Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 329 Distinguished Guests

Since Dai Pohu's assassination, Chang Yanzhi refused to trust any outsiders easily, which was one of the reasons why he insisted on staying. When he heard that the government had sent someone again, he immediately stood up, stretched out his hand to grab Meng Yingbo's collar, and said sternly: "You led them here, right? You came here to frame the young master!"

Meng Yingbo was panicked, "No, no... Are you here to arrest me?"

Xu Chu pulled Chang Yanzhi away, "After Princess Fangde came, the government must have sent people to monitor the back mountain, so they discovered the whereabouts of General Meng, and it should not be that he deliberately led them here."

"Yes, the young master is right... Who is Princess Fangde?" Meng Yingbo had heard that Xu Chu had another wife, the princess, and was panicked for a while, and did not think about it at all.

Chang Yanzhi thought it made sense, so he first bowed to Meng Yingbo to apologize, and then asked Xu Chu: "What should we do?"

The old servant outside was also asking: "They are all soldiers, they have already entered the valley... The little princess has come out..."

Xu Chu quickly said: "General Chang, go out to greet them, don't say too much, if the soldiers want to search the valley, let them go, don't stop them."

"Yes." Chang Yanzhi believed that the young master had his own response plan, and without asking more questions, he immediately pushed the door and left the house.

Meng Yingbo was even more afraid, and trembled, "Young master, are you going to hand me over?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Does General Meng believe me?"

"Of course I believe it. If I didn't believe it, I wouldn't have come all the way to ask you to go to Qinzhou."


As Xu Chu expected, the soldiers sent people to monitor the back mountain, and Meng Yingbo was not a very alert person, so he was soon discovered.

The soldiers reported to the higher authorities, and it was a little late to enter the valley to look for people.

There were more than 50 officers and soldiers in total, led by a deputy general. Learning from the lesson during the day, he did not send anyone to report, but led people directly into the valley. The first thing he did was to surround the valley to prevent the intruders from escaping.

Zhang Shiqing ran out first and shouted, "Who is breaking into the Valley of Repentance again?"

The deputy general immediately bowed and said, "Someone sneaked into the valley, it may be an assassin, please, princess..."

Zhang Shiqing was startled and turned to run to Xu Chu's room, but immediately stopped, "General Chang, where is Mr. Xu..."

"The young master is very good, I just came out of him." Chang Yanzhi still had some ambiguity about Meng Yingbo in his heart, and couldn't help turning his head to take a look.

Zhang Shiqing was slightly relieved, "Did someone really sneak into the valley?"

"Uh... I don't know." Chang Yanzhi answered cautiously.

The deputy general said, "My men saw with their own eyes that this man entered the valley from the back mountain, wearing a cloak and deliberately hiding his tracks."

The soldiers had surrounded the entire courtyard, and there were more than ten people left on standby. The deputy general said, "Princess, we need to search it. Please stay here..."

"I'm not afraid even if there is an assassin." Zhang Shiqing took Binfen to her room. The ball stick in her hand was not enough, so she had to find a suitable weapon.

The deputy general hurriedly signaled two soldiers to follow him to prevent accidents. He said to Chang Yanzhi, "I want to search the valley. General Chang, do you have any objections?"

"No." Chang Yanzhi didn't dare to say more.

The deputy general was a little surprised, "Everyone in the valley has come out? I have to check the number of people first."

Chang Yanzhi looked around, "Except the young master, everyone else is here."

The deputy general was stationed a little further away and had not come here many times. He only recognized Chang Yanzhi and the old servant, but he brought all the soldiers from the outpost outside the valley and called out the captain to let him identify them.

The lieutenant held a torch and walked past everyone, either blinking or nodding slightly to express his apology, then turned to the deputy general and said, "They are all people from this valley, and the number is not small."

"Okay." The deputy general jumped off his horse, "Let's search the house first. If we can't find anyone, we will search other places."

