Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 333 Questions and Answers

Xu Chu shook his head.

Feng Juniang was stunned, "Young master, you won't follow me into the city? The Queen Mother's people will be here soon, they..."

"The city can't think of a way." Xu Chu said.

"The princess said..."

Xu Chu still shook his head, "Princess Huanyan can't do whatever she wants. In order to control Yecheng, she needs to rely on the power of many people, such as the King of Xiangdong, the King of Jibei and his son, and the most important one is the Queen Mother. Let me think about it. The Empress Dowager is already dissatisfied after crossing the valley. If she goes to the city again at this time, it will only anger her even more and bring trouble to Princess Huanyan. "

"This is not a matter of causing trouble to anyone. The Empress Dowager wants to kill the young master! The princess can at least save your life."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "What if it threatens her status in Yecheng?"

"The princess...she...should..."

"I don't want to know the answer, and I don't want to see it. If I stay, if the Jizhou army is defeated in Xijing, the situation in Yecheng will be in danger. Although Princess Huanyan will be questioned, she will also be more relied on. Then it is logical to save me. , the Queen Mother must also give her some points."

Feng Juniang stayed for a while, "What if the officers and soldiers win a big victory?"

"Princess Huanyan's reputation will be at its peak, and her plans will be realized one by one, but people who want to fight for her power will also flock to her. There is no way, when Yecheng is still in chaos, everyone wants to give up and let others Even if it is a woman who supports the crumbling building, once the building is re-established, those who once abandoned it will come back and declare that women are not suitable for power. "

Feng Juniang was silent. She understood the meaning of the young master's words very well. After a long time, she said: "Jizhou is in danger, and the princess is in power. She can save the young master. Jizhou is powerful, and the princess must fight for power with others. She may not be able to convince the emperor." The Queen Mother - since the Young Master has thought so clearly, it is best to find a way to escape and stay away from this place of right and wrong. "

"And you?"

"Me?" Feng Juniang smiled, "I have stayed in the land of right and wrong for a long time, and I already like this kind of place. The princess needs me. Of course, I can't be of much help now, but what the young master just said is very important to me. I am very useful. No matter when the situation is bad or when the situation is great, I know how to help the princess."

"Princess Huanyan will be very happy to have your help."

"Well, I hope the officers and soldiers are in Xijing... I don't know what I hope for. What impact will the situation have on Tian Jiang? If the young master... is not here, what can I do to rescue him?"

"No need to save."

"No need to save? Master, what you mean is... can Tianjiang himself escape?"

"It's possible."

"It's just a possibility. The Barbarian King has been extra careful this time. It is said that there are sixty people guarding him. There are three shifts, and there are always people watching him. Even if Tianjiang turns into a fly, it will be difficult to fly out."

"The crisis in Yecheng has nothing to do with it. Don't ask Princess Huanyan about this matter. Once she opens her mouth, it will anger He Rongpingshan. Hmm... But you can help the field craftsman, send someone to make friends with the guards, and bribe him with a lot of money. ”

"Buy the guards and let them secretly release the field craftsman?" Feng Juniang's eyes lit up.

"No, no, that will be counterproductive. You ask them to treat Tianjiang well, that's all. If you ask for nothing else, if the guardian is in doubt, just say... that you are Tianjiang's wife."

"What did the young master say? I have nothing to do with Tian Jiang... I am not boasting. Mrs. Feng has a small reputation in the city. If she has a husband and who her husband is, Guard He Rong will know after asking - I can be said to be Tian Jiang. They must believe it.”

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Anything is fine. In short, don't make excessive demands. Take it step by step. If you can meet Tian Jiang, it would be the best. If you can't, it doesn't matter. If you meet, listen to Tian Jiang's instructions. You must not do anything on your own. ”

"Understood." Feng Juniang was obviously relieved, "Tian Jiang is a good man and will save himself." She suddenly smiled, "The same goes for the young master, although... although you don't look like it."

Feng Juniang stopped trying to persuade her, but she still had a few words to say, "The matter has been decided. Within three to five days, the Empress Dowager will issue an edict to betroth the little princess to the Barbarian King. Then there will be no turning back. I have met the little princess twice, and she is terrifyingly calm. Young Master, I admire your intelligence and personality, but sometimes you are also terrifying."


"Look, how much the people who have been in contact with the master have changed. Not to mention the people in the past, there are many in this Valley of Thoughts: Kou Daogu was forced to be born, and he was willing to be an insignificant person in Xiangdong Mansion. Staff, I understand his intention, which is to wait for the day when he will rise to great heights and take revenge on the young master; Chang Yan was originally a general who charged into battle, but now he is an idler who has nothing to do with the world; the little princess, alas, the little princess has changed the most, and it is also my biggest change. A change you don’t want to see, Young Master, you saved the little princess at the cost of killing her first.”

"You are exaggerating." Xu Chu said with a smile, but he didn't feel funny in his heart.

"It's a bit exaggerated, but you understand the meaning." Feng Juniang opened her umbrella, walked into the rain, and quickly disappeared.

The rain had no intention of stopping. The rainwater filled the ditch dug by Xu Chu and others before, spreading towards the courtyard and approaching the house. When it was only an inch or two away from crossing the threshold, suddenly the rain stopped and the sky cleared.

Several rooms were leaking, and the old servant called on everyone to repair them quickly while the leaks were not obvious yet.

