and the smile on his face was a little stiff. He said proudly: "I understand what General Chang means. Don't worry, I'm not here to beg for help, and I won't hurt others. I will stay in the valley for a day or two, and I will do it myself." I will find another place to go and won’t let Yecheng know about it.”

Chang Yan felt that his words were a bit harsh, so he stepped back and cupped his hands and said, "I'm scared, but I have no intention of expelling guests."

"There is nothing wrong with General Chang's loyalty to protect the Lord. You go, I will walk the rest of the way by myself."

"Please be careful, princess." Chang Yan led his horse back to the road and entered the valley from the main gate. Although he sympathized with the princess's experience, he did not regret what he said. The fact was that someone had to be honest.

At the other end, Zhang Shiqing took off his shoes and waded along the stream. When he reached the other side, he looked up at the winding mountain path. His mood was waning. He returned to the stream barefoot and looked towards the wilderness, but he could not even recognize the way he came. come out.

Unable to move forward or retreat, Zhang Shiqing had a headache just thinking about it, so he simply put his shoes on the rocks on the shore and walked against the stream. He was soon attracted by the small fish in the water and turned over the rocks everywhere. His mood gradually improved and he left all his worries behind. behind.

It took less than half an hour for Zhang Shiqing to catch a few small fish with water all over her body, and then put them back into the water. She slowly walked back, and finally had to face the things that troubled her.

From a distance, she saw Xu Chu.

Xu Chu was standing on the shore, guarding two barrels and poles, and looking at her.

Zhang Shiqing felt a little aggrieved, but he didn't want to show it. He walked slowly and looked around, as if he was still looking for small fish in the water.

"How long have you been back?" Xu Chu asked loudly.

"A little while." Zhang Shiqing bent down to lift a stone and replied without raising his head.

"Why don't you go into the valley?"

Zhang Shiqing walked closer and finally looked up, "I was just passing by."

"Passing by? Where are you going?"

"Isn't that what I was thinking about? Jiangdong is good. Although Ning Baoguan is causing trouble, at least there is an emperor there. Lend me a horse and I will leave immediately."

Xu Chu held two embroidered shoes in his hand, "Let's go ashore first."

Zhang Shiqing came ashore reluctantly, sat on the stone that the two often used, raised his feet to dry in the sun, glanced at the bucket, "There is no water in the bucket."

"Well, the stream has been mixed up."

Zhang Shiqing's eyes were red, and tears almost came out of his eyes. He held it back and said coldly: "You also blame me for causing trouble? Then send me back to the city."

"Who else complained to you?"

"No." Zhang Shiqing turned his head.

Xu Chu sighed softly, and without asking how she got here, he took out the silk handkerchief from his arms, squatted down with his legs, carefully wiped off the water stains on her feet, and waited for a while before putting on her shoes.

Zhang Shiqing didn't hide, nor did he say thank you.

"Let's go." Xu Chu stood up and picked up the empty bucket. He didn't plan to carry water back today.

"All I need is a horse."

"If you want to go to Jiangdong, you will need more than just a horse, you will also need enough money and a guide. Not to mention the current war and chaos, even in the peaceful and prosperous times, you will not be able to travel that far by yourself."

"Lend me some money and I'll pay you back later. I'll ask you questions as I walk."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "The palace has sent the polo equipment, but we haven't competed yet."

Zhang Shiqing felt that life in the valley was boring, so she had several sets of polo equipment delivered from the city. However, before the items arrived, she was summoned back to the palace.

"I sold it to you. I brought everything from Dongdu. It is said to be very valuable."

"Then you can withdraw the money as I please."

Xu Chu walked in front carrying an empty bucket. Zhang Shiqing hesitated for a moment, got up and followed him, not too far or too close, but refused to speak along the way.

Chang Yan had already entered the valley and had not seen Princess Fangde. He was quite surprised. He stood at the foot of the mountain and watched, and when he saw the figure of the princess, he felt relieved. He was too embarrassed to come forward to say hello, so he turned around and ran away to remind everyone in the valley. Everyone else, be sure to keep it a secret.

Xu Chu put down his burden and went straight to the study to look through the accumulated military reports.

Zhang Shiqing followed him into the room and waited for a while, "I want... one hundred taels of silver."

Xu Chu stopped and said with a smile: "You want to take one hundred taels of silver to Jiangdong?"

"Is it more or less?"