"Okay." Chang Yanzhi was calm on the surface, but he was uneasy in his heart. He couldn't think of any clever trick Xu Chu had to hide Meng Yingbo without a trace.

There were several people who knew about it, and they all looked over. Chang Yanzhi shook his head gently, indicating that they should not act rashly.

Zhang Shiqing came out again, rummaged around in the house for a long time, and found a sword. The sword was inlaid with gems. When it was illuminated by the fire, it glowed brightly. The deputy general praised it in his heart, thinking that the sword must be valuable, not how sharp it was.

In fact, the sword was not even sharpened, and Zhang Shiqing didn't notice it. He felt much more majestic when he held it in his hand.

Binfen held the ball stick and stayed by the princess' side.

Most of the rooms in the valley were low and small. After searching them quickly, only the study and a bedroom were left. The deputy general did not want to deal with Xu Chu, so he could only do it reluctantly. However, he came up with an idea and whispered to Princess Fangde: "The assassin's target must be Mr. Xu. Now there is no one in other rooms, only..."

"General Chang said it was okay... I'll go and see."

Zhang Shiqing walked in front, and the deputy general followed.

There was no one in the study, so Zhang Shiqing knocked on the bedroom door. Usually, she would go in whenever she said so, but she was embarrassed to barge in in front of outsiders.

"Who is it?" asked Xu Chu's voice in the room.

"The soldiers said they saw someone sneaking into the valley, so they had to search it just in case. Is there anyone else in your room?" Zhang Shiqing was more cautious. If Xu Chu really hid someone and did not want to be discovered by the soldiers, she would help him block anyone with just a hint.

"There is indeed a guest."

Zhang Shiqing was slightly surprised, "Is it an acquaintance?"

"An acquaintance, definitely not an assassin."

The deputy general stepped forward and said loudly: "Mr. Xu, the four borders are not peaceful, the place is not at peace, we are ordered to guard, no matter if the people coming to the valley are familiar or unfamiliar, please let us take a look, so that we can report to the higher-ups."

The door opened. Xu Chu stood at the door and said with a smile, "What is the name of this general?"

General Pi stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "The last general's surname is Chen. Where is the guest?"

Xu Chu did not step aside, but turned slightly to reveal Meng Yingbo behind him.

Meng Yingbo was very nervous and his face was uncertain. He still thought that Xu Chu was going to hand him over.

General Pi was surprised to find someone so easily. He was also a little nervous. Holding the handle of the knife, he motioned to his deputy to call the other soldiers over, and then said: "What is your name? Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Uncle Meng Ying did not dare to say anything, so Xu Chu said on his behalf: "This Uncle Meng Ying, General Meng, is from an old clan in Jiangdong. He is now in the world's army and is a general under the command of the Golden Saint."

Everyone inside and outside the house was shocked. Meng Yingbo took two steps back, wanting to resist, but knowing that he was outmatched, he had to sigh and gave up the plan of drawing the sword. He thought that King Wu had really retreated to the end, and he would not even recognize the old man.

General Pi immediately drew out his saber and said sternly: "The bold traitor dares to sneak into Jizhou. Why don't you just surrender and capture him?"

Zhang Shiqing was particularly surprised and said to Xu Chu: "He is really..."

Xu Chu nodded to her and said to General Pi: "General Xiao Meng is my distinguished guest."

"Mr. Xu, since you abdicated and lived in seclusion, you should stay away from your old friends. Why are you still colluding with the rebels? We are all officers and soldiers. We are fighting against the rebels in the front, and in the rear..."

"General Xiao Meng is also a distinguished guest of the King of Eastern Hunan and the King of Jibei." Xu Chu added.

General Pi was speechless, Zhang Shiqing was confused, and Meng Yingbo was even more confused. He couldn't help but whisper: "Am I?"

"He, he is a distinguished guest from Yecheng?" General Pi did not dare to mention the names of the two kings.


"Then why don't you go to Yecheng instead of coming to your place?"