Except for a few officers and soldiers guarding the entrance, no one knew that Feng Juniang had ever been here.

Repairing the roof is not a matter of one or two days. In the afternoon of the next day, when everyone was busy, another group of people came from Yecheng without informing them. They directly surrounded the study and Xu Chu's residence, and no one was allowed to approach. Then the leading officials entered house questioning.

Seeing Fei Zhen, Xu Chu understood that Princess Huanyan had secretly done him a favor.

Fei Zhen looked around and saw that the mat had not changed. He nodded slightly. When he saw that the desk was piled with books and papers, he shook his head slightly.

"Rare visitor." Xu Chu stood up and said with cupped hands.

"Troublesome master." Fei Zhen also handed over his hand, sat down on his own without waiting for the invitation, and looked out the window. "Everything is good in the valley, but the humidity is too heavy, especially after it rains."

"Exactly, and mosquitoes are easy to come out after the rain. You will be bitten all over your body tonight."

"You won't get bitten if you leave here."

"Where are there no mosquitoes? More or less."

"When it's time to leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to help me. I'm not here to chat, but to investigate the case."

"Congratulations to Mr. Fei on your promotion."

"No need. Logically, there will be scribes taking notes, but I feel that this case is not appropriate to be recorded in a book, so it is just a conversation between you and me. I will truthfully report to the Queen Mother what we have said."

"Only Mr. Fei can trust the Queen Mother so much."

Fei Zhen sighed and wanted to say something, but when he thought that all this conversation would have to be reported, he held back, "The disciple of Fan Clan, whose surname is Yu Mingzhan, claimed that the Prince of Jibei came here a few days ago. During the polo match in Si Guogu -" Fei Zhen couldn't help but snorted heavily, very dissatisfied with this kind of thing, "I overheard Mr. Xu having a secret conversation with someone in this room, and they were going to murder the prince of Eastern Hunan. Female. Yu Zhan didn't recognize the other person, and he didn't see his face clearly, but he guessed that he was a staff member of the Prince of Jibei's palace. "

"Does the Empress Dowager believe this person's words?"

"The Empress Dowager did not believe everything, so she sent me here to inquire. Mr. Xu only needs to answer the question. On the day the Crown Prince came, were you talking to someone in the study?"


"Who is this person?"

"An old friend."

"Old friends also have to have names and surnames."

"My surname is Qiao, my name is on my signature, I am a descendant of the Seven Tribes of Jiangdong, and now I am a general in Qinzhou's Shishi Army." Xu Chu had already thought of a response and made up a character.

"Since he is a traitor, how can he become an aide to the King of Jibei?"

"Yu Zhan guessed wrong. Qiao Zhuan was not anyone's aide. He sneaked into the valley the night before, and everyone went to watch polo the next day. He chatted with me, and Yu Zhan happened to overhear him."

"Sneaking into the valley? Officers and soldiers have been guarding the front and back of the mountain. Because the Crown Prince is coming, the guard was particularly tight the night before. There is no report that anyone has sneaked into the valley."

"Since he is sneaking in, of course he will not be seen. This person did not take any small or large roads and climbed over the mountain."

"Let's not talk about how to sneak in. He is a traitor. What is he doing here?"

"He brought a letter from the Golden Saint, asking me to go to Qinzhou, but I refused, and he left."

"No, according to what Yu Zhan said, you were talking about King Xiangdong and Princess Fangde. It seems that in order to prevent Princess Fangde from marrying another person, you intended to harm Prince Xiangdong and his daughter."

Xu Chu never knew what Yu Zhan had overheard. Jing Zhan reminded him and he felt more confident. He smiled and said: "The two of us were just chatting. Wang Zhuan is a smart man and found out that Princess Fangde was avoiding marriage here, so he thought If Yu Zhan truthfully appeals to me for his plan of alienation, he should tell me that I refused at that time."

"He said that although Mr. Xu said he refused, he was quite hesitant. It seemed that he wanted to think about it before making an answer."

"My answer after thinking about it is also no."

"Then you let the king sign away?"

"Wang Zhuan is an old friend after all. I can't bear to hand him over to the government. It's my fault."

Fei Zhen continued to ask questions, making sure to be meticulous and make the causes and consequences, as well as the content of the conversation, clear. Xu Chu answered all questions. Although it was a lie, there was almost no flaw.

Feeling that it was almost done, Fei Zhen stood up and said: "Until now, I will report everything truthfully. Whether Mr. Xu is guilty or not, whether he is guilty or not, whether he is guilty or not, will be decided by the Empress Dowager."

"There are no more executioners in Yecheng?"

"Hey, you should be glad it's not the executioner who's in charge of this."

"That's right. Mr. Fei, please walk slowly. I won't send you far."

Fei Zhen did not leave immediately, "I will not report the next words, it is just a private conversation between acquaintances."

"I hope no one will overhear." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Fei Zhen didn't smile, "What you said just now is true, but it's useless. Since the matter has reached the Empress Dowager, you will be guilty even if you don't say a word. You can't escape if you run away." Shilang Yin said You are not a person who hides from the world. I trust his judgment, so I would like to remind you: Since you don't want to hide from the world, why do you live in Siguo Valley and only cause trouble? Nearby, why are you hesitating?”

Without waiting for Xu Chu's answer, Fei Zhen turned around and left.

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