"In the past, it should have been more than enough, but now, I'm afraid it's far from enough."

"Actually, you don't know either. You, like me, haven't been out much, right?"

Xu Chu sat down and motioned for Zhang Shiqing to sit down as well, "First tell me why you want to leave."

"Why...isn't this obvious? I can either run away, or...marry the Barbarian King and follow him beyond the Great Wall."

"It's easier to go beyond the Great Wall than to Jiangdong."

Instead of being comforted, Zhang Shiqing became stronger, "It's my business where to go. You just need to give me horses and transportation."

Xu Chu didn't answer and fell into deep thought.

"I helped you escape from Dongdu back then, and now you just want to help me with a little help, and you still have to 'wait any more'?" Zhang Shiqing said angrily.

"I wonder if there's another 'either'."

"You mean you have a way to prevent my father and brother from marrying me away from the Great Wall?"


Zhang Shiqing burst into tears suddenly, and he was confused. He was laughing and crying at the same time, "I knew you had a way, I knew you didn't come here to cause trouble, I knew you wouldn't let me marry the Barbarian King, I knew …”

She wiped away her tears and put away her smile, "If I didn't tell you something earlier, it would have made me worry all the way."

"I said 'maybe', but I don't have a clear plan yet."

Zhang Shiqing let out a long breath, "Anyway, you will definitely find a way. Just think about it slowly. I have to rest for a while." After saying that, he stood up and stretched without going to his room. He took off his shoes and went to the mat to lie down. , "When you have an idea, you must wake me up and let me be the first..."

She actually fell asleep.

Xu Chu found a thin blanket and covered her body, then returned to the table and continued to read the military newspaper.

It has been a hot day recently, and the window was open. The old servant poked his head outside, glanced at the people at the banquet, and whispered: "The little princess is really pitiful. Even though she is a princess, she is not allowed to be free."

Xu Chu nodded, his eyes still staying on the paper.

The old servant continued: "Young Master, please rest assured that the news has not been leaked. Someone came to the city just now. He made inquiries at the outpost and left again. He had no intention of searching in the valley. It must be that the palace felt embarrassed and did not want to let anyone know. People know about the princess’s disappearance.”

"Yeah." Xu Chu responded casually.

The old servant waited for a while and then said: "But this is not a long-term solution. No one can be found in the palace, so he will still come here. When the time comes..."

Xu Chu raised his head and said with a smile: "We will find a way when the time comes."

"Young master, if you are not in a hurry, there must be a way. Forgive me for talking too much, but I have something to remind you."

"you say."

"To be honest, I have never understood the master's thoughts, but I understand one truth: Retirement is retreat, and joining the world is joining the world. No one can do both. The master must think clearly about what he wants."

"I want whatever Mr. Fan wants. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of being his disciple?"

The old servant looked confused, "Then what does Mr. Fan want?"

"He wants this body to enter the world and his mind to retreat. This body enters the world to make his mind peaceful, so that he can retreat again and again; his mind to retreat is to quietly observe the world and help his body advance again and again."

The old servant was in a daze for a while and then said, "I'm going to cook. The young master and the princess will have dinner here?"

"Right here."

The old servant left, found Chang Yan, and complained: "You are so troublesome. You have to go to the city to find a field worker, and you secretly bring back the little princess. Now that it's okay, everyone should do whatever they want. The young master has his own ideas."

"Young Master, have you already been told?" Chang Yan felt relieved.

"Uh... I didn't understand what the young master said, but I have served the young master for many years, and I can see that he is not worried at all now. If he is not worried, we don't have to worry."

Chang Yan nodded, "Then I'll go drink. I won't meddle in other people's business from now on."

The old servant waved his hand and went to the kitchen to make some food and wine, then sent them to the study alone.

As the sun set, Zhang Shiqing on the mat was awakened by the fragrance. He stood up in confusion, rubbed his eyes, and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's going to be dark soon," Xu Chu replied.

"Did the food and wine just arrive?"


Zhang Shiqing came over with his shoes on and sat down to eat. He was so hungry that he took a big bite of each dish before asking vaguely: "Have you figured out a way?"

"I can't think of a solution, but I want to understand the situation better."

"Anyway, if I was forcibly taken away, I don't blame the Empress Dowager and Huanyan, I don't blame my parents and brothers, I only blame you."

Zhang Shiqing took a sip of wine, used chopsticks to mark a line in the middle of each plate, and ate only his own side.

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