No matter what, the new emperor's ascension to the throne is a big and happy event. The city is decorated with lights and colorful decorations, the streets and alleys are cleaned, and the people whose soles are too dirty even dare not go out of their homes.

There were as many as 1,500 or 600 officials, noble relatives and celebrities invited to attend the ceremony. The scale was certainly not comparable to that of the first three emperors during the Eastern Capital period, but for Yecheng, it was a grand event that had not happened in more than a hundred years. .

Xu Chu was not invited. In order to avoid embarrassment, he was allowed to return to Siguo Valley.

The people in the valley were anxious for a long time, and they were all overjoyed to see the young master return safely. The old servant knelt down and thanked God, crying endlessly.

Meng Yingbo's life has been particularly difficult these days. Whenever there is any disturbance, his expression changes immediately, so that he seldom sees people. He hides in his hut every day. Sometimes he wants to escape from the valley, and sometimes he wants to go to charity generously, but he always fails. Lack of courage.

Meng Yingbo was happier than anyone else when he saw Xu Chu.

After Xu Chu met with everyone, he invited Meng Yingbo to talk to him in the study and told him that Yecheng intended to form an alliance with the World Army.

Meng Yingbo thought about it, but he didn't expect such a result. After a while, he said: "I have always admired the young master, but now I realize that I still underestimated the young master's ability. Others have two wives and are already in trouble, but the young master can make both ends meet. It can also encourage both parties to form an alliance - why on earth does the young master refuse to become king? "

"Don't mention this matter again. The alliance has nothing to do with it. It is purely the best choice between Yecheng and Qinzhou: one side has the imperial title but lacks troops, and the other side has sufficient troops but lacks the title. They complement each other."

Meng Yingbo nodded, "I won't mention it." But he didn't change his opinion in his heart, and his admiration for Xu Chu increased even more.

"Yecheng needs an envoy, and I recommended General Xiao Meng."

"Messenger? What messenger?"

"The envoy who went to Qinzhou to convey goodwill to the Advent Army."

Meng Yingbo's expression suddenly changed, and he waved his hands repeatedly, "Young Master wants my life, and I have made it clear that with my brother as an example, I will never postpone it. There is no need for me to go all the way back to Qinzhou to see the Golden Saint to die."

Xu Chu had long been used to Meng Yingbo's words being careless, so he smiled and said, "This is not about dying, I am saving your life."

Meng Yingbo still shook his head, "I escaped secretly. With the fiery temper of the Golden Saint, she would poke a hole in me with her long spear as soon as we met. Not to mention that I didn't dare to resist. Even if I had the courage, I wouldn't have the courage to do so." ability."

"Does the Golden Saint hate the officers and soldiers?"

"Of course I hate it. It's life and death on both sides."

"But the Golden Saint can reuse Cao Shenxi and others. Why?"


"The Golden Saint is a strong woman, but she is not a vengeful person. As long as it is beneficial to the World Army, she can forgive anyone, not to mention General Xiao Meng has not committed an unforgivable felony."

"It's hard to say. If the Golden Saint knew that I came to invite the young master privately, it would be a big sin."

"As long as you bring back good news, you will be forgiven and you will make a great contribution."

"Okay... let me go back alone? What if Golden Saint doesn't believe me?"

"Yecheng will send someone to accompany you to Qinzhou."

Meng Yingbo thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "Young Master refuses to follow me to Qinzhou. I have no way to go anyway. Instead of staying here and waiting for death, it is better to be an envoy. Once the golden saint is happy, she may really be able to go to Qinzhou." Forgive me my sins."

"Definitely." Xu Chu assured.

"When do you leave?"

"The new emperor ascended the throne today. I guess he will send someone to invite you to the city tomorrow or the next day."

"Going into town?"

"Don't be afraid. Just answer whatever is asked of you. Don't hide or lie."

"Even tell me the true purpose of my trip?"

"If the other party asks, just say so. Yecheng needs a ready-made messenger to lead the way. Your intention of coming will not change their decision."

"Understood. Master, do you want to send a letter? A few words will do."

"No need to write the letter. Please tell General Wang Dian: The Kingdom of Wu has been destroyed. Instead of struggling to find its soul, it is better to take a new path."

Meng Yingbo sighed: "It seems that this is the way it is."

"Please also tell the Golden Saint..." Xu Chu thought for a while, "Just tell her what you saw and heard in the valley, if she is interested."

"You can say anything?"

"I have nothing to hide here."

"Can even Princess Fangde say that?" Meng Yingbo had to confirm.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "No need to hide it."

"Okay, I will act according to the situation when I return to Qinzhou. If the Golden Saint is unhappy, I'd better not mention it."

Early the next morning, Yecheng sent people to pick up Meng Yingbo, and by the way, they evacuated the officers and soldiers protecting the valley, leaving only a dozen soldiers at the outpost.

Siguo Valley has returned to quietness, perhaps because the season has passed, or perhaps because of the days of tossing, the weeds no longer have the prosperity and arrogance they once had, and those that were cut never grow back, and the survivors finally give in and live honestly. Stay in the designated location and do not expand outward.

Xu Chu went to visit Fan Guan's grave, sat on the tombstone, and asked in his heart: "Have I waited long enough? It's time for me to go out?"

After thinking about it, Xu Chu sighed and murmured: "We still have to wait, but I have promised her..."

Someone called him from a distance: "Mr. Xu! Please go to the city quickly, Mrs. Feng has invited you!"

Xu Chu stood up, but could no longer see the speaker. When he returned to the courtyard, Chang Yan greeted him and said, "Mrs. Feng sent someone to deliver a message, asking the young master to come to the city immediately, saying that there is something urgent."

"Where's the messenger?"