"Because of your special status, it is difficult to enter the city, so you come to me first and ask me to introduce you to you. General Chen has arrived just in time. Please tell the two kings that distinguished guests from Qinzhou have arrived and please come and see them quickly."

"Huh?" General Pi didn't understand. It was just a "traitor" becoming a "distinguished guest", but it was really unreasonable for the two princes to come to visit him.

Xu Chu didn't mean to be verbose, so he took two steps back, held the door with both hands, and said to General Pi: "Thank you, General Chen. This matter is important. Please come up as soon as possible." After that, he closed the door.

General Pi was stunned for a moment, put his sword into its sheath, and said to his deputy: "You enter the city immediately, I will guard here."

General Pi saluted the princess, then called on all the soldiers to surround the courtyard and never allow anyone to leave.

Zhang Shiqing handed the sword to Binfen and raised his hand to knock on the door.

Xu Chu opened the door and said, "Come in and talk."

Zhang Shiqing was not polite and entered the room to look at the so-called "distinguished guest".

Meng Yingbo was sitting on the chair, his face was pale, he smiled awkwardly, slightly cupped his hands, and wanted to get up, but he couldn't stand up.

Zhang Shiqing looked around and said, "Are you a subordinate of the Golden Saint?"

"Yes, I am..."

"What are you doing here?"

"I...I'm here to invite Mr. Xu back to Qinzhou."

"Going back to Qinzhou? He is not from Qin, how could he go back to Qinzhou?"

"He... he is the King of Wu, the son-in-law of the King of the World, and the husband of the Golden Saint. All the soldiers of the Army of the World are looking forward to him becoming the leader again..."

Zhang Shiqing turned to Xu Chu and asked coldly: "Is that really the case?"

Xu Chu nodded.

Zhang Shiqing's face darkened, and just as he was about to speak, the "distinguished guest" sighed heavily, "But Mr. Xu refuses to leave with me, and he wants to... I don't know how to deal with me..."

Meng Yingbo never understood Xu Chu's intention, so he was disappointed and frightened, and his face became increasingly pale.

Zhang Shiqing's face softened slightly, then turned a little red. In order to cover it up, he hurriedly said: "You lied again. My father and the King of Jibei will not come, and Huanyan will not come either. At most, he will send a close relative, or even an officer or soldier, to take you two away." Take them away together, just in case they need an excuse."

Meng Yingbo made a strange and short sound from his throat.

Xu Chu didn't care and said with a smile: "It is true that these three will not come, but they will not be officers and soldiers. I guess... they will be Mr. Sun Yalu Sun."

Zhang Shiqing suddenly understood, "You still want to use that strategy!"

"I told you to wait, but now the time has come, there is no need to wait."

Zhang Shiqing took one look at the frightened "distinguished guest" and really couldn't tell where the opportunity was, but he felt much more relaxed and frowned: "The news he brought to Qinzhou is unknown to Yecheng. How can Huanyan agree to form an alliance?"

"He stayed in the city for seven days, and most of the news he brought was out of date."

"What kind of timing is this?"

"You have read so many military reports. What do you think the situation in Xijing is like?"

"I haven't watched it in a few days."

"Previous impressions are enough."

"The situation is very good. Although the officers and soldiers from various states arrived later, they are rushing over one after another. There is sufficient food and grass. The loss of horses is more, which will not affect the overall situation. Xijing should be captured soon."

"Sun Yalu will bring completely opposite news." Xu Chu said with certainty.

"Really?" Zhang Shiqing didn't quite believe it.

Uncle Meng Ying ignored him and slowly calmed down. He began to be curious about the identity of this girl and couldn't help but said: "Are you... Princess Fangde?"

"Yes, do you recognize me?"

"I don't recognize it, I just heard that you are Mr. Xu's other wife..."

"Hey, I'm not 'the other lady'."

Uncle Meng Ying couldn't keep his mouth shut and said smoothly: "It's okay if it's not, the Golden Saint is holding back her energy to kill her."

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