"I've already left. I said I wanted to invite someone else."

Xu Chu didn't have time to think too much, so he found horses and prepared to set off immediately.

The old servant was very worried, "Young master is going to the city this time. When will you be back?"

"As soon as possible, it shouldn't be too late." Xu Chu patted his horse and left the valley, and a soldier from the outpost was ordered to follow and escort him.

When entering the city, it was getting late, and there were people waiting at the city gate, leading Xu Chu straight to the palace of the King of Eastern Hunan.

Feng Juniang hurriedly came out to greet him with a stern look on her face. She led Xu Chu to an empty room and said, "Master, please rest here for a while. The princess will be here soon."

"What happened?"

"It's King Liang. The news is that he is detaining two kings in Mengjin. I only know this. The details will have to wait until the princess comes." Feng Juniang nodded and left in a hurry.

Xu Chu sat alone in the room, speechless for a long time, wondering how he could forget Liang Wang Mawei. Liang Jun clearly occupied an important area, and Mawei was his best friend.

Because Ma Wei was too weak, even though he occupied the Eastern Capital, he was in a precarious position. He was faced with enemies on all sides, and he could not withstand any blow from any side.

Ma Wei admitted that he was weak, and professed his vassalship to Jiangdong and Yecheng successively, and remained courteous to Huaizhou, Jingzhou, and Bingzhou. He also secretly regarded himself as a friend to the Advent Army. Although he participated in the Western Expedition, he sent very few troops, mainly for care. Road, rather than straight up the chaos.

Where did Ma Wei get the courage, and most importantly, the military strength, to detain the two kings who were just passing by?

Xu Chu couldn't guess.

There were footsteps outside the door, and soon, Princess Huanyan came in with Feng Juniang and other three maids, and sat directly on the main seat without looking at anyone.

Xu Chu stood up and cupped his hands, then sat down.

The leader of the Huanyan group was silent for a long time, as if he had guessed the doubts in Xu Chu's heart, and said as soon as he opened his mouth: "Huaizhou lent troops to King Liang."

"I see. Did Prince Liang make a request?"

"Not yet, but he specially sent someone to deliver a letter to tell me that the two kings are fine and are currently visiting Mengjin. A letter of safety will be sent in a few days."

"Ma Wei...why would the Sheng family lend him troops? I thought that although Huaizhou and Yecheng are not as close as brothers, they are at least reliable allies."

"This matter... is my fault. The Sheng family once sent people to propose marriage, hoping to marry the King of Jibei or... the King of Xiangdong. I refused and promised the princess to them. The Sheng family did not express any expression at the time and accepted the princess. , Even the day to send off the bride has been set, it’s tomorrow.”

The princess was the daughter of the Emperor of All Things. Although her status was noble, she had lost power. The person the Sheng family wanted to marry was one of the two princesses. As a result, Princess Fangde promised to He Rongpingshan in advance, but Princess Huanyan refused. Marry either party.

"Is there any other reason?" Xu Chu asked.

Princess Huanyan slowly shook her head, "As far as I know, this should be the case."

"How does the princess plan to respond?"

Princess Huanyan raised her head and looked directly at Xu Chu for the first time after entering the house, "In a few days, King Liang will definitely send not only a safe letter, but also a large army. He intends to capture Yecheng, and he will use the same force as before." The general’s plan.”

Lou Wen once wanted to raid Yecheng, but the army was already in trouble before it was launched. Now Ma Wei wants to use the same strategy, in the name of escorting the two kings, to attack the city.

Princess Huanyan was silent for a while, and then continued: "Princess will set off early tomorrow morning and be sent to Huaizhou to make her family happy. After that, Yecheng will wait behind closed doors and wait for the war. No matter what, they cannot surrender. As for the two kings, Yecheng behaved toughly. , the two kings are safe. Once their cowardice is revealed, the two kings and even the entire Zhang family will become prisoners. "

"What did the emperor say?"

Zhang Shiyu has proclaimed himself emperor and can no longer show his face easily.

"He doesn't need to say anything." Princess Huanyan said coldly, "I will solve the trouble that I caused. If the Zhang family dies, I will bear all the blame."

After waiting for a while, Princess Huanyan said again: "Yecheng has borrowed 100,000 troops from He Rong's tribe. They can go south within half a month. King Liang will not benefit from this battle."

Borrowing troops from the He Rong tribe meant that Princess Fangde had to marry King Zuo Shenwei.

Xu Chu didn't speak.

"The He Rong tribe has a big appetite. Yecheng must give up half of Jizhou, lose the east corner, and gain Sangyu. The loss in the north of Jizhou must be taken back from King Liang's Luozhou. Mr. Sun and General Meng have already set off to take a detour. Qinzhou and Yecheng are still willing to form an alliance with the Jishi Army."

Xu Chu still didn't speak.

Feng Juniang, who was standing by the side, whispered: "What do you think of the princess's response plan?"

"The next best thing to do." Xu Chu said.

Feng Juniang was very embarrassed and said with a smile: "In the eyes of the young master, there is no best solution, right?"

"Indeed, Yecheng will perish."

Princess Huanyan stood up and said proudly: "Do you think I can't defend Yecheng? Do you think I can't send He Rongbu away in the future? Are you saying that you only care about Fangde's marriage? She must marry He Rongpingshan, and the matter has been settled Determined. King Liang took advantage of the fire and must not be forgiven. Let him come and see who will be burned by the fire."

Princess Huanyan walked away, followed by the two maids, and Feng Juniang had to follow. She only left one sentence: "Many people are waiting for rescue. Young Master can't..."


Feng Juniang stamped her feet and quickly chased after him.

Xu Chu decided to "wait a little longer" and wait for Princess Huanyan to come back.

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